Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 702: Rebellion and Congenital Becoming Tai Chi

Tai Chi divides yin and yang, heaven and earth are formed, and all spirits are born...

Heaven and earth, all things, all living beings, everything visible and invisible are all based on the changes of yin and yang.

Hardness is yang, softness is yin, life is yang, and death is yin. Male is yang, female is yin...

Gao Xian used to understand the changes of yin and yang in this way. He also knew that it was biased, but it was also the basic understanding of yin and yang by most practitioners.

Until this moment, the Yin and Yang enlightenment reached the master level, and the essence of countless changes in Yin and Yang naturally emerged in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, which brought his understanding of Yin and Yang to a higher level.

Yin and Yang are not fixed, but constantly changing.

Hardness can turn into softness, life can turn into death, a man can become a woman, everything in the world is in flux and changes, and there is never a fixed existence.

Even the blazing sun, bright moon, and stars above the nine heavens are constantly changing.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, the change of yin and yang is materialist dialectics. All things are universally connected and develop and change according to their own laws.

To put it more simply, everything is related and constantly changing, and the inherent nature of its correlation and change is its fundamental law.

Of course, the Yin-Yang Enlightenment Sutra does not provide a philosophical thinking method, but tells Gao Xian the inner laws of yin-yang changes and various techniques on how to change yin-yang.

Gao Xian has always practiced cultivation in this world, and all kinds of mystical theories are just theories, and specific methods are needed to put them into practice.

For example, breathing in yin and yang is a simple saying, but to put it into practice requires real and effective methods, such as when to breathe in, how to breathe in, how to concentrate and visualize, etc.

This set of effective methods has been summarized and summarized by countless talents over thousands of years before it can become the fundamental secret method that will be passed down for eternity.

It's easy to know the truth. Gao Xian has made many guesses about the Yin-Yang Avenue, and there are related records in many classics. They are all true scriptures left by ancient god kings.

However, theory alone is useless. The key is to know the technical details of implementing the theory.

Through the addition of Fengyue Baojian, Gao Xian promoted the yin and yang enlightenment to the master level, and naturally acquired the relevant realm knowledge and knew the core and skills of transforming yin and yang.

This kind of knowledge instillation is far more important to Gao Xian than improving his cultivation level. With enough knowledge and technical details, he can reflect on his own form and spirit and discover problems in his cultivation.

The mastery of the changes in yin and yang naturally pushed his swordsmanship to a higher level. Therefore, at this moment, many swordsmanship essences also emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness.

After a long time, Gao Xian was able to organize this knowledge in an orderly manner, truly absorb, integrate and understand it, and turn it into his own foundation.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and saw that the bipolar Yin and Yang sword had reached the expert level. It's just that the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra is still there and has not been fused by the two poles of Yin and Yang swords.

The Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword follows the path of one sword creating all kinds of swordsmanship. In theory, it can cover and absorb all swordsmanship.

Obviously, the level of the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword is still not high enough to be compatible with the sword technique of the master's perfect state.

This makes Gao Xian a little disappointed. If the two swordsmanship can be integrated, it will prove that his swordsmanship has improved to a new level.

The newly learned bipolar yin-yang sword only broadened his sword path, but failed to achieve a substantial breakthrough in the level of swordsmanship.

Gao Xian felt that this might be due to his lack of cultivation. If he cultivated Yuanshen, he should be able to integrate the two sword techniques smoothly.

Judging from the two-pole yin and yang sword, this sword technique can reach the highest level of the seventh-level Mahayana realm. Of course, this can actually be achieved at a theoretical level.

Everyone’s situation is different, and it’s hard to say what level you can reach.

Gao Xian now has no idea about Mahayana. He only looks at the two-pole Yin-Yang sword and the theory of three-flower sword. What power Mahayana has is difficult to judge just by looking at swordsmanship.

These are too far away from him. When he realizes the Pure Yang, it will not be too late to think about Mahayana things.

The most urgent task is to help Yin Jiuli realize the Yin Yang Sword God first.

Taikoo Sword Abyss is good, very suitable for practicing swordsmanship. It's just boring to stay here for a long time. He still has a lot of things to do.

It has been more than four hundred years since the covenant between heaven and man. Time waits for no one, so he must seize the time. Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia were also entrusted to Yin Sujun, and I don't know what is going on now.

When Yin Jiuli came back, Gao Xian had a double cultivation with her. This time, the effect of dual cultivation is far better than before. The fundamental reason is that Gao Xian's yin and yang enlightenment of the true scriptures has greatly improved the level of dual cultivation.

After completing the dual cultivation, Yin Jiuli's eyes were blurred and he could not find himself at this level of cultivation.

After that, both Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli found the rhythm of dual cultivation, practicing one minor every three days and one major every five days. In their spare time, they went to Jianyuan to find monsters to hone their sword skills.

After more than twenty years of this, relying on Gao Xian's exquisite yin and yang comprehension of the true scripture, he was able to explain it in simple and profound ways and help Yin Jiuli everywhere. In this process, Gao Xian of course also gained great benefits, as the two-pole Yin and Yang swords entered the country every day.

The most important point is that through the fusion of the two bodies and spirits, Gao Xian naturally learned some techniques of the Liangyi Yin and Yang Sword. Over time, Gao Xian learned the Liangyi Yin Yang Sword to five or six points.

The most important thing about the Yin and Yang Sword of Liang Yi is the transformation of Yin and Yang and the combined two Yi. With the help of experts, Yin Jiuli honed the Yin and Yang sword of Yin and Yang, the sword of Liang Yi, and the energy of the sword to perfection, and it is close to a flawless state.

By this time, Yin Jiuli's foundation was actually completely solid. You can attain enlightenment at any time.

It's just that Yin Jiuli didn't realize that he was still ready, and he was unwilling to attain enlightenment.

She felt that practicing swordsmanship with Gao Xian like this, making progress in swordsmanship every day, and being able to share the bliss with Gao Xian at the same time, naturally the longer the days, the better.

Gao Xian couldn't help but push Yin Jiuli. After getting along for more than thirty years, even cats and dogs have deep feelings for each other. Not to mention that he and Yin Jiuli practice double cultivation every day, and the physical and spiritual levels are abnormally integrated.

He has many women, but Yin Jiuli is the only one who has reached such a level of mutual cultivation. The two of them always exchanged experiences and reviewed classics together on a daily basis, and they were extremely compatible on a spiritual level.

With such a deep friendship, Gao Xian naturally wanted Yin Jiuli to achieve the perfect soul without leaving any flaws.

For this reason, Gao Xianyi ruthlessly invested 32 billion human spiritual lights and raised the Yin and Yang enlightenment to the state of master perfection.

The yin and yang enlightenment of the true scriptures is a method of dual cultivation, which can be described as superb. The key is that the explanation of the Yin and Yang Tao and various cultivation techniques are very helpful to Gao Xian.

This method has reached master perfection, and Gao Xian has also reached an unprecedented level in this secret method.

Even Dao Hong Daozun should not be as profound in this method as he is. Of course, a peerless and powerful person like Dao Hong Daozun should not have the leisure to practice Yin and Yang and understand the true scriptures.

The Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword also rose with the tide, reaching the full expert level, but failed to break through to the master level.

Gao Xian no longer had any doubts. He was very sure that his failure to break through the realm of swordsmanship was due to insufficient cultivation. The two-pole Yin-Yang Sword Master realm corresponds to the Yuan Shen level. Without Yuanshen, no matter how proficient his swordsmanship is, he is still just a little bit behind.

With his current accumulation, it would not be difficult for Tai Yuan Shen to prove Dao Yuan Shen. However, Daluo Huashen made it very clear that the method of dividing Yuanshen has a strict order, corresponding to the Yuan, Shi, and Xuan Qi talismans.

Yuan is the root of everything, then there is a beginning, and finally there is Xuan.

Gao Xian knew very well that his Yuan was the essence of practicing the Hunyuan Sutra of Positive and Negative Five Elements. Although Taiyuan Shenxiang had a Yuan character, it was not his original Yuan and could only be used as the beginning.

The Taixuan divine aspect actually has the smallest role and the lowest status, so it definitely corresponds to Xuan.

Fortunately, Yin Yang has completed his enlightenment of the Sutra, and it will be another sight to practice dual cultivation with Yin Jiuli. This time, Gao Xianneng and Yin Jiuli blended in form and spirit, and the yin and yang complemented each other, truly achieving a state of great harmony and perfection.

In a trance, the two people's yin and yang transformed into a perfect Tai Chi shape.

In this superb state, Gao Xian, as the leader, can naturally discern all the subtle changes in Yin Jiuli and see the weaknesses in her foundation of swordsmanship.

At the same time, the Liangyi Yin-Yang Sword practiced by Yin Jiuli was also fully displayed in front of him.

After many years of double cultivation, Gao Xian had already mastered five or six points of this swordsmanship. Now Yin Jiuli could fully demonstrate all the essence of the Liangyi Yinyang Sword, and he naturally learned the Liangyi Yinyang Sword.

Of course, this communication is actually mutual. Yin Jiuli also saw the two-pole Yin and Yang sword practiced by Gao Xian through resonance.

The difference is that Yin Jiuli does not have the deep foundation of Gao Xian, and her approach is opposite to that of the two-pole Yin and Yang sword. Even if you understand the essence and principles of swordsmanship, you can only use it as a reference to sharpen yourself, but you cannot truly refine the two-pole Yin and Yang sword.

Gao Xian actually didn't mean to do this, but he didn't expect that the master's perfect yin and yang enlightenment would be so beneficial. However, it coincided with the two people's sword skills, and the two people's sword skills themselves matched, so he reversed the yin and yang and turned into Tai Chi.

Gao Xian also understood that the fusion of Liangyi Yinyang Sword and Liangji Yinyang Sword is the Tai Chi Sword Sutra. Of course, it may still be missing some key essence of sword theory.

If you want to reversely deduce the Tai Chi Sword Sutra using only two sword techniques, there will always be some problems. There is no room for problems in the inheritance of secret methods. A small deviation is enough to ruin all the efforts of the cultivator.

It was enough for him, and he didn't want to steal the Tai Chi Sword Sutra. The Liangyi Yin-Yang Sword and the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword are in contrast to each other, and one inside and one outside are enough to enhance his swordsmanship.

When he fully understands and fuses the two sword techniques, even if it is not as good as the Tai Chi Sword Sutra, its power will definitely be far superior to the two-pole Yin and Yang sword.

This dual cultivation was of great help to Yin Jiuli, allowing her to go back to her innate nature and understand the wonders of Tai Chi. Even if it was just a simulation in physical and mental state, it still touched her deeply.

In this state, all the flaws and flaws in one's body and mind will be revealed. Originally she felt that her cultivation base was solid, but now she looked at it and found various subtle problems.

Yin Jiuli woke up from the state of great harmony. She was in a daze for a long time, and then her empty eyes gradually became focused.

She suddenly hugged Gao Xian with all her strength: "Senior brother, I never thought that one day I would be able to comprehend the ultimate path and see the innate nature. It was senior senior brother who led me to the ultimate realm of enlightenment..."

Yin Jiuli was excited, happy and a little excited at the same time, and his bright eyes were filled with tears as he spoke.

As a sword cultivator, she had just experienced the ultimate state of innate Tai Chi. This was of great help to her, and it also made it difficult for her!

Gao Xianwen gently wiped Yin Jiuli's tears: "This is because the two of us are the same in form and spirit, so that we can join the road together. I also want to thank Jiuli..."

"Senior brother, let's go together..." Yin Jiuli looked deeply at Gao Xian with her bright eyes. At this moment, she wanted to follow Gao Xian far away and become a couple of gods and immortals.

With their cultivation level, if they can't stay in Jiuzhou, they can go to all the deserts. The world is so big that there is no place where they can't stay. As long as the two of them are together, that's better than anything else.

Of course Gao Xian understood what Yin Jiuli meant, and she was also a little irrational because of her emotional agitation. The love between men and women is indeed touching, and the ultimate joy of yin and yang cultivation makes it even more difficult to extricate oneself.

No matter how touching the love between a man and a woman is, they will get tired of it after thousands of years. Only if the avenue is endless can it be worth investing all your body and mind into.

Gao Xian gently touched Yin Jiuli's cheek and said softly: "Jiuli, I am really lucky to meet you. But there are some things that must be done and some responsibilities that must be borne..."

Yin Jiuli also woke up now. It would be too selfish for her to run away with Gao Xian like this. I feel sorry for the masters of my sect, and I feel sorry for my fellow practitioners below.

She lowered her head in a daze: "I was in a state of agitation and talking nonsense. Senior brother, don't blame me..."

"Jiu Li just loves me too deeply. On the contrary, I have various problems and am not worthy of Jiu Li's deep love."

Gao Xian shook his head gently and sighed. He was not pretending, he actually knew himself. There was no way he could be as affectionate and pure as Yin Jiuli.

Yin Jiuli couldn't help but hug Gao Xian tightly, and she said extremely seriously: "Senior brother, you are as virtuous as a saint, I am a humble person!"

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian is a little funny. Sure enough, the love brain has no IQ. He chuckled and said: "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship between villains is as sweet as sweet wine. It's not wrong to say that you are a villain!"

After this heart-to-heart talk, Yin Jiuli admired and admired Gao Xian deeply and obeyed his words.

With Yin Jiuli's full cooperation, Gao Xian was saved a lot of trouble.

The two practiced double cultivation every day, constantly polishing their sword energy and sword intent. However, more than ten years later, at the end of dual cultivation on this day, Yin Jiuli suddenly became full of sword energy, and the invisible yin and yang sword energy penetrated the sky.

When heaven and man interacted, a huge whirlpool emerged from the sea in the Sword Abyss, and the Nine Heavens Divine Fire was also attracted from the Nine Heavens, reflecting the sky and sea in red.

Gao Xian was well prepared for this, knowing that this was Yin Jiuli's sword-qi that was extremely pure, and then it naturally overflowed and aroused the sympathy between heaven and earth.

As long as he gets through this level, Yin Jiuli can become the Yin Yang Sword God. Overcoming the tribulation in the Ancient Sword Abyss will trigger the evil spirit of the sword in the depths of the Sword Abyss. With many variables added out of thin air, overcoming the tribulation will also become very dangerous.

However, overcoming the tribulation here can also take the opportunity to refine the huge sword intent contained in Jian Yuan, which is of great benefit to sword cultivators. Although Yin Jiuli took a lot of risks, the gains were equally huge.

Yin Jiuli had already been prepared. She nodded to Gao Xian and without hesitation controlled her two swords to rise into the sky. A bright sword light rushed straight into the red light of the sky...

The vortex in the sword abyss became more and more huge, and the strong evil spirit emitted from it. The sword intention was connected with the red light in the sky. The red light that swept across the sky turned into billions of red sword blades under the transformation of sword intent.

In an instant, the blazing and sharp sea of ​​crimson swords had covered the nine heavens and the sword abyss. Countless monsters were evil and were chopped into countless pieces by the sea of ​​red swords falling from the sky.

The Broken Sword Island where Gao Xian was located also slowly shattered and collapsed under the light of countless red swords.

Such a domineering and fierce force of the Heavenly Tribulation also made Gao Xian frown slightly. This level was more dangerous than he expected, and he didn't know whether Jiu Li could pass it... (End of Chapter)

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