Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 680 1 mountain is higher than 1 mountain

The aura shone, and Yue Kunlun appeared in front of the hall holding the Buzhou Sword.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yue Kunlun. They were confused, disdainful, and sarcastic. Their eyes were a bit complicated.

The main reason is that Yue Kunlun is very powerful and high-profile. Before the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference started, Yue Kunlun's reputation was very large. Among the geniuses, his reputation was only slightly weaker than that of Zhizhen.

Yue Kunlun is indeed a heroic man, and his appearance and temperament leave a deep impression on people. In addition, he is holding the Buzhou Divine Sword, which is one of the Nine Kunlun Swords and is a top-level fifth-level artifact.

With such an artifact in hand, many people are extremely optimistic about Yue Kunlun, believing that he will definitely join forces with Zhizhen in the final battle.

As a result, Yue Kunlun was killed by Gao Xian with one palm!

The cultivators who saw this scene really couldn't believe their eyes. You must know that what Yue Kunlun holds in his hand is the Buzhou Divine Sword, a fifth-level divine weapon.

Such a magical sword can split mountains and split the ground easily. It was really unimaginable that he was actually slapped away by Gao Xian.

As long as Yue Kunlun swipes his sword, Gao Xian's hand will be gone, and this person will be gone! However, Yue Kunlun watched helplessly as he was hit without making any reaction. Even his protective Jiuqu Tianhe robe failed to truly exert its power!
In the eyes of many cultivators, this battle is simply ridiculous. So they all looked at Yue Kunlun with somewhat complicated eyes.

Yue Kunlun's face was dark. It wasn't that he couldn't afford to lose, but the looks from everyone made him a little angry. A bunch of idiots who don't know how exquisite and powerful Gao Xian's two palms are.

The power of the positive and negative five elements is mixed into one, and its powerful magic power is perfect. It can suppress the fifth-level top-notch artifact Buzhou Dao, and control such a powerful force with the body of Nascent Soul. This is such an earth-shattering magical power!
He lost this battle and was speechless and convinced.

Yue Kunlun was a little disgusted with this group of idiot cultivators. The Great Luo Sect was just a bunch of idiots and trash. He was deeply depressed, which naturally caused the energy of the sword in his hand to change.

The invisible sword Qi was suppressed like a sacred mountain. All the cultivators in the hall were stunned. In an instant, the sword Qi was suppressed like a sacred mountain.

The cultivators below Nascent Soul were completely horrified as all their magic power and consciousness were completely suppressed. The Nascent Soul Lords also had a hard time, and each one of them was forced to use their magic power to actively resist.

All the gods and Taoists also have to actively use their magic power to resist Buzhou Daoqi, so it is naturally not difficult for them. They just need to mobilize their souls to resist Dao Qi, which shows how powerful the Buzhou Dao is.

All the Shinto Lords were a little surprised by this. Only watching the battle through the water mirror, one cannot appreciate the power of the Buzhou Sword. Having experienced this personally, Master Huashen Dao felt that Bu Zhou Dao was a great threat to them.

It is indeed a fifth-level divine sword, indeed powerful!
Many Taoist Lords who transformed into gods were also secretly surprised. Yue Kunlun was already so powerful, and how tyrannical Gao Xian must be who defeated Yue Kunlun with two palms...

They can all see how powerful Gao Xian and Yue Kunlun are. However, when watching the battle through the water mirror, you cannot sense the magical aura of both sides, you can only get a rough look. It wasn't until Yue Kunlun urged Dao Qi that everyone had a real understanding of Buzhou Dao.

Seeing Yue Kunlun's rage, Tianzhu Taoist Master of the Shenyue Sect said calmly: "Gao Xian is stronger than you, and his skills are better than yours. You are not capable of cultivation, so you deserve this defeat."

Dao Zun Tianzhu has an majestic appearance, a tall figure, and shoulder-length white hair hanging casually. His voice was not loud, but he had a deep power that penetrated people's hearts.

All the Taoists could naturally see that Gao Xian had a higher level of cultivation, and they all concluded that he could defeat Yue Kunlun. It's just that it was so easy to win, but it still made several Taoists a little surprised.

They could see that Gao Xian's physical training was powerful, but they didn't know how Gao Xian would use this power. In their opinion, it is still risky to strike directly with the Zhou Sword. This magical sword is powerful, but Yue Kunlun cannot fully control it.

After a few tricks, Yue Kunlun himself will reveal his flaws. Gao Xian had absolutely no need to take such a risk.

However, as soon as Gao Xian made a move, several Taoists understood. This guy doesn't know what kind of secret skills he has practiced, and he can control the internal and external mana so quickly that he is completely beyond his capabilities.

Using the strong to defeat the weak, using fast to defeat the slow, Gao Xian's seemingly risky moves are actually a sure win. Yue Kunlun had no chance of winning at all.

Dao Zun Tianzhu couldn't stand it. He had to say a few words for the sake of his disciples.

"Disciple, I understand." Yue Kunlun put away his sword and bowed deeply, clasping his fists. The Taoist Master had already spoken, and he did not dare to lose his temper again. This breath was held in my heart.

Yue Kunlun thought this was fine. With Gao Xian as his goal, he at least knew that he was still far behind.

When Yue Kunlun retreated, the energy of the sword, which was like the divine mountain, also dissipated. I don't know how many people exhaled a long breath together. They were almost crushed to death by the sword just now.

Tai Ning gently covered his heart and said exaggeratedly: "This guy's sword is so powerful!"

Qing Le rolled her eyes at Tai Ning, this woman can really pretend. No matter how strong Yue Kunlun was, he couldn't really make Tai Ning lose his temper. After all, Dao Qi was facing everyone in the hall.

In such a pretentious way, Tai Ning just wanted to tell others how strong Yue Kunlun was. The stronger Yue Kunlun is, the stronger Gao Xian who defeats Yue Kunlun will be!
Chang Ning and Zhen Ye also understood Tai Ning's little thoughts, but the two Shen Dao Lords didn't think it was funny. Instead, they felt a little wary in their hearts.

Gao Xian in this state was a bit too powerful, so powerful that they all felt threatened. With Taoist Xuanyang sitting on top, Gao Xian will never mess around.

The vigilance of the two Dao Lords was actually more about their regard for Gao Xian. They know very well that after the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, the status of the sages will inevitably rise to a higher level.

Even from a cultivation level, they could no longer underestimate Gao Xian. In the Baxuan Palace, Gao Xian collected the storage talisman left by Yue Kunlun, took the storage talisman from the niche, and opened the forward passage.

At this time, Dao Hong Dao Zun said to Dao Zun Xuanyang: "Xuan Yang, this is not cheating by the old Taoist, it's because your boy is too good at beating..."

In the second round of the battle in Hachigen Palace, someone will be vacated. In the fourth round, Xiao Jinse was vacated.

According to the rules of Baxuan Palace, whoever wins first will compete with Xiao Jinse. Gao Xian won so happily, so naturally he wanted to fight Xiao Jinse.

Gao Xian can only participate in the final showdown if he defeats Xiao Jinse.

At this moment, the two practitioners Zhizhen and Rudian had just finished speaking and were about to take action.

Dao Hong made a bet with Xuanyang. He knew that Xuanyang was not big-hearted and had to explain himself.

Xuanyang Dao Zun was very angry at this moment: "This little thing is insignificant."

Dao Hong Daozun was a little surprised, this was not like Xuanyang's temperament. Sure enough, Xuanyang turned around and said, "I have a small suggestion. If my Gao Xian gets the Dusheng Zhenjun, how about the old Taoist changes the divine urn to Pojun?"

"This one……"

Daohong Daozun was not just pretending to cut off contact between the human world and the heaven. The so-called Yuanshi Great Heavenly King conferred the urn, but it was actually the Daluo Sect that used tens of thousands of years to accumulate aspiration to transform the divine urn.

Of course, it is necessary to borrow the power of the Heavenly Lord. After all, it is a sixth-level divine urn, and it is not just a matter of teaching. The Dou Sheng Zhenjun awarded Dou Sheng the divine urn, which is the rule of the Dharma assembly.

There are many aspects involved in conferring the Pojun Divine Treasure, especially communicating with the Heavenly Lord and arousing the divine power of the Pojun main star above the Nine Heavens, which is very, very troublesome.

If it was taught by a peerless genius of his own, it would be worth the trouble to match his cultivation level. Although Xuanyang is Chunyang Taoist Lord, the leader of a continent, his face is not that great!

"Looking at your stingy look, I am not trying so hard to cultivate strong men for the human race. No matter what the character of Gao Xian is, he is still a human race, and his path of cultivation determines that he cannot become a demon cultivator. If he is a strong man, there will be more human races. A bit of luck..."

Xuanyang Dao Zun said a lot, but Dao Hong remained unmoved. Xuanyang Dao Zun also knew that it would be difficult to persuade Dao Hong with such words, so he said cruelly: "In this case, you give Gao Xian the Army-Breaking Divine Treasure, and I don't want your Sanhua Pill."

Daohong Daozun was a little funny: "You haven't won yet, you are still thinking far ahead."

The Three Flower Pill is a seventh-level divine elixir, which is used by Mahayana practitioners to worship the Three Flowers of Essence, Qi, and God. For Chunyang, these magical pills are also extremely precious. Xuanyang made a bet because he was interested in the three-flower elixir in his hand.

For the gift of Gao Xian, he was willing to use Sanhua Dan in exchange, and Xuanyang also spent a lot of money.

Xuanyang Taoist Master smiled proudly and said: "I will definitely win this round! Anyway, I don't feel bad about taking out the things I got for free..."

However, Dao Hong Dao Zun did not believe what Xuanyang Dao Zun said. The bet itself was a heavy bet. All the risks here are borne by Xuanyang. He is not a bold and generous person. It's just that he couldn't figure out Xuanyang's intention for the moment.

After thinking about it for a moment, Daohong Daozun nodded and said, "Okay."

The two Taoists used their spiritual consciousness to communicate and reached a deal. Both sides thought it was a good deal.

At this moment, Shui Jingshang Rudian and Zhizhen had already taken action.

Rudian took out an eight-foot-long black iron rod and slapped his feet lightly. The circular hall suddenly shook, with heavy ripples on the ground and walls.

Everyone watching the battle outside was shocked when they saw this. Just now Yue Kunlun was so fierce and fierce with his sword, even when he was slashing with all his strength, he was not so exaggerated.

Rudian stood there holding a black iron rod in his hand, but he had the feeling of endless power and tyranny holding the heaven and earth in his hand. Even a peerless genius like Zhi Zhen would be completely overwhelmed by his aura.

Tai Ning was dumbfounded. She knew that Gao Xian and Ru Dian had gone out for drinks and had become jealous of this little female monk. Only then did she realize that this little bald man’s jealousy was not something she could tolerate!

She hurriedly asked Taoist Lord Zhenye next to her: "Master Taoist, what kind of magical weapon is this?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Small Sumeru Stick, the most precious treasure of the Dragon Elephant Palace. It is said that this stick weighs one hundred and eight thousand kilograms and is said to be the most powerful in Jiuzhou..."

The expression on Mr. Zhenye Daojun's face was a little solemn. Rudian was just a Nascent Soul, and it was incredible that he could operate such a powerful artifact.

If he were hit by a lightning stick, his spirit would be destroyed!
The person holding the small Sumeru stick was like lightning, shocking everyone in the hall. Including the arrogant Yue Kunlun, who felt very bitter at the moment. Just looking at Rudian holding a long stick in his hand, he knew that he couldn't defeat this little monk!
Everyone in Daluo Sect looked surprised at this moment. This Rudian is so tyrannical! Even though Zhizhen is strong, it’s hard to say he will win...

Several Taoists also looked at the water mirror with interest. This Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly has gathered many monsters. This is the first time in ten thousand years!
Although the nine Taoist Masters are strong, they are not sure who will win the final victory... (End of Chapter)

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