Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 717 Catch them all in one swoop

Chapter 717 Catch them all in one fell swoop

Feixing Island is like an unusually huge four-pointed star, and its special texture, as dark as iron, has also attracted the covetousness of many cultivators.

A group of spiritual cultivators can always get a piece of it on Feixing Island through various means. It's just that the material of Feixing Island is extremely special. No matter how it is separated from the main body, it will collapse and dissipate into star power aura.

Over the years, after countless attempts by cultivators, everyone finally determined that Feixing Island was useless, at least not to them.

Feixing Island was used as an arena because of its sturdy nature.

As Black Rock City dominates Yemo Island, many spiritual cultivators either cooperate or retreat, and no one has the intention to compete on Feixing Island.

Gao Xian urged him to use the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes and quietly came to the corner of Feixing Island. It is said to be a corner, but it is dozens of miles wide, hundreds of miles thick, and extends outward for more than a thousand miles.

He catalyzed the star ring, and the iron-like star power below naturally melted to create a hole. After he entered, these star powers naturally converged and sealed the hole.

The extremely hard Feixing Island turned into water-like softness when activated by the Hua Xing Ring, allowing Gao Xian to enter and exit at will. This feeling is somewhat similar to Earth Release.

Being inside Feixing Island, Gao Xian could hardly sense the aura from the outside world.

In the thirteenth year, Gao Xian finally accumulated 30 billion humane auras. The growth rate of humane aura has been increasing over the years, which also saved him a lot of time.

In other words, Feixing Island can be regarded as a super-large star power crystal. It's just that this star power crystal is too stable, and no one can absorb its star power. At least not as a god.

Through the Army-Breaking God Rui, one can easily absorb the pure star power transformed by the Star Transformation Ring. Gao Xian can also transform the nature of star power through the Army-Breaking Divine Rui to meet his own needs.

The star power is as thick as gold and iron, almost blocking out all spiritual energy. Inside Feixing Island, there is only unparalleled and extremely strong star power.

This is much more interesting than reading a book or watching a play.

In private, he also visited Ruan Qingling and Huang Jiufeng. The two demon cultivators were both evil-minded and extremely unreliable.

With the Star Transformation Ring, Gao Xian can freely absorb its powerful star power. The only problem with this kind of star power is that it is not exclusive to the main star of Pojun. To him, it is like food mixed with various impurities. It is edible but not very delicious.

I have to say that it was very interesting to hide in the dark and spy like this, at least it satisfied his bad taste. Hiding in the dark, you can see all kinds of fame, wealth, wine and sex, all kinds of emotions and desires, and all kinds of things in the world...

The Hua Xing Ring transformed Feixing Island into star power, which was extremely strong and powerful, hundreds of millions of times more powerful than the sixth-order divine crystal given by Xuanyang Old Taoist.

In addition, Gao Xian rarely practiced with such high intensity along the way. Focusing on training for such a long time not only made him tired, but also made him bored.

Anyway, it was not a good thing. Gao Xian was wary, but for the moment he had no good solution.

In an already closed space, a person works hard every day, and the depression is enough to make people go crazy. Gao Xian, who had only lived for five hundred years, couldn't bear this.

Sometimes he would also think that it was probably the strong human race with Dao Hong and Ru Dian who cared about the world that the human race could reproduce and inherit endlessly.

There is nothing inside Feixing Island, only endless star power. Gao Xian can practice for four hours every day, which is his limit.

He didn't try to persuade her any more. Rudi had a great heart for the human race, but she was stronger than him at this point. What he said was nothing but selfish words, which seemed to be beneficial to him, but were too philistine. It’s pointless to say too much.

Not to mention how secret this place is, no one can find his traces.

Do good things and be a good person, but don't do stupid things or be stupid.

Among all the gods-turned-monster clan, the Bardo Ingut has the highest level of cultivation, and the secret techniques he cultivates are also the most profound and mysterious. Gao Xian didn't know where it came from, but he knew it must be the top secret method of the Demon Sect.

Fortunately, Rumian didn't trust these two people either, but he was willing to ally with them out of the righteousness of the human race. At this point, Rudian has done very well.

In comparison, the practices of other gods-transforming demon clans are all inherited by their own clan, which seems very crude.

"Is it the magic of the Demon Sect, slowly infiltrating the minds of these god-transforming demon tribes through artifacts?" Gao Xian was not sure. From his point of view, although this group of god-transforming demon tribes are becoming increasingly arrogant and arrogant, they have not lost their minds. Performance.

This combination method is too simple, yet so efficient. According to this trend, in the end, the cultivation and mana of many gods and monsters can be fused together through the golden ring artifact? ! This made Gao Xian feel a little uneasy.

In this way, he can stay deep in Feixing Island for a long time. With Feixing Island sealing off the inside and outside, Yin Wuchang couldn't do anything to him even with the Void Artifact.

To put it simply, Gao Xian does not agree with Rumian, but he respects Rumian's choice very much.

In this lonely closed world, Sister Lan is the light of his life!
After a few months of living like this, Gao Xian couldn't help but run out for a walk. He usually chooses to come out during the day, when there are almost no traces of cultivators in the sky.

The Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes and the Taixuanhuang Meng Taoist Clothes are a perfect match. Coupled with his self-contained Heaven and Earth Nirvana Sword Intention, as long as he is not within three feet of the powerful God Transformation, the other party can hardly detect his existence.

Gao Xian and Ru Dian said that they wanted to practice on Feixing Island. First, they trusted Ru Dian's character, and second, they believed in the magic of Feixing Island. As long as he hides there, no one can find him.

The advantage is that you can eat unlimited amounts!
Just this one advantage outweighs the countless shortcomings. The Army-Breaking God's Ruins require continuous infusion of huge star power in order to activate the power of the God's Ruins. During this refining process, Gao Xian was able to master the center of the divine vessel and control it as desired.

In this way, the mana of this group of gods-turned-monsters was also increased. He could have observed many god-transforming demon clans at close range. As the connection between these god-transforming demon clans and the artifact became deeper and deeper, the gods-transforming demon clan's senses became more and more sensitive.

In addition, Gao Xian discovered that something was wrong with Yin Wuchang and other deity-transforming demon clans. They have a mysterious connection with each other through the golden ring artifact in their hands, and this connection is like substance that connects many gods and monsters together.

I will let this matter go for now. There was something wrong with that artifact, and it was also causing harm to the God-Transforming Demon Clan, and it had nothing to do with him.

Gao Xian felt extremely depressed while being among them. This is like an ordinary person falling into water, unable to breathe air, and will be suffocated to death over time.

To Gao Xian's dismay, Yin Wuchang and others made slow progress. After more than ten years of this, I still haven't been able to harvest a pure and bright pill.

Fortunately, he was prepared and used all his strength to activate the eyebrow-breaking army god. He had barely trained this sixth-level divine weapon to a proficient level. Although it was difficult to control, it was not enough to be used in combat, but he had no problem controlling it in normal times.

This guy probably has the power to replace the dead, and it is almost impossible for him to solve the battle with one sword. On the one hand, Gao Xian is unwilling to take risks, but on the other hand, he still hopes that Yin Wuchang will receive the Pure Brightness Pill.

He practices various secret techniques, none of which are dedicated to absorbing star power. Of course he would be particularly uncomfortable at this moment.

Yin is heartless and cautious, with many magic circles arranged in his residence and guarded by invisible Yin demons. Gao Xian tried twice. He could only imagine that it was not difficult to break in, but it was difficult not to alert the other party.

In addition to practicing, Gao Xian also reads some leisure books and plays games with several clones in Taishi Temple. The most important thing is to practice double cultivation with Sister Lan.

With Grandmaster Perfect Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, Gao Xian would go to Black Rock City to wander around whenever he had nothing to do.

There is no limit to the star power that the Pojun Divine Barrier can absorb, but his divine consciousness has its limits, and it is impossible to use his divine consciousness to refine the divine jar day and night.

Gao Xian would go to see Rudian every few months. He found that Rudian seemed to like fighting with people in Yemotian and was still as enthusiastic as ever about protecting human cultivators.

Thirty billion humanistic auras were invested in "Da Luo Hua Nerve", and this secret method was directly upgraded to the level of mastery.

The three sacred vessels of Yuan Shi Xuan shine brightly in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, and various cultivation essences of Da Luo Hua Nerve also emerge in his heart.

Da Luo Nerve Transformation is the highest-level secret method that Gao Xian has practiced. Even if he only reaches the proficiency level, this instant improvement brings a vast sea of ​​insights, causing Gao Xian to temporarily lose his ability to think.

It took him several months to digest and absorb the insights of this upgrade one by one. Only in the operation of the Da Luo Hua nerve can one truly enter the level of mastery.

This upgrade made Da Luo Hua Nerve truly become the center of his magic power, integrating the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra, bipolar yin and yang sword and other swordsmanship, Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu and other secret magic powers into one in an orderly manner. Although the powers of the three Nascent Souls cannot yet be integrated with each other, their foundations have been condensed into a whole through the nerves of Da Luo.

Just like three kinds of fruits growing on a tree, they may look different, but their roots are the same.

At this point, Gao Xian discovered that Bai Yujing was right, Yuan Qi was the origin, but it had nothing to do with the order of condensing Yuan Shen.

Letting the Taiyuan Shenxiang condense the Yuan Shen first will indeed be more beneficial to him to refine the combined Yuan Shen.

Bai Yujing's eyes are really poisonous! Gao Xian silently gave Bai Yujing a thumbs up.

As the saying goes, listen to advice and eat enough! Since Bai Yujing was right, Gao Xian corrected his mistake after he realized it.

With his attainments in swordsmanship, anyone who wants to prove his mastery of swordsmanship can break through now. It's just that it's not suitable for realizing the Tao Yuan Shen in Yama Island.

The interaction of heaven and earth's qi caused heavenly fire, and I don't know how many powerful gods will be attracted to watch on Yomo Island. Not to mention whether these guys have malicious intentions, but their powerful energy will interfere with the heavenly tribulation.

Gao Xian weighed it up and decided to wait a few more years.

The jade leaf talisman must be able to enter and exit three times. The first time was wasted, but this time the opportunity cannot be wasted.

The Pojun Divine Ruin has been practiced to the mastery stage. At this stage, the Pojun Divine Ruin absorbs and transforms star power faster and more smoothly.

According to his estimation, he would be able to train the Pojun Divine Artifact to the master level in at most fifty years. You must know that this is a sixth-level divine urn. Using this divine urn as a sword, it is easy to kill the transformed god.

Gao Xian didn't like practicing on Feixing Island, but he could only endure and refine his star power every day.

Fortunately, he still has Sister Lan accompanying him, and there is Taishi Temple where he can hone his sword skills.

On the other hand, Rudian stays up day and night every day, and is also trying his best to collect the pure and bright pills. Although her Miaoguang alms bowl is powerful, it can only collect spiritual objects within a radius of ten feet.

Only when the Pure Brightness Pill passed by within ten feet of her would she have a chance.

Yomo Island is very vast, and the nine heavens are divided into countless levels. If you want to catch the Pure Brightness Pill at a specific point, you really need incredible luck.

Rudian only regards the Pure Brightness Pill as a means to hone himself, and does not have a strong sense of gain or loss. It's best if you can get it, but it doesn't matter if you can't get it.

In the decades on Yomo Island, she has dealt with and fought with cultivators from all over the world, which made her progress and grow every day.

To her, that's all that matters. Chatting with Senior Brother Gao Xian when she has nothing to do is when she is most relaxed.

She has no romantic feelings for Gao Xian, but it is such a big island, she can only trust senior brother Gao Xian. This senior brother is also interesting to talk and more capable in doing things.

Especially in terms of cultivation, Gao Xian was able to endure and practice on Feixing Island for decades! To be honest, this really surprised her.

Rudian has always felt that Gao Xian has a free and unrestrained temperament, and although he is serious about cultivation, he is not very hardworking. Not even the eminent monks from the Dragon Elephant Palace can do it in seclusion inside a big rock for decades.

At this point, Rudian was in awe of Gao Xian. Senior Brother Gao Xian is able to achieve such an achievement because, firstly, his talent is unparalleled, and secondly, his hard work is far superior to others.

This also greatly inspired Rudian. She is not as talented as Senior Brother Gao Xian, but she can at least work as hard as Senior Brother Gao Xian!
Rudian also felt at ease and tried to meddle less. In this way, he has indeed made brave and diligent progress in his cultivation, and has made great progress.

It's just that more and more powerful god-transformers are joining Black Rock City, and the few remaining powerful god-transformers can't help but be a little shaken.

Black Rock City's momentum is too great. Even so, Black Rock City seems to have only received one Pure Light Pill in decades.

That night, Rudian was waiting with his alms bowl as usual, while the charming Ruan Qingling, dozens of miles away, was also trying his luck with a piece of spirit-binding gauze.

Her spirit-binding gauze spreads out to a radius of dozens of feet, but is much larger than an electric bowl.

Ruan Qingling was just trying his luck and was not very serious about it. She and Rudian communicated through voice transmission with their spiritual consciousness, and both of them were actually paying attention to Black Rock City.

In the distant night sky, a large network of golden light stretched like clouds, covering most of the night sky, and even more, it was wrapped by the Sky Sacred Tree. Looking from a distance, the sacred tree in the sky becomes golden.

"Yin Wuchang's group of guys are getting more and more powerful. In a few years, I'm afraid there won't be any place for us on such a large Yemo Island..."

Ruan Qingling sighed softly and had been hanging around here for decades. For a powerful person who transforms into a god, this time is nothing, but there is no hope of success at all, which makes people have no fighting spirit.

Just as Rudian was about to speak, he suddenly saw a bright moon-like stream of light shining through the sky, and actually rushed into a golden light network.

At the same time, the golden light network shines brightly, and the fine golden light condenses into layers of golden threads. No matter how brilliant the moonlight is, it cannot break through the numerous golden nets.

Ru Dian, Ruan Qingling and many other spiritual cultivators were watching helplessly as everyone in Black Rock City gathered together to build a network. Their moods were somewhat complicated and contradictory. They both hoped that Black Rock City would fail, but also felt that it would be a good thing for them to succeed. At least They have a chance to get the Pure Light Pill.

No matter what the many transformed gods thought, after dozens of breaths of stalemate, the golden light network finally collected all the pure and bright elixirs.

Ruan Qingling said with envy on her face: "There are at least ten pure and bright pills in this net, right?!"

Rudian said nothing, she turned around and fled into the void. Shaking off the consciousness of Ruan Qingling and others, she came to a secret corner at the bottom of Feixing Island like lightning. She took out the Dragon Elephant Token and gently tapped the hard steel surface of Feixing Island.

The shadow flickered, and Gao Xian, wearing a black robe, appeared silently next to Rudian.

The star power of Feixing Island will block other spiritual energy changes, and the Dragon Elephant Order cannot be transmitted to the divine consciousness. Gao Xian and Rudian said that if there is an emergency, just knock on it. Through special sound vibrations, he can sense changes in the outside world.

Rudian ignored the politeness and said hurriedly: "Senior brother, Yin Wuchang and the others just collected several Pure Brightness Pills, there should be ten of them!"

She frowned slightly as she spoke, with a bit of confusion in her bright eyes: "Yin Wuchang and the others can collect such a large amount of pure and bright pills in one net. The power of the artifact of the Ten Jue Heaven Locking Ring has been increased." Many of them look very strange, very much like the magic gate..."

Even though they were thousands of miles away just now, Rudian could faintly sense a strong demonic aura flowing out of Yin Wuchang and other gods-transforming demon clans. She is an authentic Buddhist and naturally has a mysterious sense of the secrets of magic.

In order to conquer the Pure Light Pill, a group of Yin Wuchang transformed gods burst out with all their power in an instant, which made Rudian sense that something was wrong.

To say that Yin Wuchang is from a demon sect, it is normal for him to have demonic energy on his body. However, other gods-turned-monster clans come from all over the world and have different cultivation methods. It is a bit strange that they all emit demonic energy of the same nature.

Gao Xian also looked a little solemn: "I guess there is something wrong with the Ten Jue Locking Heaven Ring. These powerful gods use this artifact every day, and it is very likely that it has been infiltrated by demonic energy unknowingly... Fellow Taoist must be careful, don't They come into contact with Yin Wu Guang.”

Rudian nodded vigorously: "I will be careful."

"I'll go back to the sect and come back within ten days."

Gao Xianhao patted Rudian on the shoulder angrily: "When I come back, we brothers will do a great job!"

These words full of martial arts atmosphere made Rudian couldn't help but laugh, and her pair of bright eyes curved into crescent moons, "Okay, I'll wait for my senior brother to take me to do big things!"

Gao Xian was very satisfied with Rudian's response. This girl has a brave and fearless energy, and she is a person who can do great things. He laughed and activated the jade leaf talisman to turn into spiritual light and disappear without a trace...

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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