Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 730 1 Word of Thunder

Chapter 730 One word of thunder

Gao Xian's smile is bright and sunny, suave and charming.

Lu Xuanji couldn't laugh. She didn't dare to confirm that the other party was Gao Xian. Secondly, she was wearing light clothes in her bedroom, with her legs relaxed and resting on the armrest, which was the most relaxed and comfortable posture.

Such a private state is comparable to being blocked while taking a shower or using the toilet.

Although Lu Xuanji was not embarrassed and lost his composure, he was really surprised and suspicious in his heart.

Gao Xian's eyes swept over Lu Xuanji's slender and well-proportioned legs. He had to say that this god-incarnation had a really good figure and his skin was smooth and white.

Thinking that she might have recast her body, Gao Xian became even more interested. Of course, he wouldn't stare rudely.

It's polite to look at beautiful women more than twice, but it's a bit impolite to look at them too much.

He smiled and said, "I'm intruding without invitation. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

Lu Xuanji did not detect any evil spirits, and the Pure Yang Talisman and Pure Yang Calming Hairpin on his body did not respond. He was sure that the person in front of him was not evil. The playful and smiling face should be Gao Xian himself.

Gao Xianming knew that Lu Xuanji was a compliment, but it was very useful.

Lu Xuanji also figured it out at this moment. It was indeed true. Gao Xian's way of entering was very arrogant, but it showed a terrifying secret technique that could hide the perception of the transformed spirit.

Sixty years ago, Lu Xuanji heard that Gao Xian had attained the Dao Yuan Shen. At that time, she was very surprised. He had attained Dao Yuan Shen so quickly, and she had hope for revenge.

She stretched out her hand and put on the Xuan Tianbao robe, and he also got off the couch. She looked at Gao Xian with some curiosity. He was very clean, with the purity of an immortal, and the suaveness of a high scholar. She But he couldn't see through Gao Xian's cultivation.

Fortunately, she was quite wealthy, so she wouldn't be angry with Gao Xian over such a trivial matter. She also understood that there was no point in venting her anger like this.

Gao Xian saw Lu Xuanji's deep expression and knew that the leader of the Taoist Transformation Taoist Cult was a little unhappy. This is normal.

As a result, Gao Xian disappeared without a trace, and even Zhenye didn't know where Gao Xian was. This made Lu Xuanji feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Xuanji has never encountered such a thing since he became a golden elixir. Even though she was besieged by Yuan Wuwu, Yuan Tianyi, and Wanshou that time, she was not so embarrassed.

I remember that when he was in Wanfeng County, he had to look up to Lu Xuanji. At this point, he could finally look straight at the other person or even look down at him.

Even Lu Xuanji himself had to flatter him with a low profile.

Sixty years later, Gao Xian suddenly broke into her bedroom. This guy seemed polite, but his way of entering was particularly rude and even a little arrogant.

Lu Xuanji praised him again, but what she said was a bit funny. Gao Xian was greedy for money, lustful and treacherous, and everyone knew it. To say that he is loyal is really hard to justify.

She sighed quietly and said: "I haven't seen you for two hundred years. My fellow Taoist has improved so much. His talent is truly unparalleled and amazing..."

"There is no establishment without faith. Since I have made an agreement with my fellow Taoist, I will never dare to forget it." Gao Xian said with a serious face.

All these things made him feel emotional about the changes in personnel and the vast sea!
"Fellow Taoist, I am overly praised. God has blessed me with good luck, and I have the Taoist Master to look after me and my friends who are fellow Taoists to support me. I am lucky enough to achieve something."

If it were him, he would be very unhappy if someone broke into the bedroom directly. Not to mention that Lu Xuanji was half-drunk with a drink, enjoying his freedom and relaxation, but he was watching him.

"Fellow Taoists are based on faith, and no one in Jiuzhou knows it."

She changed the topic and said: "Wanshou knows that I hold a grudge. I have been staying in the Tianpuppet Sect and staying with Yuan Tianyi all these years. This is more troublesome..."

He explained: "I am here to fulfill my promise. I always have to show my cultivation to fellow Taoists."

Gao Xian smiled and said: "After I have taken care of the many chores, I hurriedly came to find my Taoist friend to fulfill the agreement."

Lu Xuanji smiled sweetly: "I'm really touched that fellow Taoist still remembers our agreement."

Lu Xuanji had seen Gao Xian's secret technique of concealing his whereabouts. Even her spiritual consciousness could not detect it. It should not be difficult to hide it from Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou. She appreciated this very much.

However, it is difficult to deal with the two transformed gods using this method. Because when you take action, the other party will inevitably notice that something is wrong.

The bigger problem is that if two Avatars stay together, once they take action, another Avatar will inevitably be attracted.

Tianpuppet Sect is the opponent's home base, with many magic formations and many Nascent Soul cultivators. It will become very troublesome if these Nascent Souls cannot fight and hold the magic circle.

Fortunately, she had been planning this for hundreds of years and had already thought of a detailed plan.

Lu Xuanji said: "Wanshou is greedy. I happen to have a water-type divine item, the Xuanming Pearl, in my hand. I will put it up for auction."

Before Lu Xuanji could finish speaking, Gao Xian interrupted him with a smile, "Fellow Taoist, there's no need to go to such trouble."

Lu Xuanji's beautiful face showed a look of confusion: "What does fellow Taoist mean?"

"Fellow Taoist, do you want to kill these two enemies yourself?" Gao Xian asked.

"That's not necessary. Anyone can be killed, as long as they can kill two bastards." Lu Xuanji shook her head. She was well aware of the dangers of becoming a god. Although killing the opponent with her own hands was enjoyable, it was extremely dangerous.

The trapped beast is still fighting, let alone the powerful person who can transform into a god.

If a powerful person who transforms into a god knows that he will not survive, he will definitely explode his soul. Not to mention that powerful gods like Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou have profound knowledge. Who knows what life-saving secrets and magical powers they have.

Gao Xian nodded, and a smart person like Lu Xuanji naturally didn't want to risk his life, which was very reasonable. There are very few people who are as brave and good at fighting as Rudian.

When you reach the level of becoming a god, you can enjoy all kinds of benefits no matter where you go. It’s so happy. Who would be willing to work hard when living so well? Not to mention becoming gods, as long as cultivators can survive, no one is willing to risk their lives.

He said: "In that case, it's easy to handle, just leave it to me."


Lu Xuanji was really shocked this time, her charming eyes clearly showed surprise.

After a moment of silence, Lu Xuanji persuaded softly: "Wanshou is from the Turtle Clan and practices Xuanwu Tiangang. His energy is extremely strong and his vitality is the most tenacious.

"The Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl in my hand is a fifth-level divine weapon. It can be used to refine the body and spirit through daily practice. If it is activated, it will be indestructible and as thick as the sea."

"Yuan Tianyi's Wancheng Yushen Sutra is extremely superb, and it is a powerful artifact in itself. He also refined the Ten Heavenly Generals, which are usually turned into golden armbands. When activated, they can be condensed into the Heaven-Bearing Yuanqi Cannon, and can be used Puppet attack, substitute death, formation formation, endless variations.

Even though my Taoist friends are extremely powerful, it’s hard to say they have a chance of winning against these two..."

Lu Xuanji said it more euphemistically, but his meaning was clear. You have just become a god, how can you fight against two gods who have been a god for thousands of years? !

To go over there so directly would be to die!

Lu Xuanji's hope for revenge rests on Gao Xian, and now she can't bear the thought of Gao Xian's death. She didn't want to dampen Gao Xian's spirit, so she said it very tactfully.

Gao Xian also understood this very well. Anyone else would doubt his ability as a newly promoted god.

Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi were both in the late stages of becoming gods and had practiced five to six thousand years longer than him. Lu Xuanji should feel that he can't win against anyone, let alone one against two, and he has to go deep into the powerhouse of Tianpuppet Sect!
He nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist's concerns are very reasonable. These two gods have profound knowledge and should not be underestimated."

Lu Xuanji nodded quickly: "We only have one chance. If we fail in one strike, it will be difficult for us to hit him if the opponent is prepared."

She said sternly: "It is a matter of our life and death. Even though our Taoist friends are extremely capable, we must plan carefully and not make any omissions."

"Fellow Taoist is cautious and thoughtful, worthy of being the leader of a religion."

Gao Xian praised him. He could see that Lu Xuanji was indeed very thoughtful. When they were ambushed in the Taiming Spiritual Realm, Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi were really shameless, and Yuan Wuwu went crazy.

To this day, Gao Xian actually has not figured out what Yuan Wuxian wanted to do in the first place. As a powerful person who transforms into gods, there is no need to fight in person. After all, we haven’t reached that point yet.

It can only be said that Lu Xuanji was unlucky. He encountered an opponent like Yuan Wuxian who did not follow common sense, and he also encountered two traitors, Wan Shou and Yuan Tianyi.

Lu Xuanji, who had suffered a loss, naturally acted more cautiously. This is all normal.

Gao Xian was not interested in saying more. He instead said, "My fellow Taoist said he would help me get the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, but I don't know how to get it?"

There was some confusion in Lu Xuanji's narrow and bright eyes. She and Gao Xian had made the conditions very clear before. What did this person mean by asking again? Want to take the opportunity to blackmail her?

She was silent for a moment and said: "Fellow Taoist, I made it very clear. If Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi kill one of them first, I will help you get the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. Then, kill the second one."

Lu Xuanji's expression was calm and his eyes were deep, completely losing his previous gentle and accommodating attitude. She didn't deliberately activate her consciousness, but she had shown the tough attitude of the Taoist Transformation Master.

Gao Xian understood what Lu Xuanji meant. Everyone should follow the agreement and don't take the opportunity to blackmail her.

"Fellow Taoist misunderstood..."

Gao Xian said as he stretched out his palm from his long sleeve and handed it to Lu Xuanji.

Lu Xuanji's eyes narrowed, and there was a black orb on Gao Xian's slender and well-proportioned palm. There was a heavy black light inside that was rippling like a tide, and there was a faint sound of roaring waves.

She couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl!"

"Fellow Taoist, your eyes are as sharp as a torch, it is exactly this."

Gao Xian smiled slightly, with a calm look on his face, but he said nothing more, as if the matter was insignificant and not worth talking about at all.

Lu Xuanji's heart was shocked. The Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl was Wanshou's natal artifact. There was only one explanation for Gao Xian's ability to obtain this object, that is, he killed Wanshou!
She knew that Gao Xian was a peerless genius who had not been born for thousands of years, but he had just become a god and killed Wanshou quietly? ! This was beyond her imagination.

Lu Xuanji looked at Gao Xian in disbelief, not knowing what to say because he was too shocked.

Gao Xian understood Lu Xuanji's thoughts very well, and he also enjoyed Lu Xuanji's shocked daze. I have to say, this feeling is really great, almost intoxicating...

After a moment of silence, Lu Xuanji couldn't help but ask: "So, Wanshou is dead?"


Lu Xuanji couldn't help but ask again: "Did fellow Taoist kill him?"


Even though he had expected it, Lu Xuanji was stunned by just one word like thunder.

This little cultivator who used to be at her mercy can now easily control Wanshou's life and death! This is a Dao Lord in the late stage of divine transformation, and his cultivation level is still higher than hers!
Lu Xuanji stopped talking. She looked at Gao Xian silently, her eyes changing and her face extremely complicated...

(In the last two days at the end of the month, please bow down and ask for monthly votes and support~ I will no longer be on the list~)

(End of this chapter)

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