Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 739 Fight to the death

Dragon Scale Tower is the largest shop on Dragon Scale Island. Its interior uses sixty-four hundred-foot-high black stone pillars as the pillars of the magic circle to create a huge space.

The Dragon Scale Tower has no walls or dome. It relies entirely on the sixty pillars to condense their magic power into a water-colored dome and walls, cleverly cutting the space.

The huge spaces on the periphery are used for business, but the largest area in the center is the office space of the Dragon Scale Society.

Generally speaking, the head shopkeeper of Longlin Tower, Jiao Shiqiniang, is here. She is tall and plump, her skin covered with black scales is as white as snow, and her temperament is rough and unrestrained.

As a fifth-level god-transforming demon clan, Jiao Shiqiu Niang is not taboo about meat and vegetables, and can even look at her with foundation-building skills. However, it is not so easy to get into her bed and survive.

If it doesn't satisfy her, it will turn into dried meat and medicinal dregs on the spot.

Even so, there are many cultivators who are willing to risk their lives to have a kiss with Fangze. Being able to please a powerful person who transforms into gods and is also the boss of Dragon Scale Tower. Being able to climb this high branch can definitely change your destiny.

At this moment, Jiao Shiqiu Niang was lazily lying on a chair, with her long, round and snow-white thighs exposed under her black dress, which were as white as her chest and a bit dazzling.

The old monks Hefeng Taoist and Mingxiang sitting nearby were sitting upright, and neither of them looked at Jiao Qiniang. The two powerful gods were not pretending to be serious, but they knew that Jiao Shiqiniang was wild and they were not willing to offend her.

Not to mention going to bed, even a single word with this banshee can cause a lot of commotion.

At this moment, the two Taoist Transformation Lords had no intention of paying attention to Jiao Shiqiu Niang. Their eyes were all on Hei Si in the center of the hall.

This four-cornered black dragon is nine feet tall, with black scales all over its body like armor, exuding a sharp aura from its thickness. Different from Jiao Shiqiu Niang who exposed most of her body, the four-cornered black dragon had a pair of dark yellow vertical eyes exposed from all over her body.

The most eye-catching thing about the four-cornered black dragon is of course its four horns, which are lined up from the forehead to the back of the head. The long horns arranged in an orderly manner make the black dragon look more ferocious and ferocious.

This is also true. Fourth Master Hei can be said to be notorious on Dragon Scale Island. No matter whether they are monsters or humans, everyone is afraid of this guy.

Thousands of years have passed, and the four-cornered black dragon has killed two god-transforming demon clansmen and seriously injured two god-transforming Dao Lords. It can be called fierce and powerful.

Fan Qingyuan, who was standing opposite the four-cornered black dragon, was overwhelmed by the opponent's power of transforming into a god and was unable to lift his head.

Fan Qingyuan came to Jiao Shiqiniang to argue. The matter of teleporting the magic circle was not a big deal, but he had to investigate the responsibility. If you give in on this point, the Dragon Scale Society will make further progress.

Fan Qingyuan didn't expect that Hei Si would suddenly appear. This guy directly suppressed her Nascent Soul with the power of transformation, leaving her defenseless.

She was shocked and angry. She had known that Hei Si was domineering, but she didn't expect him to be so arrogant. Although she is Nascent Soul, she represents the Xuanming Sect.

What Hei Si did was simply because he did not take Xuan Ming Sect seriously, nor did he take the rules of Dragon Scale Island seriously.

Seeing the power of the black dragons at the four corners becoming more and more powerful, Fan Qingyuan's face turned pale as paper, and his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Even though Da Luo Sect's gentle spirit has a good temper, he couldn't help but stand up with a snort and said: "Hei Si, don't bully others too much!"

Ming Xiang from the Dragon Elephant Palace also stood up, with a solemn expression on his thin face, and there was a hint of the Heavenly Dragon's Dharma in his golden eyes.

In fact, the Longxiang Palace and the Taoist clan couldn't even urinate in a pot, but they were all Jiuzhou human cultivators, so of course they had to share the same hatred against the demon clan.

Hei Si bullied Fan Qingyuan in front of them and slapped them in the face. How can the two transformed gods sit idly by and ignore this?

The two powerful men who transformed themselves into gods unleashed their might, which also made Hei Si feel the pressure. He turned around and looked at Hefeng and Mingxiang, "You want to turn your back and take action?"

He Feng was so angry that he laughed, this monster clan was really messing around and beat him up. It was obviously him who bullied Fan Qingyuan!

He sneered and said: "Heisi, what kind of prestige can you show by bullying a Nascent Soul? This is Dragon Scale Island, and several Taoists have set rules, and it's not your turn to be arrogant!"

The four-cornered black dragon said indifferently: "Don't talk nonsense. I'm just asking this woman about where she broke the rules of Dragon Scale Island."

"It's you, the two transformed gods joined forces to use magic to suppress me. What do you want to do?!"

The four-cornered black dragon glanced at Jiao Qi Niang sitting behind him, and he snorted and said, "We're not afraid if you want to take action!"

Jiao Shiqiu Niang didn't say anything. Hei Si had always been overbearing and would cause a lot of troubles every time he came to Dragon Scale Island.

However, this kind of arrogance can always take advantage. The situation in Jiuzhou is not good now, and we don't dare to provoke them.

On the contrary, within the Dragon Scale Society, there are many gods-turned-monster clans clamoring for war with the human race.

Jiuzhou is very rich. Over thousands of years, it has accumulated countless pills and magic weapons. There are also huge population resources. Grabbing these will be a great benefit to the Dragon Scale Society.

The world is changing. At this time, we must try our best to eat and get fat. The stronger you are, the more chances you have to survive. If others are weaker, they will die faster.

The sudden change of heaven and earth is a great disaster for all living beings. All living beings not only have to fight against heaven and earth, but also against other living beings.

When you reach the level of becoming a god, you all have this kind of awareness.

The reason behind Black Four being so strong this time is also very simple: they are trying to provoke the human cultivators to take action. Fan Qingyuan came to his door himself, giving him an excuse to attack.

However, Jiao Shiqiu Niang felt that there was no need to be so anxious. She also didn't like Hei Si's rough, reckless and arrogant way of doing things. However, as a member of the same clan, she had to help Hei Si hold on to the situation. At least it can't be weak in terms of momentum. Even if it means falling out with the human race.

Jiao Shiqiu Niang also stood up. She didn't say anything, but the powerful consciousness she released made her attitude clear.

The confrontation between the four powerful gods made Fan Qingyuan even more uncomfortable. She was caught in it, and even with the protection of Hefeng and Mingxiang, she felt that she would be crushed at any time.

The strong fear stimulated Fan Qingyuan to continuously improve her magic power. Facing the majestic and powerful spiritual consciousness and magic power of several gods, her resistance was like flowers and plants in the storm, dancing wildly with the wind involuntarily, and she did not know when they would break and shatter.

Just when Fan Qingyuan felt that he was about to be crushed by the might of the powerful God, a Qingyue sword chant came to his ears.

Its sound is clear but gentle, just like a clear spring flowing down the mountain. No matter how obstructed the mountains, rocks and trees are, the clear spring can easily penetrate the obstacles and flow down.

The sword chant is like this, twisting and turning, penetrating the intertwined spiritual consciousness gaps of the four gods, and subtly dividing the power of the four gods, but without using any force, it has a natural charm and sublime.

Hei Si and Jiao Shiqiu Niang were both shocked. Who could have such a superb swordsmanship? !
Hefeng and Mingxiang were also surprised. Gaoxian was actually here! Hefeng immediately showed joy. It was great that Gaoxian was here.

There is a great sage who stands up for the Qingyuan of Fan, and his name is justified. Furthermore, I heard that Gao Xian became a sword god and killed two powerful men who transformed themselves into gods. He is powerful and domineering, much stronger than these aging gods.

The clear sword chant twists and turns, its sound gradually becomes lower and weaker, and finally it is like a gossamer floating back and forth, but it never stops.

The white shadow flashed, and Gao Xian had reached the center of the hall.

The four powerful gods in the hall all looked at Gao Xian at the same time. Hefeng and Mingxiang looked with some curiosity and scrutiny.

It has only been three hundred years since the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, but Gao Xian's appearance has not changed much, except that the clear and youthful spirit between his brows has become stronger, and at the same time he has the suaveness of a famous scholar.

Such a person has a high aura, as if he is a flying fairy in the sky.

However, Jiao Shiqiniang's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she became very interested in Gao Xian.

Hei Si didn't have so many emotional thoughts. His dark yellow vertical eyes kept expanding and shrinking, and he was trying to see through Gao Xian's cultivation through his natal spiritual eyes.

In his eyes, Gao Xian looked transparent but couldn't see through it at all. Neither the soul of this man nor the cultivation and magic weapon on his body can be seen through.

Hei Si also had some doubts in his heart. His natal spiritual eyes were transformed from the blood of the dragon clan and were said to be able to see through all kinds of phenomena. He actually couldn't see through this person's cultivation, and couldn't even determine whether he was a god.

Gao Xian ignored Hei Si and said to Fan Qingyuan: "Fellow Taoist is frightened. Please step back first."

Fan Qingyuan was a little uneasy. She wanted to remind Gao Xian not to do anything, but she hesitated but didn't say anything. It is not her turn to point fingers when Gao Xian defeats Jun Xingjun.

Besides, in this situation, the demon clan is about to break up, and if you don't take action, you will only be bullied to death.

Fan Qingyuan bowed and saluted, then quietly retreated behind Gao Xian. Tai Ning nodded to Fan Qingyuan and said with her spiritual consciousness: "It's okay. With our senior brother supporting us, no one has to be afraid!"

Tai Ning has full confidence in Gao Xian. In her heart, her senior brother is the best god in the world! Yes, not the best in Jiuzhou, but the best in the world.

Just two demon-turned-god clansmen who dare to fight with their senior brother are seeking death!
Gao Xian first handed over the two gods, Hefeng and Mingxiang: "It has been more than three hundred years since the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly was separated. It really makes me happy to see these two Taoist friends here."

He has nothing to do with these two people. Now that he has advanced to become a god, it is very appropriate to call him Taoist friend.

Hefeng and Mingxiang both returned the courtesy politely. Gao Xian added: "If it weren't for the help of the two Taoist friends, Shopkeeper Fan would have suffered a big loss. Thank you two Taoist friends."

"The nine major sects are connected by the same spirit, regardless of each other. Fellow Taoists, there is no need to be polite..." Hefeng felt very kind to Gao Xian. After all, he was a strong man who came out of the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, and he also received the title of Dao Hong Dao Zun. He is half one of us.

Gao Xian said a few more polite words, and then said to Hei Si: "You are also a member of the Dragon Scale Demon Clan, so you should know the rules. Take action on Dragon Scale Island, and the three parties will kill you together!

When he said this, his star-like eyes showed a cold light: "Hei Si, you deserve to die!"

Hei Si looked at Gao Xian coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I take action?" He actually didn't bother to tell, but now the opponent had three gods, so he still wanted to take advantage of it.

"Do you dare to do this? Are all the Dragon Clan useless like you?" Gao Xian shook his head disdainfully.

Hei Si was furious, and the smile on Jiao Qi Niang's face disappeared. Gao Xian's words were too unpleasant to hear.

"You little brat!" Hei Si yelled loudly. The scales all over his body trembled, and there was a buzzing sound of magic power. All the spirits in the sea of ​​consciousness were exerting force at the same time.

Gao Xian, however, didn't care and sneered: "Pretending. If you have the guts, we can go out to the island and fight."

Before Gao Xian could finish what he said, Hei Si pointed at Gao Xian and yelled: "Little brat, let's fight to the death!"

Gao Xian was not angry. Instead, he gave a thumbs up and praised with a smile: "I misjudged you. You are really not afraid of death, you are brave!"

(I fell out of the rankings~crying~please vote~) (End of this chapter)

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