Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 729: The Secret of the Blood River

Fire clouds all over the sky overlapped like a tide, gathering towards Gao Xian from all directions.

Gao Xian will be controlling the physical body of the Taixuan God. He does not use the original body because the original body needs to be refined into a combined spirit. The tempering of the fire tribulation will greatly destroy the balance between the body and the Yuanying.

The last time he overcame the tribulation, Gao Xian also used the physical body of the Taiyuan God.

After having the experience of condensing the Tai Yuan Shen Xiang Yuan Shen, Gao Xian felt a little more calm when faced with the clouds of fire sweeping across the sky.

His body is on guard outside the scope of the sky fire, mainly to prevent monsters and beasts from intruding. Although monsters and beasts are afraid of natural disasters, there is no guarantee that there will be something with a bad mind.

In addition, Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou came here. We must also prevent them from breaking in again with others.

Wu Qi Cave Sky is very vast. Under normal circumstances, it would take two or three days for Yuan Tian and the others to break in and fly over.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens. Crossing the heavenly tribulation is very dangerous, so Gao Xian must be very careful.

The Taixuan divine phase urged the Blood River Heavenly Lord to transform into Yuanshu. The red divine light and the sky fire merged together. The sky fire was red and golden, carrying the energy of pure Yang. The blood-yang divine light triggered by the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu was bright and intense red.

Although the sky fire was strong, it was easily suppressed by the blood sun divine light.

Gao Xian's choice to practice the secrets of the Demon Sect has always been purely accidental, and he rarely invests energy and resources in Taixuan Divine Aspects.

At that time, he was short of resources and had almost no other options.

As he gradually grew up, Taixuan's appearance became a bit useless. It can only be used to do some dirty work.

Gao Xian felt that the upper limit of the magic sect's secret method was not high, and his energy was limited. Just practicing the sword consumed 80% of his energy.

However, it was precisely because of the Taixuan Shenxiang that he got into the Yuan Mo Sect, took advantage of Yuan Wuxian's secret to kill the deer, stole her home, and thus obtained the Blood River Tianzun Transformed Yuan Book.

The powerful artifact of Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu changed the embarrassing situation of Taixuan Shenxiang, making Taixuan Shenxian enough to keep up with the footsteps of the other two Nascent Souls.

The huge demon resources plundered from the Yuan Demon Sect and the Blood Demon Sect allowed Taixuan Shenxiang's cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds. Absorbing the pure Yang consciousness of Demon Lord on Yama Island, the blood river Tianzun Hua Yuanshu was upgraded to the sixth low-grade level.

In this regard, there is a clear mark on Fengyue Baojian.

The Blood River Tianzun Huayuan Book was originally a high-level artifact, but it was only because of insufficient cultivation of the Taixuan Divine Form that it was transformed into a fifth-level top-grade artifact. With this opportunity, it is actually equivalent to unlocking the seal of Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book.

Tai Xuan and Shen Xiang have greatly increased their cultivation levels, reaching the peak level of Nascent Soul that cannot be advanced. Although the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu has reached the sixth level of a low-grade artifact, it is mainly based on the Taixuan divine form, so it can still be controlled with ease.

With the sixth-level low-grade artifact Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, Gao Xian realized that there would be no difficulty in overcoming the tribulation.

The reality was more troublesome than Gao Xian expected. The Nine Blood River Techniques practiced by Taixuan Shenxiang were the righteous methods of the Demon Sect and were easily restrained by Sky Fire.

The same Sky Fire Gao Xian felt that the power of Sky Fire had increased by at least 50% this time. Every time the Heavenly Fire's blood and Yang divine light meet, his Nascent Soul will be injured by the blazing Yang Qi of the Heavenly Fire.

This tempering process is much more dangerous than the Taiyuan Shenxiang. Fortunately, Xuehe Tianzun Hua Yuanshu was tyrannical, and Gao Xian could still control the rhythm calmly.

It's just that the Taixuan Shenxiang, who was tempered by the sky fire, suffered several times more pain than the Taiyuan Shenxiang.

Although Gao Xian was gloomy, he never suffered much. It was inevitable that I would secretly complain at this time. It's just that there is no shortcut to the heavenly calamity. The Nascent Soul can only be transformed into the Soul after being tempered by the heavenly fire to remove all the Yin Qi.

Including the soul, it actually has to be tempered by heavenly fire before it can be integrated with the soul.

Gao Xian differentiated a small part of his soul and integrated it into the Yuanling Earth Fetus Stone, and soon merged with Taixuan God under the heavenly fire sacrifice.

During this process, he added the First Qi Divine Talisman at the right time, and also completed the integration with the Taixuan Divine Aspect.

The first level of red sky fire lasted for six hours, and the second level of cyan sky fire descended.

The cyan sky fire is several times more powerful than the red sky fire, and the pure yang energy contained within it is also stronger. If Gao Xian didn't have Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, even if he had pure Yang divine light in his soul, he wouldn't dare to stand up at this level.

Fortunately, the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu is indeed powerful, and the blood sun divine light gathers like an endless river, allowing Gao Xian to guide the heavenly fire to temper the Yuanying in an orderly manner.

Another six hours passed, and at noon the next day, the sky fire turned pure white.

During the pure day fire sacrifice, the Taixuan Divine Appearance also turned pure and extremely red. Gao Xian looked inside with the True Eyes of the Heavenly Dragon Breaking Law, and saw only that the Yuan Shen was bright and flawless, both internally and externally, with a faint appearance of perfection.

The secret method of the Demon Sect may seem like an evil way, but it is actually one of the best ways in the world. The so-called good and evil are actually just the views of human cultivators.

From the perspective of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, there is light and darkness, day and night, and the interplay of yin and yang creates endless changes. The secret method of the magic gate can absorb the spiritual energy and move the magic power, which is an indispensable part of the world.

After being tempered by the heavenly fire, the Taixuan Divine Appearance also got rid of the accumulated Yin Qi and filth, and completed a transformation of the essence of life.

In the end, Taixuan Shenxiang was able to face the pure white fire, the red soul became more transparent and clear, and the form of the soul became more stable and solid.

When the heavenly fire was tempered to the extreme, Taixuan Shen Xiang Yuan Shen transformed into a stream of blood light and threw it into the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book. The Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book then unfolded and turned into a bloody river stretching for thousands of miles.

Stimulated by the magic power of Blood River Tianzun's Huayuan calligraphy, the pure white fire flourished again, and the heaven and earth became incandescent.

Gao Xian obtained the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu and practiced it day and night. Although this artifact was easy to control, it could not be called a true destiny artifact.

Until this moment, through the tempering of the sky fire, the central restriction of the Blood River Tianzun's Yuanshu was opened. In the state of transcending the tribulation, the Taixuan Divine Phase was directly put into the central restriction. The newly formed Yuan Shen and the central restriction were truly integrated. It was also Gao Xian's plan to use the sky fire to temper the Blood River Tianzun and transform it into Yuan Shu. He is mainly afraid that there is something fishy hidden in the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book. After being tempered by the Heavenly Tribulation, if there is a mark of divine consciousness hidden in it, it will inevitably be stimulated.

Tai Xuan's divine consciousness entered the central restriction of Blood River Tianzun's Hua Yuanshu, and a spiritual consciousness was stimulated from the depths of the restriction.

This spiritual consciousness was tempered by the sky fire and after a short period of persistence, it turned into nothingness.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. This deep-seated spiritual mark did not have spiritual intelligence, but was just a little bit of the remaining imprint of the previous owner on the central ban.

After breaking this mark, Taixuan Yuanshen truly mastered the central restriction of Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu and turned this divine weapon into a life-long divine weapon.

"The supreme artifact of our sect, the Innate Ten Thousand Spirits Blood River Flag, is in the Donghai Cave. The descendants can pass on and hold the Hua Yuan Book to open the cave's ban..."

"Be careful of the Great Ease of Heaven..."

When the remaining consciousness was shattered, some memory fragments emerged. Gao Xian didn't have the intention to think about it at this moment, and put these memory fragments aside to refine the new artifact.

After a long time, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and thousands of crimson cracks appeared in the white sky fire, followed by the blood-colored Milky Way sweeping in all directions, swallowing up all the pure white sky fire.

When the sky fire completely dissipated, Taixuan Shenxiang took Blood River Tianzun and transformed Yuan Shu into the true form of the body.

At this point, Taixuan's divine appearance has become somewhat spotless and noble.

No matter how Taixuan's divine appearance changed, he always had an evil aura that could not be hidden. Now all the evil spirits will be gone, and the pure energy will flow all over the body, and one will really have the aura of a fairy.

Gao Xian looked inside with the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique, and based on the level of his vision, he found that the soul condensed by the Taixuan Shenxiang had reached the top level, which was not inferior to the Taiyuan Shenxian.

In order to overcome the tribulation this time, he invested another 40 billion humanistic auras in Tianlong's true eyes to upgrade this secret method to the expert level. Just to better observe the heavenly tribulation and observe the tempering of the soul.

To be able to achieve this step, firstly, the Blood River Tianzun is very powerful in transforming the Yuanshu, and secondly, the pure Yang treasure light in the soul has been completely stimulated, and the Yuanyang nerve has already had two points of pure Yang energy during this sacrifice.

Through the Heavenly Tribulation Sacrifice and Refining, Taixuan Shenxiang also took the opportunity to refine the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu's central prohibition and turn this artifact into a natal artifact.

Taixuan Shen's form turned into the Yuan Shen, and the Nine Blood River Dharma also became the Yuan Shen's natal magical power. Since then, the power of the nine blood river spells has doubled, and many powerful secret spells can be cast instantly. The combat power has increased more than ten times. In addition, the Blood River Tianzun turned the Yuan Shu into a natal artifact, and there were even more infinite changes.

The Taixuan Shenxiang may not be as capable of killing as the Taiyuan Shenxiang, but its magic power is superior to the Taiyuan Shenxiang, and its vitality is even stronger.

As long as the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu is not destroyed, the Taixuan Divine Appearance will not be destroyed.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Book and saw that his life span had increased by 1,200 years, reaching 9,000 years.

The higher the lifespan, the harder it is to increase it. This time, the life span can be increased to nine thousand years, which is close to the life limit of the god level.

The increase in lifespan has also transformed him into a 700-year-old boy full of vitality!
The increase in cultivation and combat power is difficult to quantify accurately, but the increase in life span is clearly visible. Moreover, life is the foundation that carries everything.

Gao Xian is sincerely happy about the greatly increased life span.

Looking at the level of spiritual consciousness, the induction reaches half a thousand miles. Generally speaking, the sensing radius of the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator in the late stage of spiritual transformation is only three thousand miles.

From the perspective of the spiritual consciousness sensing radius, the difference is only twice, but the actual sensing area is eight times different.

Quantifying spiritual consciousness in this way is not very accurate, because the functions of spiritual consciousness are also different depending on the secret methods of cultivation. Just like those who practice physical training, their spiritual consciousness will be weaker than that of practitioners of the same level.

However, such a huge gap also shows that he has a crushing advantage in spiritual consciousness. At least that's true for ordinary gods.

As for those special peerless geniuses, let alone crushing them, they should have quite an advantage.

Gao Xian summarized the harvest and was very satisfied with the result of tempering the soul this time.

With the blessing of the Great Luo Transformation Nerve Talisman, he can control two souls at the same time without any conflict. When he condenses the original soul and the three souls are tempered to reach the state of Hunyuan, then he can really sweep away the transformed gods and have no opponent.

This tribulation went very smoothly. The only shortcoming was that Gao Xian did not sense the aura of the Five Emperors Wheel. This is normal. He is the Taixuan God who has crossed the tribulation. He is the mana breath of the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, and it is unlikely to cause the resonance of the Five Emperors Chakra.

Maybe when his true body comes here to overcome the tribulation and achieve the Great Five Elements Soul, there will be a chance to resonate with the Five Emperor Chakras.

Gao Xian doesn't like to rely on luck, so Lu Xuanji probably won't lie to him. At this point, Lu Xuanji didn't have the guts to lie to him!
The magic power is great, just in time to avenge Lu Xuanji, and get his reward at the same time.

As for the information in the incomplete divine consciousness mark, it was still a bit far away from him. What a great free-spirited deity! He felt a little numb when he saw the name. When will he become Chunyang, will it be too late to think about these things again...

Immortality Religion, the back hall of the Immortality Hall.

Lu Xuanji was lying lazily on the couch, taking a small sip from a small and exquisite lotus-patterned wine bottle. The spirit of the spirit wine soaked for thousands of years was mellow, making her bright eyes gleam with a touch of drunkenness.

When she was letting her thoughts roam freely, she suddenly felt a warning sign. Then she saw Gao Xian, dressed in white and snowy, standing in front of the couch, only five steps away from her.

Lu Xuanji was also startled by the sudden appearance of Gao Xian. This was her private bedroom with many magic circles. How did Gao Xian get in, and how did he hide it from her divine senses?
Lu Xuanji even suspected that Gao Xian was possessed by evil spirits. Gao Xian saw that Lu Xuanji was wary. He bared his teeth and smiled brightly and handed over his hands: "Fellow Taoist has always been kind..."

(Three updates and 10,000 words, please vote for me! It’s the end of the month, brothers and sisters, please vote~) (End of this chapter)

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