Chapter 699 Side dishes
Yin and Yang are divided into two poles, one sword generates all kinds of magic...

When Gao Xian regained consciousness, only this secret was echoing in his mind. His Taiyuan divine appearance had returned to its original appearance, but the aura around his divine appearance was still oscillating with that secret.

Including the Five Elements Infinity Sword in Taiyuan Shenxiang's hand, the four-foot-four-inch Octavia blade was also buzzing and humming simultaneously.

Gao Xian knew that this was because the sword intent inherited from the Wuji Sword Master was too strong, and Taiyuan's divine form was unbearable. Until now, he was still dissolving the remaining sword intent in his body.

This method of inheriting sword intent is simple but somewhat overbearing. Wuji Sword Master seems to be intending to test him, or perhaps wants him to appreciate the power of the sword master. The inherited sword intent is already close to the limit of what he can bear.

Fortunately, he was prepared, and when Master Wuji's voice came over, he asked Sister Lan to hide deep in the sea of ​​consciousness to avoid Master Wuji's sword intention. He kept his little secret.

In fact, at this stage, even if the Wuji Sword Master discovered that there was an idol hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness, it would not be a big deal.

The methods of visualization all have methods of manifesting the divine form, and their expressions vary widely. Sister Lan can be regarded as an imagined divine appearance.

Even someone as powerful as the Wuji Sword Master cannot know all the secrets in the world.

Gao Xian also wanted to reduce trouble. After all, Sister Lan was special, so it was better to hide her.

It's just that this swordsmanship is too complicated and subtle. He has to slowly figure out how to practice it before he can truly achieve success.

Fortunately, Wuji Sword Master did not have any ill intentions. The inheritance method was a bit rough, but he still controlled the heat and did not exceed his tolerance.

It doesn't matter what the Sword Intent inheritance becomes. What matters is that this Sword Art is extremely complex and superb. Even if the Wuji Sword Master directly empowers and inherits the sword intention, he still needs time to understand and practice bit by bit.

He opened the Feng Yue Baojian, and as expected, the "Bipolar Yin and Yang Sword" appeared on the front.

Until he got the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book. Although it is the most treasure of the Demon Sect, it is also the supreme secret method that directly points to the great road. It is enough for Taixuan Shenxiang to achieve greatness.

Gao Xian couldn't help but want to sigh. This must be because his level of the two-pole Yin-Yang Sword was too low to be compatible with the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra. The two swordsmanships are still distinct.

Acquiring the two-pole yin-yang sword will give Taiyuan Shenxiang a chance to realize pure yang.

Two-pole Yin-Yang Sword: Yin-Yang is divided into two poles, and one sword generates all kinds of magic. (885557/1000000 entry)

Gao Xian's divine will controlled Taiyuan's divine form, and the Five Elements Wuji Sword in his hand suddenly let out a soft chant, and the aftertaste of the sword's intention that repeatedly stirred up in his sea of ​​consciousness was instantly cut through by the sword chant.

Gao Xian has always learned a lot of messy secret techniques because of his low background. If it weren't for the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, it would be almost impossible for him to form an elixir.

Gao Xian knew in his heart that the inheritance of sword intention that Master Wuji was directly focused on was too strong, and he could not comprehend it all, so the inheritance of sword intention was turned into this book.

This newly learned swordsmanship requires one million proficiency levels at the entry level. You must know that there is no way to add points to this swordsmanship, it requires him to practice a little bit.

In essence, it is still a complete sword inheritance, but it is transformed into a book according to his way of cognition.

Learning the two-pole Yin-Yang Sword also made up for his biggest shortcoming.

When he entered the Xuanming Sect and learned the positive and negative Hunyuan Sutra of the Five Elements and the Five Qi Wheel, he truly had a unique secret method.

The shining sword aura converged at one point, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a thick black and white book, with "Bipolar Yin and Yang Sword" written clearly on the cover.

The good thing is that the yin and yang changes in swordsmanship correspond to the positive and negative aspects of the Hunyuan Jing of the Five Elements. They can refer to each other, but it will be difficult to truly integrate them for a while.

Just looking at the numbers required for proficiency made Gao Xian feel tired. When will he be able to practice swordsmanship to perfection? !
The Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra is still in the state of master perfection, and there is no breakthrough because he learned the two-pole Yin and Yang sword.

According to past experience, the Bipolar Yin and Yang Sword must at least reach the expert level before it is possible to integrate the Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra.

He had to admit that the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword was indeed extremely superb, opening a door to the temple of supreme swordsmanship for him.

These three peerless secret techniques can be integrated into one through the "Da Luo Hua Nerve" and complement each other.

At this point, he has truly laid the foundation of Pure Yang.

After that, it is a step-by-step practice. Fortunately, Da Luo Huan Nerve and Wuqi Wheel can add points, and Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu can use external forces to make tricks. What he really needed to practice was the two-pole Yin-Yang Sword, which also saved him countless energy and time.

Gao Xian thinks that the three gods are not difficult, but the real difficulty is to realize the three sun gods. Fortunately, the foundation has been laid. As long as you practice step by step in the future, there is always a chance of success.

If that doesn't work, just two Yangshen will do. At worst, it’s not unacceptable for a Yang Shen...

After learning the two-pole yin and yang sword, Gao Xian no longer went out and sat quietly in the yard all day long.

The pure white courtyard has no decorations and looks very monotonous. But it is also an excellent enjoyment to sit quietly under the bright spring sunshine and savor the vitality of all things in the spring breeze.

Qingqing sat beside him and made tea for his father.

Shui Mingxia, the apprentice, does not have such leisure time. She spends most of her time practicing swordplay in the yard. Although she is a golden elixir, she has many problems in Gao Xian's eyes.

While everything is fine now, I have time to give Shui Mingxia some guidance. The artifact he exchanged for, Fengyun Sword Gut, had already been given to Shui Mingxia. It's just that her cultivation level is too low, so this artifact can only be warmed up slowly, and it won't be able to exert its power for a while.

Although Gao Xian seems to be free on the surface, he actually spends most of his time practicing the two-pole yin and yang sword in the Taishi Temple. He has initially learned this swordsmanship, and if he wants to master it as soon as possible, he must participate in more battles.

There are several good opponents in the Taishi Temple, including the six-tailed sky fox, Xie Zouye Zangjian, who is good at using swords, and so on. Although there is no danger in the Taishi Temple, the two poles of the Yin and Yang Sword can be better understood through fierce battles.

More than a month passed in this way, and it was a sunny day. Gao Xian was sitting quietly in the yard, but suddenly dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder began, and in the blink of an eye it started to rain heavily.

The weather in summer is inherently changeable, and such changes in celestial phenomena are very common.

However, Gao Xian felt something. He saw the changes of yin and yang in the changes of celestial phenomena, and learned a lot from comparing the two poles of yin and yang sword.

The sword intention inheritance that turned into a black and white book in his sea of ​​consciousness reacted with his sword intention. The black and white book turned into aura and fell on Taiyuan's divine form, instantly turning into a black and white robe.

The changes in the form of the sword's inheritance represent that Gao Xian has entered a higher realm in this sword technique, so he can establish a closer connection with this sword's inheritance.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Bao Jian, and sure enough, the two-pole Yin and Yang sword had reached the level of proficiency.

Being able to achieve this step is certainly due to Wuji Sword Master's powerful sword inheritance. On the other hand, it is also because he is talented in swordsmanship and practices hard. Only in this way can he digest the sword inheritance and master the sword skills in the remaining months. Raise a level.

Gao Xian was also quite happy about this.

At the same time, the Wuji Sword Master in the Shaoyang Palace also felt the reaction. There was a hint of surprise in her eyes when she opened her eyes, "I have initially understood the inheritance of sword intention in more than a month. It is indeed a peerless talent..."

The Supreme Sword Master couldn't help but feel a little regretful. It would be great if this person was her disciple. What a pity, what a pity...

She flicked the jade plaque hanging next to her with her fingers, and soon a golden elixir sword cultivator on duty came over to greet her respectfully. She casually ordered: "Go and call Yin Jiuli."

After a while, Yin Jiuli arrived at Shaoyang Palace. As the true descendant of the sect, Yin Jiuli had to kneel down and bow down when meeting the Taoist Master.


Wuji Sword Master waved his sleeves and asked Yin Jiuli to stand up. She said: "Get ready. Tomorrow you and Gao Xian will go to the Taikoo Sword Abyss to practice. You can come back after you kill the pair of fifth-level black and white sword souls alone..."

Yin Jiuli was surprised and confused at the same time. Although the black and white sword souls had no intelligence, they had powerful sword intent. The black and white sword souls changed into one body, which was three points stronger than ordinary powerful gods.

She and Gao Xian may not be able to kill the Black and White Sword Soul together, but the Patriarch actually asked her to kill it alone, which was a bit overwhelming. But she didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she could only bow and answer.

After leaving Shaoyang Palace, Yin Jiuli went to Gao Xian and told the sword master the instructions.

Gao Xian's Yi Smile, the Infinite Sword Master, is also interesting. If you want to practice dual cultivation, just practice dual cultivation. You also need to cultivate a relationship with Yin Jiuli first...

However, he was about to go hunting for treasures in the Taikoo Sword Abyss, and this was a good opportunity that came to his door! Looking at Yin Jiuli, this is also a side dish that was packed and delivered to the door by the Sword Master...

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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