Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 675: Destroying Yu Zhengrui

Thirty-six Nascent Soul Lords all met their first opponent.

Thirty-six water mirrors reflect the situation of the Nascent Soul Lords on both sides from the front and back. Everyone in Daluo Sect is naturally paying attention to the cultivators of this sect.

Most people's eyes are actually focused on Zhizhen. This Nascent Soul True Monarch counter-attacked and transformed into a god. This was an achievement that had never been against the heavens in Central Continent for ten thousand years.

Even among fellow cultivators, few have actually seen Zhi Zhen, let alone seen him take action. It is an extremely precious opportunity to watch this man fight with his own eyes.

Including the cultivators from other sects, most of their eyes were actually focused on Zhizhen.

The first opponent Zhizhen encountered was wearing a black and white sword robe, and it was Dongfang Liuyun from the Tai Chi Sword Palace.

Dongfang Liuyun was not depressed because he met Zhizhen. He looked calm and greeted Zhizhen for a few words before pulling out the Nine Death Sword.

This sword is four feet long and has a black blade. Nine deaths means nine deaths without regrets. This is an extremely special artifact.

Only sword cultivators who are sincere in their swordsmanship and can escape death without regrets can control this sword. Dongfang Liuyun occasionally had the opportunity to enter the Tai Chi Sword Palace, but due to his own qualifications, it was always difficult to enter.

He ruthlessly chose the Nine Death Sword Manual. He sought the truth through nine deaths in this sword technique. With great perseverance and great luck, he refined the Nine Death Sword Manual and obtained this Nine Death Sword.

After more than two hundred years of hard training in life and death, Dongfang Liuyun's swordsmanship may not be as good as geniuses like Yin Jiuli, but his sword heart is calm and firm but not inferior to any practitioner.

Facing the peerless genius Zhizhen who could reverse-kill and transform into a god, Dongfang Liuyun didn't have any fear or guilt. The Jiuzhou Dharma Conference discusses the Dharma and demonstrates the Tao.

The most sincere heart is like a bright mirror, which can naturally reflect Dongfang Liuyun’s true emotions and state. Although the opponent's cultivation level was far inferior to his, he admired his level of swordsmanship very much.

Zhizhen moved his sleeves and took out the Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword. The sword was as dark blue as jade, and its blade was four feet long, but it had no edge or edge, just like a simple blue jade ruler.

He said seriously: "Fellow Taoist Jian Xin Zhi Cheng, I also have some knowledge of swordsmanship, so I will teach you Taoist's secret skills with this four-pole sword."

Dongfang Liuyun didn't know that Zhizhen could still use a sword, and he didn't know the origin of the Siji Sword, but he could tell that the sword was kind and generous and didn't hurt people with its sharp edge.

It has a magnificent atmosphere.

Before Zhizhen even drew his sword, its heavy sword power had already covered all directions, making Dongfang Liuyun feel tremendous pressure. This reminded him of the scene when he first met the golden elixir monk in white when he was about to die.

The sword cultivator in white made him see the unrivaled power of the sword cultivator, and planted the seeds of the sword cultivator in his heart.

In the past three hundred years, he has also seen many powerful Nascent Soul and God Transformation masters, including the Wuji Sword Master, but they are far less powerful than the white-robed Golden Core Sword Cultivator.

Dongfang Liuyun also knew that this was actually because his cultivation was getting stronger and his sword was firmer, and it was difficult for strong men to shake his emotions. The Supreme Sword Master is too strong in cultivation, so powerful that it is beyond his range of perception.

Facing Zhizhen's majestic and heavy sword power, Dongfang Liuyun once again found the tension and excitement that made him tremble all over.

Dongfang Liuyun was not surprised but overjoyed. Only such a powerful opponent could sharpen his swordsmanship and swordsmanship. His eyes shone as fiercely as flames, and his aura surged.

He could really sense the subtle changes in Dongfang Liuyun's momentum, and he couldn't help but secretly praise: "This is the true swordsman who becomes more courageous when encountering strength!"

Through the water mirror, everyone also saw the great momentum of Dongfang Liuyun. That kind of awareness and determination makes many powerful people unable to help but feel moved.

There will be no real casualties in the Dharma Conference, but this firm sword-mindedness that becomes stronger when faced with a strong situation is not fake. The truth is like the blazing sun in the sky, shining brightly, but it cannot cover up the glimmer of the flowing clouds in the east.

Naturally, the nine Chunyang Taoist Masters also saw this scene, and Xuanyang Taoist Master all praised him: "There is no inferiority or inferiority in strength, but there is no inferiority in mind. Although my body is small, I dare to compete with the sun and the moon. This is my cultivation." The awareness that a person should have..."

Jiuyinzun and several other Taoists also nodded in agreement.

In their view, the power at the Nascent Soul level is too weak and rough, and there is nothing noteworthy about it. Instead, they pay more attention to the cultivator’s character.

No matter how powerful the cultivator is, even the power of the Heavenly Lord has its limit, and it is nothing compared to the heaven and earth.

The reason why human cultivators can continue their inheritance is not because their power can defy the heavens, but because their hearts are persevering and can defeat all external objects.

At the level of Taoist Master, the qualifications of a cultivator are of course important, but even more important is the character of the mind. Although Dongfang Liuyun was destined to lose in this battle, in the eyes of Dao Zun, he was no less inferior to Zhi Zhen.

On the contrary, in terms of performance, Dongfang Liuyun is going to be even more popular.

Although Taoist Xuanyang praised Dongfang Liuyun, he knew that there was no suspense in this battle. His eyes were more focused on Gao Xian.

He had placed great hopes on this junior. The gambling game of Jiuzhou Dharma Conference in front of us is just the beginning. If Gao Xian can get the first place in fighting skills and be awarded a divine urn by the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi, including many divine objects, this can save him thousands of years of accumulation time.

Right now, time is very precious. Only when Gao Xian gets the title of Dou Sheng Zhenjun can it be worthy of his continued investment.

Compared to the battle between Zhizhen and Dongfang Liuyun, the battle between Gao Xian and Cheolwon is very simple and straightforward.

The dark golden dragon pattern on Cheolwon's eyebrows shines, triggering the mighty dragon from the Dragon Elephant Palace's peerless secret technique.

Behind him, the dark golden light shone brightly, turning into a winding and flying dark golden dragon. The vertical eyes of the long dragon shone brightly, releasing a tyrannical power that intimidated the mind.

Gao Xian had fought with the old monk Long Seal, a powerful deity transformer, and had seen the powerful Tianlong with the Dragon Seal. The same secret technique used by Tieyuan was very different from that of the old monk Longyin.

Tie Yuan used his divine will to condense the mighty Tianlong Dharma, which was like a powerful artifact. It could not only enhance his own mana and consciousness, but also provide various changes in attack and defense. To say that the cultivation level of Tieyuan is naturally far inferior to that of the old monk Longyin, but in terms of the use of the powerful Tianlong, Tieyuan is obviously more pure than Longyin.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. This was a Dharma discussion conference, not a life and death battle. There was no need to take the lead. Just let this scoundrel be fully prepared and attack him head-on, teaching him a profound lesson.

When Tie Yuan saw that Gao Xian was taking time off, he was no longer anxious. The Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon Seal in his hand is a fifth-level artifact, and even after two hundred years of refining it has not reached the level where he can control it as he pleases.

Since the other party gave him time to prepare, there was no need for him to be polite.

The divine light of the mighty Tianlong Seal shines in the center of Cheoyuan's eyebrows, and the body of the dark gold dragon flying behind him becomes larger and more condensed at the same time. The fish-like scales have the thick and hard texture of gold iron plates.

At this point, the power of the Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon Seal has been fully unleashed.

Cheolwon looked at Gao Xian with his eyes, and the dark golden light in his eyes shone like thunder and lightning directly hitting Gao Xian's soul.

At the same time, the long dark golden dragon behind Tieyuan raised its head and roared, letting out an earth-shattering dragon roar.

Tianlong Yin is actually the Tianlong Zen chant originated from Buddhism. It's just that Tieyuan's cultivation is not high enough, and he can't inspire the heavenly dragon to chant Zen music. He doesn't have the peerless magical power to convert people's hearts, but only the power to shock the soul.

Gao Xian stood quietly, and the roar of the Tianlong sent out violent sound waves to hit his face, causing his clothes to flutter backward slightly. But his face was calm and calm, and his eyes as bright as stars didn't sparkle at all.

The noble man in white clothes is like a heavenly being who wants to fly away in the wind. There is an unfathomable ethereal elegance in the clear and pure sky. External forces like Tianlongyin were like a refreshing breeze to him.

It was also him who reached the expert level in the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothing, and truly refined the fifth-level high-grade artifact Taihuan Meng Dao Clothes.

The transformation of the Taoist Clothes of Taixuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Nothing is that it is like a dream, and its ethereal and unreal nature cannot be measured. Combined with the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, there are really endless changes.

Although Tieyuan's mighty Tianlong is powerful, it is impossible to break through the Taihuan Mengdao Yi with the Tianlong Roar alone.

Tie Yuan also realized this. He knew that Gao Xian was very powerful, but now he found that Gao Xian was much stronger than he expected.

He was a casual cultivator, and he was promoted to where he is today by a master with ulterior motives. Along the way, every step was made with trepidation, fearing that a flaw would be exposed.

Because of this, Tie Yuan's character has also been tempered and become more tenacious. Opposite Gao Xian was so powerful that he never wavered in his fighting spirit.

Since Gao Xian entrusted him with great things, he would just do his best.

Cheolwon's muscles and bones roared all over his body, matching the sound of the dragon's roar. He stepped forward and punched Gao Xian directly.

Fighting in the hall would be of great benefit to him. This punch triggered the release of the Dragon-Elephant King Vajra. Behind him, the mighty Tianlong roared and rushed straight towards him along with his fist.

The flying dark gold dragon is the embodied form of the dragon-elephant King Vajra. It was also with the blessing of the mighty Heavenly Dragon Seal that Tieyuan was able to transform the Dragon Elephant King Vajra into this form.

Compared with the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra, the powerful Heavenly Dragon takes the form of a powerful Heavenly Dragon, which is even more powerful and powerful. At the same time, the Heavenly Dragon is ever-changing.

In terms of his cultivation level, this move of the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra Pestle has been activated to the extreme. It is the strongest and most powerful and also has the transformation of a heavenly dragon.

Gao Xian also practiced the Dragon Elephant King Vajra to the level of master perfection, but he did not go to a higher level of practice. Under the guidance of Xuanyang Taoist Master, he transferred to the Five Qigong Wheel.

Naturally, he could see how wonderful the Cheorwon Dragon Elephant King Vajra was. It was indeed the Dragon Elephant King Vajra that surpassed him.

This attack uses the heart to control the law, form, and spirit, and integrates the inside and outside. It really has a bit of a fierce and ruthless meaning.

The hall roared and shook under this blow, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Gao Xian waited until the Dark Gold Dragon was at its most powerful before turning the Five Qi Wheel. The invisible metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in his five internal organs circulate in the five rounds, activating the muscles, muscles, and organs all over the body to exert force at the same time.

The Yuanying between his brows circulates the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra, bringing together the inner and outer five elements' magic power to trigger the great Five Elements Heavenly Gang.

After cultivating the Great Five Elements Divine Light, allowing him to control the Great Five Elements Tiangang, he also had one or two points of mysterious changes in the Great Five Elements Divine Light. Coupled with the blessing of the Five Qi Wheel, its power may not be as powerful as the mighty Tianlong, but its power is several times stronger.

Gao Xian faced the dark gold dragon that was charging straight at him and pressed down with his palm, using the power of the Five Elements Tiangang Palm.

The flying and roaring dark gold dragon with unparalleled momentum collapsed under the power of the invisible Tiangang's palm. Tie Yuan sensed that something was wrong but it was too late to retreat. The dark gold dragon pattern between his eyebrows kept shining, and his body suddenly expanded and became bigger. He used all his strength to try to withstand this palm.

The Great Five Elements Tiangang formed by the convergence of the power of the five elements contains the positive and negative changes of the five elements. It is fierce and tyrannical but also complete.

The power of the invisible Tiangang palm fell, and the positive and negative palm power merged, directly pressing Tieyuan into a ball of blood mist...

All the nine Taoists could see that Gao Xian's cultivation was superb and he would definitely be able to defeat Haiyuan. But Gao Xian's way of victory was still somewhat beyond their expectations.

Destroy the front with the sharpest edge, defeat the enemy with the strongest. This kind of fighting method is really confident and domineering. The method of integrating the positive and negative five elements inside and outside that Gao Xian demonstrated has far surpassed the level of Nascent Soul.

Taoist Master Huikong of Longxiang Palace couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this. He said to Taoist Xuanyang with a somewhat complicated meaning: "Your sect is really good at practicing the Five Elements Secret Technique..."

Taoist Xuanyang laughed proudly: "It doesn't matter what secret technique he practices, as long as he can win!"

(Second update, there will be a third update later, keep your word~) (End of this chapter)

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