Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 681 Juntian Xuanyin

Chapter 681 Juntian Xuanyin

Rudian shouted in a low voice, and pointed the small Sumeru stick in his hand towards Zhizhen's exquisitely beautiful face.

The Small Sumeru Stick weighs one hundred and eighty thousand kilograms, but the real power of this artifact does not lie in its weight. The weight of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms just shows how strong and tough the material used to make the small Sumeru stick is, and it is almost indestructible.

The true power of this stick lies within the Mount Sumeru Dharma Formation.

Mount Sumeru is known as the center of the Three Thousand Worlds in Buddhist classics. It is the highest and most powerful place and hosts all the gods and Buddhas.

The small Sumeru stick looks like a dark stick, but it actually has three rings and eight edges. The three rings represent the wind ring, the water ring, and the golden ring, which means there are three kinds of original power of the universe.

The eight edges represent the eight directions and ten poles, which means to suppress the three thousand worlds of the eight directions and ten poles.

If Rudian knows how powerful he is, he will not hesitate to activate the full power of the small Sumeru stick. The long stick is as fast as wind, changes like water, and is as strong as gold. The power released by the long stick can suppress all directions.

The Baxuan Palace is a sixth-level artifact. When the small Sumeru stick hits it with all its strength, the hall suddenly expands and twists, like a blown bubble.

The huge and unparalleled power released by the small Sumeru stick is going to blow up this magic transformation hall.

It won't last long. No matter how high the Electric Elephant's prison-suppressing cultivation level is, she can only swing ten sticks at most with a magical weapon like the Small Sumeru Stick.

The Great Luo Sect has the inheritance of this God Emperor, and one of its secret techniques is the Golden Emperor Dao Body, which is extremely strong and powerful and has endless divine power. This method is combined with the Taihua Golden Emperor's Star-Breaking Whip, a top-grade fifth-level artifact, which is said to be able to shatter the stars in the nine heavens, which shows the power of this method.

Zhizhen threw away the Taihua Golden Emperor Broken Star Whip in his hand, and grasped the head of the small Sumeru stick with both hands. His Golden Emperor Taoist body cultivation is extremely high, and he cooperates with the Taiming Three-Yuan Divine Clothes to transform the three-dimensional changes.

The Taihua Golden Emperor is one of the five emperors to the left of the Great Heavenly King of the Yuan Dynasty. He is responsible for controlling the power of heaven and earth. He is extremely strong and strong. He is also an extremely important divine emperor in the Daluo family.

Most of the people watching the battle in the hall were shocked when they saw this. Especially Daluo Sect cultivators were very nervous when they saw Zhizhen actually fighting against Rudian.

This stick made him feel tremendous pressure. If the Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword is used, it is enough to break the changes of the small Sumeru stick that suppresses the eight directions and ten poles, but it can also deal with Rudian.

Only a few Taoists could understand that Zhizhen was trying to challenge his own limits. This is different from Gao Xian's head-on killing of Yue Kunlun. Gao Xian has an absolute advantage. This time, Zhizhen really had no confidence in winning.

Facing the oncoming black little Sumeru stick, Zhizhen swept the golden whip in his hand.

However, attending the Dharma conference this time is just for experience. When you encounter such a strong enemy, you should fight the strong with strength!
What I really thought about was the Taihua Golden Emperor's Broken Star Whip. This nine-section whip was four feet long, shining with golden light, and weighed thirty-six thousand kilograms.

The Taiming Three-Yuan Godly Clothes is a fifth-level top-notch artifact, and its three-yuan transformation is extremely subtle. But facing the mighty and incompetent Little Sumeru Stick, all the changes of this artifact were completely suppressed.

I really know that the little Sumeru stick can have such power. It is more because of the extremely advanced cultivation of the lightning-like divine elephant prison-suppressing method. Only then can the power of the little Sumeru stick be unleashed.

The small Sumeru stick and the Taihua Golden Emperor's star-shattering whip clashed, and the golden light exploded into billions of gold stars. Rudian's power was obviously superior. He swung the Taihua Golden Emperor's Star-Shattering Whip away with one swing of his stick, and then swung his long stick to take advantage of the situation and hit the True Face Gate.

With a little delay, he could defeat Ruden more easily.

Facing the truth of the Little Sumeru Stick, his breath was stagnated by the Little Sumeru Stick. The Taiming Three-Yuan Godly Clothes on his body seemed to have turned into a thin piece of paper, about to be stabbed to pieces by the Little Sumeru Stick.

Zhizhen's whole body shone with golden light, and his entire skin color turned pale gold. Infinite power erupted from his muscles, bones, and organs, and was connected with the Taihua Golden Emperor's Broken Star Whip in his hand. The inside and outside screamed in unison, and the golden whip in his hand released a bright light like the sun.

Only in this way can the true nature of mind be seen to be pure and clear.

Everyone can see how ferocious Rudian is, and it would be unwise for Zhizhen to fight head-on with such a tyrannical body-training cultivator. Most practitioners are unable to understand Zhizhen's actions.

He actually managed to dissolve 70% of the power of the Little Sumeru Stick, but even the remaining 30% of its power made his arms numb, his internal organs shattered, and his seven orifices bleeding.

Although he caught the stick, Zhizhen was seriously injured.

This also made many Daluo Sect cultivators watching the battle extremely nervous, and other cultivators from other sects also looked surprised. None of them can understand what Zhizhen is doing. If they fight so hard, Zhizhen will lose this battle!
Rudian's mind is pure, and she doesn't really care what her intentions are. She knew that she was more powerful than Zhi Zhen, and the small Sumeru stick in her hand was even more domineering. Although Zhi Zhen, who holds the stick with both hands, is extremely skilled in the secrets of body refining, he is still a level below her. Both sides fight for strength, and they will die in the end.

Rudian did not hesitate to activate the secret method of divine elephant prison suppression again, and endless divine power burst out from her body, pushing the little Sumeru stick forward fiercely.

The long black stick penetrated Zhizhen's chest directly, and the unparalleled divine power on the long stick exploded into a ball of blood...

Rudian succeeded in one move, but it felt wrong, but she used too much force, and the power of the small Sumeru stick in her hand was too strong. It would be difficult to change it if she used her full strength.

The broad-edged blue jade sword has cut through the void silently, gently lying across Rudian's neck.

I don't know when Zhizhen Yishu, who appeared behind Rudian, succeeded in taking the sword. He immediately put away his sword and retreated. He handed over to Rudian sternly: "I won by chance by relying on the method of incarnation. I'm ashamed."

Rudian silently took back the small Sumeru stick and folded his hands to Zhizhen: "My fellow Taoist is so clever in his secret method, I admire him."

It was only at this moment that everyone watching the battle in the hall realized that the battle had been reversed. But few people can explain this reversal process clearly.

Geniuses like Yue Kunlun, Yin Jiuli, and Taichu naturally understood that Zhizhen actually had a superb method of incarnation that could bear harm for himself.

This kind of secret technique is not too strange, but it leaves no trace when it is transformed into the real thing, which is extremely superb. In this battle, Zhizhen once again demonstrated the powerful secret method of body training, which seemed to be three points stronger than Yue Kunlun.

It was only when he encountered Rudian holding a small Sumeru stick that he lost a move in a head-on fight.

Although Tai Ning and Qing Le didn't quite understand it, they also saw how powerful it was. Both women had deep worries in their eyes. Even if Gao Xian passed Xiao Jinse's test, he would probably have no chance under Zhi Zhen...

The nine Taoists sitting above saw it more clearly. Taoist Xuanyang said angrily to Taohong Daohong: "You are such a cunning old Taoist. This kid practices Daluo to transform nerves and actually uses his incarnation to refine the three elements." Ying, what a great skill!”

Dao Hong Daozun smiled slightly: "You have to have some capital before you dare to bet with fellow Taoists..."

Xuanyang Dao Zun snorted: "Faduo will cause chaos, and the Three Yuan Ying is not a good thing!"

Dao Hong Daozun smiled and did not argue with Xuanyang Dao Zun. Their powerful nerves have their own magic, and splitting them into three is the supreme secret of their sect...

In the Baxuan Palace, Gao Xian could not see the battle between Zhizhen and Rudian. He was chatting happily with Xiao Jinse.

Xiao Jinse has a quiet temperament, but her eyes are like spring water, and there are countless bright spring lights in her eyes, which makes people's hearts sway and find it difficult to control themselves.

Gao Xian knew that this was Xiao Jinse's innate magical power, and he had to resist it carefully to avoid being confused by it. On the other hand, he enjoyed the other person's unique charm.

Such beauty is rare in the world.

Xiao Jinse and Gao Xian talked for a while, and found that the other person's heart was as deep as an abyss, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the other person's true heart.

She also lost her intention to continue testing. This wise man's magical powers were unfathomable and unfathomable. If he wanted to win against him, he would have to show his true ability.

"Fellow Taoist, I have learned a new piece of Yilan Cao, please appreciate it."

Xiao Jinse said as she took out the fifty-stringed white jade harp, which was her most powerful artifact, the Juntian Xuanyin harp.

Gao Xian understood that Xiao Jinse was about to take action, so he cupped his hands and said, "Please."

In the main hall, Taining saw the polite Gao Xian on the water mirror and couldn't help curling his lips.

"Senior brother will kill when he meets a man, and he will become sticky when he meets a woman. Xiao Jinse is a direct descendant of the Huanxi sect, so he is not afraid of sucking his bones dry... We will see if senior brother can still laugh when we meet Zhizhen... "

(End of this chapter)

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