Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 716 Disagreement

There are wisps of clouds flowing in the gorgeous and majestic hall, which also makes the hall feel unpredictable and ethereal.

Gao Xian has entered the thirteenth heaven several times, but he has never been able to figure out whether this is a cave or a void projection. He was even more in awe of Bai Yujing, the master of the thirteenth heaven.

This person's vision is extremely vicious. From his point of view, he is even higher than Daohong Daozun. It's just that Bai Yujing's behavior is a bit eccentric, and it lacks a bit of the peerless demeanor that convinces people. It's hard to admire. At least not enough to impress him.

No matter what Gao Xian was thinking in his heart, his face was respectful and not a bit strange. He is not afraid of Bai Yujing's demands. The higher the demands, the better.

There are dozens of Taoist Lords in Xuanming's teachings, so Bai Yujing wants to go to him to do things. Maybe he doesn't trust Xuanyang Taoist Lord, or maybe he has ulterior motives.

No matter what, Bai Yujing has thick legs, and from his point of view, he is more reliable than the old Taoist Xuanyang. Being able to help Bai Yujing would be of great benefit to him.

Bai Yujing looked at Gao Xian silently and said nothing. Gao Xian was thick-skinned and did not feel embarrassed. Just being looked at by Bai Yujing like this made him feel uneasy about being seen through.

Fortunately, after hundreds of years of experience, the city has become deeper and deeper. At this moment, I could still pretend to be doing nothing and just wait so honestly and respectfully.

After a while, Bai Yujing said: "Yamo Island gathers all kinds of cultivators of spiritual transformation. Although you are good at it, if you want to be able to move freely in the spiritual transformation, you are still far behind."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. He thought that this person wanted him to do something very difficult, so he had been thinking about it for a long time.

As a result, this person started to comment on his cultivation. This made him a little confused. What did it mean?
"There's only one reason why you can't get things done: you don't have enough power."

Bai Yujing said calmly: "You have to say that there are scheming methods, but the main reason is that the cultivation level is not enough. So I am a little strange, why don't you go to Yamada Island without realizing the Tao Yuan Shen?"

Gao Xian was stunned. If he could prove the Tao Yuan Shen, would he come to Bai Yujing for help? After thinking about it, he understood what Bai Yujing was talking about.

He said sternly: "Senior, there are priorities in cultivation. I want to form the combined spirit first, and then condense the sword spirit."

Bai Yujing sneered: "Who told you this?"

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, Bai Yujing shook his head and said: ""Da Luo Hua Nerve" has made you practice in a mess, and you don't know what it means. I advise you to practice hard in this secret method.

"Your complex magic and sword skills must be unified with the "Daluo Transformation Nerve". Daohong also left you the Yuanshixuan Sanqi Divine Talisman. This old Taoist is really generous to you..."

Bai Yujing couldn't help but sigh a little. She didn't know what to say when she passed on the peerless secrets of her sect to outsiders. Dao Hong's thoughtfulness really made her wonder.

It's a pity that Gao Xian failed to work hard in "Da Luo Hua Nerve" and instead kept trying to get his combined soul.

This kid is eager for quick success and has completely failed to understand that "Da Luo Hua Nerve" is the center for him to unify his own complex secret techniques. Only by cultivating "Da Luo Hua Nerve" to a certain level can he sort out a complete and clear context of his secret technique.

Only when he reaches that point can he see himself more clearly, and can he better realize the Tao Yuan Shen.

Gao Xian was a little unconvinced. Bai Yujing's eyes were vicious, but she didn't know how to "Big Luo Turns the Nerve". He has already mastered this secret technique.

When it comes to important matters of cultivation, he is not willing to agree with Bai Yujing casually.

"Senior, "Da Luo Hua Ning" says very clearly that Yuanshi Xuan has three qi, Yuanqi is the source, Shiqi is the foundation, and Xuanqi is the change...

"Cultivation naturally involves condensing the original Yuan Qi first, then the First Qi, and finally the Xuan Qi..."

Bai Yujing sighed softly: ""Da Luo Hua Ning" has made you learn like this. If Wushi Tianzun knows that there is such a stupid successor like you, his big teeth will laugh out loud!"

"Uh, who is the senior Wushi Tianzun?" Gao Xian knew that Bai Yujing was mocking him for his messy training and didn't know what to mean.

However, he was more curious about which master Wushi Tianzun was. From the sound of his name, he should be an eighth-level expert!
Bai Yujing did not explain, she said to herself: "Yuanshi Xuan Sanqi is divided into three, and the three are merged into one. Although there are priorities, they are not the order of cultivation. If you fail to achieve the goal of swordsmanship, it is wrong in itself. .

"Once the Sword Dao Yuan Shen is completed, not to mention how much your cultivation will be improved, just the Sword Dao Yuan Shen reflecting the inside and outside will be enough to benefit you greatly. Not to mention that the Sword Dao Yuan Shen can deny your body and soul, which is another huge benefit."

Gao Xian listened respectfully. This man indeed had a bright vision, but each cultivator's situation was different. You can listen to this person's opinion, but it also depends on your own situation.

Bai Yujing also knew that Gao Xian was so thoughtful and had his own opinions on spiritual practice, which she could not convince with just a few words.

After all, she was not Teacher Gao Xian, so she didn't bother to say more. She gave her a few words of advice just for the sake of cooperation. Since this kid didn't appreciate it, how could she be troublesome?

Bai Yujing flicked his long sleeve: "Forget it, it's up to you."

Gao Xian heard something was wrong, and when he was about to explain, a flash of light flashed before his eyes, and he had returned to the quiet room of Jingxing Palace.

"What do you mean..."

Gao Xian sighed inwardly. He didn't know how someone who was tens of thousands of years old could be so emotionally unstable!
Just as he was sighing, he discovered that there was a dark blue ring on the middle finger of his left hand. The ring had a gold-iron-like texture on the outside, and the light was restrained.

Well, it's kind of like metal sprayed with matte paint. If you look carefully, you can see the deep darkness in the dark blue ring, and there are hundreds of millions of starlights shining faintly, but these starlights are far away and deep, and you can't detect them without spiritual sense.

Wearing this ring, Gao Xian can sense various star powers flowing in the air. Even if it was daytime, when the Sun God's light shone for nine days, the star power would be subject to a lot of interference, but he could still easily distinguish between billions of star powers.

In the past, he only had a special sense of Pojun's star power, but now he discovered that the star power of billions of stars falling from the sky was spread in all directions, and each star power had extremely subtle differences.

With this ring in hand, he can easily absorb and transform star power. It can only be said that the efficiency of absorbing and transforming star power is even more efficient than the sixth-level Army-Breaking Divine Rui between his eyebrows.

There is no doubt that this ring is the Hua Xing Ring.

Normally, such high-level artifacts need to be refined for a long time before they can be used satisfactorily. For some unknown reason, he was able to control it as he wished, without the need to deliberately refine it.

It was the first time that Gao Xian had encountered the magical weapon that he had just picked up and used. He was full of surprise, this was good stuff!
Bai Yujing, well, Senior Bai is really generous! I really wrongly blamed her before...

Gao Xian gently caressed Hua Xinghuan and felt a little sorry for Bai Yujing. If he had known that this person was so generous, his attitude should have been more correct just now.

Senior likes to lecture people, so let her say enough. Why bother to argue with seniors? I really don’t understand the ways of the world...

Gao Xian reflected on himself and decided to be more polite when he saw Bai Yujing next time. After all, he gave the artifact Star Ring to him in vain. I don’t think Senior Bai will need it anymore, so there’s no need to take it back...

On the other hand, Gao Xian also began to seriously consider Bai Yujing's suggestion. Condensing the Taiyuan Shenxiang into the Yuanshen first can indeed help him save a lot of energy.

It's not that he is arrogant, as long as the Taiyuan Shen can prove the Dao Yuan Shen, his swordsmanship realm can be raised to a higher level. The soul and the sword are also integrated, which can further enhance the power of the Five Elements Wuji Sword.

At that time, it only took a few swords to kill Yin Wuchang and transform into a spirit. There is no need for any hard planning or calculation. This matter is related to his great spiritual practice and must not be ignored. If you make the wrong step, you can't go back. Bai Yujing instructed him to become the Sword God, probably because he wanted to get the Pure Light Pill as soon as possible. Whatever she says has to be served by herself, and you can't just listen to her.

However, Bai Yujing was right about one thing.

"Da Luo Hua Nerve" is the center that unifies his secret method and is of vital importance. He originally thought of realizing the Dao Fusion Soul first, and then practicing the "Da Luo Hua Nerve". Now that he thinks about it, it is indeed putting the cart before the horse.

Only after you have mastered "Da Luo Hua Nerve" can you figure out how to cultivate the three souls. He blindly thought about saving the human aura and upgrading the five elements of divine light first to pave the way for the combined soul. This was indeed too wishful thinking.

Fortunately, it would not be difficult to upgrade "Da Luo Hua Nerve". Waiting twenty or thirty years would be enough for him to upgrade "Da Luo Hua Nerve" to the mastery level.

Once you reach that point, it should be no problem to condense your soul again.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to return to Yemo Island. The Jade Leaf Talisman could only be entered and exited three times. He could not waste this opportunity to come out.

The Pure Brightness Pill is really difficult to collect. Even if Yin Wuchang has the artifact in his hand, he won't be able to get the Pure Brightness Pill for a while.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Gao Xian took time to study the Star Ring every day. This artifact was indeed wonderful and could be used immediately without any hindrance.

With the Star Transformation Ring in hand, he can transform various star powers at will. Moreover, this star-shaped ring can also cut the void with star power, which is quite magical.

The biggest advantage of practicing in Jingxing Palace is that Qiniang is with you. When Qiniang was busy, Gao Xian went to Tai Ning to discuss Taoism.

The completion of Yin and Yang enlightenment can also help Tai Ning to tap into the potential of the pure girl's jade body. This is not just for fun, for Tai Ning, the benefits of this kind of practice are extremely huge.

Although she is a pure girl, she cannot truly unleash the potential of this secret technique by herself. With Gao Xian, the master of Fengyue, helping with dual cultivation, the situation is completely different.

Although Tai Ning is a first-rate talent, he is obviously one level behind Taichu and Yin Jiuli. There is no way to compare with a peerless genius like Zhi Zhen.

With Gao Xian's help, Tai Ning can obviously feel that his foundation has become more solid and solid. This also laid a good foundation for future practice.

This kind of dual cultivation made Tai Ning very addicted, and he became a little more obsessed and charming.

Gao Xian liked Tai Ning very much. Apart from Xiao Lingqin, Tai Ning was the most suitable to him in terms of dual cultivation. For this reason, he stayed in the Xuanming Sect for five years and helped Tai Ning completely consolidate the foundation. Only then did he send out the Jade Leaf Talisman to come to Yemo Island again.

Yomo Island is still the same, with many floating islands spread out densely in the starry sky. Many cultivators occupied one area and each used secret techniques to collect the pure light elixir.

Gao Xian suddenly appeared without attracting anyone's attention. Yomo Island seems closed, but in fact there are thousands of void passages connecting everywhere. No one knows where people will appear.

Gao Xian glanced at Black Rock City from a distance. He hadn't been there for several years. Black Rock City had obviously expanded and looked like at least a city.

This is normal.

The battle between the powerful gods is very dangerous, even if there are many people, no one is willing to take action easily. The side with more people doesn't dare to press too hard. No one can stand it if they really force the other side to fight hard.

The overbearing artifact in Yin Wuchang's hand can gather many powers of god transformation, which breaks the balance among the powerful gods, enough to allow him to sweep across Yama Island.

In a few years, it would be impossible for Black Rock City to unify all the powerful gods, but it would not be difficult to unify the city. Because no one can compete with Yin Wuchang, a group of powerful gods.

Gao Xian urged the Dragon Elephant Token to be issued, and as the divine light faintly circulated above, it established contact with another Dragon Elephant Token.

Yomo Island is very vast, and Rudian can only be contacted quickly through the Dragon Elephant Order.

Following the induction of the Dragon Elephant Order, Gao Xian made a circle around Black Rock City and soon saw Rudian. We haven't seen each other for a few years, but Rudian's eyebrows have gained a bit of heroic spirit, which shows that she has been fighting a lot in the past few years.

"Brother, you are here!"

Rudian was particularly happy to see Gao Xian. In the past few years, she had been dealing with the Yin Wuchang group and was beaten up and ran around in a state of embarrassment.

She is also willing to always come forward to help human cultivators, so she inevitably gets into trouble with the Yin Wuchang group. She couldn't beat the opponent, so she would inevitably suffer some hardships.

Without waiting for Gao Xian to ask, Rudian took the initiative to tell the story of the changes in Yomo Island in the past few years. Just as Gao Xian expected, Black Rock City has swept through all the markets and settlements on Yomo Island.

In the past few years, at least ten powerful gods have been killed by Yin Wuchang and the others. This also brought Black Rock City's momentum to its peak, and no one on Yomo Island dared to confront Black Rock City.

The re-established Black Rock City gathered more than 100,000 cultivators. These cultivators from all over the world have brought rare treasures from all over the world. It also made Black Rock City an extremely important trading center.

Yin Wuchang and other gods-transforming demon clan have made an unknown amount of money in the past few years.

Rudian finally said: "Senior brother, I have temporarily formed an alliance with several demon sect human cultivators. Among them, Huang Jiufeng and Ruan Qingling are very skilled...Senior brother, do you want to meet them?"

Gao Xian shook his head. He had no good impression of the demon cultivator. He also couldn't understand Daohong and Rudian's tolerance towards demon cultivators!

Maybe the human cultivators of this generation are not considered overlords in the world and have many foreign enemies. This also makes the strong people of the human race quite tolerant towards their own race.

Gao Xian, however, has experience from his previous life, when humans were already well-deserved overlords. For humans, the most dangerous ones are always the same kind. Competitors are always the same.

When you go to school, you have to compete with your classmates, when you go to work, you have to compete with your colleagues, and when you get a wife, you have to compete with the same kind of people. From his experience, bad guys are more terrifying than any wild beasts or natural disasters.

In his eyes, demon cultivators are all irredeemable bad guys. Any sympathy and tolerance is irresponsible to oneself. He also told Rudian about this truth, but Rudian did not agree with it.

For example, Dian feels that the human race is of the same race and the same kind. Different secret methods of cultivation and different xinxing cannot change the fact that the same race, the same kind and the same origin are the same.

As long as the human race is large enough and strong enough, it will naturally be able to resist foreign races and strong enemies from all walks of life.

Gao Xian doesn't insist on this. Everyone has his own ambitions. If everyone had the same idea as him, the world would be terrible!

"I have found a way to refine the star power of Feixing Island, and I will practice on Feixing Island for the time being."

Gao Xian said softly: "Fellow Taoist, if anything happens, come to me."

He paused for a moment and then warned: "If you have anything to do with demon cultivators, don't come to me..." (End of Chapter)

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