Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 692: Famous in 9 States

To realize the Tao Yuan Shen, Gao Xian realized that it would not be too difficult. There will be some difficulties in condensing the three souls, but he feels that they can be solved and overcome.

However, after condensing into the Second Yang God, he really had no confidence at all.

The so-called Yang Shen is actually the abbreviation of Pure Yang Yuanshen. The fifth-level soul survives the thunder tribulation and transforms into a pure Yang nature. It is the pure Yang soul and the Pure Yang Taoist Master.

Daluo Sect has a history of tens of thousands of years, which is much longer than Xuanming Sect. Daluo Sect has always been the number one in Zhongzhou, and we can see how deep Daluo Sect's heritage is.

As one of the fundamental secrets of Da Luo Sect, "Da Luo Hua Ning" must have various secrets on how to condense Yang Shen.

Even if Taoist Xuanyang personally gives guidance, it will not be as useful as "Da Luo Hua Ning". After all, this secret method suits him so well.

Gao Xian couldn't resist such a huge temptation.

The covenant between heaven and man will be five hundred years later. Gao Xian made a simple calculation and found that 800 million human beings can enter the aura a year now. Calculated based on this number, five hundred years would equal 400 billion human auras.

Such a huge amount of human spiritual light is enough to add the five elements of divine light to the master level. With the addition of the three great spirits, it shouldn't be difficult to win a game in the Covenant of Heaven and Humans.

Gao Xian gritted his teeth and said, "This junior is willing to learn "Da Luo Hua Nerve" to share the worries of Taoist Master."

Dao Hong Daozun smiled, this kid learned his secret technique and said it nice, but these are just small details.

The covenant between heaven and man is very important. If we divide more borders, we will have hundreds of millions more miles of sea area, which can feed hundreds of millions of people.

If one less division is made, hundreds of millions of miles of sea area will be missing, and it is unknown how many people will die as a result.

As one goes in and one goes out, one decreases and the other increases, and the difference is even greater.

In addition, the battle between gods also shows the strength of the two races. If the human cultivators are weak, the demon clan on the sea will inevitably push forward and cause countless troubles.

Gao Xian is a peerless genius of the human race, and coincidentally has the fate of breaking the army. He may be a key figure in this great catastrophe. For this alone, Gao Xian is worth cultivating.

"Da Luo Hua Ning" was passed on to Gao Xian, and it would not shake the foundation of the sect. On the contrary, it was able to secure a victory in the covenant between heaven and man, which was more important to the sect.

The covenant between heaven and man is an agreement between the Jiuzhou cultivators and the sea demon clan. Normally, the Jiuzhou sects need to work together.

Daohong Daozun, as the most powerful person in Jiuzhou, and Daluo Sect, the largest sect, shouldered this responsibility without any hesitation.

Of course, if there are extraordinary talents in each sect, Daohong Daozun will also find ways to use them. After all, it is a major matter related to the survival of Jiuzhou human race cultivators.

The old Taoist said to Gao Xian: "You come here and wait for me at midnight tonight."

As the sect leader, Daohong Daozun holds the sole power and has the supreme status in the sect. Even so, it was not convenient for him to teach Gao Xian in public.

It is difficult for the cultivators of the sect to understand his good intentions. They will only see him teaching and receiving secrets in private, and they will inevitably question his impartiality and develop resentment towards the sect.

"Thank you, Patriarch and disciple, for understanding."

Gao Xian benefited from it and changed his self-professions. After all, you can't learn other people's secret techniques in vain, so you should call Dao Hong the Patriarch.

He also knew the meaning of the Taoist's teaching at night. Isn't this the teaching of Bodhi Patriarch? Of course, such things must be done behind others' backs.

Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality. Such is the human heart. As strong as Daohong Daozun, it cannot change people's human nature.

Dao Hong Dao Zun and Gao Xian communicated normally, but even the Dao Zuns under the altar did not know what the two were talking about. Not to mention a group of cultivators.

After the business was settled, Dao Hong was in a good mood. He raised his voice and said to the many cultivators below the altar: "This title seal caused a change in the celestial phenomena. The main star of Pojun appeared in the daytime, and the Dou Sheng Shen Ru was transformed into the Po Army God Ruan. ”

Most of the cultivators looked at Dao Hong Dao Zun with blank faces. Everyone could clearly see the changes in the sky just now, and they didn't understand why Dao Hong said it again solemnly.

The expressions of several Taoist Masters were a bit strange, especially Taoist Master Xuanyang. He sighed inwardly, the limelight was too great now!

"This time Gao Xian is the best in fighting skills. Because of the changes in the sky, it is no longer appropriate to call him a victory in a fight. Therefore, he changed his title to Pojun Xingjun. This is a gift from heaven and can be learned by both humans and gods..."

The peaceful and peaceful voice of Daohong Daozun spread throughout all directions and reached the hearts of every practitioner.

Several Dao Masters had expected this. Although they didn't quite understand Dao Hong Dao Master's thoughts, they didn't pay much attention to it. All the cultivators below Tao Zun were extremely shocked.

True Lord Dou Sheng carries the title of True Lord, which limits the level of Nascent Soul. Pojun Xingjun is different, obviously, he is no longer limited to the Nascent Soul level.

Furthermore, no matter how many times the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference has been held, the competition for the title of True Lord is always fought, without exception. When I arrived at Gao Xian's place, I changed it to "Lai Pojun Xingjun". What does this mean?
Many practitioners do not understand the meaning of this, but they know that this move is extremely special. No one dared to speak in the square, but the noise in everyone's hearts has already reached the sky!

Tai Ning looked excited, his bright eyes sparkling. In front of the heroes of Jiuzhou, Dao Hong Dao Zun gave Gao Xian such special treatment, which shows the Dao Zun's appreciation for Gao Xian.

Gao Xian got first place in the Taoist examination, and Taoist Xuanyang personally named him Pojun Xingjun. After all, that is just a title within the sect. Today, Dao Hong Dao Zun personally said the title of "Pojun Star Lord". Moreover, Dao Hong Dao Zun also called this title given by heaven, which can be learned by both humans and gods!

From now on, the name of Pojun Xingjun will surely be heard throughout Jiuzhou.

Such a huge honor made Tai Ning so excited that he couldn't help himself. The more he looked at Gao Xian, the more he fell in love with it. He wished he could run up and hug Gao Xian right now and share this supreme glory with Gao Xian.

Although Qing Le was not as excited as Tai Ning, she was also very happy for Gao Xian. No matter what the relationship between the two is now, Gao Xian is famous in Jiuzhou, and she is proud of it.

The two Taoist masters, Zhenye and Chang Ning, frowned slightly. It may not be a good thing to stand out from the forest.

Gao Xian was already the number one in fighting skills and stole the show. This time, Dao Hongdao Zun added fuel to the fire and forcibly raised Gao Xian to a higher level.

From now on, all cultivators in Jiuzhou will know about Pojun Xingjun.

The demon cultivators will naturally know about Gao Xian, and I don’t know how many demons will regard Gao Xian as their primary target from now on.

The Taoist Transformation Masters are very experienced and understand that having too high a reputation is never a good thing. Other cultivators would not think so far ahead. They could only see Dao Hong Daozun blessing Gao Xian with a title and personally lifting Gao Xian to a high place.

In this regard, the cultivators are extremely envious and jealous.

Xiao Lingqin of the Huanxi Sect looked at Gao Xian with eyes watering.

Xiao Jinse is much calmer than Xiao Lingqin, and there is a hint of worry in her bright eyes. She also feels that this matter will do more harm than good to Gao Xian, and there are unpredictable blessings and disasters!
On the altar, Gao Xian calmly thanked Dao Hong and then bowed his hands to everyone below the altar. Gao Xian didn't know what Daohong Daozun meant by this move, but he was really persuaded by him, so he decided to help him become famous so that he could sell his books!
Or, just want to see if his destiny can bear this title.

No matter what Daohong Daozun thinks, this is a good thing for him. The most important thing about selling a book is not how well written it is, the key is that it is famous enough.

Human beings are social beings with a terrible herd nature and are very, very easy to be guided.

Reputation is the simplest and most direct way to guide others.

Gao Xian had already thought about the next operation and went to Jubaolou to sell the book to them. He added a sentence on the cover of "The Great Joy of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth": Taoist Master Chunyang recommends the must-read secret method of dual cultivation!
Recommended by Chunyang Taoist Master, it raised the standard. Not to mention casual cultivators, even cultivators from all major sects wanted to buy it and see what happened.

In addition, as the author of Pojun Xingjun, he also has enough gimmicks. In this way, selling all over Jiuzhou is no longer a dream.

By gathering the power of humanity from the Nine Continents, it should be no problem to ascend...

When Gao Xian thought about such a wonderful future, he felt even better. When I look at Daohong Daozun again, I feel particularly close to him!
Daohong Daozun had finished the matter and was no longer in the mood to chat with Gao Xian. He made an appointment with several Daozuns to have tea together. There were still many important things that needed to be discussed clearly.

The practitioners of Daluo Sect retreated in an orderly manner under the leadership of their teacher.

The remaining cultivators from each sect also dispersed. This time to attend the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, I traveled hundreds of millions of miles to reach Daluo City.

In the remaining time, I naturally want to look around Daluo City, experience the customs and customs of the first city in Kyushu, and also buy some special spiritual objects.

After all, Jubao Tower is the largest chamber of commerce in Jiuzhou, with countless rare treasures. Those who come to attend the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly are all geniuses and strong men of the sect, and they have rich wealth. Of course, they will not miss this shopping opportunity.

Gao Xianzheng, Tai Ning and the others discussed going to Daluo City for a visit. Even the sword-mad Taichu was quite interested in Daluo City. I want to see if I can buy some sword techniques handed down from ancient times, or spiritual objects related to swords, etc...

"Senior brother is going to Daluo City. It just so happens that we are going too, let's go together..."

Xiao Lingqin walked over and greeted Gao Xian warmly with a smile. Her eyes were bright and charming, and her eyes seemed to be carrying a hook. The hooked person's heart was shaken, and the hooked person was fascinated...

Tai Ning's little face immediately turned cold. The enchantress from the Hehuan Sect was so shameless. She was still with Gao Xian, but this woman just came over to seduce her senior brother!
Although Xiao Jinse didn't speak, his eyes were more attractive than Xiao Lingqin's.

Although Tai Ning dared to show off his expression, he did not dare to curse anyone. He could only get angry silently and hope that Gao Xian would drive away the two female goblins.

But she also knew it was delusional. Gao Xian has always been gentle towards beautiful women, not to mention that he is always polite in his work style and will not say bad words easily.

Of course Gao Xian looked unhappy when he saw Tai Ning, but he couldn't refuse Xiao Lingqin either. To be honest, he was just thinking about asking Xiao Lingqin for advice on dual cultivation.

Dao Hong Daozun gave him the "Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra", which should be a powerful dual cultivation method. However, Huanxi Sect is the number one dual cultivation sect in the world.

Xiao Lingqin, as the genius Nascent Soul Lord of Huanxi Sect, must be deeply immersed in the method of dual cultivation. It would be of great benefit to discuss with Xiao Lingqin.

He really didn't do it for beauty, but sincerely wanted to perfect the "Ode to the Great Joy of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth".

It would be of great benefit to human cultivators to be able to create an extremely simple method that directly points to the dual cultivation of the Great Dao. It would be of great benefit to him. This is a great thing that kills two birds with one stone.

"Okay, it will be more lively with two fellow Taoists..."

Gao Xian smiled and welcomed the two beauties Xiao Lingqin and Xiao Lingse, while Tai Ning gritted his teeth in anger. But when Gao Xian glanced over, she still showed a polite smile.

Tai Ning knew very well that if she wanted to compete with Xiao Lingqin, she could never compete with Gao Xian. This man is not something she can manipulate.

Qing Le could see clearly from the sidelines. She found it a little funny, but also a little sad. Now she doesn't even have the right to be jealous...

The group of people went to Daluo City to play for a long time. In the evening, Gao Xian invited several beauties to dinner. After finishing, the group returned to Baxing Baoyue Island.

During this period, Gao Xian talked and laughed with Xiao Lingse and Xiao Lingqin, but there was no such blatant hookup as Tai Ning imagined.

Xiao Lingqin wanted to seduce Gao Xian, but she also had her own reserve and didn't really want to jump directly into Gao Xian's arms.

Back in the room, Gao Xian took out the jade slip of the "Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra" and activated the inheritance of divine consciousness in it. In an instant, two mysterious inheritances of divine consciousness intertwined with Yin and Yang suddenly unfolded in his sea of ​​consciousness...

After a while, Gao Xian opened his eyes. He was a little surprised. The secret method that Master Daohong gave him was based on the Tao of Yin and Yang. It told how to cultivate the Tao through the combination of Yin and Yang, directly pointing to the Pure Yang Tao.

The level is extremely high, and it is definitely not the ordinary dual cultivation method he thought.

"The old Taoist is so generous. He is worthy of being the number one Taoist in Kyushu."

Gao Xian couldn't help but admire that these secret techniques, as the fundamental inheritance, were enough to establish a sect as large as Wanfeng County.

He opened the Feng Yue Baojian and saw the "Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra" appearing on the back, replacing the original transformation technique.

Yin and Yang Enlightenment Sutra: Yin and Yang complement each other and realize the ultimate truth. Its law has no form, its truth is formless. (654288/10 billion)
Gao Xian was very happy. At his level, the transformation technique has long been useless. There are various yin and yang changes in the Yin and Yang Enlightenment Sutra, but they have something to do with the transformation technique. It is reasonable to replace this method.

Seeing that the time was approaching, Gao Xian quietly left the island, found a place to use the teleportation talisman, and came directly to the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi.

The teleportation talisman was given to him by Dao Hong Daozun. This is the center of the Daluo Sect. The direct descendant cannot enter without summoning him, let alone an outsider like him.

Gao Xian was a little surprised that Dao Hong Daozun had already arrived and was standing on the altar looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

He was a little embarrassed. He wanted to seek help from his master, but he came later than Dao Hong Dao Zun! In fact, he was already more than half an hour ahead of schedule.

Gao Xian hurriedly bowed his head and saluted: "Master, I'm late, please forgive me."

Dao Hong Daozun came back to his senses only after hearing the voice. He waved to Gao Xian: "Come up."

Gao Xian obediently climbed the steps and came to Dao Hong. Dao Hong looked at Gao Xian and sighed softly: "In the 20,000 years since I have been in charge of the sect, this is the first time that I have passed on such an important fundamental secret to outsiders."

"Disciple is scared." Gao Xian heard something was wrong and hurriedly bowed again.

"There are some things I still need to explain clearly to you..."

Dao Hong Dao Zun said slowly: "The heaven and earth change once every ten thousand years, and this is the ninth calamity. From my point of view, this calamity will turn the world upside down and wipe out all living beings..." (End of Chapter)

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