Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 705 What a villain

The sixth level of Pure Yang, the seventh level of Mahayana.

Gao Xian is only a fourth-level Nascent Soul now, and he doesn't know much about the fifth-level divine transformation. To him, the sixth-level Pure Yang is the sun in the sky, which he can see but cannot touch.

The seventh-level Taiyi Golden Light Sword, Gao Xian could not even imagine how powerful such a divine sword would be!
The Infinite Sword Master is really generous and heroic, showing full sincerity.

Gao Xian would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. He just couldn't use the seventh-level divine sword, so it was good to hold it and take a look. Not to mention the "Tai Chi Sword Sutra", which is the first sword sutra in Kyushu.

Through dual cultivation with Yin Jiuli, he learned the Yin and Yang sword of Liangyi. The Liangyi Yin-Yang Sword and the Bipolar Yin-Yang Sword, both internally and externally, coincide with the essence of the Tai Chi Sword Sutra.

However, this is still far from the real Tai Chi Sword Classic. How could such a peerless swordsmanship be dismantled in reverse with his mere fourth-level cultivation?

The Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Jing can actually be regarded as the Yin and Yang Five Elements. It can be combined with the two-pole Yin and Yang Sword, and it will definitely be compatible with the Tai Chi Sword Sutra.

With this peerless sword scripture and the cultivation of Wuji Sword respect, it is no longer a delusion to realize Pure Yang!
If it were any other Taoist Master, Gao Xian would have suspected that the other party was deliberately testing him with the secret magic sword, but the Supreme Sword Master would not do such a boring thing.

Since she said that behaving like a person is like using a sword, she must be prepared to do so.

As for Dao Zun Xuanyang, he actually had no worries. In other words, Qiniang would not do anything to Qiniang even if she was angry with him.

In addition, there are women such as Taichu and Qingle. These two are both direct descendants of the sect, and they will not be implicated because of him.

He had promised Master Xuanyang, but Master Wuji also gave him the seventh-level Taiyi Golden Light Sword! Because of this, he became a disciple of Master Wuji Sword Master, and Old Taoist Xuanyang must have nothing to say.

If it doesn't work out, he can use the Taiyuan Shen phase clone to become the disciple of Wuji Sword Master, which doesn't count as breaking his promise.

Gao Xian knew very well that regardless of the thousands of reasons, he would be breaking his promise as long as he became a disciple of the Wuji Sword Master.

Gao Xian has always tried his best to keep his promises. That was a truth he understood very well. No one would believe a cultivator who spoke unreliably.

Keeping promises is not for others, but to build your own integrity and add value to yourself.

Now, the cost of breaking his promise is minimal and the gain is immeasurable. At this time, he shouldn't think too much, and there is nothing to think about.

Any hesitation would be disrespectful to the Tai Chi Sword Sutra and the seventh-level divine sword Taiyi Jin Guang Sword.

The pros and cons were so clear, but Gao Xian still hesitated.

Meng Er once said that words do not have to be deeds, and deeds do not have consequences, only righteousness lies.

Brother Kong also said that words must be true and actions must bear fruit. He is just a villain.

The meaning of these two eldest brothers is very simple. Keeping promises is only a small righteousness, and you can give up these for the sake of greater righteousness.

Gao Xian couldn't convince himself that he didn't keep his promise not for the sake of justice, but for the greater good. He is a small person who is seeking profit, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It’s just that I still can’t get over this hurdle in my heart. For the first time, he felt that his moral bottom line was a bit high! As a result, he felt a little miserable...

Gao Xian's mind was spinning, but he couldn't get past his own level. He also knew that he was a bit pretentious, a bit awkward, and very immature!

But, this is him, a little guy, there are some things he just can't do!
Gao Xian sighed deeply, turned around and bowed his head deeply to the Tai Chi Sword Palace below. He said sternly: "This junior has some talents, and has been appreciated by some seniors along the way, but no one has ever paid such attention to this junior. Such great love makes the younger generation feel ashamed.”

"Before coming to the Sword Palace, Dao Zun Xuanyang specifically told me that I was not allowed to worship in the Tai Chi Sword Palace. I promised at that time. Now that I think about it, I really regret it..."

Gao Xian once again bowed his head deeply and saluted: "This junior is just a small person. I don't know the righteousness. I only know that my words must be true and my deeds must be resolute. I can only live up to the love of the Sword Master."

In the Shaoyang Palace, Master Wuji slightly raised his long eyebrows. Gao Xian actually refused her solicitation, which was really beyond her expectation.

From her point of view, Gao Xian is quite thoughtful and behaves freely and uninhibitedly, regardless of reputation or reputation. It is indeed a bit pedantic for such a person to be bound by his promise and stick to small righteousness.

Having said that, this is why Gao Xian has his own legal framework for acting. Based on this, he can be free and uninhibited but not violate the rules. That gave Gao Xian great charm.

If it weren't for Gao Xian's extraordinary character, she wouldn't have tried so hard to recruit him.

Master Wuji Sword said calmly: "Keeping your promise is also a virtue."

She paused and then said: "If you change your mind in the future, just come to me. I promise not to change."

Gao Xian was so flattered that he bowed three times in a row before turning around and driving away.

In front of the Golden Light Palace, Yin Jiuli, Yin Sujun, Qing Qing, and Shui Mingxia all saw this scene. Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia looked confused, wondering what this meant?
However, Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun immediately understood that only the Supreme Sword Master in the Tai Chi Sword Palace was worthy of such a solemn salute from Gao Xian.

It should be what Sword Master and Gao Xian said. It was very likely that he wanted to recruit Gao Xian, but Gao Xian declined!
Yin Jiuli couldn't help but secretly cried out that it was a pity. If her senior brother agreed, she and her senior brother could really live together and fly together. What a pleasure!

Gao Xian, who drove away with the light, left the range of Tai Chi Sword Palace Master and immediately activated the teleportation talisman, and returned to the Xuan Ming Sect in a flash of spiritual light.

After not coming back for decades, Xuanming Sect has not changed at all. For a sect that has been inherited for thousands of years, a few decades is too short, not enough time for any changes to occur.

After Gao Xian came out of the teleportation circle, he went to Zhongyang Mountain first and refused the offer of Master Wuji Sword Master. This filled his heart with a strong sense of moral superiority, which also made him more courageous. He must find a good explanation from Master Xuanyang. .

It is winter, and there is snow everywhere on Zhongyang Mountain. The vegetation under the snow is withered and withered, and the wind from the north is also biting and cold.

Gao Xian went to the small river and took a look around, only to find that the river was covered with thick ice and the blue rocks beside the river beach were covered with thick snow. Apparently Taoist Xuanyang had not come to fish for a while.

He walked up the mountain road for a while and saw a two-story wooden building on the hillside. It was quite simple in shape and looked like it had been built for an unknown number of years. The outer layers of the wooden building are exposed to the original color of the wood, which is covered with mottled marks from wind and rain. The small courtyard in front of the wooden building is quite clean and there is no snow. Obviously people live here.

If he hadn't known that Xuanyang was in Zhongyang Mountain, Gao Xian wouldn't have believed that Taoist Master Chunyang would live in such a miserable place.

Chunyang Dao Zun is the top powerhouse in Jiuzhou. Even if he doesn't care about ordinary enjoyments such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is no need to live in such a shabby life.

Besides, the sixth-level Chunyang Taoist Master is still made of flesh and blood, and he also needs to take care of and protect his physical body. Living here is simply abusing yourself.

Gao Xian vaguely sensed that there was someone in the wooden building, but he did not dare to use his spiritual sense to pry, so he walked to the door and knocked softly.

"Your distinguished guest, please wait a moment."

A child's voice came from the wooden building. After a while, the door opened and an eleven or twelve-year-old Taoist boy ran out. He had red lips, white teeth, black teeth, and bright eyes. His Taoist clothes were washed very clean and tidy, and he looked very handsome. Spirit.

The little Taoist boy looked young, but Gao Xian didn't dare to neglect him. Who knows what happened to this little thing? !

He politely raised his hands and said: "Little master, my name is Gao Xian, and I have come to pay homage to Taoist Master. I wonder if you are here?"

The little Taoist boy smiled: "Dear guest, please come with me."

Gao Xian followed the Taoist boy into the wooden building. The little Taoist boy pointed to the stairs going up and said, "The Taoist Master is reading on the second floor. Guests can go on their own."

Gao Xian nodded in thanks and then carefully went up to the second floor. When he turned the corner, he saw Xuanyang lying on the couch, holding a copy of "Journey to the West" in his hand and reading it with gusto.

Opposite Xuanyang was a small red clay stove, on which tea was boiled and some dried fruits were roasted, exuding a strong fruity aroma.

In the cold winter, the old man lived a really leisurely life by burning the stove in his room, drinking tea and reading a book. It's just that the old man actually watched the complete set of "Journey to the West", which really surprised Gao Xian.

However, the old man was obviously much older. Many wrinkles could be seen on his face. His skin was dry and yellow, and his temples were gray. He looked like an old man in his fifties.

"Disciple Gao Xian pays homage to the Patriarch." Gao Xian bowed his head and saluted. No matter what he thought in his heart, he still had to be respectful on the surface.

"came back……"

Taoist Master Xuanyang raised his head and glanced at Gao Xian. He casually put the book next to him and said, "Come sit here and drink tea."

The old Taoist poured a cup of tea for Gao Xian and pointed to the small bamboo stool next to him, motioning for Gao Xian to sit down.

Before, Gao Xian really didn't dare to sit under Chunyang Taoist Master and drink tea. But he felt confident now. He sat generously on the bamboo stool, cupped his hands in front of the old Taoist, and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master, for the tea."

Gao Xian picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. The old man's life seemed to be a bit miserable. After drinking a cup of tea, Gao Xian felt his whole body heat up and his soul was filled with heat.

His whole body was red, and he felt like he was going to be burned into dried flesh by invisible fire!
I don’t know what kind of spiritual tea this cup of tea is, but its spiritual effect is so strong and overbearing. Gao Xianzhuan was relieved. After all, it was the spiritual tea used by the sixth-level Chunyang Taoist Master, so it was definitely not ordinary.

Fortunately, his five-qi chakra was strong enough to withstand the power of this cup of tea.

Xuanyang Taoist Master looked at Gao Xian with a smile. He raised the teapot and signaled: "Would you like another cup?"

Gao Xian hurriedly handed over his hands: "Thank you, Taoist Master, I can't bear it anymore."

"Ha ha……"

The old man smiled, it was quite interesting to chat with this guy. He asked casually: "Is the matter settled?"

"It's done. I'm here to report back to my ancestor."

Gao Xian said with admiration: "The Patriarch had a brilliant plan. The Sword Master really wanted to accept me as his disciple, and he also took out the "Tai Chi Sword Sutra" and the Taiyi Golden Light Sword..."


The smile on Dao Zun Xuanyang's face froze. He very much suspected that Gao Xian was talking nonsense, but judging from Gao Xian's calm look, he probably wasn't telling lies. Besides, a smart man like Gao Xian would not talk nonsense on such a big matter.

Taoist Master Xuanyang sighed softly: "Fellow Taoist Wuji really thinks highly of you. It would be too impolite for you to refuse such a kind invitation."

"I think so too. I just made an agreement with the Patriarch first and don't dare to break the promise. I can only decline the Sword Lord's invitation."

Gao Xian asked in a low voice with a cautious look: "Tao Zun, am I right to do this?"

Taoist Master Xuanyang couldn't help but laugh. Of course he understood what Gao Xian meant. This kid was here to take credit!

Being able to resist the temptation of the seventh-level Taiyi Golden Light Sword really impressed him.

"well done!"

Taoist Master Xuanyang said thoughtfully: "You keep your promise and will not be moved by external things. You have a noble character and must be rewarded."

Gao Xian looked at Taoist Xuanyang with surprise and expectation, as if he couldn't believe that such a good thing was happening. But he was shouting in his heart: "Lao Deng, give me gold coins!"

(Please vote for me~) (End of this chapter)

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