Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 714 Just what I wanted

"Senior brother, these god-transforming demon tribes like Iron Shark have dark and vicious thoughts. They have more than ten helpers who will fight tonight. They will definitely besiege senior brother..."

There was a hint of worry in Rudian Wanwan's bright eyes. She was never worried or frightened when doing things with others, but when it came to Gao Xian, she always felt that things happened because of her, and couldn't help but worry about Gao Xian.

Gao Xian said indifferently: "It's better if they don't fight if there are too many people."

Before entering Yomo Island, he had made many preparations. For him, fighting and killing was actually the easiest and most labor-saving method.

Even if the enemy is not beaten to death, he can still get out of trouble by using clones. He also has the Tianchan Nine Death Pill, the more seriously injured he is, the greater the benefits he will gain.

When he helped Rudian, he really just wanted to help, and he didn't ask for anything. He has always admired Rudian's pure and clear nature. This kind of purity that has been tempered by the world is much better than the sincerity that is not familiar with the world.

Rudian said softly: "Senior brother, there are millions of void passages connecting all directions on Yomo Island. For tens of thousands of years, countless demons and ghosts have gathered here, including human monks.

"There is no order here, and it can be said to be an extremely dangerous place. A group of cultivators of spiritual transformation from Black Rock City have occupied this place for who knows how many years, and they have certain interests with each other. It can be said that there is strength in numbers. Although senior brother is strong, you still have to be careful. That’s good.”

Rudian saw that Gao Xian didn't seem to care, so she had to remind him again.

With more than a dozen transformed gods gathered together, this strength is very terrifying. A sect as powerful as Dragon Elephant Palace rarely summons more than a dozen gods to work together.

Gao Xian understood what Rudian meant. One or two gods could be easily dealt with, but if the number of gods reached double digits, there would be too many variables.

Even if the opponent doesn't have the ability to combine attacks, a dozen transformed gods can easily kill him if they take action one after another.

He said seriously: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I know the severity and will never take risks easily."

Rudian felt relieved immediately and couldn't help but smile on her face. She turned around and lowered her eyes in embarrassment and said: "Senior brother, your wisdom is as deep as the sea, but I thought too simply and caused trouble to senior brother."

Gao Xian shook his head: "Fellow Taoist is also doing my best, how can I not know what is good and what is bad?"

He didn't want to say more about this. Rudian was his friend, but not his girlfriend. He changed the topic and asked, "Fellow Taoist, you have been coming to Yomo Island for a while. Do you know anything about the Pure Brightness Pill?"

"After I condensed my soul, I got the spiritual talisman given by my ancestor to practice here. It's been almost ten years..."

It's been a while since Ridian came to Yamada Island. Although he didn't get a single pure and bright elixir, he knew a lot about this special elixir.

"The spiritual power contained in the sky sacred tree of the Pure Brightness Pill, if it is true or illusory, seems to exist or seem to be non-existent, and the Pure Brightness Pill circulates and flies into the sky every night, it should essentially be the tempering of the spiritual energy passing through this world.

"It is said that the Pure Light Pill is the purest and can wash away all filth in the body and soul. The seventh-level Mahayana Lord likes to use this substance to cleanse the body and soul..."

Rudian was born in the Dragon Elephant Palace and has the top inheritance in Jiuzhou. This knowledge of hers comes from the inheritance of Tao Zun and is very reliable.

The Pure Light Pill is so mysterious that even Taoist Master Huikong is not very clear about it. She was just paraphrasing Taoist Master Huikong's words, so naturally she couldn't express her words too fully.

"I see."

Gao Xian nodded. It is no wonder that Bai Yujing paid a high price for such an important divine object.

He asked again: "Can we use such a magical thing?"

Rudian shook his head: "The effect of the Pure Light Pill is too powerful, even the cultivators of spiritual transformation cannot withstand the effect of this thing. If a Pure Light Pill is used, it is likely that the form and spirit will be refined and pure as light, and even the mark of the soul will be washed away. , consciousness, emotion, memory, etc. will be completely erased..."


Gao Xian was a little disappointed. He originally thought this thing was very useful to him. His problem is that form and spirit are not integrated, and the essence is that form and spirit are not pure enough.

It's a pity that the spiritual power of the Pure Light Pill is so powerful that even the gods can't bear it. Even though his consciousness is strong, he can't say he can withstand the spiritual power of this thing.

He turned around and asked: "Fellow Taoist, can you see who captured the Pure Light Pill?"


Rudian is very sure about this. She tries to catch the Pure Light Pill almost every night, but she has never seen anyone succeed.

Such a precious divine elixir would also make a powerful person who transforms into a god go crazy for it. If someone really gets a Pure Light Pill, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Yomo Island.

No, there should be a big fight on the spot. No matter who gets the Pure Light Pill, don't take it away easily.

Although Gao Xian had expected this, he was still a little frustrated when he heard the answer.

This thing is really difficult to do! Of course, things that are easy to get are not valuable, and Bai Yujing will not give such generous rewards.

"Where is Feixing Island?" Gao Xian came to Yemo Island for the first time, and his eyes darkened. Fortunately, Rudian is nearby, just ask her if you have anything.

"It's not far from the Sky Sacred Tree. Its shape is like a four-pointed star, and its whole body is as black as black gold. It is indestructible and has a radius of thousands of miles. Because this island is extremely hard and cannot be destroyed, many people use it as a fighting arena."

Rudian pointed to somewhere ahead. Looking from this direction, he could just see the corner of Feixing Island.

She said with some regret: "This island seems to be really a small fragment of the stars in the sky. Its quality is extremely special and difficult to cut. It is also extremely heavy. It is integrated with the mysterious magnetic energy of the sky and sea in this world and cannot be moved."

"If you can bring it back to the sect, it will definitely be an excellent material for refining weapons..."

After Rudian said this, Gao Xian became somewhat interested in Feixing Island. He followed Rudian to ride the escape light to Feixing Island. From a distance, Feixing Island was just a dark square prism, a bit like a capital X.

The central part of the intersection is thousands of miles in diameter. If calculated based on the weight of iron, the weight of this thing is amazing.

Not only is the material of Flying Star Island extremely hard and heavy, it also contains extremely rich star power.

The star power radiated by the stars in the nine heavens is also a kind of spiritual energy, but the star power condensed on Feixing Island is as strong as a diamond. Not to mention absorbing it, it can't even be separated.

Gao Xian knew at a glance that this thing was far beyond the limit of becoming a god. At least only those at the Pure Yang level could collect this thing. But Chunyang couldn't enter Yemo Island.

He is somewhat greedy for Feixing Island, so strong that it condenses into substantial star power. The star power condensed here is so huge.

If he could absorb the refining, he might be able to raise the Army-Breaking Divine Treasure to the seventh level... or at least to the peak of the sixth level.

It's a pity that the star power contained in Feixing Island is very special. It doesn't look the same as Pojun's star power, at least it doesn't resonate with the star power.

Having said that, if Feixing Island really resonates with his Pojun star power, he will definitely have a reaction as soon as he enters Yemo Island.

Rudian said: "Senior brother, there are some magical things in Yama Island. Unfortunately, they are all of too high a level. We can neither use them nor get them..." It has been almost ten years since she came to Yama Island, and she has experienced a lot. Live some good things. Even if it is limited to its own strength, it can only take a look at these magical creatures.

"Black Rock City has been established for I don't know how many years ago. Because it can maintain basic order and allow cultivators from all over the world to communicate with each other, Black Rock City charges fees and is guaranteed to make a profit. This has gradually become the largest city in Yemo Island. power."

Rudian sighed softly and said: "It's a pity that Iron Shark is a group of aliens who only have interests in their eyes. They don't follow the rules when doing things, and Black Rock City has never been able to do well..."

Gao Xian understood what Rudian meant, and this person reminded him in disguise that Black Rock City was cunning and unruly. He said: "We have a fight tonight. Fellow Taoists can just watch the fight from a distance. I will try them with my clone..."

Gao Xian is not stupid and wants to follow the rules. A group of powerful gods gathered together, even if Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wu Xiang Shen Yi was so wonderful, he had no right to mess around. You have to figure out the reality of this group of gods before making a decision.

Rudian thought for a moment and said: "Actually, there is also an alliance of human cultivators on Yomo Island, called the Nanhua Alliance. It occupies a large floating island to the south of the Sky Sacred Tree and has also opened a market. Almost all of them are human cultivators. There are probably more than 10,000 people..."

Rudian suggested: "Brother, how about we visit the South China Alliance. The leader of the monk is called Huang Jiufeng. He should be from the Demon Sect of the Western Wilderness. Most of the cultivators he gathered are also demon cultivators."

Talking about this Rudian makes me want to sigh. If Huang Jiufeng was reliable, she wouldn't live in Black Rock City. It is true that Huang Jiufeng is both greedy and poisonous, and she really doesn't want to deal with this person.

However, the South China League and Black Rock City have never dealt with them. With senior brother's methods, he should be able to persuade Huang Jiufeng to help. With the help of the South China Alliance, at least they won't suffer any loss in terms of appearance, and they can also make a group of demon clan gods in Black Rock City feel fearful.

Gao Xian understood what Rudian meant, but was still worried that he would suffer a loss and wanted to help him attract a few people to fill the scene. There is no doubt that Huang Jiufeng must be in trouble, otherwise why would Rudian leave the human race to gather in Fangshi and instead go to Black Rock City to live permanently.

"No need to bother."

Gao Xian said softly: "It's just a fight. There's no need to find some rats to fill the gap."

Ru Dian smiled lightly: "Brother, you are so heroic. I was just worrying too much."

She would relax now, her senior brother was right, it was just a fight. She has never been afraid. Her senior brother has a high level of cultivation and the city is as big as the sea, so he won't be afraid of anything.

As night falls, the spiritual light flashes on the sacred tree in the sky, and bright and pure divine lights rise into the sky like shooting stars, flowing and flying over Yamao Island. Their light flickers and appears, changing unpredictably.

The huge Yemo Island was also illuminated and flickered, and the light and shadow kept interlacing and flashing, like an illusion.

Just like in the past nights, cultivators from all sides flew into the sky and used their own methods to capture the pure light elixir.

On Feixing Island, Gao Xian was dressed in black and stood quietly against the wind. His body was three thousand miles away. If electricity is further away. This is also his strong request to stay away from ion.

When he really wanted to take action, Rudian rushed in, and he couldn't ignore it. On the contrary, it would disrupt his fighting rhythm.

Gao Xian stood for nearly two hours, during which time a pure light pill passed thousands of feet above him. This thing cannot be captured with spiritual consciousness, and can only be seen with eyes.

By the time he saw this pure light pill shining and flying past, it would be too late to take action. That thing disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly. His flight speed was already the best among the transformed gods. However, the Pure Brightness Pill was at least dozens of times faster than him.

Not to mention the distance between the two sides, even if it flew past him, it would be difficult for him to catch it.

Such a strange divine object cannot be captured by ordinary means.

At midnight, Gao Xian saw eleven rays of light coming through the sky, reaching the sky above Feixing Island in the blink of an eye.

The leader was the young man with a complexion as pale as paper. He was quite handsome, but his complexion was too pale and his eyes were blank, making him look like a paper man. It's weird no matter how you look at it.

According to Rudian theory, Yin Wu Chang should be a big crab, hence the name Wu Chang. I don’t know which demon sect this crab demon clan has joined, and has practiced the secret skills of the demon sect, which is why it has become such a weird look.

Next to Yin Wuchang were Tie Shark, Gui Wannian, Bai Feiyu, and seven other gods-transforming demon clans, each of whom had different appearances, and at first glance, they were not human beings.

These god-transforming demon clans all have the appearance of seven parts human and three parts demon. The main reason is that human beings have advantages in cultivation. Therefore, when their cultivation reaches the realm of Yuanshen, they can transform into human forms.

The eleven god-transforming demon clan, not to mention anything else, just made Gao Xian feel tremendous pressure by condensing their divine will and aura.

Yin Wuchang smiled coldly at Gao Xian: "You are really brave!"

He was really surprised that the other party actually dared to come to the appointment. On the other hand, he was relieved. Previously, this person's method of killing Iron Shark was mysterious and unpredictable, which made him feel a huge threat.

Such a person must be eradicated as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be difficult to implement his plan. This is also the fundamental reason why Yin Wuchang forced his way out.

As for the female cultivator, she was strong, but she was just fierce and fierce. He just can't fight the opponent, but he has no problem if he wants to leave. There was no threat to him at all.

Yin Wuchang sent a message to Tie Shark and other god-transforming demon clans: "Everyone, let's do it together."

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm, and a golden ring on his middle finger shone brightly. The other ten god-transforming demon tribes also raised their hands at the same time, and they all had a golden ring on their middle finger.

The mana of the eleven powerful gods were connected through golden rings, and turned into a huge golden ring with a diameter of thousands of feet in the void.

The void was cut into an independent area by the golden ring. Gao Xian immediately understood that this golden ring had the power to cut through the void and create a unique legal domain. What's even more amazing is that this ring actually gathers the power of eleven gods.

In terms of cultivation alone, he is already a little worse than these god-transforming monsters. The other party has gathered the magic power of eleven powerful god-transforming masters. Even if it is just a simple superposition, the gathered magic power is so powerful.

The golden ring cut through the void to form its own legal domain, sealing off all directions.

Gao Xian's body, three thousand miles away, felt the terrifying pressure. He tried it, but although the opponent's method domain was strong, it could not isolate him from the Tai Chi clone.

This will make it easy to recover the Tai Chi clone.

However, Gao Xian was a little curious about the power gathered by the eleven god-transforming demon clans. How powerful is such a powerful force? This cannot be measured without personal experience.

The loss of a Tai Chi clone only takes twelve hours to re-condensate, which is nothing at all. On the contrary, this kind of experience is very rare.

Yin Wuchang didn't know what Gao Xian had in mind. He was a little surprised when he saw Gao Xian still standing firm under the pressure of the Ten Jue Heaven Locking Ring and looking calm.

"He is a powerful character..."

Yin Wuchang sighed in his heart, the more this happened, the more he couldn't let it go. He activated the Ten Jue Heavenly Locking Rings, and the huge golden ring suddenly shrank inward.

The Tai Chi clone has 90% of the mana of the original body, but it can still hold on for a breath with the help of the five energy chakras. It's just that the power of void compression is too strong, and the five energy wheels are suppressed and unable to rotate. The next moment, the Tai Chi clone is directly compressed into paper-thin blood...

The clone was destroyed, and the huge power of void collapse was also transmitted to Gao Xian's body. Instead, he showed a hint of joy and said in his heart: "This artifact is wonderful!" (End of Chapter)

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