"Congratulations, senior brother."

Tai Ning happily greeted Gao Xian and put her arm around Gao Xian affectionately. Her delicate face was filled with joy and pride.

Everyone in the hall was paying attention to Gao Xian. Seeing that Tai Ning and Gao Xian were so close, they naturally knew about their relationship. I have to say that Tai Ning is indeed pretty and has a soft and charming charm.

The exquisite and dignified lake blue robe sets off Tai Ning's skin, which makes her feel refreshed and more charming. Standing together with Gao Xian is a perfect match.

Xiao Lingqin of the Huanxi Sect was very unhappy. She whispered to Xiao Jinse: "This woman is really good at talking. She is definitely not a virtuous Taoist monk."

Xiao Jinse glanced at her junior sister. Xiao Lingqin was not inferior to her in terms of beauty, but she had thick eyebrows, a high nose, rich red lips, and her facial features were two points less refined and two points more profound.

The most attractive thing is her pair of bright blue eyes like the sea, which are very charming. She is also taller, and the red robe makes her look slim, and the curves of her hips and waist are well exposed.

This junior sister of hers is following the path of dual cultivation as a female, but she has a very high vision and has yet to find a suitable Taoist partner. At this moment, Xiao Lingqin obviously fell in love with Gao Xian, and kept staring at Gao Xian with bright blue eyes.

Xiao Lingqin suddenly smiled and said: "Gao Xian is a romantic master, passionate but not dedicated. This woman is just dreaming about occupying Gao Xian. Give me a few days and I will seduce Gao Xian..."

She raised her eyebrows at Xiao Jinse and smiled frivolously: "When I complete my dual cultivation, I will give my senior sister a taste!"

Xiao Jinse was speechless. This junior sister of hers was just too coquettish and bold.

"Sister, just wait for my good news!" Xiao Lingqin was full of confidence. She even raised her eyebrows at Gao Xian as she spoke.

For a man to make such an expression, it would be a bit provocative. Xiao Lingqin has a wild and carefree and graceful style.

Gao Xian glanced at Xiao Lingqin and found that this woman's style was somewhat similar to Qiniang, but she was much more beautiful than Qiniang, and her body proportions were also better. Especially the kind of bohemian style flowing between her eyebrows, which was very attractive.

He recognized that the other party was a beauty from the Huanxi Sect, and couldn't help but feel moved. The method of dual cultivation of the Huanxi Sect is unparalleled in the world. I haven’t had the chance to learn the true teachings of the Huanxi Sect yet, but this is a great opportunity to learn!
Gao Xian nodded and smiled at the red-robed beauty. Tai Ning did not notice this, mainly because there were too many eyes on her, which made her very excited and her delicate face turned slightly red.

Qing Le was speechless when she saw Tai Ning being so excited. This woman is so shameless! She had heard that Taoist Lord Zhenying wanted Gao Xian and Tai Ning to form a Taoist couple, and she was willing to give Taoist Taoist clothes from Taihuanghuang Meng to Gao Xian.

However, Gao Xian clearly refused and chose another way to exchange for Taixian Mengdao Yi.

That such private things could be leaked also shows that many people can't stand Tai Ning and deliberately embarrass her. At this time, Tai Ning publicly showed Gao Xian's affectionate attitude. Even if she was sure that Gao Xian would not embarrass her, she could still show off in front of the heroes of Jiuzhou!
Gao Xian is now Du Sheng Zhenjun, the number one Nascent Soul in Jiuzhou! What a glory and scenery this is.

To be honest, Qing Le was very envious of this, and also very happy for Gao Xian, a good friend. She inevitably regretted that she shouldn't have given in in the first place. Although Gao Xian would not lean towards her, he would never favor Tai Ning.

It is not impossible to share the number one Nascent Soul Lord in Nine Continents equally with Tai Ning.

Qing Le just thought about it this way. Since she gave in at that time, she would not push forward again now. Deep down she is very arrogant.

Her mood was a little complicated, but there was a bright smile on her face: "Congratulations, senior brother."

"Thank you."

The relationship between Gao Xian and Qing Le was originally very close, but now they have to be more polite. He respects Qing Le's choice, and even respects her choice.

It was broken as soon as it was broken, there was no sloppiness at all, and there was no fight between him and Tai Ning. This was a strange woman!

In the beginning, Qing Le and Tai Ning didn't have so many ideas. She said seriously: "Senior brother's swordsmanship is really amazing. I'm far behind. I will ask senior brother for more advice after I go back."

She knew that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was superb, but she didn't know that Gao Xian's swordsmanship had reached the point where a god is born from the sword. Zhizhen, who can reverse slash and transform into a god, possesses a powerful artifact and is excellent in spells, swordsmanship, and physical skills, but he was still defeated by Gao Xian's sword.

Watching the battle through the water mirror, although Taichu could only get a general view, he admired Gao Xian's swordsmanship. She regretted it a little, she should have lived in Jingxing Palace and learned swordsmanship from Gao Xian whenever he had time!

Gao Xian knew that Taichu was a swordsman, so he smiled and said: "We learn from each other and make progress together. Fellow Taoists are always welcome to participate in swordsmanship."

Taichu corrected him sternly: "I am learning from senior brother. How can I be qualified to participate in swordsmanship with senior brother?"

Gao Xian just said it politely, and Taichu really didn't have the ability to participate in swordsmanship with him now. However, only Taichu, who is so ignorant of the world, would speak out.

Fortunately, Taichu's beauty was enough to make up for the small flaws in her character. When it comes to appearance, Tai Chu is by no means inferior to Xiao Jinse. It's just that she is as sharp as a sword, not as charming as the spring water in Xiao Jinse's eyes.

As a result, Taichu seemed cold and boring. In terms of appearance, she seems to be far inferior to Xiao Jinse, and not even as charming as Tai Ninglai.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist." Even though Taojun Chang Ning was Gao Xian's immediate boss, he still wanted to take the initiative to congratulate Gao Xian. Chang Ning has a gentle and demure temperament. Although her appearance is average, she has a soft, clear and watery temperament. Just standing there quietly, he naturally has a super relaxed air.

Gao Xian has always had a very good impression of Daojun Chang Ning, and this person also takes good care of him. The relationship between the two parties is as light as water between gentlemen.

He cupped his hands and said politely: "It's a fluke, thank you Daojun."

Chang Ning smiled slightly and said nothing more. She knew very well that Gao Xian, who got the Du Sheng Zhenjun, would definitely win the favor of Tao Zun. From now on, even if Gao Xian did not join the center of Xuanming Sect, he would become a direct lineage of Dao Zun.

In the last battle, Zhizhen showed his power of transforming into a god, but even so, he still couldn't resist Gao Xian's unpredictable swordsmanship. Chang Ning felt that Gao Xian was no worse than the ordinary Shinto Lord, but the only difference was that he failed to condense his soul.

There is no way that a person like this would always succumb to her. Chang Ning naturally became more polite and respectful to Gao Xian.

"Gao Xian, you really showed off your sect in a big way this time. It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Master Zhenye Dao and Gao Xian were very familiar with each other, and now the old man looked at Gao Xian with surprise. He knew that Gao Xian was capable, but he never imagined that Gao Xian was so talented.

Looking at Gao Xian again, he felt a little strange.

The old man also understood why Lu Xuanji valued Gao Xian. This person was already so great when he was still a Nascent Soul. It would be even better when he became a god!

"Master Dao, thank you." Gao Xian said some polite words. He had received the care of Zhenye and had a relationship with the old man.

Although he won the first place in the battle, he remained as low-key and humble as ever in front of the old man. This also made old man Zhenye very useful, and he rarely had a few jokes with Gao Xian.

From Zhenye's point of view, Gao Xian is already a Taoist friend of the same level, so the way of getting along will naturally be adjusted. The aloof Daohong Daozun said: "We will gather at Yuanshi Hall tomorrow at noon to hold a title ceremony. Today's Dharma assembly ends here, you can all do as you please."

Dao Hong Dao Zun said and flicked his sleeves, and the divine light on the nine Dao Zun's bodies shone and disappeared at the same time.

Without the nine Taoists, many cultivators breathed a sigh of relief.

Rudian from Longxiang Palace immediately ran to Gao Xian. She smiled and cupped her hands and said generously: "Senior brother is extremely powerful and has won the first place. Congratulations."

Rudian is different from Zhicheng. Although her temperament is pure, it has been polished over time. She seldom said polite words, but she didn't know how to say them.

Moreover, she was not complimenting Gao Xian. She was shocked and admired Gao Xian's display of power. These words were expressed with genuine appreciation and admiration, not as a polite compliment.

"I was able to get first place thanks to my fellow Taoist. Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much." Gao Xian knew that Zhi Zhen should have two clones, but one of them was knocked out by someone. This really saved him a lot of trouble.

After coming out, Gao Xian saw the scene of the battle on the water mirror above, and knew that it was like lightning that killed Zhizhen's clone.

Gao Xian also had a good impression of Rudian. This girl-like cultivator had extremely pure body-refining skills and was even better than him. No matter how good-tempered he is, he is clear about the world but is pure and simple, like jade in turbid river water. Although it is covered with mud and sand, it is not stained with dirt. On the contrary, the person who is sharpened in it becomes more pure and clear. This is much better than that little fool Zhicheng.

Rudian shook her head, she didn't dare to take credit for this.

She didn't want to discuss this, so she said instead: "Senior brother, you are extremely skilled in physical refining. How about we compete against each other when we have time?"

"Okay, but I'm too tired today. Let's wait another day."

Gao Xian really didn't have the energy to fight now. He said, "I'll treat you to a drink. Let's go to Daluo City..."

Rudian refused: "Senior brother is very tired today, take a good rest. Let's wait until the title sealing ceremony is over tomorrow. I will also go back to rest..."

After Rudian left, cultivators from other sects also came over to congratulate Gao Xian.

The number one Dou Sheng Zhenjun in Jiuzhou, I don’t know what level this person will grow to in the future. It is natural to get to know such a person.

Even Yue Kunlun came over to say congratulations. He didn't like Gao Xian, but he wanted to admit that Gao Xian had extraordinary magical powers, and he was far behind. Expressing congratulations is also a basic etiquette. It’s not that I really want to please Gao Xian…

Yu Wuji also came over. He was not as generous as Yue Kunlun, and his expression was somewhat uncomfortable. He apologized directly when he came up: "Last time, I was arrogant and blind. Fellow Taoist, please don't be offended."

As he spoke, he presented a jade box with both hands: "This is the Zhongtian Beijidan. Please accept it, fellow Taoists."

Gao Xian was a little surprised that Yu Wuji was so stubborn and willing to apologize. In fact, the distance between the two of them was too far, and Yu Wuji was the true successor of the Mingtian Sect, so there was no need to be afraid of him. No matter how powerful he is, how can he go to Mingtian Sect to kill people...

Seeing that Yu Wuji was a little shy, he must have been forced to come by his teacher.

"Fellow Taoist is so polite, I feel ashamed to accept it."

Gao Xian chatted politely with Yu Wuji for a few words, and the master of cross-dressing looked much better when he left.

Gao Xian didn't care about this. He said no money for polite words. He had always been the one who took advantage. He didn't like Yu Wuji, but the two sides were just at odds with each other and there was no fundamental grudge, so there was no need to hold on to him.

Xiao Jinse and Xiao Lingqin waited aside for a long time. When there was no one around Gao Xian, she brought Xiao Lingqin over to congratulate Gao Xian and introduced her junior sister to Gao Xian.

"Senior brother, my name is Xiao Lingqin, you can call me Lingqin or Qin'er."

Xiao Lingqin said openly: "I have been practicing the "Nine Heavens Su Nv Sutra" since I was a child, specializing in the Su Nv Yin Talisman. I have heard that my senior brother is a master of this way for a long time. When will I be free, I would like to ask my senior brother for advice..."

Hearing Xiao Lingqin speak like this, Tai Ning couldn't help but glance at the woman coldly. The Huanxi Sect demon girl was really shameless, snatching her man in front of her.

However, Tai Ning also had to admit that Xiao Lingqin was bright and charming, and she had a wild and unrestrained nature that made people want to go deeper and appreciate her beauty.

Speaking of style, Xiao Lingqin is more charming than Xiao Jinse. Like a burning flower, just looking at it ignites people's hearts...

"Monster, witch!" Tai Ning cursed inwardly, grabbing Gao Xian's hand unconsciously with a little more strength.

Gao Xian admired Xiao Lingqin's boldness and wantonness, but he would not openly flirt with Xiao Lingqin in front of Tai Ning. This is basic courtesy.

He said softly: "I have heard for a long time that the Su Nv Sutra is magical and can lead directly to the path of heaven and immortality. If you have the chance, I will definitely ask my Taoist friends for advice."

Rejection is rejection, and words cannot be said to death.

Of course Xiao Lingqin understood. She smiled sweetly: "I believe there must be a chance between us..."

Xiao Jinse looked indifferent on the side. She was actually a little embarrassed when her junior sister seduced Gao Xian so blatantly. Fortunately, Gao Xian was very reserved and did not make the scene too ugly.

Tai Ning was very angry after sending Xiao Jinse and the two girls away, but she did not dare to lose her temper with Gao Xian. She just whispered: "The secret method of the Huanxi Sect is powerful, senior brother, be careful of the enchantress..."

In the end, Zhizhen brought several of Zhicheng's disciples over, introduced them to Gao Xian one by one, and agreed to drink and discuss Dharma together for a few days. Gao Xian then returned to the small island monastery with Tai Ning.

Gao Xian originally wanted to see what prizes there were, but Tai Ning was too excited, so he could only have a double practice with her first. After she fell asleep completely, he had time to take out the storage talisman.

The red lotus of karma, the golden lotus of nine grades of merit, the golden essence of nine suns, and the mother steel of the underworld.

Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Dan, fire phoenix feathers, ten thousand refined five-color rosy light brocade.

A Great Brahma Spirit Leaf, a Taihe Infinite Tribulation Pill, a Taixu Purifying God Refining Pill...

There are a total of ten kinds of spiritual objects and elixirs, and the storage talismans have corresponding introductions. Gao Xian read it once and had a feeling in his heart: It's great, it's great... (End of chapter)

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