Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 732 Dragon Scale Island

Returning to Xuanmingjiao Gao Xian, he first went to see Taoist Xuanyang.

It doesn't matter how you kill them on Yemo Island, they are all heretic monsters and have nothing to do with Mingzhou. Yuan Tianyi was different. Even if he took action against Lu Xuanji and colluded with the demon cultivator, he would still be one of the thirty-six counties in Mingzhou.

Yuan Tianyi has a very good sense of balance. When he does bad things, he does bad things, but he will not openly oppose the Xuanming Sect, let alone join the Demon Sect.

Gao Xian killed Yuan Tianyi, and he had to report to Taoist Xuanyang both emotionally and rationally.

Dao Zun Xuanyang didn't care about this either. He was concerned about the sect's inheritance and the human race's inheritance. Because of this, he didn't take Yuan Tianyi's collusion with Yuan Wuxian seriously.

When the catastrophe of heaven and earth arrives, some people will rebel, some will run away, and some will fight to the death.

The human race has always been like this, some are moving forward, some are neutral, and some are retreating. No one knows what the future holds and no one is sure which choice is the right one.

From his perspective, he must allow multiple choices and preserve the hope of human race inheritance to the greatest extent. As for the internal friction caused by these choices themselves, they cannot be avoided at any time.

Internal friction itself is actually a choice. Whoever is stronger will survive. that is it.

Xuanyang Taoist Master will not care about Yuan Tianyi colluding with the demon cultivator. In the same way, he will not care about Gao Xian killing Yuan Tianyi. As for the chaos caused by this, it is inevitable. We cannot blame Gao Xian harshly for this.

Seeing that the old man was in a good mood, Gao Xian took out the longevity wheel and asked for advice.

After experiencing so many things, he already has considerable trust in Xuanyang Taoist Master. At least the old man wouldn't have any opinion of him just because of a divine weapon.

Xuanyang Taoist Master played with the Immortality Wheel for a while, and nodded slightly: "It should be the Immortality Wheel. The prohibition must be coordinated with the refining of the Five Qi Wheel. It may also require the cooperation of the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

"Others can forcefully refine it when they get it, and they can't exert the power of the Immortality Wheel."

"You are really lucky to get this thing!"

The old Taoist glanced at Gao Xian with a half-smile but not a smile. He handed the Wheel of Immortality to Gao Xian casually: "There are only two hundred years until the Covenant Conference between Heaven and Man. You have to hurry up."

Gao Xian bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Patriarch. I will work hard."

Taoist Xuanyang didn't wait for Gao Xian to finish speaking, and took Gao Xian back to Jingxing Palace with a flick of his sleeves.

Gao Xian was also a little speechless. The old man hurriedly sent him back every time, for fear that he would ask for something!

The dignified Chunyang Taoist Master, it’s not like that...

With the Wheel of Life, Gao Xian no longer had the intention to take advantage of the old man. He has practiced the Five Qi Wheel to a perfect state, but the level of the Great Five Elements Divine Light is too low.

He has successively upgraded the Heavenly Dragon Spell-Breaking True Eye and the Great Luo Transformation Nerve, and he now still has 180 billion humane auras in his hand. It's a lot to say, but it's still far from being able to upgrade to the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

There are five divine lights in the Great Five Elements Divine Light. If you want to raise them all to full level, you need 700 billion human spiritual lights. According to the current speed of accumulating humane aura, two hundred years is still enough time.

Gao Xian thought about it again and felt that he was a little stupid. To worship the Immortal Wheel, he only needed to improve the divine light of water first!
There is no rush yet. No matter what, you have to start practicing for a few months to see how it goes. Then it’s not too late to make a decision.

Gao Xian asked Taiyuan Shenxiang to go to Yemo Island. Anyway, he only absorbed the star power through the Star Transformation Ring to sacrifice and refine the Army-Breaking God Rui, and there was no need for the main body to be in charge.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang is the cultivation of the Yuan Shen, so sacrificing and refining the Pojun Shenju is more efficient than the main body.

Gao Xian's body went to the Five Qi Cave Heaven, where the Five Elements are rich in energy, making it more suitable for worshiping and refining the Wheel of Immortality. Moreover, after refining the Wheel of Immortality, we have to search for the other four divine wheels in the Five Qi Cave Heaven.

After struggling for more than half a year, Gao Xian erased all the deer mysterious consciousness in the longevity wheel and initially refined dozens of layers of restrictions.

There are 3,600 restrictions in the center of the Immortality Wheel. As the layers of restrictions increase, the restrictions become more complex and sophisticated. This is different from the simple Army-breaking God Rui.

It requires profound five-element magic power, the promotion and guidance of the five-energy wheel, and even more magical control of the water element magic power.

After half a year of trying, Gao Xian felt that he could upgrade the Water Divine Light first.

First, invest 62 billion human spiritual lights in one go to raise the water divine light to the master level.

In an instant, countless water-like divine light changes appeared in Gao Xian's consciousness. With the strength of his consciousness, he was dizzy for a while.

For safety reasons, Gao Xian asked Taiyuan Shenxiang to stop the sacrifice.

It took more than ten days for him to truly digest the huge changes brought about by this upgrade. The biggest change is the understanding and understanding of water magic power.

The water-moving divine light has reached the master level, and he has understood the nature of the water-moving magic power. His cultivation level has not yet reached the fifth level, but his knowledge and understanding have already surpassed the fifth level, and has already touched the sixth level.

Such changes in the realm allow Gao Xian to stand at a very high level to see the Wheel of Life and see the changes in mana and spiritual energy related to the water system.

In this way, there will no longer be any hindrance in refining the Wheel of Immortality.

Gao Xian can easily understand the uses of various restricted changes, and even knows how to refine them efficiently. The upgrade of Water Divine Light also greatly increased his water magic power.

For the Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Jing, the sudden increase in mana power of a single branch actually affects the balance of the entire set of secret techniques.

Just like a smooth-driving vehicle, if one wheel suddenly increases in size, the vehicle will become difficult to control.

Gao Xian did not dare to continue upgrading the water-based divine light. In order to balance the skyrocketing water-based divine light, he could only invest 62 billion human spiritual lights to upgrade the fire-based divine light to the master level first.

In this way, water and fire can at least check and balance each other, thereby achieving an overall balance.

The upgrade of the Fire Divine Light also made Gao Xian's refining of the Wheel of Life much faster. After several years of this, Gao Xian finally refined the previous 1,200 layers of restrictions, which was considered to have completed the preliminary refining.

At this point, he has been able to control the longevity chakra and integrate the longevity chakra and the kidney chakra.

The Five Qi Wheel turns the five internal organs into a divine wheel, while the Five Emperor Wheel is directly integrated into the five internal organs, truly transforming the five internal organs into a powerful and unparalleled artifact. At the same time, it will not destroy the true form of the cultivator.

Gao Xian was also a little curious about this. He tried to integrate the longevity chakra into the kidney chakra. The process went very smoothly.

The existence of the Five Qi Wheel as an invisible divine wheel is like punching an invisible hole in the kidney, and the Immortality Wheel that turns into a ball of light corresponds to this hole.

As soon as the two come into contact, they naturally become one. This combination also changes the actual structure of the kidney.

Gao Xian used the Tianlong Breaking Technique to look inside, and he could see that the kidneys had turned into a ball of light. When his consciousness turns the kidney chakra, endless water magic power circulates.

At this moment, the kidney chakra turned into a sea, vast and endless.

Gao Xian felt that the water magic power he controlled had at least doubled, and he could control the related water magic with ease. The power of the Xuanming Arrow spell is greatly increased, which is enough to pose a great threat to the fifth-level god.

As his cultivation level increased, the enemies he faced became stronger and stronger. He rarely uses spells such as Xuanming Arrow and Fiery Sun Bullet.

These low-level spells are firstly not powerful enough, and secondly, the changes are too simple and are very easy to crack. There is no real threat to cultivators at the Nascent Soul level.

The fusion of the Five Qi Chakra and the Immortality Chakra has changed this situation.

From now on, he can use spells to deal with enemies of the same level. Well, the power of these spells will be further enhanced when he refines the Fusion Soul. Relying on magic to kill enemies is no longer a fantasy.

Gao Xian didn't like to fight his enemies with swords. In fact, those enemies were too strong and only swords could kill them.

If possible, he would still use magic to kill enemies from a distance. Just like when he was in Pegasus, killing people with magic was really unpleasant.

This fusion of the Five Qi Wheel and the Immortality Wheel also allowed Gao Xian to understand the operating mechanism of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. The five emperor chakras in the five internal organs are fused into one. When facing the enemy, the Hunyuan Celestial Chakra can be activated when the Hunyuan Celestial Chakra is united.

To be precise, the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel should be considered a magical power transformed from the Five Emperors Wheel.

The Five Qi Wheel is also blessed by the Five Emperors Wheel, so it can be called the Hunyuan Five Qi Wheel!
At this point, Gao Xian finally sorted out the relationship between the Five Qi Wheel, the Five Emperor Wheel, and the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Unfortunately, this time he did not sense the positions of the other four divine wheels. It should be that the level of the Eternal Life Wheel Sacrifice Refining is not enough.

Gao Xian calculated the time. According to the current progress, it would take another twenty years to completely refine the Wheel of Life.

In fact, this speed was fast enough. Although Gao Xian was a little anxious, he could only wait patiently.

Several more years passed like this, and Gao Xian calculated that time was almost up. According to the agreement between him and Tai Ming, the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon-Conquering Golden Whip should be refined by this time.

Arriving at Ziyun Peak, Gao Xian met Tai Ming.

Tai Ming heard about Gao Xian's single-handed killing of Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou, and he respected him even more.

Therefore, I worked out my energy early to complete the refining of the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip.

The appearance of the re-sacrificial golden whip has not changed, but it has grown one section, reaching a length of five feet, and weighing an astonishing 48,000 kilograms.

This is what Gao Xian specifically explained to Tai Ming. He has the Five Qi Wheel to refine his body, and he also has a lot of strength. The golden whip is heavier and more powerful when swung.

Having seen how indestructible the little Sumeru stick was, Gao Xian was quite envious of it.

Moreover, a golden whip of this weight will be stronger.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm just waiting for you to come over and drop your blood to make a sacrifice..." Tai Ming said.

The most valuable thing about Shenxiao Tianshu's Demon-Subduing Golden Whip is that its inner center prohibition has the mark of the divine consciousness of the wise, and it is the spirituality naturally derived from the artifact's prohibition.

After the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon-Conquering Golden Whip is upgraded, the center restriction will naturally increase in level. Gao Xian still needs to practice again.

Gao Xian has been here twice and is already familiar with the process of refining weapons. After working hard with Taiming for several months, I finally upgraded the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon-Subduing Golden Whip to the fifth high-grade level.

The main reason is that the level of the molten gold that has gone through the Thunder Tribulation Sacrifice is high enough, which forcibly raises the level of the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip.

Tai Ming was a little disappointed with this. He originally wanted to refine a fifth-level divine weapon, but he was a bit unlucky. But there is no way to force such things.

Fortunately, Shenxiao Tianshu's Demon-Conquering Golden Whip completely retains the imprint of Gao Xian's divine consciousness, and also retains the spirituality of the artifact. Although the central restriction has been improved, Gao Xian can still easily master it with the divine mark and the spirituality of the artifact, saving a lot of time in sacrifice.

This divine whip is also powerful enough, and it also contains some power of thunder. When the thunder method is activated, the power is doubled, and it can kill powerful gods without any problem. Especially good at restraining evil spirits.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with this and gave Taiming two more rare spiritual objects. He grabbed so many things that it was useless to hold them in his hands, so he might as well use them as gifts.

When I come back this time, I will take advantage of the time to get rid of all the debris in my hands. Gao Xian called Qiniang and together they went to Wanbao Pavilion to find Fan Qingyuan, the chief shopkeeper.

Farewell to Gao Xian, Fan Qingyuan's attitude was simply flattering. Gao Xian won the first place in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. Everyone felt that Gao Xian had a bright future.

However, no matter how powerful Nascent Soul True Lord is, there is no way he can compare with Transformation God Dao Lord. Although it is true that there is a record of reverse-slashing and transforming into a god, it can only be regarded as a special case.

It wasn't until Gao Xian realized the Dao Yuan Shen that his status in the sect truly rose to a higher level. When Gao Xian went deep into the Tianpuppet Sect and killed Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou, he established his status as the top god-forming powerhouse.

There are many powerful gods in the Xuanming Sect, but no one dares to say that they can kill two powerful gods as easily as Gao Xian!
Gao Xian's battle was so outrageous that it also boosted his reputation among the upper echelons of the Xuanming Sect. Fan Qingyuan is such a smart person, so he naturally knows the importance of Gao Xian now.

Not to mention how much Xuanyang Taoist valued him, but the combat power displayed by Gao Xian had already suppressed many of the Xuanming Sect's Taoist Transformation Lords. Her ancestor Fan Zhenying also told her to handle her relationship with Gao Xian well.

For this reason, Fan Qingyuan has stepped up efforts to sell "Ode to the Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" and has also strengthened supervision to increase the sales of this book as much as possible.

She didn't know why Gao Xian took this matter seriously, and she didn't need to know. As long as you do this well, you will definitely please Gao Xian.

Seeing Gao Xian and Qiniang coming over, Fan Qingyuan diligently took the two of them to the top floor and gave a detailed report on the sales of "Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, Great Joy".

Gao Xian was also a little surprised. It was not easy for this woman to rely on Master Zhenying and be willing to take the initiative to please him. Of course he is satisfied with this. Selling books is the first priority for him.

For this reason, he praised Fan Qingyuan very much.

Fan Qingyuan's face was filled with smiles after being praised, and he felt that all his hard work was not in vain. On the other hand, I am also quite proud of myself. We have secured Pojun Xingjun’s thigh this time!

Hearing that Gao Xian wanted to sell some spiritual objects and magic weapons, Fan Qingyuan said: "Don't worry, Mr. Xing, I will definitely take care of things..."

After a while, Fan Qingyuan regretted it. Gao Xian brought out too many things, and they were all of extremely high quality.

All appraisers from Wanbao Tower, including Jindan and above, have come here. Each item must pass through the hands of three appraisers before being registered.

Gao Xian watched from the side, no one dared to be careless, let alone lower the price randomly. There are so many key items that a group of people spent a long time counting just a small part.

Fan Qingyuan's heart trembled at this understanding. A rough estimate is that the total of the spiritual objects, magic weapons, and elixirs here would cost at least 400,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

For such a large deal, a one percent difference in price is a lot of money. But she didn't dare to lower the price for Gao Xian's things.

Gao Xian lost interest after watching it for a while. He asked Qiniang to keep an eye on it while he went back to Jingxing Palace to rest.

Fan Qingyuan diligently sent Gao Xian outside the gate, and Gao Xian also took the opportunity to make some requests. Mainly, he asked Fan Qingyuan to help him collect the artifacts for refining the Five Elements swords, as well as various artifacts related to the Five Elements secret method, etc., and then helped Qiniang collect some resources related to the Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra.

Fan Qingyuan naturally agreed: "Don't worry, Mr. Xing, I asked them to pay attention, our Wanbao Tower can get it within Jiuzhou.

"If that doesn't work, I'll go to Dragon Scale Island to help Xingjun look for it..."

"Dragon Scale Island?"

Fan Qingyuan was a little surprised that Gao Xian didn't know about Dragon Scale Island. She immediately understood that Gao Xian was a loose cultivator after all.

Although Dragon Scale Island is the largest market in the East China Sea, only high-level merchants would pay attention to it. No one would take the initiative to talk to Gao Xian about Dragon Scale Island. She hurriedly introduced Dragon Scale Island.

"This island is said to be transformed from ancient dragon scales, and it is very magical. Just on the edge of the East China Sea, merchants from Jiuzhou and East China Sea will go to Dragon Scale Island to trade. A gathering is held every sixty years to gather various treasures from Jiuzhou and East China Sea. Very soon It’s lively…”

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel something in his heart. In such a lively place, maybe Qingxuan and the others could be found...

(The last day~bow down and ask for monthly tickets~) (End of this chapter)

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