Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 740 The real dragon swallows the dragon

Chapter 740 The real dragon swallows the dragon
Black Si can cultivate the soul. In addition to his extraordinary talent, he is also very intelligent, far superior to his peers.

Naturally, he could see that Gao Xian was deliberately looking for trouble, which was exactly what he wanted. For thousands of years, whether he took the initiative to provoke or the enemy provoked, the result was always the same: he killed the opponent.

Gao Xian's rudeness made him really angry.

No human race has ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him!

Black Four never deliberately controls his emotions, there is no need. Only human cultivators like to talk about tranquility and clarity.

The demon clan has a demon clan’s way of cultivation, which is to release the most powerful power in the body’s blood. This is their demon clan’s way of cultivation.

If the demon clan restrains its anger and deliberately acts as calm as water, it will go against its nature and will affect its own cultivation.

Jiao Shiqiniang is of the same race, even if she has been with the human race for too long, she has been assimilated by the human race. I like to talk about strategy, wisdom, and demeanor.

He is obviously a powerful dragon clan, but he hides all his protective scales, revealing his snow-white soft skin!
Even a strong person who transforms into gods is still very fragile in this physical state.

Hei Si felt that Jiao Shiqiu Niang had lost her mind, so she took the initiative to take off her protection. Fortunately, she was conceited and smart, but she was just a self-righteous fool.

The demon clan Hei Si was more powerful than all the demon clans he had encountered. Even though Yin Wuchang had profound demon cultivation, he was far less courageous than Hei Si.

The swirling deep blue seawater vortex is like an abyss, constantly absorbing the surrounding mana and absorbing all surrounding materials.

Mingxiang didn't say anything. He felt that Gao Xian was a little too confident. The relationship between the two was not close, and he couldn't say much.

Gao Xian smiled and stood up, the black and yellow divine light behind him pushed down to the opposite side of Hei Si.

As the child of a dragon and a Nine-ring Yin Snake, the reason Hei Si gave birth to four horns was actually due to the blood power of his mother, the Nine-ring Yin Snake.

Hei Si didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand to summon the dragon horn halberd. This was a fifth-level artifact refined from his own shed dragon horn. It had the power to break the law and contained the poison of the nine-ring Yin snake.

Hei Si glanced at Jiao Qi Niang and said to her with his spiritual consciousness: "Watch the two human race gods and don't let them get in the way!"

The sea was chosen as the battlefield when they came up, so that the dragon clan's advantage in controlling water and fire could be fully utilized.

The Nine-ringed Yin Snake is a huge sea snake that lives deep under the sea. There are nine black rings on each of the four corners of its head. The poison on it is enough to corrode the soul, which is extremely terrifying.

As a hybrid dragon, Hei Si was bullied a lot in his childhood, which made him realize that strength is the only foundation. When he awakens his natal magical power, he becomes more arrogant and cruel in his actions.

This place is thousands of miles away from Longlin Island, and the sea below is magnificent and endless. Gao Xian sneered in his heart, Hei Si looked savage, but his brain was very useful.

Although Jiao Shiqiniang didn't like Hei Si's arrogance and brainlessness, she still responded: "I will keep an eye on them. That person who takes the initiative to cause trouble must have some ability. Don't be careless."

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. The other party was in great momentum, and he would not gain any advantage by taking action in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, Hei Si has used the power of the sea to turn a thousand miles around into a huge legal domain. The rich water magic power will naturally suppress all other changes in magic power.

Heisi didn't say anything. He thought this kind of advice was nonsense. How could he be careless in battle!

Hei Si raised his dragon-horned halberd, and the dragon spirit in his sea of ​​consciousness also began to stir up mana. Below is the sea, with endless water magic power for him to activate and control.

He Feng said to Gao Xian with a hopeful look on his face: "This guy is hateful. Fellow Taoist, kill him for his majesty."

Gao Xian politely nodded to the two gods, Hefeng and Mingxiang: "Two fellow Taoists, I'll excuse you for a while and I'll be back soon."

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, you will never lose your reputation as a human cultivator."

He soared into the sky with a roar, and in the blink of an eye he penetrated the Dragon Scale Island's protective formation and reached the gap between the sea and the sky.

The huge water magic power is invisible, but it pushes the sea water to rotate rapidly, forming a huge vortex hundreds of miles in diameter on the sea surface.

This humanoid dragon stands between the sea and the sky, holding a halberd in his hand. The sea below turns into a rotating abyss, and the dark clouds above are covered with faint thunder. It really has the power to command the sky and sea to control everything.

Judging from the level of god transformation, Hei Si's control of the power of the sky and sea is simply exquisite. The key point is that he is not using human magic, but the secret magic power of the dragon itself.

Black Si not only has the advantages of the demon clan's powerful mana and strong body, but also has the exquisite control of the human cultivator. Even the artifacts in his hands are very superb, far better than those of the god-transforming demon clan.

Gao Xian praised in his heart, he was indeed capable of beating a demon clan that could seriously injure Wanfeng Mountain. Even if Hefeng and Mingxiang come up, they probably won't be able to gain any advantage from this subordinate.

Unfortunately, this guy met him.

He now has dual souls, and his mana and consciousness are far superior to those of Black Four. Coupled with the blessings of the Immortality Wheel, the Nine Sun Wheel, and the Infinite Wheel, his body is enough to be as long as the Black Four.

In particular, the divine light of water, fire, and earth reached the state of master perfection, and he had a certain understanding of the nature of the three magic powers of water, fire, and earth.

Not to mention exceeding the sixth level of Pure Yang, at least it has touched the sixth level. This alone is enough to turn the advantage of the Black Four's magical powers into a disadvantage.

Gao Xian's left eye was filled with golden light, and it was he who opened the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye for Breaking the Law. It is said that this secret technique is made with the divine consciousness of heavenly dragon, and it has the ability to control water, fire, wind and thunder. As the ancestor of the dragon, the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye of Breaking Laws is simply capable of defeating the various magical powers of the dragon.

Through the Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye, Gao Xian easily saw through the changes in the spirit of the Black Four Dragons, saw through the sequence of the flow of his magic power and spiritual consciousness, and sorted out a context.

To put it simply, Gao Xian knew what Hei Si was doing and when he was going to take action just by looking at it. The changes in mana and consciousness completely revealed Hei Si's thoughts.

The confrontation between the two powerful men who transformed themselves into gods caused a strange phenomenon in the sea and sky to cover thousands of miles away.

All the cultivators on Dragon Scale Island noticed something was wrong. The dark clouds in the sky are like a mountain weighing on the hearts of all practitioners.

Even Qi practitioners can feel the terrifying power that destroys everything filling the air. Dragon Scale Island, which is as lively as a market, will suddenly be covered by a strange silence. No one dares to talk nonsense, and they all look at the dark sky uneasily.

In the hall of Dragon Scale Tower, the two powerful gods Ming Xiang and He Feng looked solemn. They all knew that Hei Si was very powerful. Seeing Hei Si using the power of the sea and sky to activate the realm with their own eyes still made the two powerful gods feel tremendous pressure.

Hefeng originally had full confidence in Gao Xian, but now he felt a little guilty.

Ming Xiang used his spiritual consciousness to say to He Feng: "Hei Si is not only powerful, but also has such subtle changes in his magic power. This battle with Gao Xian will be difficult!"

He Feng pondered for a moment and said: "Gao Xian is a genius of our clan, we cannot let him fall like this. If the situation really goes wrong, we can work together to save Gao Xian..."

"Okay." Mingxiang agreed after being silent for a while.

Compared with the grievances between the two clans, the grievances between the sects are nothing.

Fan Qingyuan also saw that something was wrong. She was a little uneasy and asked Tai Ning: "Uncle Master, can Mr. Xing win?"

Tai Ning originally had full confidence in Gao Xian, but now he was shocked by the power of the Black Four, and his confidence was no longer that full.

Taining holds the Tianji Bead in her hand. With the magical analysis of magic power by the artifact and the blessing of secret techniques, she can barely see the situation thousands of miles away.

Seeing Hei Si's overwhelming momentum, Gao Xian only had dark golden light slowly flowing behind him. There was a huge difference in momentum between the two sides. Her confidence was about to lose.

She whispered to Fan Qingyuan: "Senior brother, there is no problem, you can get away calmly even if you can't win..."

Before Tai Ning finished speaking, he saw Hei Si, who seemed to rule the sea and the sky, pointing his halberd in his hand. The next moment, the black halberd had already stabbed Gao Xian in front of him...

The huge whirlpool of sea water below suddenly collapsed. In an instant, Tai Ning's vision went dark. She felt that the sky was swallowed by the whirlpool of sea water, and even her consciousness was swallowed by the whirlpool.

That kind of power that destroyed everything greatly shocked her Nascent Soul.

Not only Tai Ning was like this, but all the other cultivators felt their hearts sinking, and they seemed to be swallowed up by the invisible abyss in an instant.

At this moment, a dark golden light wheel shone out, illuminating the abyss that swallowed everything. The low-level cultivators on Dragon Scale Island all let out a long sigh of relief. They all thought they were going to die just now!
Ming Xiang and He Feng both had happy expressions in their eyes, while Jiao Shiqiu Niang's expression was a little more solemn.

The three gods all saw clearly that the halberd activated by Hei Si using the power of the sky and sea was actually blocked by the dark golden light wheel activated by Gao Xian.

This scene also surprised the three gods. Gao Xian seemed to be dealing with such an earth-shattering blow very calmly!

Hei Si, who was driving the dragon-horned halberd, was even more surprised. He felt like the dragon-horned halberd was piercing into the thick and boundless earth. No matter how tyrannically he used his magic power, and even borrowed the power of the sea and sky, it was absorbed by the dark gold halo.

Hei Si couldn't see through Gao Xian's changes. He drew his halberd and tried to retreat, but found that the dark gold light wheel was not only thick, but also had the long-lasting power of water, and it tightly entangled his halberd.

He suddenly realized that the force of this blow was not only neutralized by the opponent, but was even used by the opponent to counterattack.

Hei Si shouted in a low voice, and the halberd in his hand flashed with circles of black light. It was the poisonous power of the Nine Ring Yin Snake that was transmitted through the halberd.

The poison of the nine-ring Yin snake can not only corrode mana, but also corrode spiritual consciousness and soul. It is extremely vicious. The light on the dark golden halo immediately dimmed.

Gao Xian also saw the changes in the nine-ring Yin snake's poison. He activated the Infinite Wheel and Qinghua Wheel, and the dark golden halo in front shrank inward. The force of geomagnetism and the endless water magic power of the sea suppressed Black Si instantly.

This is also because he is better than Black Four in controlling mana, and he has thousands of experiences in fighting against the powerful gods in Taishi Temple. Let him know how to suppress the soul and suppress the body.

Hei Si felt the endless power of confinement all around him. The dragon spirit in his consciousness raised his head and roared, and all the scales on his body opened and vibrated, destroying all the earth and water mana that imprisoned him.

All kinds of violent magic attacks turned into a heavy aura around Hei Si's body.

At the most violent stage of the explosion of Black Four's mana, Gao Xian flicked the Five Elements Infinity Sword in his hand, and the sharp sword light followed an undetectable mana gap and cut into it, wiping off Black Four's neck with one sword...

The three powerful gods who were fighting thousands of miles away had their eyes fixed at the same time...

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(End of this chapter)

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