Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 691 A eloquent tongue

Chapter 691 A eloquent tongue
"Good boy!"

Dao Hong Daozun is so accomplished. As soon as I picked up the book, I could already see all the contents inside even though I didn't open it. He couldn't help but praise it in his heart, and then felt a little funny.

Since he attained the Nascent Soul, he has swept through the ranks of his peers and is known as invincible. From then on, no one dared to joke with him. It takes thousands of years to calculate.

Dao Hong Dao Zun also admired Gao Xian's courage and gave him this romantic painting book. No Taoist fellow at the same level could do such a thing.

He had already heard people say that Gao Xian liked to draw romantic pictures. After all, this hobby is too special.

Tao Zun really cannot praise the illustrations in this book. They are too realistic and lose their artistic conception and charm. In terms of level, it is relatively low. Technically speaking, it is quite different from the traditional painting school, and can be called exquisite.

As for the content, there’s not much to say. The story is too simple, and the method of recording cultivation is too crude.

Daohong Daozun thought it was quite interesting, but he couldn't let Gao Xian go easily. If you dare to tease Taoist Master, you must be aware of paying the price.

Tao Zun looked at the book in his hand with a faint smile, and asked casually: "Did you write this?"

"Exactly my own work."

Naturally, the other Taoist Masters could see it clearly, and some of them had undisguised smiles on their faces. This may be Gao Xian's bad luck, but it's still quite funny...

Chunyang Taoist Master is two realms higher than Gao Xian. He does not need to use any force at all, but his own power is enough to crush Gao Xian to death.

No matter what this kid thinks, being able to answer his questions calmly is the skill.

On the altar, Daohong Daozun asked calmly: "What can be corrected in this romantic painting book?"

Dao Hong Daozun has a broad mind and extraordinary wisdom, and it is impossible for him to be really angry about such a trivial matter. It's just that you will inevitably feel that Gao Xian is frivolous and cannot be of great use.

The old Taoist suppressed his smile. Although he did not activate his spiritual consciousness and magic power, the majesty he showed made Gao Xian's heart sink and his whole body became cold.

Dao Hong Daozun was silent. This guy is really brave. He can still look calm and calm at this moment. He admired Gao Xian's courage.

Dao Zun Xuanyang sighed inwardly, wondering if he was a little too good to this brat, making him unable to distinguish the pros and cons, and actually dared to tease Dao Hong Dao Zun.

The person opposite was Taoist Chunyang, and he was not qualified to joke with him casually.

Other cultivators did not have this ability. They could only see that Gao Xian seemed to have given something to Dao Hong Dao Zun. The two parties were laughing and talking, and the conversation was quite speculative.


Gao Xian said seriously: "Although I am frivolous, how can I act recklessly in front of Tao Zun. This matter is really of great importance, and I am here to ask Tao Zun for advice."

These Taoists also wanted to praise Gao Xian secretly: He is so courageous!

Gao Xian knew that this was not a joke and he had to make sense. He dared to take out "Ode to the Harmony of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang", naturally it was not a temporary idea.

Seeing Gao Xian hand Dao Hong Daozun a copy of "Ode to the Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth", Xuanyang Daozun's scalp felt a little numb.

This was the most powerful person in Jiuzhou. The old Taoist had originally admired Gao Xian, but after such a quarrel, this road was blocked.

Dao Hong Daozun nodded slightly. He wanted to hear what Gao Xian could say.

Gao Xian said respectfully: "My wisdom and knowledge are insufficient, and there are many fallacies and crudeness. Please correct me, Taoist Master."

"Excuse me, Reverend Master, where is the foundation of my human cultivator?" Gao Xian asked.

Being able to chat and laugh with the most powerful person in Jiuzhou, Gao Xian obviously got the Taoist's approval. I don’t know how many people this has aroused envy and jealousy...

Xuanyang Taoist Master under the altar was a little confused at this moment, what is this kid doing! Under the altar, he could clearly see Gao Xian and Dao Hong Daozun on the altar.

Daohong Daozun was silent. This topic was too big. Even with his ability, it was difficult for him to explain it clearly in a short while.

Without waiting for the Taoist Master to speak, Gao Xian continued: "I believe that the foundation of the human race lies in countless low-level cultivators and countless mortals.

"Only with the existence of these people as the foundation, can there be an endless stream of cultivators, can the human race have huge and endless vitality, and can there be various sects..."

This statement is somewhat general, but it is theoretically correct.

As the leader of the Daluo Sect, the first thing Daohong Daozun values ​​​​of course is the sect's inheritance. The large number of cultivators in Daluo Sect can be self-sufficient within a certain period of time and maintain the sect's inheritance.

However, in the long run, the underlying mortals and casual cultivators are the real foundation. Only if they maintain their large numbers and prosperity can the major sects have a future.

With Gao Xian's cultivation, it is really extraordinary that he can have such a vision. Dao Hong Daozun nodded, expressing his approval of Gao Xian's statement.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. If the old Taoist disagreed with his statement, it would be difficult later. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with this kind of truth. Dao Hong Daozun, with his level of cultivation, must be able to see this and understand the truth.

Moreover, Dao Hong Dao Zun said yesterday that they should take on the important responsibilities of the human race, which shows that this Dao Zun is considerate and broad-minded.

"Although "Ode to the Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" is rough, it writes about the ultimate way of yin and yang. The method of dual cultivation lies in converging minds, which can purify the body and mind and purify the magic power. This is the correct method and the great way for low-level cultivators."

Gao Xian said: "The best thing about this book is that it is simple and direct, and there is no threshold for getting started with practice. Even if it is taken by a mortal, it can strengthen the mind, strengthen the body, and harmonize the husband and wife.

"This method is also compatible with all other methods and can be practiced by almost all practitioners."

Dao Hong Daozun took a deep look at Gao Xian. What this guy said was clear and reasonable, but he felt that Gao Xian's purpose was not that simple.

Gao Xian didn't want to deceive Daohong Daozun, but there was no need to explain his intentions clearly. As long as this kind of thing is beneficial to the lower-level cultivators, that's enough. His plans do not hinder others.

He continued: "Even if hundreds of millions of low-level cultivators can improve their cultivation a little bit through this book, how powerful it is when they are gathered together." On the occasion of the great calamity of heaven and earth, this small amount of cultivation can make the low-level cultivators a little more powerful. chance of survival. Not to mention that the dual practice of this method can give birth to more strong children. "

Gao Xian said seriously: "Although this book is a small way, it carries the great road of the human race. I just hate that my cultivation is shallow. This dual cultivation method is a bit crude and cannot carry the foundation of the great road. Therefore, I shamelessly ask the Taoist Master to correct me.

"Although my behavior is frivolous, my heart is sincere. Please give me guidance, Taoist Master."

Dao Hong and Dao Zun were laughed at, but this guy kept talking the same way. However, what Gao Xian said does make some sense.

Even if his words are exaggerated, this method is of great benefit to low-level cultivators after all.

As Taoist Master Chunyang, he naturally knows how difficult it is for low-level casual cultivators to survive. Most of the various methods of cultivation are crude and crude. This dual cultivation method can indeed help them.

The biggest advantage of "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" is that it is easy to spread and learn. As for Gao Xian's plans, it doesn't matter.

How can one be selfless?

Dao Hong Dao Zun praised: "You are young and can care about all sentient beings in the world. You are so broad-minded and thoughtful that even experienced Taoists admire you. This is far inferior to you."

He pondered for a moment and then said: "This book is related to all the people in the world, so it cannot be ignored. In this way, I happen to have a "Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra", which explains the wonderful method of Yin and Yang. You can take it back and study it. It should be able to help. You improve the method of dual cultivation.”

Daohong is the Pure Yang Taoist after all. Although he feels that "The Great Ode to the Joy of the Union of Yin and Yang in Heaven and Earth" is a serious matter, his identity does not allow him to participate in it.

Although he doesn't care about this, as the leader of Daluo Sect and the strongest person in Jiuzhou, he must maintain his reputation and dignity.

Otherwise, if word spreads that Tao Hong Dao Zun has written a book of romantic paintings, it will make practitioners all over the world laugh out loud. Ordinary people are stupid and ignorant. Naturally, they do not understand the path and cannot explain it clearly.

Dao Hong gave Gao Xian a jade slip and said, "This method is quite wonderful and will be beneficial to your practice."

"Thank you, Dao Zun."

Gao Xian took the jade slip with both hands and showed even more respect for Daohong Daozun. With this caliber, he is someone who can do great things!
Strike while the iron is hot!

Gao Xian bowed deeply again: "Tao Zun, I have a heartfelt request. I would like to learn Guizong's "Da Luo Hua Ning"."

Before Dao Hong could speak, Gao Xian hurriedly said: "I know that the Dharma is not taught lightly, let alone such a fundamental secret method, how can it be taught to outsiders."

"I am from the Qingyun Sect, and I am also a branch of the Daluo Sect. I cannot be considered a true outsider..."

Dao Hong, Old Dao Qinghuo's face looked as calm as water, and there was no sign of happiness or anger. Gao Xian also had a try attitude. He said so much not to impress Dao Hong Dao Zun, but to give Dao Zun a chance to make a bid.

No matter how important the secret method is, it only makes sense if someone learns it. With Daohong Daozun's ability, he should have such a strong sect view.

If it really doesn't work, then it won't work. Nothing to lose.

Dao Hong Daozun said slowly: "You are learning only the fragments, but you are able to refine the second Yuanying and the clone. It is indeed consistent with the "Daluo Transformation Nerve"."

He changed the topic and said: "This method cannot be passed down unless it is passed down by the direct lineage, it cannot be passed down unless it has sufficient good deeds, and it cannot be passed down unless the character is perfect. If I teach you this method to an outsider, I will not be able to explain it to my many disciples."

The old Taoist looked deeply at Gao Xian. Gao Xian's eyes were as bright as stars and were firm and resolute. His meaning was very clear. You can make the offer!

The old Taoist thought for a moment and said: "Five hundred years later, on behalf of Jiuzhou, my clan will form a covenant with the sea demon clan. This time, both parties to the covenant will send people to fight a bloody battle. Only the winner will have the right to divide the border.

"According to the agreement, only cultivators under four thousand years old can participate in the battle. In other words, only those who have transformed into gods can enter the battle. If you are willing to participate in the battle and win one, I can pass on the "Great Luo Transformed Nerve" to you."

When Gao Xian heard that the conditions were not too difficult, he opened his mouth to agree. Dao Hong Dao Zun raised his hand to signal Gao Xian not to answer hastily, and the old Taoist said: "A covenant between heaven and man is made once every three thousand years. Each side sends five gods to participate in the battle. The stakes in this battle are very important, and no one can retreat.

"The bloody battles in the past covenants have resulted in heavy casualties. Generally, two or three out of ten transformed gods can survive..."

Gao Xian was also shocked. At the level of becoming a god, he would not fight anyone unless he had to. The battle of the Covenant between Heaven and Man was so brutal, it was truly extraordinary.

He was a little hesitant now. No matter how good the secret technique was, it wasn't worth risking his life. Besides, he can attain enlightenment and become a god within five hundred years, but it is far inferior to those who have been practicing for thousands of years.

Michiro also made it very clear that he must win at least one game. If he goes up and admits defeat directly, Dao Hong will tear him apart no matter how good his temper is!
This is no small matter.

Seeing Gao Xian thinking deeply, Daohong Daozun smiled instead. When it came to life and death, it would be weird if Gao Xian agreed without thinking.

No matter how heroic you are, you must be cautious in the face of life and death. Thinking clearly and then moving forward is truly brave. It is reckless to just move forward without thinking about anything.

The road is long and reckless people will never get far.

Dao Hong Daozun is still very optimistic about Gao Xian. There are not many gods under the age of 4,000. He must have enough tyrannical strength and bravery and determination, which is even harder to find.

He said to Gao Xian: "The secret method of "Da Luo Transforming Nerves" can help you refine the second soul, and can also integrate the two souls into one. You must know that this method originated from the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi's "One Qi Transformation into Three" Clear and mysterious.

"I see that your sword infant has perfected your skills, and your original Nascent Soul is even more pure. Five hundred years is enough for you to refine the two major souls, and add the sixth-level army-breaking divine urn to win in the covenant between heaven and man. No problem at all!”

Gao Xian was greatly moved by what he said. Indeed, if one could refine the three souls into one, it would not be difficult to create a god of the same level! The old Taoist is also a good chatterer, and every word he says speaks to his heart, making it difficult for him to refuse!

Daohong Daozun saw that Gao Xian was moved, and he added: ""Da Luo Hua Nerve" can help you lay the foundation of pure yang, and even allow you to condense the second yang god!"

He looked at Gao Xian and smiled: "If you miss this time, you will never have the chance to learn "Da Luo Hua Nerve"..."

Gao Xian couldn't help but swallow, damn, it's a shame that the old man doesn't work in sales!
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(End of this chapter)

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