Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 676 Fellow Taoist, please be patient.

Auras of light descended from the sky, and Tie Yuan appeared expressionlessly in the middle of the teleportation circle in front of the hall.

In the eighteen battles, Gohyun and Cheolwon were the last to make a move, but they were the first to decide the outcome. This result also surprised many cultivators in the hall.

Most of the cultivators paid attention to Zhizhen's battle, and few went to see the battle between Gao Xian and Cheolwon. They didn't know what happened, so how could the battle end now?
Even with full calculations, the fighting time for both sides would not exceed ten breaths.

Everyone looked at Tieyuan with a bit of scrutiny, wondering how he lost so neatly.

Cheolwon was also in a very bad mood at the moment. He could accept defeat, but Gao Xian's extremely arrogant and domineering power completely crushed him.

This huge gap in strength severely dampened his confidence. Fortunately, he was stoic and could barely control his emotions at this moment.

Tie Yuan bowed his hands to several Taoists, then silently returned to Ming Xiang Arhat.

Mingxiang attaches great importance to Tieyuan whom he cultivated. He consoled him: "Gao Xian's positive and negative five elements are integrated into one, and he also has the method of refining the body with the five elements. His magic power is many times more powerful than yours. It's normal for you to lose."

With the tyrannical power shown by Gao Xian, it would be weird if Cheolwon could catch this palm.

Tie Yuan nodded silently. He was filled with bitterness and really didn't want to speak. The last time he suffered such a severe setback was because he was blackmailed by that cheap master, and he was forced to endure it for ten years.

That experience left a deep mark on his heart. But it also inspired him to be fierce in his bones, practice hard and move forward bravely, which would qualify him to participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly two hundred years later.

As a result, another miserable failure occurred. The taste is so strong and bitter!
Tie Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Since he could not change his failure, he would use this tragic failure to push himself forward just like last time!
Mingxiang noticed the subtle changes in Haiyuan's mood, and he couldn't help but nod in his heart. Haiyuan's character was far less pure than Rudian, but he was better than perseverance and perseverance.

Such a tragic failure inspired Haiyuan to be firm in his Taoism. He was indeed a genius. As for the little trouble he had in the past, it was actually nothing at all...

In the Baxuan Palace, Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put away the storage charm left by Tie Yuan. Although the bloody scene just now was tragic, it was actually a scapegoat.

This magical palace blesses the cultivators with substitute runes. It will be activated at critical moments to avoid real casualties.

Gao Xian guessed that it was because Youdao Hongdao Zun was presiding over it that it could operate so stably and exquisitely. However, these are irrelevant to the overall situation.

He came to the alcove and took out the storage charm, and a passage silently opened in the opposite wall.

As he entered the passage, a clear spiritual light fell from above and enveloped Gao Xian's body. Gao Xian felt cool inside and outside his body, and his mind became extremely calm and clear.

"This is a magical power that heals injuries and restores energy. It is used to restore cultivators to their best condition..." Gao Xian immediately understood the function of this spiritual light, but he also felt that this design was a bit fussy.

There were no casualties in the battle at Baxuan Palace, and all mana losses had to be recovered, which was actually unnecessary.

Gao Xian walked forward along the passage and came to the same rotunda hall with the same layout. There was a ban on the niche and the storage charm inside could not be touched.

The other opponent obviously hadn't arrived yet. Gao Xian knew that his fight ended too quickly and the other opponent hadn't arrived yet.

He couldn't help but feel a little bored and calculated the probability of meeting Yu Wuji. If you can't meet him in the second game, it's basically impossible to meet him.

Because of this guy's ability, I'm afraid he won't make it to the third round.

The design of this Dharma Conference is very interesting. There will be nine winners at the end of the second round. This means that one person in the third round is guaranteed to receive a bye.

How would this person handle it?

Gao Xian was a little curious. Could it be that the final showdown was a melee between three people? Or does anyone want one more fight?
However, none of this matters. He didn't need luck, he just swept through with his strength. With so many cultivators, only the Supreme One can stand a fight, and the rest are insignificant.

Gao Xian was doing nothing in the main hall, but the other cultivators were busy fighting.

In Zhizhen's hand, the Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword is swung calmly, each move is simple and clear, but it has the majestic power of commanding the four poles to dominate the world.

Although the Dongfang Liuyun Nine Death Sword was strong and brave, it was suppressed step by step into the corner when faced with Zhi Zhen's majestic and majestic sword force.

Seeing that he could kill Dongfang Liuyun with the next sword, Zhi Zhen sheathed his sword and stepped back. He cupped his hands and said, "I accept."

Dongfang Liuyun's eyes were filled with sadness, and he reluctantly returned the gift and handed over his hand: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for showing mercy."

In this battle, he was not only a master of martial arts, but also a majestic swordsman. Every move was clear and upright, and he had nothing to say to win over him.

Dongfang Liuyun put down the storage talisman and retreated along the passage. In a flash of spiritual light, he had returned to the main hall. He glanced around and found that the two cultivators of our sect had returned first, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The first round hasn't ended yet, and only one of the four people in Tai Chi Sword Palace is Yin Jiuli.

Returning to the cultivators of our sect, Yin Sujun, the Taoist Master of Transformation God, said to Dongfang Liuyun: "You performed very well, Taoist Master is very satisfied."

Dongfang Liuyun was a little surprised. He was beaten so hard that he had no ability to fight back, yet he was actually praised by the Taoist Master? Come to think of it, Yin Sujun didn't dare to use Tao Zun's name indiscriminately, and there was no need for it.

Dongfang Liuyun was very excited to receive Tao Zun's praise, which swept away the sadness just now.

When he calmed down, he looked at Fang Shuijing again and saw Yin Jiuli fighting against a bright and charming beauty. If he remembered correctly, this woman was a cultivator of the Xuanming Sect, and her name was Tai Ning.

The cultivators who participated in the Dharma Assembly were all geniuses from various sects, and the beautiful Xiao Jinse deserved to be the first. However, there was something charming about Tai Ning that even Xiao Jinse didn't have.

Xiao Jinse's temperament is gentle but elegant, giving people a sense of alienation. On the contrary, she is not as attractive as a charming little woman like Tai Ning. Yin Jiuli obviously had no intention of pity for the beauty. The Yin-Yang Liangyi sword in his hand kept changing, killing Tai Ning until her beautiful face turned pale. The artifact like a copper ruler in his hand kept vibrating, emitting a long and gentle sound like a harp.

The twin swords of Yin and Yang turned into a circle of sword light, and the heavy sword light suddenly shrank inward. When the blood light burst out, a spiritual light fell from the sky, and Tai Ning had already appeared in front of the hall.

Tai Ning bowed to several Taoist masters and then retreated to Taoist Zhenye. Zhenye comforted him: "The yin and yang of this woman's swordsmanship complement each other, and her two swords are divine swords. It doesn't matter if you lose to her..."

Tai Ning braced himself and said bitterly: "She just bullies me. When she meets senior brother, she will know how powerful she is!"

Zhenye laughed dumbly. Taining, Qingle, including Taichu, were all direct descendants of the sect after all, and had never suffered much. Although he speaks and acts with a sect-like manner, he also lacks a bit of vigor and bravery.

Haiyuan of the Dragon Elephant Palace and Dongfang Liuyun of the Tai Chi Sword Palace are truly extraordinary. The only member of this generation of the sect is Gao Xian. Unfortunately, Gao Xian is not from the sect, and he does not even practice the secrets of the sect. He has always been unable to get close to Gao Xian...

Zhenye looked up and saw Gao Xian had met his second opponent on the water mirror. This person was obviously a man but dressed in a coquettish way and looked evil. He was Yu Wuji of the Mingtian Sect.

Tai Ning also knew Yu Wuji. This man's eyes looked like they had hooks, which made her feel guilty. She asked Zhenye in a low voice: "Master Dao, this Yu Wuji seems to be the strongest genius of Mingtian Sect?"

"It's useless to be a genius, he can't take Gao Xian's ten moves..." Zhenye had just watched Gao Xian kill Haiyuan, and he also knew how powerful Gao Xian's physical training was.

Fighting in such a closed and small space, those who are strong in physical refining skills really take advantage.

Yu Wuji had never seen Gao Xian's battle just now. He became obviously excited after seeing Gao Xian, "Fellow Taoist, we meet again."

Gao Xian smiled and cupped his hands: "I have met fellow Daoist Yu."

Yu Wuji was a little disdainful: "Aren't you very good at speaking? Why are you so speechless now?"

"All the Taoists are watching. I don't care about fellow Taoists, but I can't disrespect Mingtian Sect and Beiming Taoist." Gao Xian explained seriously.

These words were very irritating. What Yu Wuji couldn't bear the most was Gao Xian's yin and yang aura. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Gao Xian anymore, and directly activated the light of the Taiyin God King's Seal deep in the sea of ​​consciousness. The whole body fluctuated like a ring of watery light, and the cold air of the extreme Yin also spread.

The hall was illuminated by the aura stone, and as the cold air spread, white mist rose in the air.

"Wait a moment."

Just when Yu Wuji was about to take action, Gao Xian stopped him. Yu Wuji looked at Gao Xian coldly and said nothing.

Although Yu Wuji has an unruly and eccentric temperament, he knows that Gao Xian is very powerful and he is probably not Gao Xian's opponent. However, he was not very convinced. He wanted to see if Gao Xian had any ability that Taoist Xuanyang would value!
Gao Xian smiled brilliantly at Yu Wuji: "Fellow Taoist, I have a suggestion. Why don't we take a gamble? If I lose, I will give you this dream Taoist robe that is too illusory. If you lose, take a Zhongtian Arctic Pill will do.”

Yu Wuji smiled instead: "What you think is beautiful!"

"I know this bet is very unfair to fellow Taoists. It's better to be like this. As long as you can survive ten breaths under my hand, you will win. Not only will I give you the Taoist Clothes of Taihuanmeng, but I will also withdraw from the Baxuan Palace immediately... Gao Xian said slowly.

Yu Wuji's eyes narrowed. This gambling condition was too favorable to him. On the other hand, it was also too contemptuous of him. He knew that this was a way to provoke the general, but he wanted to try it.

He didn't believe that Gao Xian could defeat him within ten breaths!
It's just that he doesn't want to follow Gao Xian's rhythm. The more the enemy wants him to do something, the more he will do the opposite.

Of course Gao Xian understood what Yu Wuji was thinking. He sneered: "You don't even dare to agree to this, so just admit defeat and leave. Don't embarrass the Mingtian Sect here..."

"Okay, I'll bet."

Yu Wuji said coldly: "If you really can't hold on for ten breaths, then there's nothing to say!"


Gao Xian laughed and praised him, and then said: "I'm coming, fellow Taoist, please bear with me..."

Tai Ning, who was watching the battle outside, couldn't help but smile when he heard these familiar words. Senior brother is so bad!
Yu Wuji had no intention of quarreling with Gao Xian. He activated the Taiyin God King Seal, and the Taiyin energy condensed into a black ice mirror, surrounding him layer by layer.

Blessed by the Taiyin God King's Seal, these ice mirrors are extremely strong and can reflect the opponent's magical artifacts. The change of the Taiyin is enough to freeze the spiritual energy of a thousand feet around, temporarily forming a stable Taiyin legal domain.

This kind of change naturally consumes a lot of mana, and with his ability, it can only last for twenty breaths. For this battle, it is enough.

Gao Xian saw through Yu Wuji's calculations at a glance, and said that this idea was good, but unfortunately, the strength gap between the two sides was a bit big. The radius of his spiritual awareness is five thousand miles, which is comparable to the later stages of becoming a god.

The positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra plus the blessing of the Five Qi Wheels, its magic power is comparable to that of the middle stage of spiritual transformation. This kid wants to resist with a magical weapon, but he is really thinking too much.

Gao Xian urged the Xuanming Divine Light and blasted it with his palm. The heavy ice mirrors continued to vibrate and reflect, but in the end they could not withstand the Xuanming Divine Light, as thick as the sea and as deep as the abyss.

The heavy ice mirrors suddenly shattered at the same time, and Yu Wuji's shocked eyes were revealed among the billions of crystal fragments that exploded.

It was too late for Yu Wuji to sense that something was wrong, so he could only summon the Taiyin God King Seal to hit Gao Xian.

Gao Xian pressed his palm on the black jade seal about a foot square, and all the positive and negative mana of the five elements were transformed into Xuan Ming's divine light. The black jade seal buzzed and trembled, and Yu Wuji's whole body mana surged, triggering the Taiyin God King Seal. The divine light and the cold air had penetrated directly into his sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

In the blink of an eye, all the blood and mana in Yu Wuji's body was frozen by the Xuanming divine light, and he turned into an iceman...

(Three updates are enough for 10,000 words, please vote for me and support~) (End of this chapter)

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