Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 713 A clever plan

When Gao Xian first came here, he didn't know where Iron Shark was. But he didn't care too much. Although Black Rock City had strict restrictions, it couldn't stop the powerful God Transformation who exploded with all his strength, let alone him.

Since Rudian knows the other party, I think she has a way to deal with it, so she won't have to take action.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, Gao Xian urged him to use the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes to hide himself. In this case, even if the other party runs into the room, he will not be able to see him.

It has to be said that the Grandmaster's Perfect Tai Chi Mysterious Light Formless Divine Clothes are so useful. The formless changes transformed by the Tai Chi Mysterious Light are enough to obscure the perception of ordinary powerful people.

Through the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes, he further understood the changes in Tai Chi where yin and yang unite.

He can kill Shark San easily. Firstly, the transformation of the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes is superb. Secondly, the two poles and two yin yin and yang swords are fused internally and externally, transforming into the extremely superb sword intention of annihilating all annihilation.

Even though Shark Sanyuan Shen is strong, he cannot withstand this sword.

Gao Xian was also very satisfied with this sword. He really brought out all the essence of his swordsmanship. Only then could he kill the god with one sword without leaving any chance to the opponent.

You must know that a powerful person like Sha San who can transform into gods can also be ranked high in the Xuanming Sect. The fact that he can kill them with one sword proves that his swordsmanship has improved tremendously.

Not only that, after Shark San is killed by him, Taishi Temple can be copied. This is a truly intelligent and powerful person who becomes a god. He can kill the opponent with a sneak attack while the opponent is seriously injured.

If we really have to fight face to face, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose. After all, the opponent has a huge advantage. Having Sha San practice with him every day is of great benefit to him.

After Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, he silently looked at the few bad guests outside the door.

The distance is too close, and there is no interference from any mana, so it is actually very dangerous to look at the powerful person like this. Fortunately, his Flower Appreciating Mirror is also a master's perfection. Although it is not very useful now, it will not reveal his traces.

Passive observation is the most exquisite part of the flower appreciating mirror.

Four people came outside. The leader had dark and shiny skin and a square and sturdy figure. He looked like a piece of polished black iron, square and tough.

This person's face also has a triangular shape with small eyes, and his face shape is quite similar to that of Shark San. The difference is that this man's eyes are deep and his aura is calm and restrained.

He was also wearing a large black robe, which also concealed his primitive and barbaric aura as a monster. If you only look at the surface, although this person is ugly, he has the air of a strong man.

Compared to that manic Shark San, he looked much smarter.

According to what Rudian said, this person should be Iron Shark. There are three other people behind this person, one is as tall and thin as a bamboo pole, one has a skin as pale as paper, and one has a small head and a round back, clearly showing the appearance of a turtle tribe.

The appearance of the three guys is very strange, half of them are human-like, and the other half of them are strange but obviously have inhuman characteristics. Even a three-year-old child can tell that something is wrong with these three guys.

These three are a bit scary in appearance, but they are all gods, and they are not inferior to Sha San.

Gao Xian estimated that he would not be able to defeat the four powerful masters of transformation, but if they really wanted to take action, they would be able to escape without any problem.

Yomo Island is located on the East China Sea, and there are thousands of void passages connecting everywhere. This is not the realm of human cultivators, these alien gods are the mainstream.

Moreover, the status of the human race here is not very high. Therefore, several powerful gods disdained to cover up their visions.

The leader, Iron Shark, was able to refine the vision and look more like a normal person because of his pure cultivation. This iron shark is also the most difficult to deal with...

Tie Shar, the four powerful gods, did not notice Gao Xian's gaze. They had also looked at the room just now and found nothing unusual.

At this moment, the eyes of the four powerful god-transformers were all focused on Ru Dian. There were many powerful god-transformers in this Black Rock City, and they didn't pay much attention to Ru Dian.

No one expected that this seemingly delicate girl could be so fierce that she almost killed Sha San with a stick. This stick was also the root cause of Sha San's murder.

As a member of the giant shark monster clan, Iron Shark naturally wanted to seek an explanation for his fellow clan members.

Rudian was very calm and composed, and the malicious looks from the four powerful gods had no impact on her. The most important thing for the sacred elephant to suppress the prison is to be as stable as the sacred mountain Xumi, so that the six paths can be suppressed.

Although she is young, her cultivation of energy and concentration is much stronger than the four people in front of her combined. After all, the other party is from a different race, has different cultivation methods, and does not pay attention to concentration and tranquility. There is no way to compare with her.

"Tie City Lord, Shark San and I did it outside and have nothing to do with Black Rock City. It's a bit unreasonable for you to come here to question us," Rudian said calmly.

"Indeed, the action took place outside Black Rock City. However, Shasha San is one of the city's general managers. If you kill Shasha San, you are an enemy of our Black Rock City."

Tie Shark's expression was cold, his eyes were stern, and his tone of voice became increasingly tough.

Rudian frowned slightly: "Master Tiecheng, it was Sha San who started killing people indiscriminately. If there are rules, it was Sha San who broke them first."

"Sha San is the general manager of this city. It's one thing for him to kill people, but it's another thing for you to kill him."

Tie Shark shouted sternly: "You still haven't confessed your guilt!"

Rudian looked at Tie Shark quietly. Since the other party was unreasonable, there was no need to continue communicating. She can do whatever she wants, she's not afraid of anyone!
The two sides looked at each other, their respective souls had activated their mana, and the atmosphere became extremely cold and depressing.

Seeing that Rudian was so strong and didn't even say a soft word, it also surprised several powerful demon clan gods. Black Rock City is a market that they finally established. Every year, cultivators from all walks of life can bring a lot of profits just by trading here.

It's hard to say whether Rudian can be killed in Black Rock City, but Black Rock City will definitely be destroyed. The crude magic circle they set up would never be able to withstand the bombardment of the powerful gods. Gui Wannian saw that the situation was not good, so he took two steps forward and persuaded: "Tie City Lord, this fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, please talk it over, why should you get angry."

Gui Wannian is no more than four feet tall, with a small head, round back, and short limbs. He is wearing a large green robe and looks quite funny.

But he is the oldest and has the deepest cultivation. In terms of external communication, he always appears as a good person and is quite prestigious in Black Rock City.

Rudian actually knows the other party's tricks very well. He sings and harmonizes, is strong and soft, just to use his words to control her. She doesn't like these god-transforming demon clans, but there are many people living in Black Rock City who have nothing to do with this matter.

If we really take action, I don’t know how many people will die in vain.

She set her sights on Gui Wannian, and her meaning was very clear. If you have anything to say, just say it.

Gui Wannian laughed dryly: "Fellow Taoist, it's better to be like this. Sha San was the one who made the move first, and it was his fault. Fellow Taoist killed Sha San, and it was also wrong of him."

"I didn't kill him." Rudian calmly corrected the other party's mistake.

Gui Wannian shook his long neck and his head like a rattle: "If it hadn't been for Fellow Taoist's earth-shattering blow, Shasha San would not have died. Speaking of which, the root cause lies with Fellow Daoist."

Rudian suddenly felt a little funny and a little dirty when he saw the old man shaking his head. She sighed inwardly, she shouldn't have read the books written by her senior brother randomly, and then she would have random thoughts.

Gui Wannian didn't know what Ru Dian was thinking. He could only see a faint smile in Ru Dian's curved eyes, which made the old man a little annoyed. How could it be ridiculous that he was so serious?

Fortunately, the old man had lived long enough and was thick-skinned enough. He continued: "How about this. According to the rules of the city, the Taoist friend will pay three thousand top-grade spiritual stones and let this matter be over."

Anyway, Shark San is dead, and several of the god-transforming demon clans are not interested in helping him avenge him. This time I came to Rudian, mainly because I wanted to test Rudian's situation and find a way to get some benefits.

For them, taking action is definitely the last resort. Even if he is beaten to death like lightning, how much benefit will there be? Besides, a cultivator like Rudian must have a large sect behind him.

They are all based on Yomo Island, and it is difficult to run away if they get into trouble.

Rudian is a little disgusted by Gui Wannian and their greed. If the other party is fighting for Sha San, she can still admire the other party's loyalty. In the end, it was a bit too mean to say all this just to ask for money.

She wanted to refuse outright, but then she thought that Senior Brother Gao Xian was also there. The senior brother must have come here to purify the Bright Pill, but he killed Sha San just to help her.

Black Rock City is quite powerful on Yama Island and has gathered more than ten powerful gods. If she really wants to fall out with Black Rock City, although she is not afraid, she will inevitably involve her senior brother.

When Rudian was weighing the pros and cons, she discovered that Gao Xian had already arrived beside her. He had just changed into a black robe, and his appearance had changed into thin eyebrows and long eyes, with a sharp sword intent all over his body.

Gao Xian transformed into Taiyuan Shenxiang, mainly because he didn't want to reveal his identity. It is better to keep a low profile when cultivators from all walks of life gather on Yama Island.

He said calmly to Tie Shark: "It's easy to get three thousand top-quality spiritual stones, as long as you can win the sword in my hand."

The faces of Tie Shar, Gui Wannian and other demon clan members all changed. They knew that there was someone else who killed Shark San, but they couldn't see that person's appearance. As soon as Gao Xian appeared, the sharp sword intent on his body loomed in their eyes, and they knew that this man must be the one who killed Sha San.

The pale-faced Yin Wuchang had been silent, but now he stood up and said in a deep voice: "Okay, let me learn from you."

The deputy city lords are the most decisive and powerful in their actions. Therefore, Yin Wuchang is not allowed to come forward in external negotiations.

Seeing that there was nothing left to say, Yin Wuchang did not hesitate to end his fight with Gao Xian. Tie Shark's expression was gloomy and full of murderous intent, but in his heart he did not agree with Yin Wuchang's direct action.

Gui Wannian's expression was also a bit complicated. Naturally, he didn't want to take action, but he couldn't demolish himself.

Yin Wuchang said: "I'll see you on Feixing Island at midnight tonight."

He waved his hand as he spoke: "You two are not welcome in Black Rock City, please come."

Naturally, Gao Xian and Rudian would not stay here, and the two of them flew away in the light.

When the two people disappeared, Tie Shark used his spiritual consciousness to send a message: "Why are you doing this? This man's swordsmanship is peerless. You may not be able to win, and even if you win, it's not worth it..."

A strange smile appeared on Yin Wuchang's face as pale as paper: "There are so many of us, but we are still afraid of him."

Tie Shark and Gui Wannian both showed strange looks. Although they were an alliance of more than a dozen transformed gods, they each had their own agenda, and no one could risk their lives for others.

If they could really work together, their alliance would have dominated Yomo Island long ago. This is obviously impossible.

That sword cultivator is mysterious and unpredictable. How can anyone be willing to help Yin Wuchang?

Yin Wuchang took out a golden necklace from his sleeve: "This thing is called the Ten Jue Heaven Locking Ring, and I just got it not long ago. This thing can lock the void. The best thing is that it can be controlled by multiple people at the same time. One more person The power will increase by one point..."

Gui Wannian, Tie Shark, and Bai Feiyu all showed astonishment. With this treasure in hand, they can gather the power of many gods and they will win this battle.

The key is not to kill the sword cultivator, but that they can use this treasure to intimidate many transformed gods, and then dominate Yemo Island... (End of this chapter)

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