Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 701: All Dharmas Come from the Same Origin

Yin and yang meet, water and fire complement each other, this is the way of heaven and earth.

Regardless of humans, demons, gods, Buddhas, or even evil spirits, there is a distinction between yin and yang, true and false.

Gao Xian and Xiao Lingqin practiced together, and learned various exquisite secret techniques of Yin and Yang dual cultivation, which also improved his Yin and Yang Sutra to three levels in a row.

This dual cultivation with Yin Jiuli is a little less interesting, but a little more mysterious change of the fusion of yin and yang.

Yin Jiuli has cultivated the Yin Yang Sword Intent and Sword Qi for three hundred years. In terms of purity, it is far superior to Gao Xian. Gao Xian's advantage lies in his strong spiritual consciousness and superb swordsmanship. Although the two-pole yin and yang sword is just a beginner, it can perfectly cooperate with Yin Jiuli.

Liangyi Yin-Yang Sword, Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword, is originally two sword techniques differentiated from the Tai Chi Sword Sutra. The difference is that one is inward and the other is outward.

Both swordsmanships explain the ultimate way of Yin and Yang, and when combined together, one inside and one outside, they fit perfectly, and there is a faint meaning of rebelling against Yin and Yang and recreating Tai Chi.

Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli both sensed the wonders of the innate Tai Chi through the fusion of body and spirit through dual cultivation...

It's a pity that the two people's cultivation is not enough to comprehend the beauty of innate Tai Chi, and they can only barely maintain this state. Through the fusion of form and spirit, Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli both obtained superb sword intentions from each other, and also completed a true sorting out of their own sword skills from the inside out.

After a few days of this, the yin and yang sword intent on Gao Xian's Taiyuan Divine Form was completely resolved. He also learned the changes of yin and yang in the two rituals. Comparing his own two extremes of yin and yang, he gained a lot.

His consciousness sank into the Taishi Temple, and when he opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, he could see that the Bipolar Yin and Yang Sword had reached the mastery level.

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least seventy or eighty years for him to practice step by step to the level of proficiency.

The effect of dual cultivation is so good because the two swordsmanships are innately compatible. Yin Jiuli's three hundred years of accumulation of sword energy and sword intention are also pure enough. He cooperated well.

What surprised Gao Xian was that his comprehension of the Yin and Yang Sutra had also improved significantly, and he was about to reach the master level.

Through this double cultivation, Gao Xian discovered that the two secret techniques were quite similar. It can only be said that heaven and earth have one source, and all laws have the same root.

When you reach a certain level, you will find that all things have something in common.

This discovery also made Gao Xian a little excited. Since the Bipolar Yin and Yang Sword can improve the yin and yang of enlightenment of the true scripture, can it be done in reverse?
This still needs to be verified through experiments. If the two can really be connected to each other, it will save him countless troubles.

This time through dual cultivation, Yin Jiuli gained even more. Her yin and yang are always missing the innate yang energy. Even if she has magical elixirs to make up for it, it is still one level behind.

Through dual cultivation with Gao Xian, she truly achieved a balance between Yin and Yang. In one fell swoop, her swordsmanship improved to a new level, and her cultivation reached the peak of the tenth level of Nascent Soul.

At this point, Yin Jiuli can already touch the realm of divine transformation. She had a clear understanding that if she continued to cultivate in this way, she should be able to complete the tempering of her sword will and sword energy in less than thirty years and reach a perfect state.

Thinking of this, Yin Jiuli opened his eyes and looked at Gao Xian opposite. Gao Xian was wearing a white tunic, with most of his chest exposed.

His skin was as smooth as jade but extremely firm, full of endless power.

Gao Xian sensed Yin Jiuli's gaze, opened his eyes and smiled at Yin Jiuli. Yin Jiuli's face turned slightly red, actually showing a bit of embarrassment.

The slight change in expression made Yin Jiuli look more charming out of thin air.

Yin Jiuli is not the kind of stunning beauty who is unforgettable at first sight, but she has an extraordinary elegance and is very attractive.

Gao Xian gently held Yin Jiuli's shoulders and said softly: "Jiuli, I really hope we can stay together forever..."

Yin Jiuli's body trembled slightly, and she knew in her heart that she would never leave the Tai Chi Sword Palace. Gao Xian is also unlikely to join Tai Chi Sword Palace.

No matter how close she and Gao Xian were, they could never be together. She held Gao Xian's hand firmly and whispered, "I am lucky to have the tenderness and love from my senior brother. How dare I ask for more."

"This is my luck..."

Gao Xian said casually: "With my junior sister's talent, I will be able to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the future. Don't forget me then!" Yin Jiuli looked at Gao Xian with bright eyes and said very seriously: "In this life, I will never dare to forget. "

Gao Xian was a little uncomfortable with Yin Jiuli's seriousness. He pulled Yin Jiuli over and said with a smile: "Jiuli, there are still some things you don't understand about swordsmanship. Let's study it further..."

Yin Jiuli's face turned even redder, and she said softly: "Senior brother, please give me some advice..."

There were no monsters on Broken Sword Island. Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli tasted the benefits of dual cultivation, and since then they have stayed on Broken Sword Island all day long to dual cultivate.

In addition to the tender love between men and women, the most important thing about dual cultivation is that they practice swordsmanship through the combination of yin and yang and purify the sword's energy and sword intention.

There is a strong aura in the Taikoo Sword Abyss, and it is infiltrated by the sword intent of the Sword Abyss. The aura here is somewhat sharp. For sword cultivators, this sharp energy is more suitable for practicing sword Qi.

However, absorbing sharp spiritual energy for a long time will cause harm to the cultivator's soul and body. Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli are dual practitioners. The inner and outer yin and yang sword qi rebel against the innate Tai Chi. The inner energy can polish the form, the divine sword qi, and the sword intention, and the outer energy can purify the sharp spiritual energy.

Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli cultivated in Taikoo Jianyuan and were able to completely resolve the disadvantages and enjoy the benefits. In this way, both of them can improve by leaps and bounds in their swordsmanship.

After several months of this, the improvement of the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword is getting slower and slower, and there is still a huge gap between it and the expert level. On the other hand, the Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra is only a few hundred million human auras away from the master realm, but the speed of improvement has also become very slow.

Obviously, his and Yin Jiuli's dual cultivation had reached a bottleneck. There won't be any big breakthroughs in the short term.

On this day, Gao Xian decided to try upgrading the Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra first. In more than ten years, he has accumulated 18 billion human auras.

The Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly ruled the roost and made him famous in Jiuzhou. Coupled with the promotion of Jubaolou, the income of Humanity Emmanuel has increased significantly every year.

Gao Xian originally left the aura of humanity to the Five Energy Wheel. After all, this body-refining secret technique could most directly improve his cultivation. However, Wu Qi Lun is of little help to practicing swordsmanship.

The most important thing at the moment is to master the two-pole Yin-Yang Sword, or at least integrate the Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra to lay a solid foundation for the Taiyuan Shenxiang to condense the soul.

On this day, while Yin Jiuli went out to test the sword, Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and invested 500 million humanistic spiritual lights, directly raising the Yin and Yang enlightenment scripture to the master level.

In an instant, many yin and yang enlightened people emerged from Gao Xian's consciousness. In a daze, he had an extremely deep understanding of this dual cultivation method, and then understood the way of fusion of yin and yang...

After a long time, Gao Xian regained consciousness. His eyes were as bright as stars, and the improvement of his understanding of the Yin and Yang Sutra gave him a higher level of understanding of the Yin and Yang.

This understanding allowed him to understand the two-pole Yin and Yang sword from a higher level, and some obstacles and difficulties in the sword technique were solved.

After opening Fengyue Baojian, one can see that the proficiency of the two-pole Yin and Yang sword has been greatly improved, and he is not far away from the expert level.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. The Yin-Yang Enlightenment Scripture and the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword were really related. Although the connection was not very close, it was still very useful.

The key is that the yin and yang enlightenment of the true scripture is not a simple method of dual cultivation, but a way to understand yin and yang, virtuality and reality through dual cultivation. Improving yin and yang to understand the true scriptures cannot directly improve his cultivation level, but it can improve his vision and level of realm.

With the improvement of the Yin and Yang Enlightenment Scripture, he has made great progress in not only the two-pole Yin and Yang Sword, but also the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Scripture.

Although this accumulation of knowledge cannot directly improve his cultivation, it is very important to him. Even more important than directly improving your cultivation level.

Because this improvement allows him to understand the origin of heaven and earth and understand some of the rules for the operation of spiritual energy.

Just this point, it is not a loss to add some points to the Yin and Yang enlightenment of the true scriptures.

Gao Xian saw that there were still 1.7 billion human auras left on the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, and he became ruthless in studying the Yin Yang Enlightenment Sutra, directly raising this secret technique to the master level.

Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness shook violently, and the huge and complicated essence of the Yin-Yang Enlightenment Sutra spewed out like an erupting volcano, completely submerging his consciousness... (End of this chapter)

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