Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 698 Passing the Sword

"Tai Chi Sword Sutra"!
Even though Gao Xian was ignorant, he had also heard of the reputation of the "Tai Chi Sword Sutra". This method was known as the No. 1 Sword Sutra in Jiuzhou.

The sword transforms into Tai Chi and encompasses the universe.

Who among the sword cultivators in Jiuzhou does not know this secret code of swordsmanship?
As long as you are a swordsman, who can resist the temptation of "Tai Chi Sword Sutra"!

Gao Xian felt a little regretful that he agreed too quickly. That was the "Tai Chi Sword Sutra". If the Wuji Sword Master was really willing to pass on this sword sutra to him, then changing the sect would not be a big deal.

Don't you see, Lu Bu is called a slave with three surnames and recognizes his father everywhere, but that doesn't affect him being the best in the world!

Lianyun, Qingyun, Wanfeng, Xuanming, he only has four families, and a fifth family would be nothing. It's a pity that I have already promised old man Xuanyang, but now I can't regret it.

Taoist Xuanyang also saw Gao Xian's hesitation, and he said with some humor: "Boy, you must keep your word."

"That's natural."

Gao Xian said seriously: "Although I come from a humble background, I know that the foundation of human beings lies in benevolence, justice, propriety and trust. Only people owe me, and I never owe others.

"Besides, my ancestor treated me so kindly, how could I not know what is good and bad? The "Tai Chi Sword Sutra" is the first sword sutra in Jiuzhou, and it cannot shake my loyalty to my ancestor and the sect."

Taoist Master Xuanyang was even more satisfied. What Gao Xian said was a bit exaggerated, but it was not a lie.

You don’t look at a person by what he says, but by how he acts. Gao Xian's past has proved his character. Generally speaking, he has shortcomings in small virtues but not in great virtues.

He devoted his efforts to cultivating Gao Xian, an outsider. First, Gao Xian was indeed extremely talented and very lucky. The most important thing is that Gao Xian has a strong character and is worth investing in.

No matter how good your talent is, it will be in vain if your character is not good. If a person is too refined and self-interested and has no benefit to others, then cultivating him will not only raise a white-eyed wolf, but will only bring disaster to himself in the end. Who would do such a stupid thing.

"Good boy, I will never treat you badly. I don't have the Tai Chi Sword Scripture, but I still have a lot of secret magic artifacts related to the Great Five Elements Sect, enough to help you refine Pure Yang..."

Taoist Master Xuanyang has high expectations for Gao Xian, but it’s hard to say too much right now, so he will set a small goal for Gao Xian first. When Gao Xian becomes Chunyang, it’s not too late to talk about other things.

After the business was clearly explained, Xuanyang Taoist took Gao Xian and others to find Wuji Sword Master.

The nine Taoists are all very busy. Taking advantage of the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, they will definitely have a meeting to discuss important matters. In particular, Jiuzhou will usher in great changes in the millennium of changes in heaven and earth.

Even if you are as strong as the Taoist Master, you must also prepare in advance. It is not until today that the nine Taoist Masters have initially reached an agreement on mutual assistance. As for more specific things, it is necessary to connect the people in charge of actually handling affairs in each sect.

If Gao Xian doesn't come back, the Supreme Sword Master will leave with his disciples. Without the guidance of Master Wuji Sword, it would take Gao Xian and the others an unknown amount of time to fly to Tai Chi Sword Palace.

Xuanyang Taoist was very satisfied with Gao Xian's statement, so he was willing to take Gao Xian to find Wuji Sword Master, and he also supported Gao Xian's support.

Wuji Sword Master was also a little surprised by this. Xuanyang Dao Master actually loved Gao Xian so much, which was not like his usual style.

The two Taoist Masters exchanged polite words, and then Taoist Master Xuanyang called Gao Xian over and formally introduced Master Wuji Sword.

Gao Xian solemnly bowed his head and bowed before paying homage to the Supreme Sword Master.

Wuji Sword Master has sword-shaped eyebrows and phoenix eyes. She has a bright appearance and looks like a twenty-six or seven-year-old woman. She has a slender figure and wears a black and white robe.

Speaking only of appearance and temperament, Wuji Sword Master is not too special. Only her eyes were half black and half white, shaped like a Tai Chi yin and yang fish.

If you look closely, you will find that her pupils are constantly rotating, and they are profound and endless.

Gao Xian just took one look and felt as if his soul sank into an endless deep whirlpool. He was startled and hurriedly withdrew his gaze to keep his appearance, not daring to look at the Infinite Sword Master anymore.

Taoist Master Xuanyang laughed: "Children are ignorant, Taoist friends, don't be like him."

He cupped his hands again and said: "Gao Xian will leave it to fellow Taoists. If you don't understand the rules, fellow Taoists will just teach you a lesson..."

Wuji Sword Lord nodded slightly. She knew what Xuanyang meant. Gao Xian didn't understand the rules and had to teach him a lesson. If nothing happens, don't worry about her.

She was not interested in disciplining Xuanyang's disciples. She taught Gao Xian the Yin-Yang Sword mainly because of his talent and luck, and secondly to train Yin Jiuli.

Yin Jiuli's talent was not as good as that of Zhi Zhen and Gao Xian, but she was pure and determined, and her path to sword cultivation was not fast but steady.

Within a thousand years, Zhi Zhen and Gao Xian will be far superior to Yin Jiuli. If the time is extended to three thousand years, Yin Jiuli will be able to slowly catch up with these two peerless geniuses. By the time six thousand years have passed, Yin Jiuli will definitely not be inferior to the two of them in terms of cultivation.

The road is long, and it is a good thing to start quickly. However, walking fast may not necessarily go far.

Taoist Master Xuanyang floated away, leaving only Gao Xian, Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia.

All the cultivators in the Tai Chi Sword Palace could hear the words of the two Taoist Masters. A group of cultivators looked at Gao Xian curiously. The No. 1 Yuan Ying Po Jun Xing Jun in the Nine Continents was going to come to the Tai Chi Sword Palace to learn swordsmanship with the Sword Master?
The cultivators of Taiji Sword Palace were all surprised. Although Gao Xian was famous, he was still Yuanying Zhenjun, and he was far different from Chunyang Taoist Master.

Wuji Sword Master is famous for his cold temper, so why is she willing to teach Gao Xian swordsmanship? Or is there something else going on inside?
No matter how curious many sword cultivators were, they did not dare to ask more questions in front of the Wuji Sword Master.

Gao Xian politely nodded to the many sword cultivators and smiled when he saw Yin Jiuli. Yin Jiuli felt a little guilty when Gao Xian laughed at her. The main reason was that Gao Xian's pair of star-like eyes were so bright and beautiful. When she looked into Gao Xian's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Yin Jiuli didn't think this was a relationship between a man and a woman, but she had seen Gao Xian's swordsmanship, especially Gao Xian's sword that killed Zhi Zhen. From her point of view, it was truly magical.

Such a powerful swordsmanship is countless times better than hers. Although Gao Xian did not mean any harm, she still felt nervous towards Gao Xian due to her keen intuition as a swordsman. This also stimulated her concentration as never before, and her natal sword buzzed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Xian sensed that Yin Jiuli had sword intentions in his consciousness. He was a little funny. This kid was a little too nervous! To be honest, this was the first time he saw a woman react like this to his smile.

Dongfang Liuyun, who was standing next to Yin Jiuli, was also looking at Gao Xian coldly. He knew how powerful Gao Xian was, and he even knew that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was far superior to his. However, he just didn't like Gao Xian and had an instinctive dislike for him.

However, the other two Nascent Soul Sword Lords in the Tai Chi Sword Palace showed great kindness to Gao Xian. There is also the God-Transforming Sword Lord, who has a graceful and plump figure, good facial features, and a gentle expression, and she has the air of a young woman next door.

Gao Xian knew that this person was called Yin Sujun. Just looking at her appearance and temperament, he really didn't expect that she was a magic sword master.

Wuji Sword Master suddenly flicked his long sleeves, and a sharp sword light rose out of thin air. In an instant, Gao Xian felt as if he was split into two pieces by the sword light, and completely lost all sense of the outside world.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had arrived at Tai Chi Sword Palace.

The entire Tai Chi Sword Palace is built of pure jade, which looks delicate and moist, but lifeless. The Great Sword Palace only has black and white jade. Other than that, there is no vegetation or any spiritual birds.

The sword cultivators coming and going were all wearing black and white robes, and all of them looked solemn.

Wuji Sword Master said to Yin Sujun: "Gao Xian, I will leave it to you." Yin Sujun responded softly, Wuji Sword Master said very simply, even a little vague. Others may not understand what Jian Zun means, but she understands it completely.

Many sword cultivators respectfully sent Master Wuji away and then dispersed. Yin Sujun said to Gao Xian: "Xingjun, come with me."

Gao Xian cupped his hands and smiled: "Master Dao is too polite, I don't dare. If you don't dislike it, Master Dao can just call me fellow Taoist..."


Yin Sujun smiled softly and said softly: "There are strict restrictions in the Sword Palace, so fellow Taoists should go to the outer palace to stay temporarily, as it is more lively there."

The Tai Chi Sword Palace is divided into an inner and an outer chamber. The inner palace is the residence of the Sword Master and is strictly restricted. Even the direct descendants are not allowed to enter without permission.

The outer palace is extremely vast, covering hundreds of miles in radius. Those who can live here are all disciples of the Tai Chi Sword Palace. Of course, sword masters who have reached the Yuanying level rarely live in the Tai Chi Sword Palace.

Living too close to the Supreme Sword Master, not only is life awkward, but the sword's will and heart will always be suppressed. This is not a good thing for sword cultivators.

Gao Xian is obviously staying temporarily, so it would be more convenient to live in the outer palace.

Yin Sujun spoke softly and was neither hasty nor slow, and her attitude towards Gao Xian was gentle and polite, which also gave Gao Xian a good impression of Yin Sujun.

Yin Sujun took Gao Xian to the outer palace and chose an independent compound. The courtyard has white walls and white tiles, and the floor is paved with neat square white stones, which looks very plain.

"Fellow Taoist, stay here temporarily. This is the Tai Chi Sword Order, which can be used throughout the outer palace. If you have anything, you can also find me through the Sword Order..."

As the Taoist Lord of Transformation, Yin Sujun was very considerate and considerate in his work. He thought of all kinds of things in advance and even arranged several maids for Gao Xian.

No matter what Gao Xian was here for, after all, it was brought by Taoist Master Xuanyang himself and he was the number one Nascent Soul Lord in Kyushu, so the treatment was certainly of sufficient standard.

Yin Sujun sat for a while, then said goodbye and left. She returned to the Shaoyang Palace in the Tai Chi Sword Palace and met with the Sword Lord to report the matter.

"Gao Xian has a romantic streak, please watch him carefully and don't let him create a mess in the Sword Palace..." Wuji Sword Master casually ordered.

Yin Sujun's heart trembled, she always felt that the sword master's words were a nod to her. She admired Gao Xian very much, but she would not get involved with Gao Xian.

But I couldn't explain it, so I could only bow and respond.

Yin Sujun left Shaoyang Palace and made up his mind not to go see Gao Xian alone again, so as not to betray what he said.

Gao Xian stayed in the compound for two days, and the Supreme Sword Master did not summon him, so he was not in a hurry. The dignified Sword Master naturally has countless things to deal with, and his affairs may not be ranked among the Sword Master's.

While he had nothing to do, he wandered around the Tai Chi Sword Palace and gained some understanding of the place.

The outer palace of Tai Chi Sword Palace is actually a big city. Just to fit in with the name of Tai Chi Sword Palace, the entire city is divided into black and white, taking on the shape of a huge yin and yang fish.

The positions of the fish's eyes are Shaoyin and Shaoyang, which serve as the inner palace.

The huge Tai Chi Sword Palace is actually built on a floating island. This island has a radius of one million miles, and it looks like a huge Tai Chi pattern when viewed from the sky.

For a floating island of this size, the main island itself is extremely special and has the innate ability to float. So high in the sky, connected to the nine heavens and thick earth below, all the purified spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers on the island.

Gao Xian felt that this huge floating island was more like a super artifact, or it could be seen as a huge spaceship. The Taiji Sword Palace has an extraordinary atmosphere, but it is hundreds of times stronger than Zhongyang Mountain where Xuanyang lives.

The black and white colors of the Tai Chi Sword Palace are not just for good looks. The entire Sword Palace is a huge sword formation. The gathered spiritual energy is transformed into sword energy and is eventually stored in the Shaoyang and Shaoyin palaces.

Just by observing the operation of the Tai Chi Sword Palace, you can see the number of sword techniques in this sect.

Gao Xian gained something every day, but Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia were more disappointed. They all wanted to experience the Tai Chi Sword Palace's peerless swordsmanship, but they never had the chance.

The two women didn't have Gao Xian's tyrannical consciousness and experience, so naturally they couldn't learn anything from the Tai Chi Sword Palace itself.

After several months of this, the spring thunder came loudly that night, and soon it started to rain continuously at night.

The raindrops dripped down from the dripping eaves through the ridge tiles, and fell to pieces on the white jade steps. The sound was ethereal and musical.

Gao Xian sat quietly in the dark bedroom, listening to the soft spring rain, and felt peaceful and peaceful in his heart. It was at that time that he understood the technique of spring breeze turning into rain, and only then did he truly achieve success in swordsmanship.

Feeling the spring rain again at this moment, the sword intention deep in his heart also resonated faintly.

The Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra has reached master perfection and there is no way forward. But at this moment, Gao Xian felt that his swordsmanship was lacking and that he had not truly reached a perfect state.

This is just his understanding, but there is still a long way to go before it can be transformed into real swordsmanship. It's like a person suddenly comes up with an idea, but if he wants to implement it concretely, he needs continuous practice.

The same is true for swordsmanship. It is definitely not a sudden enlightenment after thinking about it, and then everything is done.

From beginning to end, Gao Xian's swordsmanship followed the path of practical cultivation.

"The sword is good..." A cold voice came from the darkness.

Gao Xian's heart trembled. This was the voice of Master Wuji Sword Master. He opened his eyes and saw the Supreme Sword Master sitting on the couch, and he was sitting under the Master Sword Master.

I don’t know when, he was transferred deep into the inner palace by Wuji Sword Master.

Gao Xian hurriedly stood up, bowed his head and saluted, and Master Wuji Swordsman said calmly: "You have been here for several months, but tonight is the only time the sword's heart is clear and suitable for learning swordsmanship."

"The Two-pole Yin-Yang Sword comes from the Tai Chi Sword Sutra, which means that Yin and Yang are divided into two poles..."

The voice of Wuji Sword Master gradually became ethereal and empty, causing Gao Xian's consciousness to float upwards. In a trance, he saw a vast emptiness and chaos, with no distinction between inside and outside, distance, and no real or false.

The chaos in the sky suddenly shook violently, splitting into black and white...

The Taiyuan Shenxiang in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness shook violently, and his body also divided into black and white auras. The two auras rotated and faced each other, and in the blink of an eye they merged into a peerless sword intent that went straight into the depths of the Taiyuan Shenxian.

Even Gao Xian's tyrannical consciousness could not withstand such a powerful sword intention, and all consciousness was instantly swallowed up by the sword intention... (End of this chapter)

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