Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 733: Both fire and water

Dragon Scale Island was originally the place where Jiuzhou negotiated with the Dragon King, where the covenant between heaven and man was signed.

The first Heavenly Covenant Conference was attended by representatives from all the forces in the Nine Continents. After signing the treaty, Jiuzhou established trade with the Dragon King and opened a market on Longlin Island.

As the scale of Longlin Island's upper market becomes larger and larger, Longlin Island's once-in-sixty-year-old market has become the largest trading market in Jiuzhou.

Of course, there are many complex historical reasons for this. For example, the major sects in Jiuzhou are unwilling to trade with other continents, and the resources in the East China Sea are extremely rich and prices are low, etc...

The Dragon Scale Island gathering is only open to the nine major sects in charge of Jiuzhou, and other small and medium-sized sects are not eligible to go to Dragon Scale Island. Therefore, such an important collection is not well-known in Jiuzhou, and not many people know about it.

Fan Qingyuan seemed to be interested when she saw Gao Xian, and she diligently introduced the situation of Dragon Scale Island in detail.

"The next dragon scale gathering will be in forty years. If Mr. Xing is interested, I will inform you in advance. You can travel through the teleportation array, which is quite convenient..."

"Okay, tell me when the time comes. I'll join in the fun."

Gao Xian made an agreement with Fan Qingyuan, and then he drove the escape light back to Jingxing Palace.

The things he sold this time were too many and of high value. Wanbao Tower took inventory for more than 20 days, and after repeated inspections and appraisals, it finally came up with an estimate: 410,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

Fan Qingyuan went to Jingxing Palace and begged humbly, hoping to pay in two installments, half the first time and the other half twenty years later.

This condition is quite exaggerated. Two hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones were used for twenty years without even paying interest.

Gao Xian considered that Wanbao Tower was a business of the sect and wanted to use Fan Qingyuan, so he agreed. The main reason is that these things come too easily and are useless in your hands.

These spiritual elixirs are very precious, and only large trading houses like Wanbao Building can find suitable buyers. If he sells it himself, he will definitely be able to sell it at a higher price. There are so many things, but he doesn't know when he will sell them.

It’s simply not worth investing a lot of time and energy into this. Now he holds 900,000 top-quality spiritual stones, which is incomparable to sixth-level pure Yang. He is a wealthy man at the level of god transformation.

What's more, he couldn't buy the spiritual stone he wanted. It doesn't make much sense to get so many spirit stones.

After Gao Xian agreed, Fan Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief. She knew this was a huge favor. There is no way, it is a bit too difficult to take out more than 400,000 spirit stones at once, and it will definitely affect the operation of Wanbao Tower.

Fan Qingyuan was very measured and did not express any gratitude. She just solemnly stated that she would do her best to sell Xingjun's books and make sure that every cultivator in Mingzhou read them...

Gao Xian was satisfied with this. Fan Qingyuan was indeed a smart man and didn't need to say anything more.

Gao Xian, who sent Fan Qingyuan away, left Qiniang some precious body-refining spiritual objects, including the fifth-level top-quality Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl.

Qiniang's body of wood and metal does not actually match the water system of Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl. However, the powerful water magic of this bead is very suitable for tempering the body. Qiniang's wood-metal body is tempered by water-based artifacts, and has a moisturizing effect, which is very suitable for her.

Gao Xian accompanied Qiniang to practice cultivation for more than a month before returning to the Five Qi Cave Heaven. With Taixuan Shenxiang serving as the coordinate in Wuqi Cave, it is very convenient to enter and exit.

Wuqi Cave Heaven is relatively boring. Every day is to worship and refine the Wheel of Immortality. In addition, Gao Xian's main entertainment is to compete with many transformed gods in the Taishi Temple.

He and Sister Lan are serious dual cultivators and cannot be regarded as entertainment!
On Yemo Island, he killed the first powerful person to transform into a god, the giant shark demon clan Sha San. After that, he killed ten other gods-transforming demon clansmen including Yin Wuchang. Including Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou, he has killed thirteen transformed gods so far.

This number is a bit exaggerated. Any powerful person who transforms into gods can dominate Jiuzhou. Even if he is surrounded by people all over the world, he is still a well-known figure.

Gao Xian seemed to be able to kill these powerful gods with no effort. He also relied on the mysterious and unpredictable Tai Chi Mysterious Light and Phaseless Divine Clothes and the annihilating sword intent of the Infinite Yin and Yang Sword to annihilate Yin and Yang. He was able to attack them unprepared and take them by surprise, so that he could kill the enemy with one blow.

Every powerful person who transforms into a god has a secret magic power that he is good at. He uses himself to be the strongest to attack the opponent's weakest, and maximizes his own advantages.

If he really had to fight head-on, no matter how powerful these gods were, he would never win so easily.

The Temple of Taishi can completely copy him to kill powerful enemies and accompany him to fight. This copied illusion has no spiritual intelligence, but retains the practitioner's own magical powers and secrets.

Gao Xian fought against these powerful gods in Taishi Temple, which was equivalent to having thirteen powerful gods as sparring partners.

In Taishi Temple, Gao Xian has no scruples. He can fight these opponents in various ways and dig out all the magical powers and secrets of these gods-turned-enemies.

If it were any other powerful person who transformed into a god, he would rarely have the experience of fighting against someone of the same level in his life.

Gao Xian has so many sparring partners, but he can play in multiple modes of fighting, testing the limits of these powerful gods in all aspects, and also testing his own limits.

This kind of near-actual combat experience is very, very valuable.

In such battles, Gao Xian also discovered the advantages and disadvantages of many powerful gods.

Generally speaking, demon clan gods are physically strong and powerful, but their spiritual consciousness is inferior. The use of artifacts is also simpler. Although the secret method of cultivation is very clever, the control of power is a bit rough.

Among all the gods-turned-monster clan, Yin Wuchang is undoubtedly the most powerful. If he really had to use his full strength, Gao Xian wouldn't be able to defeat Yin Wu Chang with his own body. After fighting for a long time, he wouldn't even be able to defeat Yin Wu Chang.

After all, the main body does not have the enlightened soul. The five-energy wheel can only make him physically comparable to the transformed god, but there are still many problems. Demons like Yin Wuchang, who are good at the secrets of the Demon Sect, have Taixu Yin Ring in their hands, so the changes are really unpredictable and unpredictable.

Even if he seizes the opportunity to slap him, he won't be able to hurt Yin Wuchang's roots.

Wanshou was born in the Xuanming Sect, and his cultivation is the true teaching of the Taoist sect. The Xuanwu Tiangang is powerful and thick, especially the essence and blood. Together with its own Xuanwu Tiangang, which has super strong defense, the Xuanwu Tiangang Pearl is extremely powerful.

In terms of cultivation, Wanshou is better than Yin Wuchang. A head-on battle is enough to suppress Yin Wuchang. However, there is no real difference between the two. If you really want to fight, you may be able to tell the winner, but it is difficult to tell the difference between life and death. This is also the most common result of the battle between the powerful gods. After all, you only have one life. No matter how much hatred or resentment you have, you have to fight the opponent to the death.

Wanshou, Yuan Tianyi and others failed to surround and kill Lu Xuanji. The fundamental reason was this. Everyone wanted to take Lu Xuanji without any injuries, but in the end they gave Lu Xuanji a chance.

Among the powerful gods, the one who surprised Gao Xian the most was Yuan Tianyi. This guy's cultivation is pure and powerful, especially the Wancheng Yushen Sutra in his hand, which is really mysterious.

The Wan Cheng Yu Shen Sutra can be transformed into ten Nascent Soul puppets. These ten puppets are named Ten Heavenly Generals, named after A, B, C, D and Ten Heavenly Stems.

The Ten Heavenly Generals not only have superb fighting skills, but can also form formations, and are not afraid of death. After being destroyed, the damage can be repaired by using the Wancheng Royal God Manual to recover it and putting it into the spirit stone to nourish it.

The most powerful one is the Tongtian Yuanqi Cannon transformed from the Wancheng Yushen Sutra, which is an artifact composed of ten generals from the sky. It is extremely powerful.

In the Taishi Temple, Gao Xian and Yuan Tianyi once again got into a fight.

Gao Xian could barely deal with Yuan Tianyi by relying on the Five Energy Wheel and the freshly baked Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip. After fighting for a while, Gao Xian's white clothes turned into red blood clothes, and at the same time he activated the blood sun divine light.

Yuan Tianyi felt tremendous pressure from the blood-yang divine light that was so fierce and capable of corroding all living beings. As the battle progressed, Yuan Tianyi was gradually wrapped in blood.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yuan Tianyi raised his right hand, and the golden armguard-shaped Wancheng Yushen Sutra on his arm turned into golden light and wrapped his right hand, turning into a golden gauntlet, with a raised ring in the palm of his hand. Like the muzzle of a cannon.

The golden light on the gauntlet gathered together and erupted into a ball of golden light bullets as big as a fist, and at the same time it made an earth-shattering roar. The spitting golden light bullet contains the purest violent magic power, and the golden light instantly penetrates the heavy blood and blasts towards Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was waiting for Yuan Tianyi's move. He waved his long sleeves and heavy blood light condensed into a rotating red umbrella in front of him, blocking the golden light bullet.

The golden light bomb exploded, shattering the rotating red umbrella. Gao Xian's body was twisted and shattered under the violent impact of the mana.

It wasn't until the violent Yuan Qi impact dissipated that Gao Xian appeared again. Opposite him was Yuan Tian, ​​whose eyes were dim and his face was pale, with less than 30% of his mana left.

One blow from the Tongtian Yuan Qi Cannon consumed at least 50% of his mana. This kind of ultimate explosion is indeed extremely powerful, and it is three points more violent than driving a small Sumeru stick like lightning.

Gao Xian flicked his sleeves and Yuan Tianyi disappeared silently across from him, while he stayed at the same place and fiddled with the Wan Cheng Yu Shen Sutra in his hand.

There are many restrictions in this sixth-level artifact, and it also bears the deep mark of spiritual consciousness left by Yuan Tianyi. He didn't even have the Immortality Wheel, and he didn't even have time to refine the Wancheng God Controlling Scripture.

However, after many battles with Yuan Tianyi, Gao Xian found that this thing is quite fun.

The most useful one is the Ten Heavenly General, which can be controlled by remote control, making it much more convenient to do dirty work. The coolest thing is the Tongtian Yuan Qi Cannon, which can be used to attack extremely violently.

From his point of view, the Tongtian Yuanqi Cannon actually borrowed the Ten Heavenly Generals to form a magic formation, so that it could be so powerful.

When the Tongtian Yuan Qi Cannon is activated, the golden light changes into a hand cannon, which is very textured and cool. Kind of like Iron Man hand-haired lasers. Of course, the two are substantially different.

A single strike from the Tongtian Yuan Qi Cannon can destroy a mountain peak thousands of miles away. A powerful person of the same level who takes the form of a god is almost certain to die if hit directly by the cannon.

When he becomes the Three-Yuan God, his spiritual consciousness and magic power are many times better than those of the same level. The Heaven-Bearing Yuan Qi Cannon is very useful as a means of attacking difficult situations.

After all, it is a powerful sixth-level artifact and worth investing in.

From now on, Gao Xian will spend some time refining the Wancheng Yushen Sutra. Fortunately, he has refined the Taixuan Shenxiang into Yuanshen. Among the nine methods of Blood River, Yuanshi Guiyi is the best at refining foreign objects to obliterate the soul.

The mark of divine consciousness that Yuan Tianyi left in the Wancheng Royal God Manual was completely refined by him in just a few years.

In order to control this secret method, he still needs to practice the Wancheng God Control Sutra. This wise man really has no energy, so he can only simulate the changes of the ten thousand methods and simulate this secret method through Yuanshi Guiyi.

In this way, the Wancheng Royal God Manual can be barely activated. If you want to be able to control it satisfactorily in actual combat, it will take a long time of practice and cannot be achieved overnight.

It’s not that Gao Xian doesn’t know the importance, it’s really very painful to practice these things silently.

The most boring thing is the Army-breaking God's Ruin, which absorbs star power and refines restrictions. There is no change. It is completely boring and repetitive.

The Immortality Wheel is better, after all, it corresponds to its own Five Qi Wheel, and it is also consistent with the Great Five Elements Divine Light. The changes in the prohibitions within it are mysterious and complicated, and the sacrifice is very energy-consuming.

In comparison, the Wancheng Royal God Sutra is not that complicated and very interesting. Sacrifice and refining the Wancheng Royal God Sutra can be regarded as a diversion from Gao Xian's boring cultivation life.

In a year and a half, Gao Xian will return to the Xuanming Sect to rest for a while, relax with Qiniang and Taining, or visit Yue Shenxiu, Xiao Hongye, Yan Feiyin and the others.

After going through this for twenty years, Gao Xian finally accumulated enough human aura, and raised both the water element divine light and the fire element divine light to the state of master perfection.

Forcibly promoted to the state of master perfection, Gao Xian truly understood all the changes in the two magic powers of water and fire.

This also allowed him to understand the way of combining water and fire, and then practicing the Wheel of Immortality would be like opening a dam to release water, and it would flow thousands of miles without any hindrance.

In just one year, Gao Xian refined all the 3,600 layers of prohibitions on the Immortal Wheel and fully mastered this powerful artifact.

The moment he completely refined the Immortality Wheel, he also sensed the breath of the other four divine wheels...

Gao Xian looked into the distance with a somewhat complicated expression... (End of this chapter)

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