Yin Jiuli entered the Taikoo Sword Abyss to practice this time, and he brought with him a variety of spiritual elixirs for cultivation, including those to prove that the soul should overcome the tribulation.

She had not originally planned to survive the tribulation in the Ancient Sword Abyss. After all, this was a cave with unique spatial laws. Especially the endless sword intent hidden deep in the Sword Abyss, I don’t know what it will be transformed into during the catastrophe.

However, following Gao Xian's dual cultivation for fifty years, under Gao Xian's guidance, she really purified the Yin and Yang Sword to the extreme.

This is not because she is arrogant, but because Gao Xian and her dual cultivation can often reach a state where they can go against their innate nature and see Tai Chi again. This is also the highest realm pursued by Liangyi Yin Yang Sword Technique.

Reflecting himself with the highest level of swordsmanship, his sword intention and sword energy reached a perfect and flawless state. This also gave her great confidence that she could survive even the most powerful calamity.

If Yuanying wants to realize the Tao of Yuanshen, the first hurdle is to survive the catastrophe of heavenly fire. Only when the Yuanying is tempered by heavenly fire and the Yuanying and the soul are truly integrated can this be called Yuanshen.

Although Yin Jiuli has not survived the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, he has seen practitioners from the same sect do so. The sect also has many seniors who have left behind secrets on overcoming the tribulation.

Seeing the sky fire and sword abyss turning into a sea of ​​blazing swords, Yin Jiuli became very calm. Firstly, she is confident in herself, and secondly, she is well prepared.

Third, she knew that Gao Xian was still protecting her.

This type of tribulation is the most taboo for external interference, as it can easily mess up the energy of heaven and earth, and even affect the level of the soul. Yin Jiuli has great confidence in Gao Xian and believes that Gao Xian can protect her if there is an accident.

This state of self-confidence made Yin Jiuli feel full and full of energy. He held his swords straight in his hands, and the swords that were crossed were emitting a round and flawless sword light.

The blazing sword light that swept over like a tidal wave was resisted by the perfect sword light formed by the two swords.

In the process, Yin Jiuli summoned the Nascent Soul, crushed countless heavenly fire sword lights with sword light, and released a gap to let in some of the heavenly fire energy.

In this process, Nascent Soul actively absorbs the energy of heavenly fire to strengthen itself. This is a step-by-step process, and you will never use your Nascent Soul to face the Heavenly Fire at the beginning.

Heavenly Fire is the transformation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into pure Yang energy, which is the most restrained to the Nascent Soul and Soul. With Yin Jiuli's cultivation level, he must proceed with caution.

The sky fire sword light sweeping across the sky became more and more powerful, and Gao Xian below had to retreat. He was not afraid of the sea of ​​swords transformed by the sky fire, but he activated his magic power and resisted the sea of ​​swords, which was very detrimental to Yin Jiuli.

This is also where the Heavenly Tribulation is dangerous. If there is no one to protect the law, it will be very troublesome if someone comes out to cause trouble.

The vision of the heavenly tribulation covers an area of ​​tens of millions of miles and is clearly visible from hundreds of millions of miles away. It would be too difficult to find a deserted place to survive the tribulation.

Secret realms such as the Taikoo Sword Abyss are closed, but there are also various problems in secret realms. There will be some changes in the laws of heaven and earth, and there will also be various unpredictable changes.

Just like Yin Jiuli's current situation, if her sword intention and sword energy hadn't been purified to the extreme, this catastrophe would have wiped out both her body and soul.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Tribulation is the most restrained monster evil spirit. Even the monster evil spirit that has survived several Heavenly Tribulations will not be able to come over on its own initiative.

If Gao Xian is willing, he can also sense all the changes in Yin Jiuli through the invisible divine connection between the two. However, this kind of divine connection will eventually make the aura become mixed, which is very detrimental to Yin Jiuli.

Outside, the power intensity of the Heavenly Tribulation has dropped by dozens of levels. For Gao Xian, this was like standing next to a steel-making furnace. Although the temperature was extremely high, it had no power and no threat to him.

He summoned the Flower Appreciator Mirror to observe the changes in the Heavenly Tribulation and Yin Jiuli's condition from a distance.

Yin Jiuli responded very calmly and easily, showing that she has made great progress in swordsmanship over the past few decades.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yin Jiuli is now equivalent to the ultimate level of Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly. It can be seen how much dual cultivation has helped Yin Jiuli.

The red sword light in the sky lasted for most of the day, and the red flame began to turn into cyan. The sword intent rising in the sword abyss also became more and more intense.

The cyan flames interacted with Jian Yuan's sword intent, condensing into streaks of cyan sword light, which also turned the sky and sea azure.

The azure light looked pure, but its condensed flame aura had increased by at least five times. Adding the strong sword intent, the azure flame had an unparalleled sharpness.

Yin Jiuli's expression became a little more solemn, and the movement of his swords became a little more heavy. Fortunately, the Yin and Yang swords of Liangyi form the world by themselves, and the two swords are like Tai Chi, which is enough to isolate the power of heavenly calamity.

After she got used to the power of the cyan sky fire sword light, she slowly opened the gap and introduced the sky fire sword light to temper the Nascent Soul.

Thousands of minced cyan flames fell on Yin Jiuli's Yuanying like rain. Every time a bit of flame fell, a small hole was burned out of the Yuanying.

As Yin Jiuli activates the sword energy, the flames can be gradually refined. In this smelting process, Yuanying continues to transform.

Gao Xian could sense that Yin Jiuli's aura was deep and full, and he could also accurately absorb the aura of heavenly fire, so he obviously still had some energy left. However, it is too early to say that the tribulation will be successful.

Heavenly fire is generally divided into three stages. The first stage is fierce and red, and the second stage is as pure as the sky. The third stage is white light like water.

It is said that the white sky fire in the third stage is so pure and extremely fierce that 90% of Nascent Soul Lords were reduced to ashes at this stage.

The main reason is the interaction between the Heavenly Tribulation and the Sword Abyss. As the Fire Tribulation becomes more and more powerful, the evil spirit of the Sword Intention becomes more and more violent.

If Yin Jiuli can survive this catastrophe, he will definitely achieve a very high level of Yuan Shen.

Gao Xian didn't know much about the level of transforming into gods. After studying "Daluo Transforming Nerves", he had a systematic understanding of the level of transforming into gods.

I have practiced dual cultivation with Yin Jiuli for fifty years, and I have learned a lot from Yin Jiuli. As a direct descendant of Tai Chi Sword Palace, Yin Jiuli has access to all top-level classics, and is much better than Gao Xian in this regard. There is no universally recognized standard for the division of souls.

Generally speaking, the soul is divided into five colors: blue, red, black, white and yellow. The purer the color, the higher the level of the soul. All spirits other than the five colors are inferior.

The highest level of the five-color Yuanshen is the Five Qi Chaoyuan, that is, the Yuanshen gathers the five colors and finally condenses into the Yuanshen like water-colored glass, which is clear inside and outside.

However, there are also special souls such as the combined soul, whose form and spirit are perfectly integrated, and the condensed soul will appear golden.

Etc., cannot be generalized.

The process of refining the soul with heavenly fire is too dangerous. Under normal circumstances, cultivators would borrow divine artifacts as the soul center to resist the heavenly fire. The soul condensed in this way will naturally lose its purity and become messy in color.

It is also the mainstream for cultivators to use tricks to become gods.

The Yuan Shen will only reveal its origin when it is first formed. As the cultivation level increases, the Yuan Shen will undergo various changes. It is difficult for outsiders to judge the level of the Yuan Shen simply by the color of the Yuan Shen.

Only when the spiritual cultivator exerts all his strength to activate the primordial spirit, will the primordial spirit show its true colors.

As for the so-called Yin-Yang Sword God by Taoist Wuji, this is just a name based on the secret method, which allows Yin Jiuli to use the secret method to overcome the calamity without borrowing the power of the sword.

Only by achieving the soul in this way can it be incomparable with the secret method, can it establish a mysterious connection with heaven and earth, and can it be pure and flawless.

Taoist Wuji asked Yin Jiuli to practice in the Ancient Sword Abyss. In fact, he wanted her to condense her soul here so that she could absorb more sword intent and enhance the power of her soul.

It is also the sword intent condensed in Jian Yuan that will cause huge interference to the heavenly tribulation. It is an unpredictable variable. Gao Xian is not sure whether Yin Jiuli can successfully overcome the tribulation.

After waiting for three hours, the sharp blue flames in the sky turned into blazing white.

The white flames were so intense that the sky and the sea became incandescent. Gao Xian, who was observing the heavenly calamity through the flower appreciating mirror, would close his eyes and dare not look directly at the white flames in the sky.

Even with just eye contact, pure white fire will be attracted by his aura and rush towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Xian was not afraid of being affected by the sky fire, but he just didn't want to interfere with Yin Jiuli's catastrophe.

Fortunately, through the mysterious resonance between the souls of both parties, Gao Xian was able to sense Yin Jiuli's condition.

Still relying on the extremely pure Yin and Yang Sword Intent of Liangyi, he can transform Tai Chi into a world of his own. Therefore, it can still hold on in such a fierce and violent disaster.

After more than half an hour, even though Yin Jiuli's soul had taken shape, he could no longer hold up under the blazing, sharp and pure white fire.

Yin Jiuli still took a Karma Fire Red Lotus, and a red spiritual light flashed through, transforming all the blazing heavenly fire in the Yuanshen into pure spiritual energy, and completely integrated with the Yuanshen.

The red lotus of karma turns into a petal-shaped red robe, which resists the destructive energy of the sky fire, and allows the extremely pure spiritual energy in the sky fire to penetrate into the soul.

After half an hour like this, Yin Jiuli's soul became stronger and stronger. When the red lotus of karma fire completely turned into fly ash, she also had the confidence to face the sky fire directly.

Another half an hour later, there was a huge roar in the sky, white light scattered all over the sky, and Yin Jiuli, holding two swords, also appeared in Gao Xian's eyes.

At this moment, Yin Jiuli's whole body was pure white, just like a pure and flawless white jade.

There is no doubt that Yin Jiuli is the top soul!
Yin Jiuli also saw Gao Xian. She smiled at Gao Xian, then took out the hidden body, and her soul returned to the body in a flash.

The next moment, Yin Jiuli was already at Gao Xian's side.

Gao Xian looked Yin Jiuli up and down. The newly promoted god's whole body was clear and pure, and his mana and consciousness were condensed into a circle, blocking out his consciousness and eyes.

He smiled and cupped his hands: "Congratulations Jiuli."

"It's all thanks to the help of my senior brother that I can become a high-level spirit."

Yin Jiuli said, coming over and holding Gao Xian's hand. She said extremely sincerely: "Thank you, senior brother."

"In our relationship, saying thank you is too foreign."

Gao Xian touched Yin Jiuli's soft and boneless hands. After becoming a god, Yin Jiuli's skin became more tender and smooth, adding a bit of softness and beauty to her elegance and quietness.

He couldn't help but chuckled in his heart: "I don't know how powerful Jiu Li has become the soul. Let me have a taste. Uh, let me try..."

Yin Jiuli understood. She glanced at Gao Xian with a mix of joy and anger: "Okay, please give me some advice, senior brother!"

In the past, the dual cultivation was dominated by Gao Xian. Yin Jiuli also wanted to win back the game this time. Please give senior brother a good taste of the soul!

Gao Xian laughed. He could tell that the little girl was a little dissatisfied with him when she became a god. Then let her know the power of the master's perfect level of yin and yang enlightenment... (End of this chapter)

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