Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 697: Bing Qing Yu Jie Tao with a strong heart

Chapter 697: Bing Qing Yu Jie Tao with a strong heart

Lu Xuanji and Gao Xian looked at each other, and she could naturally tell that Gao Xian was a little tempted. She thought to herself that this guy was really lustful, and if she gave him a little lust, he wouldn't be able to control it anymore.

However, today's Gao Xian is worthy of her. The number one Nascent Soul Lord in Kyushu, what an honor this is!

If you sleep with Gao Xian, it will be much easier to do things with him in the future.

Of course Lu Xuanji was not that naive, thinking that he could control Gao Xian by sleeping with him. Dual cultivation is just a way to enhance the relationship between the two parties, but it does not mean anything.

Gao Xian saw the excitement in Lu Xuanji's eyes, and he was really moved. However, he calmed down quickly.

This woman has too many thoughts on her mind, and it would be unwise to get entangled with her. When he becomes the Avatar, it won't be too late to find a dual cultivator of the same level. But there is no need to risk getting together with Lu Xuanji.

It’s your nature to be tempted, and that’s okay. Controlling one's nature with wisdom is what practitioners should do.

"Fellow Taoist, we each take what we need, and there is no question of repaying."

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist, just give me the Emperor's Liquid Serum."

Seeing Gao Xian being so determined, Lu Xuanji also breathed a sigh of relief. She knew very well that if she wanted revenge, she could only count on Gao Xian.

It's just that Gao Xian has become famous in Jiuzhou recently and has great momentum. She was a little worried that Gao Xian was too discerning to look down on Hunyuan Tianlun. I will mention this again just to test Gao Xian's attitude.

Lu Xuanji said quietly: "As long as you kill one first, I will help fellow Taoist get the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel."

Lu Xuanji nodded. She was originally prepared to wait for one or two thousand years. Gao Xian could realize the Tao Yuan Shen within a few hundred years. This cultivation speed was far beyond her expectations. She was not dissatisfied.

Lu Xuanji had high hopes for Gao Xian, but with her body damaged, Emperor Liujian was no longer of use to her. If not, she wouldn't trade Emperor Liujian with Gao Xian.

Five hundred years later will be the Heavenly Covenant Conference, and before that he must get the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. With this peerless artifact, he can be a little more sure of winning.

This person has come a long way, and it is as easy to kill fellow cultivators as it is to chop melons and vegetables. He also often crosses levels to kill powerful enemies.

Gao Xian is still very concerned about the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. This artifact is the greatest treasure of the Five Elements Sect. This is what Xuanyang has said personally.

The pure lunar energy gathered into a strong spiritual energy, which turned and changed without any leakage.

To this day, although Gao Xian has never killed the transformed god, he has defeated the peerless genius who reversed the transformation of the god, which also proves how profound and pure his cultivation is.

"Fellow Taoist, hurry up and prove the Tao Yuanshen. If these two guys Wan Shou and Yuan Tianyi live for one more day, I will feel uncomfortable for one day..."

Although she had a good relationship with Zhenye, it was impossible for him to fight Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou for her. The battle between the Taoist Transformation Masters was very dangerous, and only cultivators like Gao Xian, who had fought his way up from the bottom, dared to agree to her conditions.

The Five Qi Wheel he practiced is said to be the secret method corresponding to the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Even if her body is destroyed, she is still the majestic Shinto Lord and the leader of the Immortality Sect, and she will never seduce a man in a coquettish manner!
Gao Xian was not polite. He opened the jade box and saw a transparent bead the size of a peanut. It looked like a drop of water, with aura of light gathering and dispersing inside.

On the other hand, only Gao Xian is the most reliable.

Lu Xuanji also smiled. She put a jade box into Gao Xian's hand: "It has been prepared for a long time. Fellow Taoist, take it."

With such a deep foundation, Gao Xian must be a high-level soul if he really wants to become a god, and he may even be able to condense it into a combined soul!

A powerful Taoist master like Yue Wanfeng or Lu Xuanji would have to repeatedly check the spiritual objects being traded. Naturally, Gao Xian had to check them carefully to avoid being fooled by this woman.

The authenticity of such a sacred object can be seen at a glance, so Gao Xian checked it with his spiritual sense and put it away after confirming that there was no problem.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will become a god within three hundred years. Help fellow Taoist settle this grudge."

Of course she wouldn't seduce Gao Xian deliberately, she hasn't reached that point yet. It's just that the atmosphere was good just now, and she was a little tempted. Since Gao Xian didn't have this intention, how could she force it.

Although Daluo Zhoutian Chao Yuan Dan is good, it is not as precious as Di Liujinglai. Speaking of which, she suffered a loss in this transaction. It's just that she is proud and doesn't bother to talk to Gao Xian.

After getting the imperial liquid, Gao Xian immediately said goodbye and left. If we keep talking, we might really be unable to control ourselves and make mistakes. Dao Zun Xuanyang was still waiting for him in Daluo Sect, and he had no time to quarrel with Lu Xuanji here.

Using the teleportation talisman, Gao Xian returned directly to the Xuanming Sect. In the Yaoguang Hall, Qiniang was handling official business. When she saw Gao Xian pushing the door open, Qiniang was surprised and happy.

The news that Gao Xian won the first place in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference has spread throughout the Xuanming Sect. As Gao Xian's agent in Yaoguang Hall, Qiniang naturally followed the rising tide, causing her reputation in Yaoguang Hall to greatly increase.

The elders of Nascent Soul Lord were also extremely polite to her, and no one competed with her overtly or covertly.

Of course, these are small things. Qiniang was sincerely happy for Gao Xian and didn't need any other reason at all.

To her, Gao Xian is a partner, a best friend, a relative, a friend, and the most important person in the world.

Gao Xian stepped forward and hugged Qiniang hard. After seeing so many beauties, Qiniang was the best!
Qiniang didn't know why Gao Xian was so excited, so she cooperated and hugged Gao Xian tightly. This close embrace made her feel more intimate than the lingering love to death.

"Qiniang, I want to go to Tai Chi Sword Palace to learn swordsmanship. I will need to stay for a hundred or two hundred years... Yaoguang Palace is about to trouble you to watch first..."

Gao Xian and Qiniang had nothing to hide, so he simply explained the situation.

"Well, I'll wait for you here." Qiniang has a deep and stoic temperament. She thinks it is a good thing for Gao Xian to learn swordsmanship, and it is not a problem to go there for hundreds of years.

She was just a little worried that if Gao Xian had been gone for too long, things would change in Yaoguang Palace. However, this is also a small matter. The worst case scenario is to give up Yaoguang Palace.

"I'm going to take Qingqing with me, and I'm going to take Mingxia with me too. After all, it's the Tai Chi Sword Palace, a holy land for sword cultivation, and it will be of great benefit to them."

Gao Xian had already planned this. His apprentice and Qing Qing were both sword cultivators. Going to the Tai Chi Sword Palace was a great opportunity, so he couldn't miss it.

Besides, since he lives in Tai Chi Sword Palace for a long time, he also needs a few trusted people to handle trivial matters.

Qiniang nodded in agreement. If Gao Xian left for a hundred or two hundred years, Qing Qing would be fine, and Shui Mingxia would have no one to teach her but big trouble would happen.

When Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia arrived in the room, they both looked excited and happy when they saw Gao Xian there.

Qingqing really wanted to go to the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly with her father, but Gao Xian refused. I have been sulking for many days!

It wasn't until I heard that my dad won the first place in Jiuzhou that I became happy. It's just that I couldn't see my father sweep across the nine continents with my own eyes, and I can't help but feel depressed.

Seeing Gao Xian come back, Qingqing couldn't help but step forward and act coquettishly: "Dad, why don't you take me with you, so that I miss this unprecedented and unprecedented battle that shakes the ancients, Shuojin and the present..."

Gao Xian is a bit funny and Qing Qing is quite good at complimenting others. He actually wanted to take Qingqing to see things, but he just followed Taoist Xuanyang. He really didn't dare to play this clever trick.

Shui Mingxia had already condensed the golden elixir, but she had always respected Gao Xian, so she was less intimate with him, and she didn't have the guts to act coquettishly with her teacher. She said respectfully: "Congratulations to Teacher for winning the Dharma Conference and winning the title of Nine Continents. Disciple, I am honored."

Gao Xian nodded, this apprentice was already decent after years of experience. He said: "I called you here to take you to the Tai Chi Sword Palace. I will leave in a while. You go back and clean up..."

When Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia heard that they were going to Tai Chi Sword Palace with Gao Xian, they both looked excited. Tai Chi Sword Palace is the holy land of Jiuzhou sword cultivation!
Gao Xian left many body-refining elixirs to Qiniang, some of which were fourth-level elixirs bought in Daluo City. They were elixirs that specifically matched the Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra.

He originally wanted to leave a Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Pill for Qiniang, but the level of this pill was too high, and Qiniang wouldn't be able to use it for a while.

If these high-level divine elixirs are incapable of being absorbed, they will be deadly poison. Qiniang holding this thing is not only useless, but it can easily lead to disaster.

After returning to Daluo Sect with Qingqing and Shui Mingxia, Gao Xian went to see Taoist Xuanyang. The old man told him: "Practice your sword with peace of mind in the Tai Chi Sword Palace, and don't practice double cultivation everywhere. Wuji is most annoyed by people who are half-hearted and irritated. It won't do you any good to kill her..."

Gao Xian was speechless. This Taoist looked down upon him too much. He even rejected Lu Xuanji. How pure and innocent!

Taoist Master Xuanyang thought for a moment and then explained: "You are learning swordsmanship, but you cannot become a disciple of Wuji Sect!"

"I will never forget the training given by my ancestor, and I will never join anyone else's sect!" Gao Xian promised resolutely.

Although he likes to change jobs, there is a reason. Xuanyang valued him so much, how could he abandon Xuanyang and join someone else's family? That would be too shameless!

Xuanyang Taoist Master was very satisfied with Gao Xian's attitude. He nodded and said: "Good boy, "Tai Chi Sword Sutra" is not interesting. We don't want it..."

"Ah?!" Gao Xian was startled. There is also "Tai Chi Sword Sutra" in it?
(End of this chapter)

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