Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 696 Returning to Hometown with Honor

At noon, the sky was covered with clouds, and the wind from the north swept in with a biting chill.

The weather in November is already very cold. The distant mountains are covered with dead branches and leaves, and white snow can still be seen faintly on the shady side of the mountain peaks, creating a desolate atmosphere.

Yue'an, the golden elixir monk who is responsible for guarding the teleportation circle, is standing in front of the hall with a few foundation builders. Generally speaking, in this kind of weather, he would hide in his room and drink elixirs, and would never stand outside drinking the wind and dust.

The situation is different today. The master of Yaoguang Palace, Yue Shenxiu, is here in person, accompanied by True Lord Jin Yang. The two sect big shots were here, so how could he dare to be lazy.

Yue'an was a little confused. He didn't know who was coming today. The two palace masters had to come to the magic circle to greet them personally. But he was just a golden elixir guarding the teleportation circle, and he didn't dare to ask more, or even look at it more.

On the contrary, several young foundation-building cultivators couldn't help but secretly look at Yueshenxiu in front of them.

Yueshenxiu, dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, stands still, but looks like a fairy from heaven coming to earth, making people feel happy just looking at her. The gloomy and cold weather has become bright and brilliant because of the presence of Yueshenxiu.

Yue Shenxiu didn't pay attention to the looks of the juniors. She looked straight at the teleportation circle in front of her with bright eyes. It has been a long time since I last saw Gao Xian. He is now famous throughout the world and is known as the No. 1 Nascent Soul True Lord. Even Chunyang Taoist Master has personally given him the title: Lord Pojun Xing.

Gao Xian had been in the Wanfeng Sect for many years, but he didn't have many friends. Instead, he was unanimously hostile to the entire sect because he killed True Lord Hongyang in anger.

When Gao Xian went to Xuanming Sect to take the Taoist examination, many people regarded Gao Xian as a traitor and villain who followed the trend. Of course, everyone knew that she was close to Gao Xian, and no one dared to say this in front of her.

Although Yue Shenxiu had high power and position, it was difficult for him to force others not to criticize Gao Xian. There is nothing that can be done about this kind of thing. Gao Xian went to the Xuanming Sect. In the eyes of many people, he was just climbing a high tree, and he would inevitably have to endure this.

Until Gao Xian won the first place in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, the news spread to Wanfeng Sect and shocked the entire sect. In fact, everyone thinks that Gao Xian is very capable, but his ability to defeat the heroes of the nine continents and win the championship at the Dharma Conference completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even the sect leader was obviously surprised by this and even asked her specifically for questioning.

Yue Shenxiu has followed his ancestor for many years and knows his temperament quite well. This time when Gao Xian said he was coming, she informed the ancestor in advance.

No matter how close Gao Xian is to her, he is still an outsider. As the number one Nascent Soul Lord in Jiuzhou, Gao Xian wanted to come to Wanfeng Sect, so he had to inform the Patriarch.

Privately, of course, Yue Shenxiu was also angry with Gao Xian. Gao Xian had no objection. He came here mainly to pay homage to Yue Wanfeng. As for Yueshenxiu, to be honest, I just took a look at it.

Gao Xian has so many things going on right now that he really doesn't have time to watch Yue Shenxiu.

Yue Shenxiu also knew this, so his mood was inevitably a bit complicated. The close friend who used to walk side by side suddenly rose to the top of the Nine Continents, and I don't know how far she was left behind.

You must know that when she met Gao Xian, Gao Xian's cultivation was far inferior to hers. During the experience in the secret realm of Ziyun Valley, she and Gao Xian were on par. Now, she couldn't even see Gao Xian's back!

The spiritual light on the teleportation array shone brightly, and the huge array began to roar. A talisman array in the distance locked together, opening a void passage.

The magic aura soared into the sky, and Gao Xian, dressed in white and snowy, appeared out of thin air in the center of the magic circle.

Yue'an and the other cultivators who were in charge of the array were all shocked. It was Gao Xian who came! Several foundation-building cultivators have never seen Gao Xian, but they can recognize Gao Xian's identity at a glance, mainly because his reputation in the sect is too famous.

Especially recently, people are talking about Gao Xian every day. The most important thing is that Gao Xian is dressed in white and has an extraordinary bearing. This feature is so easy to recognize.

Several foundation-building monks looked at Gao Xian with wide eyes and curiosity. They heard that this sect's Nascent Soul Master was killed in anger to avenge his friends, and he wore white clothes to commemorate his friends. People couldn't help but sigh at Gao Xian's loyalty.

Now that Gao Xian has become the number one Nascent Soul Lord in Jiuzhou, his past story has become even more legendary.

Gao Xian didn't pay attention to the few monks watching the fun. His eyes first fell on Yue Shenxiu. After not seeing each other for decades, Yue Shenxiu's cultivation has become more and more refined.

For a young Nascent Soul Master like Yue Shenxiu, she is now in the most powerful stage of life force. She is in the life state of an eighteen-year-old girl, with pure, fresh energy and strong spirit.

However, taking charge of the Yaoguang Palace also made Yueshenxiu's eyebrows more calm, but she was quite different from a real girl.

"Congratulations to senior brother for winning the first place in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. I have heard about senior brother's glorious record in the sect, and it is an honor to do so."

Yue Shenxiu and Gao Xian have a very close relationship, and she is not deliberately complimenting her. She is really happy for Gao Xian.

Gao Xian smiled slightly: "We have a relationship, why do we need to say these things."

True Lord Jin Yang stood aside and bowed his head in a serious manner: "Welcome Star Lord."

"Fellow Taoist, you are too polite." Gao Xian responded politely. He has dealt with Jin Yang many times. This man is careful in nature and generous in his conduct, and his relationship with him has always been good.

Of course, Gao Xian should be more polite towards this person.

Daojun Jinyang asked: "Xingjun, what are your plans next?"

"Of course I have to meet the sect master first." Gao Xian came to see Yue Wanfeng, and the Yuanling Fetus Stone was very important to him.

Therefore, Gao Xian and Xuanyang Dao Zun took leave and came specifically to find Yue Wanfeng. Of course, we also have to meet Lu Xuanji. The imperial liquid in this woman's hand is also of great use to him.

The Yuanling Earth Embryo Stone and the Emperor's Liquid are really rare and cannot be purchased in Daluo City, the most prosperous city in Kyushu. The main reason is that these two things are of great use. No matter where they appear, they will be taken away by people who know the goods, and there is no chance of them flowing to Daluo City.

Daluo Sect may have inventory, but it is impossible to sell it to an outsider like him. Dao Hong, a peerless and powerful person, has to avoid the eyes and ears of other cultivators in the sect when he teaches the Dharma. This is also because a sect must have rules.

Even someone as powerful as Tao Zun cannot go beyond the rules and act recklessly. Only in this way can the rules be dignified enough and binding.

For a cultivator like Wanfeng who clearly stated the price and traded fairly, Gao Xian felt that he was a good person. Dao Hong is a bit too nice, even he is a bit guilty. I don’t know how to repay this favor!

The three of them drove the escape light to the Tianquan Palace. This time, Yue Shenxiu and Jin Yang Zhenjun were waiting outside the door. Gao Xian's current status is no worse than that of the sect leader.

The status of these two people is already equal. They chat and talk about things. Neither Yue Shenxiu nor Jin Yang Zhenjun is suitable to listen.

Entering the familiar hall, Gao Xian saw Yue Wanfeng standing in the center of the hall with his hands behind his back.

Hundreds of years later, this Taoist Transformation Lord still looks gloomy. Gao Xian's current cultivation level is still a bit unclear to Yue Wanfeng. This person's cultivation level is really strong, obviously much higher than Lu Xuanji's. "Gao Xian meets Dao Lord." Gao Xian bowed his head respectfully and saluted.

Yue Wanfeng nodded and extended his hand to support him: "Lord Pojun Xing, the number one in the Nine Provinces, your fellow Taoist is truly a genius, he can shine wherever he goes."

He was really feeling a little emotional. He thought Gao Xian was extraordinary at first, but he didn't expect Gao Xian to reach this point!
Within one or two hundred years, Gao Xian should be able to realize the Tao Yuanshen. There are Taoist Master Xuanyang and Taohong Daohong looking after us, and the future is bright! It is even possible to attain pure Yang...

"Ashamed, it was all a fluke. It was also favored by a few Taoists..."

Gao Xian said something modestly. He took out the jade box containing the Zhongtian Arctic Pill and handed it over with both hands: "It's good luck to get this Zhongtian Arctic Pill."

Yue Wanfeng received the jade box and opened it to take a look. He believed in Gao Xian's character, but he still had to see it with his own eyes. This magical elixir was very important to him, so nothing could go wrong.

There was no problem with the elixir, which made Yue Wanfeng smile sincerely. Gao Xian has a deep mind and cruel methods, but he has a good character and a very strong ability to do things.

It's a pity that he is not a direct descendant of the Wanfeng Sect...

Yue Wanfeng felt a little sad when he thought of this, but he felt relieved when he thought that Taoist Xuanyang should also have such troubles. Even Dao Zun can't solve this kind of thing.

Yue Wanfeng flicked his long sleeve, and a blue stone the size of a chicken egg fell into Gao Xian's hand.

This stone is just like an ordinary pebble, except that it is very heavy. Its surface is smooth and hard, and it feels like gold and iron.

Gao Xian had never seen Yuanling's fetal stone, but he was sure it was a high-level spiritual object once he got it. Through the induction of spiritual consciousness, one can faintly sense a pure spiritual energy in the stone, and the outer layer is a thick polar energy. It should be Yuanling's fetal stone.

When he goes back and performs a little sacrifice, he can confirm the authenticity of this thing. Even if he came to Yue Wanfeng, he wouldn't be able to lie to him. This Taoist Transformation Lord is not that stupid!
After the matter was done, Gao Xian and Yue Wanfeng had nothing to talk about. They were about to take the initiative to say goodbye and leave. Yue Wanfeng said: "Fellow Taoist has won the first place in Jiuzhou. It is gratifying. I will give this Golden Lotus Spirit Pearl to fellow Taoist as a congratulatory gift." ”

Yue Wanfeng flicked his finger, and a golden orb landed in front of Gao Xian. Before Gao Xian could refuse, Yue Wanfeng said again: "This object matches the Five Elements Lotus Crown quite well. Fellow Taoist, take it back and make a sacrifice. It is also a sacred weapon for body protection."

Gao Xian immediately understood that the Golden Lotus Pearl and the Five Elements Lotus Crown were the same set. Yue Wanfeng gave him a lotus crown and kept the pearl for bids.

There is a golden lotus inside the Golden Lotus Pearl, which is unpredictable and mysterious. Judging from the mana aura, it is obviously a fifth-level top grade.

Seeing that he won the first place in the battle, Yue Wanfeng changed his mind and sent him away directly. Well, this is certainly a big favor.

"Thank you, Mr. Dao. You'll be welcome then."

Gao Xian's status was different now, and he dared to hold this fifth-level artifact directly. He could afford the favor. Besides, it would be rude to refuse such a sincere gift!

After taking a fifth-level artifact, Gao Xian was in a good mood, and his smile towards Yue Wanfeng became more sincere and brighter.

Yue Wanfeng is a bit funny, but this one is really serious. But he and Gao Xian had nothing to say, and Gao Xian noticed it. After a few polite words, he took the initiative to leave.

After leaving Tianquan Hall, Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu went to Yaoguang Hall. Although time is a little tight, I always want to catch up with old friends.

Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu are very familiar with each other, and their relationship is very deep. He could come to Wanfeng Sect only because of the power of Yueshenxiu. The deep friendship between them is actually second only to Qiniang and Yun Qingxuan among the girls.

With the secret method of Qiankun Yin Yang Fortune Cauldron, he can always communicate with Yue Shenxiu. The equivalent of an online girlfriend. This special relationship is different from other women.

The two of them had already talked about the important things that needed to be said, so naturally they wanted to have a great time meeting each other. Gao Xian's yin and yang comprehension of the true scriptures has reached the level of an expert, and he has achieved extremely high attainments in the dual cultivation.

Coupled with Yueshenxiu dual cultivation, it will be of great help to her.

This trip was so tight that Gao Xian only stayed in Yaoguang Palace for two days before going to the Immortality Sect. With the teleportation talisman given by the leader Lu Xuanji, Gao Xian went straight into the center of the Immortality Sect again this time.

The cultivator in charge of the magic circle had received orders long ago, and when he saw Gao Xian, he hurriedly led him to the Hall of Longevity.

Knowing that Gao Xian had arrived, Lu Xuanji personally greeted him at the door. This treatment shocked many immortality cultivators.

However, considering that Gao Xian is already well-known in all nine states, it seems that the leader's actions are not an exaggeration. After many cultivators were shocked, they quickly accepted the fact that the current status of Gao Xian was equal to that of the Shinto Lord.

Gao Xian saw Yuan Bin in the main hall. This guy didn't know that he was coming, so he would catch his eye. His face immediately changed and he lowered his eyes deeply, not daring to look at him.

Yuan Bin was really frightened, fearing that the leader would kill him in order to please Gao Xian.

Of course Lu Xuanji would not do things like this. She waved everyone away and in a blink of an eye, she and Gao Xian were the only ones left in the huge Hall of Immortality.

There were no other cultivators, so Lu Xuanji felt a little more relaxed. She stood in front of Gao Xian and looked up and down curiously, "A genius who can defeat the Reverse Slash Transformation God, fellow Taoist, you really gave me a big surprise!"

"Lucky luck." Gao Xian said the same kind words more than once, and he was already very skilled at it.

Lu Xuanji was dressed very formally today, wearing a hair crown, apricot yellow Taoist robes, and holding a white jade Ruyi in his hand. He was very majestic.

But she was bright and beautiful, and now her eyes were flowing, and she became a little more charming.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel something in his heart. For some reason, this woman looked so attractive today. However, he didn't want to have anything to do with Lu Xuanji.

He took out Da Luo Zhou Tian Chao Yuan Dan and handed it to Lu Xuanji: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Lu Xuanji opened the medicine box and saw the sixth-level magic pill inside. Her bright eyes were full of uncontrollable excitement. She picked up the magic pill and looked at it up and down for a long time. After confirming that it was correct, she looked even more happy.

She put away the sixth-level magic elixir and smiled charmingly at Gao Xian: "With this elixir, I can reshape my body. Fellow Taoist has helped me a lot. I really don't know how to repay fellow Taoist..."

Gao Xian's heart skipped a beat. Lu Xuanji's charm was naturally far inferior to that of Xiao Lingqin and Yan Feiyin, but she was a transformed god. He had never tasted the feeling of transforming into a god... (End of Chapter)

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