Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 706 Human Fireworks

Taoist Master Xuanyang looked at the well-behaved young man in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Wuji really gave him a difficult problem!

Xuanyang Dao Zun naturally has his overall plan on how to cultivate high talents.

Gao Xian is still at level 4, so giving him too many resources is not a good thing. One is that Gao Xian cannot truly utilize the value of these resources, and the other is that when Gao Xian reaches the fifth level, more resources will need to be invested to maintain his enthusiasm.

What if Gao Xian reaches the sixth level?
The Infinite Sword Master directly gives the seventh-level divine sword, this is simply random! What to do next?
Taoist Master Xuanyang cursed Wuji in his heart, but he had to reward Gao Xian at this moment.

"I don't have a seventh-level divine sword. Besides, if I give you a seventh-level divine weapon, you won't be able to use it!"

Xuanyang Taoist Master said seriously: "Boy, when an artifact reaches the sixth level, it needs to be tempered by thunder tribulation. The spirituality in the sixth-level artifact that has survived the thunder tribulation will give birth to wisdom. The spirit of this kind of artifact is just like a human being. There are thousands of personalities. If you want to control an artifact of level 6 or above, you must either surrender to the artifact spirit or gain the approval of the artifact spirit!

"Wuji drew a big cake for you, it looks good. The Taiyi Golden Light Sword is a seventh-level divine sword. Not to mention you, even if Wuji wants to use this divine sword, he has to discuss it with the weapon spirit..."

Gao Xian was a little surprised that such a thing existed.

There are many ancient legends of gods and Buddhas recorded in various classics, but there are almost no descriptions of powers above the sixth level.

Gao Xian really didn't know that the sixth-level artifact had independent intelligence. You have to be Taoist Master Chunyang, he knows a lot. Gao Xian said sincerely: "I see, this disciple has been taught."

Xuanyang Taoist Master is quite satisfied with Gao Xian's attitude. This child is quite sensible and is not the kind of brat who just cries and begs for milk...

He said: "Tianchan's Nine Death Pill has been promised to you a long time ago. This pill naturally cannot be regarded as a reward. I happen to have a sixth-level divine grade Breaking Army Star Power Crystal in my hand. It can help you refine the Breaking Army Divine Barrel …”

As the old Taoist said this, he flicked his sleeves and placed two jade boxes on the small coffee table.

Gao Xian's eyes turned around the two jade boxes and then looked at Xuanyang Taoist Master. A sixth-level divine grade Army-Breaking Divine Crystal was really useful to him.

With this divine crystal, it may not take a hundred years to refine the sixth-level army-breaking divine jar! This is a six-level divine artifact. If you can really control it as you wish, how powerful it would be!
However, with the Infinite Sword Master as proof, it was a bit too picky for Xuanyang Master to give him a sixth-level divine crystal.

Naturally, Gao Xian did not dare to act presumptuously in front of Taoist Xuanyang. The old man looked like he was playing games, joking and uninhibited. Who knew what kind of temper this man had.

He looked at Old Dao Xuanyang eagerly, like an underfed child, his eyes full of pure longing.

Old Taoist Xuanyang glanced at Gao Xian, no matter how he looked at this kid, he looked a little disgusting! However, one cannot really hurt Gao Xian's heart. After all, he rejected the seventh-level divine sword. His loyalty was so shocking that it would be unjustifiable not to give him a commendation.

The old Taoist ruthlessly took out a golden crystal from his sleeve and slapped it on the coffee table, "Take it, Taiyi Divine Crystal."

The appearance of the golden spiritual crystal is very similar to a standard spiritual stone, except that there are wisps of electric light swimming inside the golden crystal, and the concentration and dispersion change erratically, which looks very mysterious.

Gao Xian could tell that the old Taoist's sudden slap was a reminder to him not to go too far and to stop when he was ready. He hurriedly stood up and bowed to salute: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for the reward. I feel ashamed to receive it, and I feel ashamed to receive it."

Having said that, Gao Xian still put away all three things rudely. He turned around and asked respectfully: "Ancestor, I wonder what the use of this Taiyi Divine Crystal is?"

"This is good stuff!"

Xuanyang Taoist Master looked straight and said: "This object is the Mahayana Heavenly Lord who used a secret method to subdue the thunder tribulation when he was going through the thunder tribulation, and stored it in this divine crystal.

"The seventh-level tribulation thunder has the power to destroy the world. This kind of thunder contains the magic of the birth and death of innate yin and yang. Even if it is just a ray of thunder, it has infinite magical effects."

Gao Xian was a little confused. The old Taoist said a lot, but none of it was true. What is the use of this thing?
He asked respectfully: "My disciple is stupid, what is the magical use of this thing? Please ask the ancestor to teach me."

Taoist Master Xuanyang smiled at what he said deliberately, just to tease Gao Xian. Seeing the respectful attitude of this boy, he said: "The Taiyi Divine Crystal contains the innate yin and yang thunder changes, which can be used to generate the spirituality of the magic weapon, and can also be used to comprehend the thunder method to improve the cultivation level.

"How you use this seventh-level divine item depends on you!"

Gao Xian probably understood it, and looking at his veteran appearance, he had no intention of explaining it in detail. He bowed again.

He turned around and said: "Master, next I am preparing to attain enlightenment and become a god. It may take three hundred years to polish and purify..."

"Go ahead. I will leave the Yaoguang Palace to your female companion. She is much better at doing things than you..."

Taoist Master Xuanyang is very concerned about Gao Xian, so he naturally knows about Zhu Qiniang. He had seen it several times and was very satisfied with Zhu Qiniang's ability to do things.

Not to mention that Gao Xian is inferior to him, Zhu Qiniang, who is so big in Xuanming Cult, can be firmly ranked in the top five in terms of work ability. He is really calm and capable, decisive in dealing with things, and clear in rewards and punishments.

Zhu Qiniang has been in charge of Yaoguang Palace for almost a hundred years, and everyone admires her very much. Xuanyang Dao Zun felt that Gao Xian's loose and dissolute temperament was similar to his own, so it would be best to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Gao Xian laughed dryly. He naturally knew that Qiniang was capable of doing things, but when Tao Zun said that he was not as good as Qiniang, he felt somewhat unconvinced.

Xuanyang Taoist Master also explained: "The combined soul is extraordinary. It really requires the unity of form and spirit to be perfect both internally and externally. Each cultivator has different standards for the unity of form and spirit, both internal and external. However, the combined soul has to face the fire of heaven. Test, any omission will cause your body and spirit to collapse and turn into ashes.

"When you are condensing the form and spirit, you need to illuminate yourself, understand the omissions, and constantly improve and make corrections. Only then can you truly refine the combined spirit."

Xuanyang Taoist Master said seriously: "Everyone knows that the combined soul is powerful, but no one takes this path, just because it is too difficult to combine the soul.

"The Nascent Soul is the spiritual condensation of Zhiyin, and can be reshaped naturally and easily through the tempering of secret methods. The physical body is acquired, and the muscles, bones, organs, flesh, skin, and fur are all very complicated. I want to refine these from the inside out, and To form a perfect unity with the soul requires an incomparable harmony of form and spirit.

"One is empty and the other is real, and the inside and outside are integrated. This is a hundred times more difficult than tempering the soul alone."

Xuanyang Taoist Master said with some complicated meaning: "You have chosen the most difficult path. The integration of body and soul is the first level. When you reach the sixth level, you have to do it again. If you really reach the seventh level, it will be even more troublesome. ..." Gao Xian's face changed slightly. This is not what the old man said earlier. The old man said that the combined soul points directly to the avenue and is the supreme dharma.

Now he is talking about the various shortcomings of the combined soul. This old man must be doing it on purpose! He regrets it now. It's just that at this point, everything is ready, and it can't be justified for him to retreat!
Gao Xian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and said seriously: "Ancestor, there is no smooth road on the great road. I am willing to try."

Taoist Master Xuanyang smiled: "Okay, we cultivators must have the courage to go against the will of heaven."

He turned around and said: "With your ability, it is still difficult to illuminate yourself clearly. Even I can't say that I can discern the truth and the truth clearly."

"The best way is to ask fellow Taoist Bai Yujing for help. She is born with supernatural powers and can discern everything clearly. Any omissions in your body and spirit will not be hidden from her eyes. With the Tianchan Nine Death Pill, it can make up for your own shortcomings."

Hearing Bai Yujing's name, Gao Xian's heart moved. Is this a test for him?

He hurriedly said: "I have met senior Bai Yujing, and I had to ask her for advice. I just don't know the identity of this senior?"

Xuanyang Taoist Master shook his head slightly: "You don't need to know this. I will give you a spiritual talisman that will allow you to enter the thirteenth heaven to see fellow Taoist Bai Yujing."

Lao Tao Zhuan reminded again: "Fellow Taoist Bai has a weird temperament. If you ask her for help, you have to follow her temper. Just do whatever she wants you to do..."

Gao Xian humbly accepted the teachings. Although he had a good relationship with Taoist Xuanyang, it was not easy to meet him.

It was not easy to meet him once, and taking this opportunity, Gao Xian also asked for advice on many difficult problems in spiritual practice. Xuanyang Taoist Master has great knowledge, and he can explain the difficult problems that he is struggling with in one sentence.

With such questions and answers, most of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Master Xuanyang said to Gao Xian: "Sometimes you have to understand things on your own in cultivation. Everyone's situation is different, and the same secret method can be practiced differently.

"I can guide you in the general direction, but it's best to understand the specific subtle aspects by yourself. What suits you is the best."

Gao Xian wanted to speak, but Master Xuanyang flicked his sleeves and said, "Go down and rest first."

The clear light turned, and by the time Gao Xian came to his senses, he had returned to his bedroom in Jingxing Palace.

Gao Xian looked around. He hadn't been back for decades, but the bedroom was clean and tidy. Someone had obviously cleaned it frequently.

He recited the mantra silently to activate the magic circle and sealed the inside and outside of the bedroom.

Logically speaking, one should go see Qiniang first, but studying with Taoist Xuanyang really consumes one's energy, and he feels extremely tired despite his abilities.

Accompanying Yin Jiuli in dual cultivation, there were few quiet moments in the past few decades. Besides, Taikoo Jianyuan was dangerous after all, and he didn't dare to really relax.

Jingxing Palace was safe enough. Gao Xianqiang did his routine homework before falling asleep.

He slept for a whole day, and this ultimate deep rest allowed him to truly relax. He sat on the couch in a daze for a while, then slowly came back to his senses.

After using a cleaning spell to clean up briefly, Gao Xian went to Yaoguang Palace and found Qiniang.

After not seeing each other for more than fifty years, Qiniang was naturally very happy to see Gao Xian, and Gao Xian was also very happy. I haven’t seen her in the past few decades, and Qiniang’s cultivation has also improved.

His Yin and Yang enlightenment has reached the state of master perfection, and even Yin Jiuli's achievement of becoming a god is no match for him. This will be a dual practice with Qiniang, so you will naturally be able to do it with ease.

Qiniang's body training method is just one level behind at the level of spiritual consciousness. This kind of dual cultivation is actually very important to her, as it can help her make up for the gaps and soften her spiritual consciousness and mana.

Gao Xian and Qiniang have the deepest relationship, and since they have the ability, they will naturally help Qiniang improve her cultivation. The two of them practiced together for more than a month and it was the end of the year.

On New Year's Eve, Gao Xian and Qiniang stayed together.

Jingxing Palace was very large and luxuriously decorated, thousands of times better than his earthen house in Pegasus Ji. Gao Xian still felt that the earthen house was more cozy. At that time, he stayed up late with Qiniang and Daniu. Although he was always worried about tomorrow, his life was enjoyable.

The higher your cultivation level, the better your life, but you no longer feel that way.

Gao Xian also knew that he was being pretentious again, but he couldn't help but think about the past and the people and things in the past when facing Qiniang.

Fortunately, Qiniang was with him.

Qiniang didn't know what Gao Xian was thinking, so she just watched Gao Xian quietly and felt extremely satisfied. As for anything else, she didn't care at all.

The roars coming from outside, and the bright fireworks blooming and shining in the starry sky, are the magical flames released by Xuanming Cultivators to celebrate the New Year's Eve.

Under the light of the flickering fireworks, Qiniang's tender eyes were so clear, and the distracting thoughts in Gao Xian's heart disappeared immediately. He is about to transform into a god, Qiniang is also by his side, everything is fine, why should he be dissatisfied!

An indescribable tranquil joy naturally overflowed from his heart.

Qiniang saw a smile on Gao Xian's face. She didn't know why Gao Xian was happy, but she was happy when Gao Xian was happy.

Neither of them spoke, but there was a tacit understanding flowing in their hearts, which was better than countless words... (End of Chapter)

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