Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 689: The murderous intention moves from heaven to star.

The Karma Fire Red Lotus and the Ninth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus are both sixth-rank spiritual objects.

Among them, he also has a Karma Red Lotus, which is a top-quality spiritual object specially used to survive the fire tribulation. His Nascent Soul is powerful and protected by the pure Yang treasure light, so it will not be difficult for him to survive the fire disaster.

However, the tribulation spiritual creature like the Karma Red Lotus is still prepared! Two Karma Fire Red Lotuses should be enough for him.

The ninth-level merit golden lotus is a sixth-level spiritual object used to temper the soul. It can remove the filth in the soul and reach the state of pure purity.

Gao Xian never takes this description seriously. The only certainty is that the Golden Lotus of Merit can cleanse the soul.

Generally speaking, if the Nascent Soul wants to go through the fire tribulation to temper and realize the Dao Yuanshen, the first step is to cleanse the soul. The Golden Lotus of Merit is also a very important spiritual object needed to realize the Taoist Soul.

Nine Yang Gold Essence is a golden essence that has been tempered by the divine fire of the Great Sun for thousands of years in the Nine Heavens. Even though it is only a small piece, it weighs a thousand catties.

This is Zhiyang Gold Essence, a sixth-level spiritual object specially used for refining weapons.

The Mother Steel of the Underworld is located thousands of miles deep underground. The Mother Steel is a strange metal in the Underworld. It is said that it cannot be destroyed after it is cast and formed. Every time it is destroyed, it can be restored to its original state by nourishing it with Yin Qi, hence its name.

Like the Nine-Yang Gold Spirit, they are both sixth-level spiritual objects used for refining weapons.

He won't be able to use these two things for the time being, but maybe he can use them to upgrade the Five Elements Wuji Sword in the future. After all, it is only a fifth-level divine sword, which is already a bit unworthy of him...

Wanlian five-color glow brocade can be regarded as a six-layer fabric. Two feet of fabric was enough for him to make a set of robes.

Fire phoenix feathers and Dafan leaves, one is a sixth-level fire element spiritual object, and the other is a sixth-level wood element spiritual object, both are extremely precious. It can be used to refine weapons, make elixirs, draw talismans, or practice secret techniques, etc. It has many uses.

The remaining ones are the Da Luo Zhou Tian Chao Yuan Dan, Taihe Wuliang Tribulation Dan, and Taixu Qingjing Dan, all of which are sixth-level divine elixirs.

Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Dan is a spiritual elixir used to shape the physical body. There are three of them. The Taihe Infinite Tribulation Pill can instantly repair all kinds of damage to the body of the soul, and is a treasure of body protection.

Taixu Purifying Pill can remove external forces such as filth and calamity fire, and protect the soul.

Judging from these elixirs and spiritual objects, the most important purpose is to help Yuanying transform into a god. Several spiritual objects can allow the newly promoted gods to refine protective magical weapons and robes.

Gao Xian didn't know the specific prices of these things, mainly because they were hard to see on the market. According to his estimate, these spiritual objects and elixirs are worth at least 200,000 top-grade spiritual stones in total.

The most valuable among them are of course the three sixth-level divine elixirs!

If you are lucky, you can always find the spiritual things in heaven and earth. Divine elixirs can only be refined by top alchemy masters.

Even the direct descendants of the sect may not be qualified to receive such precious divine elixirs. It is even less likely to flow into the market.

It was beyond Gao Xian's imagination that the prizes in a Dharma ceremony could be so generous. It can be seen from this that Daluo Sect has such a profound foundation that he can take out these things without batting an eye.

Gao Xian thought about it and felt something was wrong. These prizes should have been prepared for Zhi Zhen, but no one expected that he could take first place! It’s all easier for him!
He couldn't help but laugh, this is luck, there is no other way, who made him the son of destiny!
Gao Xian still has 200,000 top-quality spiritual stones, but he still can't put it down with so many magical elixirs and spiritual objects. He plays with them one by one to see how he likes them.

He sincerely sighed: "Old man Daohong is pretty good..."

Thinking of this, Gao Xian suddenly came up with another idea. Can such a good old man be a good man and give him "Da Luo Hua Ning" as well?

Zhizhen Daluohua's nerves are different from his. After being blessed by Fengyue Baojian, his nerves have mutated, and he forcibly created two physical bodies to form a Nascent Soul.

The true Nascent Soul uses artifacts as its sustenance, and its clones are all condensed mana, not the real body.

When it comes to levels, Gao Xian feels that he and Zhi Zhen each have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, his clone can be used as a positioning agent to teleport over long distances, something that Zhizhen will never be able to do.

However, this should be Fengyue Baojian's magical power manifested through the clone, not how strong his Daluo God clone method is.

The next step is to prove the Tao and transform into gods. Gao Xian really wants to see how "Da Luo Transforms Nerve" solves the problem of dividing the soul.

Even if you can't practice according to it, it can at least be used as a reference.

Gao Xian knew very well that his plan for becoming a god was entirely wishful thinking.

Although the Taishi Temple is mysterious, it cannot help him solve this problem.

He knew very well that "Da Luo Hua Nerve" was one of the fundamental secrets of the Da Luo Sect. Dao Hong Dao Zun could be very generous in giving magical pills, but he would be extremely cautious in inheriting such fundamental secrets.

Not to mention he is an outsider, even if he changes his sect and joins the Daluo Sect, he may not be able to learn this secret method in a short time.

Gao Xian encouraged himself. Dao Hong was kind and generous, and seemed to admire him very much. To be a human being, you must have the courage to try, just in case you succeed! There's nothing to lose if he doesn't succeed. Dao Hong thinks he's a bit greedy!

Anyway, he is greedy for money and lustful, and he is not afraid of Dao Hong seeing his true colors!

Gao Xian thought of this and made up his mind to give it a try. He didn't think about going to the Most Honest and True Detective to find out what was going on. The inheritance of this secret method was so important that the two of them couldn't make the decision at all. Even if you can make the decision, you don’t dare to talk nonsense...

When Tai Ning woke up, he pestered Gao Xian to deepen his relationship. Gao Xian naturally respected Tai Ning's opinion and cooperated to complete the double cultivation...

The next morning, Tai Ning was very attentive and helped Gao Xian take a bath and wash his hair.

When one has reached the level of being a virtuous person, his whole body will be as clear and pure as jade, and he will be blessed with protective magic power. He can avoid water and fire, ward off evil spirits, and be immune to all dharmas. It won't be contaminated with any dust.

I just couldn't hold back Tai Ning's enthusiasm, so I soaked in some Tianyizhen water and washed it casually. The key is to have a nephrite jade warm and fragrant Tai Ning to accompany you, which gives you a different kind of fun.

After finishing the work, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of his days in Pegasus Ji. At that time, he bought some Tianyi True Water for cultivation, but he was still reluctant to part with it.

The Tianyi Zhen water he is using now is of a hundred and a thousand times higher quality than that time. But it can only be used as bath water.

This kind of luxurious life is really, really comfortable and happy!

Gao Xian thought about the hard days in the past and felt more and more that he should cherish the good life now. However, this is what he earned with all his efforts, and he can enjoy it with peace of mind.

Tai Ning happily walked around Gao Xian, helping Gao Xian comb his hair and put on the five-element lotus crown. She has never served anyone before, but as the Nascent Soul Lord, she is naturally able to do such small things without making any mistakes.

Seeing Tai Ning being served by Xiao Yi, Gao Xian also understood her mentality. Seeing Xiao Lingqin emerge, Tai Ning felt the pressure. This is the end of tenderness.

He appreciates this involution, which is a very clever pattern.

Some women use crazy force to grab a man, but they don't know that gentleness is the method that corrodes the bones and souls. Rough force will only cause damage... There were still two quarters of an hour before noon, and a Daluo Sect cultivator came to pick him up.

The Xuanming Cult and his party were all neatly dressed, even the Zhenye Taoist robes, which were always slovenly and casual, were neat and clean, with a high-spirited and uplifting aura.

Zhenye is the oldest, and no one dares to make fun of him.

Gao Xian sincerely praised him: "Master Dao is particularly energetic and majestic today."

Zhenye laughed: "Today is your title ceremony. This is your honor, and it is also the honor of our Xuanming Sect! From today on, the other eight sects will know the reputation of our Xuanming Sect..."

How glorious it is to win the battle against the True Lord at the Nine Continents Dharma Assembly and become famous in front of the heroes of the Nine Continents.

Zhenye is indeed very proud of this matter. Even if Gao Xian is half an outsider, he represents the Xuanming Sect, and that is enough.

Daojun Chang Ning nodded seriously and agreed: "That's true."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. It was the first time he discovered that Zhenye and Chang Ning had such a strong sense of belonging to the Xuanming Sect. This is not visible at ordinary times.

This is also a good thing. At least the top leaders of the sect can still unite, which proves that this huge organization is still very viable.

The cultivator led everyone to a huge square through the teleportation circle. In front of him was a towering statue of a mountain.

Towering like a mountain is definitely not a description. This white jade statue is a thousand feet tall. The statue is in a standing posture. It has a vague appearance but has an extraordinary majestic and sacred aura. He wears a lotus crown on his head, a white jade robe, and a supreme Buddha in his left hand. Seal, the right hand holds the Five Ming Ruyi.

There is a ring of divine light above the white jade statue, and the white jade statue reflects seventy-two kinds of mysterious spiritual light in the sunlight. It is exactly the vision of Yuan Guang on the head and seventy-two colors recorded in the classics.

There is no doubt that this is the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi. There is a thirty-six-story altar in front of the statue, but its height only reaches the feet of the statue.

Standing in front of the statue, Gao Xian felt as small as an ant, and he naturally felt a sense of awe for this majestic and sacred statue.

Looking at Tai Ning and Qing Le, they both looked solemn. Even Chang Ning and Zhen Ye had serious expressions on their faces at this meeting and did not look sideways.

Gao Xian secretly guessed that this huge statue was at least a sixth-level artifact, or even a seventh-level artifact, to be so powerful.

The cultivators from the other eight sects have already arrived, including 100,000 Daluo sect cultivators. These practitioners were all dressed in neat Taoist robes and looked solemn and solemn.

The square is really too big, and it is precisely because of so many cultivators from Daluo Sect that the square looks popular and does not appear too empty.

When noon arrived, the nine Taoist monks descended from the sky one after another. After each Taoist master came down, he bowed his head respectfully and saluted the statue.

The Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi is the lord of the gods and holds power over all heavens and realms. No matter which sect you belong to, including Buddhism, you must recognize this person as one of the supreme beings...

Dao Hong Daozun called Gao Xian: "Follow me."

Gao Xian followed Dao Hong Daozun respectfully to the top of the altar.

Daohong Daozun burned incense and offered sacrifices, prayed silently, and then knelt down deeply to worship. Gao Xian followed behind and naturally did not dare to stand, so he knelt down and kowtowed together.

The spiritual light shining on the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi is getting stronger and stronger. The slightly drooped eyes don't know when to open, and there is endless electric light shining in the deep eyes.

At this moment, huge and unparalleled divine power descended from the sky. Not to mention a group of Nascent Soul Transformation Gods, even several Taoist Masters felt tremendous pressure.

Although Xuanyang Taoist likes to joke, he also looked serious at this meeting and did not dare to look directly at the statue. He knew that after tens of thousands of years of sacrifice, this Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi already possessed the seventh level of divine power. It is also one of the central prohibitions in the Jiuzhou legal domain.

Under the auspices of Daohong Daozun, it is enough to kill Chunyang! With such power, even if he didn't believe in the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi, he would not dare to be rude.

On the altar, Master Daohong had recited the sutra silently three times, and received a response from the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi. The huge and incomparable magic circle began to move slowly with the statue as the center.

Dao Hong Dao Zun stood up and said in a deep voice: "The spirit is divided into three qi, supporting the nine yangs, body and heaven, walking the path, and harmonizing yin and yang. I only hope that the heaven will open the door of convenience and bless this son..."

A clear sound of a jade chime came from the clouds and the sky, and all the practitioners present felt their souls shaken. They seemed to be penetrated and washed by the clear sound of the jade chime, and they felt that there was no trace of distracting thoughts inside and outside.

The huge mountain-like statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi lowered his left hand and pointed straight down, bowed his head and worshiped Gao Xian.

At the same time, a dark blue nine-pointed main star broke out of the sky above the nine heavens. The deep starlight completely covered the blazing sun, and the sky and the earth turned into a deep blue...

Such a vision also shocked all practitioners present. Several Taoists all raised their heads to look at the sky. They immediately recognized it as the main star of Pojun. Its killing energy traveled vertically from the nine heavens and landed on Gao Xian on the altar.

The Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi pointed at Gao Xian's fingertips and gathered endless dark blue star power. As the huge unparalleled mana in the world promoted the movement, the condensed dark blue star power was orderly condensing into nine-pointed stars layer by layer...

Several Taoist Masters immediately understood that Dao Hong Dao Master asked the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi to confer the title of Divine Treasure, but he triggered the main star of Pojun in the Nine Heavens, and the Fighting Victory Sacred Treasure was turned into the Pojun Sacred Treasure!
I'm afraid this process is not a natural transformation, but Dao Hong's intention. It can only trigger the main star of Pojun to appear in the daytime, and the endless star power falls from the nine heavens. This is also closely related to Gao Xian himself.

Taoist Master Beiming, Taoist Master Huikong and other Taoist Masters all looked thoughtful. It was nothing if Gao Xian's fate matched the Pojun Star. There were hundreds of millions of cultivators in the world whose fates matched the Pojun Star.

It's just that the destiny match is so deep that it can even trigger the main star of Pojun to appear during the day and guide the star power of the Nine Heavens to fall. This is extraordinary...

The last time Pojun Star appeared during the day was related to Gao Xian. They also saw the vision at that time all over Jiuzhou. This is also the origin of Gao Xian's eyebrow-breaking military god.

The main star of Pojun appeared today, and its momentum was ten times and a hundred times stronger than that day. Covered by the dark blue starlight of the Pojun Lord Star, several Taoist Masters felt the strong murderous aura.

Several Taoists thought of a sentence almost at the same time: "The sky sends murderous intent, and the stars change places!"

The murderous aura of the main star of Pojun is so strong that it also interacts with the murderous calamity of heaven and earth.

Although Dao Hong Tao Zun presided over this conferment, and the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi was the center, the root of its qi movement lies in Gao Xian.

The little Nascent Soul cultivator actually caused the killing and calamity of heaven and earth to manifest. This makes people think too much.

Every time there is a great calamity between heaven and earth, there are always some extremely powerful people born in response to the calamity!

It was Daohong Daozun who presided over the conferment. His eyes looked at Gao Xian with a somewhat complicated meaning...

(More than 50 people have signed up for the monthly ticket. Thank you for your support. I’m so touched~) (End of this chapter)

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