Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 693 Yuan Shi Xuan 3 Qi

Gao Xian came to learn the secret method, but when the veteran came up he gave a lecture, and the lecture was very scary, which made Gao Xian feel a little guilty.

How come you still have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the human race when you study "Da Luo Hua Nerve"?
He was willing to help, but he knew very well that with his small arms and legs, not to mention Earth Immortal, even Chunyang Taoist Master could crush him to death with one finger.

These major events that have completely changed the fate of humanity are not yet his turn!

Daohong Daozun, no matter what Gao Xian thinks, he can't find anyone to say these things. Several Taoists had their own opinions and did not agree with him. At this meeting, people naturally wanted to speak freely, and it was not Gao Xian's turn not to listen.

"The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is actually a natural change of heaven and earth, just like the rotation of the four seasons. The normal rotation of the four seasons is a catastrophe for insects, ants, grass and trees."

The old Taoist said and let out a long sigh. Although the cultivator has mastered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his own use and can break mountains and seas, compared with the infinite power of heaven and earth, it is insignificant and not worth mentioning.

As powerful as an earthly immortal, facing the changes in the general trend of heaven and earth, they can only do their best to adapt to the changes and survive, that's all.

From his point of view, this catastrophe will be a catastrophic catastrophe, and the world may be destroyed, let alone the living creatures living in it.

Of course, this is just his personal opinion and may not be correct. Several high-ranking Heavenly Lords have no final conclusion on this matter.

This is also the fundamental reason why many Taoists do not agree with him.

Daohong Daozun continued: "Gao Xian, have you ever seen a mountain fire?"

Gao Xian shook his head. He had set off many fires, but he had never seen a real mountain fire.

"Trees thrive on the mountains and grow into towering trees. The big trees are connected together like a sea of ​​green trees, absorbing all the sunshine, rain and dew. Other vegetation can only survive in the shade of the trees..."

Daohong Daozun said with some complicated meaning: "At this time, the thunder and fire caused by a sky thunder will burn the continuous sea of ​​trees to ashes. The sea of ​​trees that have grown for thousands of years will be completely destroyed.

"After a rain, countless plants and trees will sprout from the ashes, bursting out with endless vitality..."

"As far as heaven and earth are concerned, there is no new life without destruction. Renovation of the old and bringing forth the new is the most natural cycle."

Gao Xian understood this time. Daohong Daozun felt that the human race and all living beings would be transformed by heaven and earth. His cultivation level was too low to judge whether Daohong Daozun's words were right or wrong.

He could only express his position: "This disciple is willing to do his best for the inheritance of the human race. I will never let down Taoist Master's teachings!"

Daohong Daozun smiled at Gao Xian. It was quite interesting to chat with this boy, at least he wouldn't let his words fall on the floor.

"It's just a sentiment, so don't take it too seriously."

Dao Hong Daozun pointed at the futon: "Kneel down."

Gao Xian immediately knelt down respectfully and lowered his eyes, waiting for the old man to teach the Dharma.

Daohong Daozun recited the mantra silently, causing the mighty mountain in front of him to shine with the divine light of the Great Primordial King, and the endless huge magic power in the heaven and earth shook violently.

Such power also surprised Gao Xian. How to spread the law in such a public way?
Before Gao Xian could figure it out, the statue of the Great Heavenly King in front of him suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gao Xian. The golden light shone and turned into golden runes that filled the sky and fell on Gao Xian's head.

After maintaining this for a cup of tea, the statue of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi converged its divine light.

""Da Luo Hua Nerve" directly points to the three-flower Mahayana way, which is superb. You need to use the divine power of the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi to enable you to understand the essence."

Dao Hong Daozun had a tired look on his face after casting the spell, obviously he had spent a lot of energy just now. He said calmly: "Just go back and practice hard, and don't forget what you said today..."

After Gao Xian stood up, he bowed deeply to Dao Hong Dao Zun. He always felt that this old Taoist was too serious and had too many things and responsibilities in his heart. Although he is number one in Kyushu, his life is not as happy as that of Xuanyang Old Taoist.

At this moment, he could faintly feel Dao Hong's pressure. As the number one in Jiuzhou, he consciously shouldered the important responsibilities of the Jiuzhou human race.

He also felt that the world was about to be destroyed, so he was naturally worried.

Gao Xian has a little guy mentality and does not have the awareness to bear the important responsibility of the survival of the human race, but he admires Dao Hong Dao Zun. At least this peerless strong man who has cultivated to the sky has devoted his thoughts to the right path.

Compared with several other Taoist masters, this pattern's ability is not only a little or two higher...

Dao Hong Daozun told Gao Xian: ""Da Luo Hua Ning" is unusual. You must consolidate it well these days..."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Dao Hong Daozun rolled up heavy clouds with a flick of his sleeve.

By the time the clouds cleared, Gao Xian had returned to his room. In a daze, Gao Xian felt that he had never left the room at all.

Everything just now was as illusory and ethereal as a dream. This scene was just like when he met Xuanyang in Zhongyang Mountain. It seemed that it could easily affect his perception and memory when he reached the realm of pure Yang.

Gao Xian concentrated his mind and looked inside, and saw the "Da Luo Hua Nerve" in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This peerless secret technique is like a golden star with an octagonal pendant, shining with countless golden rays. The momentum is majestic, upright and solemn, with a supreme power to control everything.

This feeling was so familiar. Gao Xian immediately thought of Zhizhen. When these sisters wielded the Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword, they had such a majestic aura.

It turns out that its origin comes from "Da Luo Hua Nerve"!
Gao Xian originally thought that "Daluo Transformation of Nerves" was a secret method, but now it seems that this method is more like a powerful magic weapon, or some kind of special artifact.

When his consciousness fell, the octagonal golden star transformed by "Daluo Transformation Nerve" was divided into three, turning into three octagonal stars of green, yellow and white.

The secret method recorded in each eight-pointed pendant star is different, and the changes it carries are also completely different. Three separate eight-pointed stars, each corresponding to a method. The three octagonal pendant stars are united into one, which is the union of Daluo's neuron Shixuan and three qi, which can exert the strongest power.

When he received the teaching just now, Gao Xian did not see the content of this secret method. It wasn't until this moment that he truly gained the inheritance.

After a long time like this, Gao Xian slowly opened his eyes. Countless runes in his eyes shone with countless brilliance, illuminating the dark room.

When Gao Xian deliberately controlled it with his spiritual consciousness, the shining light slowly dissipated.

"What a powerful secret..."

Gao Xian sighed inwardly. He had just accepted the inheritance of the secret method, and he had just barely gotten started in "Da Luo Hua Nerve".

Because of this, he also had a preliminary understanding of this secret technique.

"Da Luo Hua Nerve" directly points to the realm of the Three Flowers Mahayana. It can be said that the level is much more advanced and more subtle than "The Hunyuan Sutra of Pros and Cons and Five Elements".

The golden octagonal pendant star is the ready-made divine vessel of "Da Luo Hua Nerve", which is the transformation of Yuan, Shi and Xuan Qi mentioned in the secret method. Only with these three Qi transformed into divine vessels can one truly refine the Daluo transformed nerve.

With the Daluo Sect's background, Yuanshi Xuan Sanqi probably doesn't have much left. It also needs to be condensed into a sacred vessel and passed on to him, which consumes a lot of money. It wasn't until this moment that Gao Xian truly understood Daohong Daozun's various practices.

Such a precious secret was passed down to him, and even though the old Taoist was broad-minded, he was still a little reluctant to give it up, so he talked a little more. The intention is simply to hope that he will not let down this peerless secret technique.

No wonder the old Taoist had a tired look on his face after teaching the Dharma. This kind of teaching is more complicated and consumes more energy than teaching the Dharma during the day.

If he were Daohong Daozun, he would definitely be reluctant to pass on such peerless secrets to outsiders.

When Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian, he would inevitably be a little nervous. His Taoist talent was mediocre, and "Da Luo Hua Nerve" was so mysterious and profound that if he was allowed to practice it by himself, he didn't know how long it would take to practice it.

Only by appearing on the back of Fengyue Treasure Mirror can he have the ability to refine this secret technique.

Fortunately, the Da Luo Transformation Nerve appeared on the back of Fengyue Baojian, replacing the Da Luo Transformation God Clone Technique.

The Da Luo Transformation God Clone Technique was originally fused with the Da Luo Transformation Nerve Fragment Scroll, and was mutated into its current form after being blessed by Fengyue Baojian.

He is able to achieve what he has now, thanks to Daluo's method of transforming into a god and avatars. There have been several fatal crises, and this method has been used to resolve the disaster. It was also through this method that he could transfer the magical power of the void at will, and he gained a lot of benefits.

Gao Xian knew very well that the reason why Da Luo's spirit avatar was so mysterious was ultimately due to the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, which allowed him to change positions at will even though he was hundreds of millions of miles away.

Now, he has relearned the real "Da Luo Transformation of Nerves". It is very reasonable for this method to replace the original Da Luo Transformation of God Clone Method.

Daluo Transforms Nerve: Daluo is divided into three Qi, transforming into Yuan Shixuan. (6989999/ billion entry).

This method is only the first entry-level level and requires tens of billions of humane auras. This is also the highest level of secret technique that Gao Xian currently masters.

However, as long as you can add some, it won't be a problem.

Gao Xian is very satisfied with the level of Da Luo Hua Ning. The greater the power of the secret method, the higher the level, and the more humane spiritual light is needed. This is fair.

The Da Luo Hua Nerve at the entry level also gave him a clear understanding of condensing the second and third souls.

Fortunately, he didn't take the wrong path. Even if there were some problems, he had time to correct them. If he waits for him to become a soul, he will really be on the verge of death.

According to the original plan, he could indeed condense the second and third souls, but the power of the three souls could not be truly integrated.

In this way, even if he has three great souls, it will be difficult to form a combined force. Although he has great advantages compared to other cultivators, he is unable to truly bring out the power of the three great souls.

At this level of pure yang, the soul must be pure and flawless. If his three souls are not compatible with each other, they will completely block Chunyang Avenue.

Gao Xian was also secretly glad that thanks to his Da Luohua nerve, he had not gone astray.

Having said that, if he told Xuanyang the truth, Xuanyang would not watch him mess around... Xuanyang Taoist knew that he had a second soul, but he didn't expect that he wanted to condense the second soul!

After all, it is extremely difficult to combine the soul!

Through the Great Luo Transformation Nerve, Gao Xian also understood that the combined Yuanshen needs to integrate the inside and outside. The existence of a second Yuanying cannot be allowed at all, and must be integrated into the Yuanshen together.

Lu Xuanji and Yue Wanfeng knew that he wanted to condense the second soul. After all, these two were at the level of transformed gods, and their knowledge and wisdom were far different from those of Tao Zun. Don't know the disadvantages at all.

Furthermore, even if these two knew, they wouldn't care much.

Da Luo transformed the nerves, allowing Gao Xian to understand how to divide and condense the soul, and also let him know the origin of the soul. This is crucial to him.

He used to be a casual cultivator, and he didn't have the guidance of a famous teacher, so he could practice whatever he wanted. Being able to come all the way is actually all thanks to the magic of Fengyue Baojian.

It wasn't until he learned "Da Luo Hua Nerve" that he could use this method as the center to integrate all the secret methods into one, and truly form his own cultivation system.

Of course, this is just the beginning, everything is still very rough and rudimentary.

Gao Xian meditated in the quiet room for two days and then temporarily gave up practicing. Such a complicated secret technique cannot be refined in a day or two.

Besides, he could add some point about why he has to do useless work on his own.

Now that he comes to Daluo Sect, he still has a lot of business to do.

Gao Xian pushed open the door and walked out. A full moon hung high outside, illuminating the sky and earth with a clear sky.

With a thought in his heart, he activated the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wuxiang Divine Clothes and floated to the island where the Huanxi Sect was located.

In each of the independent monasteries, Gao Xian's consciousness had already locked onto Xiao Lingqin's location. At this moment, he was wearing the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes and the Taiji Xuanguang Dream Taoist Clothes.

A peerless secret technique coupled with a fifth-level high-grade artifact completely obscured his aura. Even the two divine masters of the Huanxi Sect would find it difficult to detect his presence.

As for the Nine-Yin Yun Zun, Gao Xian felt that she wouldn't care about the junior's romantic affairs. He quietly passed through the outer protective circle and came to Xiao Lingqin's bedroom window.

The bamboo window was half open, and Xiao Lingqin sat quietly on the couch, closing her eyes and breathing in breath. At this moment, her expression was soft and relaxed, her breath was deep and spiritual, and there was a long-lasting tranquility between her brows.

In this state, Xiao Lingqin no longer had the charming charm during the day, but she had a quiet, elegant beauty.

Gao Xian likes Xiao Lingqin's wantonness and wantonness, and also likes her current tranquility.

Xiao Lingqin didn't know there was anyone outside. After she finished carrying the secret technique around the world, she let out a breath of turbid air and then opened her eyes with satisfaction.

Every time she finished practicing, she could feel that her spirit and body were constantly strengthening. The steady and forward growth always made her very satisfied and happy.

Feel your own growth and feel the power of life flourishing. This is also the charm of cultivation.

Xiao Lingqin was immersed in a long-lasting joy, but when she turned her eyes, she found a man standing in the yard.

Under the cold moonlight, the man quietly looked at the distant starry sky thoughtfully, but his bright eyes shone brighter than the stars in the sky. His profile was handsome and heroic with deep lines, and his snow-white clothes were gently fluttering like clouds in the wind.

Xiao Lingqin's heart skipped a beat. Gao Xian entered the courtyard silently in the middle of the night. This made her both excited and a little nervous. What did this man want to do?
Gao Xian noticed Xiao Lingqin's gaze, turned around and smiled at Xiao Lingqin: "The wind touches the clouds, the clear moon fills the lake, such a beautiful scenery, I specially invite fellow Taoists to enjoy the beauty of the world..."

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