The battle between Gao Xian and Hou Sangun, two powerful gods who transformed into gods, caused the spiritual energy of the sky and sea to tremble, and violent mana to attack from all directions. The Dragon Scale Island thousands of miles away was inevitably impacted.

The huge waves of tens of feet set off by the sea hit Longlin Island like collapsing mountains, with an extremely powerful momentum.

Fortunately, Longlin Island City is far enough away from the shore, so it will not be affected for a while. The huge momentum of the tsunami still frightened the cultivators and demon clan of Dragon Scale Island.

Cultivators at the Golden Core level and above can sense the impact of invisible mana in the air and know that this is a confrontation between strong men. Cultivators at the Nascent Soul level can sense battles thousands of miles away.

Master Nascent Soul, who is proficient in some pupil techniques, can even see two figures confronting each other thousands of miles away.

Only those who are strong at the level of gods can see the situation of both warring parties and see the details of the battle between Gao Xian and Monkey Three Sticks.

In Dongmianfang City, the gentle old Taoist looked at the water mirror in front of him, with a look of worry on his upright face. Gao Xian started fighting with the demon tribe again. Moreover, this monkey looked extremely strong. He should be the most powerful Monkey Three Sticks in the Dragon Scale Association!

The names of the demon clan are simple and crude, and they usually only have official names after Nascent Soul. Hefeng heard people say about this monkey with three sticks. It is said that he can kill his opponent within three sticks. He is very domineering.

Hence the nickname. This guy thought this nickname was very domineering, so he took it as his own name.

It's just that with the Monkey Three Sticks, Gao Xian can escape unharmed even if he can't defeat him. Hefeng believes in Gao Xian's ability.

The problem is that there are actually seven auras of the god-transforming demon clan on the island, among which he has seen Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai. The remaining few should be Shui Changdong, the sword god of the Shark tribe, and the sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang, who are known as the peerless twins.

There are a total of eight powerful demon tribes who transform into gods. Even if Gao Xian can defeat the three sticks of the monkey, how should the other seven demon tribes who transform into gods deal with them?

There was a big gathering on Dragon Scale Island, but none of the other major sects showed up to transform into gods. There were only him, Ming Xiang, and Yue Tiandu of the Shenyue Sect on the island.

This person hates Gao Xian very much. Yesterday, Gao Xian fought with the four-cornered black dragon, but this person didn't even show up.

Now that the situation is not good, Yue Tiandu is afraid that he will be even less willing to help.

Hefeng knows the ways of the demon clan very well. This group of demon clan has no sense of etiquette and integrity, and they will definitely take revenge on Gao Xian if they have the opportunity. There are many demons among them, and only he and Ming Xiang can never protect Gao Xian.

Just when He Feng was worried, he saw the monkey's three sticks being unparalleled in power and smashing the dark gold light wheel with one stick, and also breaking through Gao Xian's numerous spell changes.

He felt nervous, the situation was not good!

In the Dragon Scale Tower, Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai both looked happy. Although they didn't like Monkey Three Sticks, they were more happy to see Gao Xian beaten to death.

Shui Yunguang's eyes were stern and she pursed her lips tightly. She was already cold and solemn, but now her expression was even more cold and stern. She was mainly a little disappointed with Gao Xian. He was so elegant and elegant before, but he was defeated by the three monkey sticks, and all his elegant and unrestrained style became a joke.

Shui Yun's bright eyes were as calm as water. Although she admired Gao Xian's charisma, she would not be particularly inclined to him because of this.

After all, Gao Xian is from the human race, and although Monkey Three Sticks is hateful, he is from the demon race. It's a good thing that Gao Xian can deal with the three monkeys, but it's not a bad thing if the three monkeys win.

Furthermore, if Gao Xian can't even win the three sticks of the monkey, there is no value in making friends.

Each powerful person who transforms into gods has his own way of observation, and the details of the battle he sees are different from others. The understanding of combat is also different.

Shui Yunzhu is more concerned with observing the emotional state of both parties. The Monkey Three Sticks and One Stick Breaking Technique has a strong momentum, and the violent emotions are as violent as an erupting volcano.

On the other hand, Gao Xian always has a calm and free spirit that is not stuck in things.

Even if the Thundering Black Gold Stick was about to hit his face, he was still emotionally stable. There was no fear or high morale in Canruo Xingchen's eyes, they were just as bright and deep as ever.

It can be seen that Gao Xian must have coping methods, and it is too early to say the outcome now. Simply comparing the control of emotions between the two parties, Gao Xian is obviously better.

Of course, it cannot be said that the three sticks of the monkey are inferior. He has a violent nature, and his violent emotions match the fierceness of the black golden stick that beats the sky, and he also brings out the full power of this artifact.

Indulging one's passions and directing one's heart directly is another way.

Thousands of miles away, Gao Xian's golden pupil in his left eye shone with brilliance, forming an extremely complex runic restriction.

The Heavenly Dragon's Law-Breaking True Eye actually activates the supreme power of the Heavenly Dragon's consciousness through rune restrictions.

Many powerful gods were observing Gao Xian, and Gao Xian was also observing them.

Yes, up to this moment Gao Xian still had enough energy to observe every powerful person who transformed into gods around him, mainly because Monkey Three Sticks had been seen through by him.

This demon clan is very powerful, but the transformation is still a bit crude. The expert-level Tianlong Breaking Technique saw everything clearly. From the changes in the monkey's body and soul, to the transformation of mana from the Heaven-beating Wujin Stick in his hand, everything was clearly analyzed by Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking Laws.

The most important thing to be able to do this is of course that the Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye is too strong. Secondly, his spiritual consciousness is far better than that of Monkey Three Sticks, at least twice as good as his opponent's.

With such a huge gap in consciousness, Monkey Three Sticks can use his magic power twice while he uses it once. Coupled with the blessing of the Nine Heavens God's Thunder and Lightning Sutra, his consciousness operates many times faster than Monkey Three Sticks. What's more, Sister Lan presides over the operation of magic, which can save him countless energy.

With these various advantages and blessings, Gao Xian can calmly observe many transformed gods thousands of miles away.

Needless to say, Jiao Jiuniang, Jiao Shiqiniang, and Jiao Leihai all expected him to be beaten to death with a stick. I couldn't hide that kind of emotion at all, or I didn't even think about hiding it.

The two sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang had complicated emotions, and they both seemed to have a good impression of him. Especially the cold Shui Yunguang seemed to be worried about him. I don’t know if I hate Monkey Sangun or if I like him?

Ming Xiang and He Feng both looked a little worried, while Yue Tian looked like he was watching a show, showing no signs of sharing the same hatred. This person is untouchable...

Gao Xian used the Heavenly Dragon's true eyes to see the reactions of all the powerful gods. Through his powerful spiritual consciousness, he classified and marked the reactions, emotions, and mana status of each powerful person.

He doesn't have a computer in his brain, but his powerful spiritual consciousness has super computing power and memory. As long as he has the consciousness to operate his spiritual consciousness, he can naturally achieve computer effects.

No, he should now have the computing and analysis capabilities of a super brain.

At this moment, Gao Xian felt as if he knew everything. All living creatures, tangible and intangible changes, etc., could be clearly seen under the eyes of Tianlong Pofa.

However, this state also consumes spiritual consciousness and mana abnormally. Gao Xian has a clear understanding that he can maintain this state for a few dozen breaths at most.

The problem is that he does not need to consume his spiritual consciousness so much. It is enough to maintain basic vigilance against the numerous gods thousands of miles away, and there is no need to calculate all changes in spiritual energy within hundreds of thousands of miles.

A battle at this level does not require such large-scale and precise calculations.

Gao Xian's attention returned to Hou Sangun, cutting off all kinds of useless observations and calculations.

The Leitian Wujin Stick is too strong, and there is little point in casting various spells. Gao Xian urged the Five Elements Wuji Sword, and the sharp edge of the sword met the Leitian Wujin Stick.

Hou Sangun didn't have the time to think so much. He was even more excited when he saw Gao Xian actually using his sword to catch his stick.

What mysterious swordsmanship, this stick will be blown to pieces!
Sticks and swords clashed, but there was silence.

The Heaven-beating Wujin Stick, which can blast through the heaven and earth, is like a stick hitting the endless abyss. The monkey's three sticks felt like they were being used with the wrong force. He even felt that he was falling into the endless abyss ahead with the long stick in his hand.

The problem is that Gao Xian is clearly standing in front, and the opponent's sword is also there!
How could there be such a change? !
Monkey Sangun can't understand it, but he has rich fighting experience and a decisive and violent temper. When he realized something was wrong, he did not withdraw his strength. Instead, he stirred up the natal soul in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Canghai Gangqi is emitted from the Yuan Shen, gathered on the arms through the limbs and bones, and finally passed to the Leitian Wujin Stick.

The Thundering Black Gold Stick is a sixth-level artifact. Its power is not only that it is heavy and hard enough, but also that the long stick has the ability to break all kinds of restrictions.

No matter what secret sword technique the opponent uses, it is ultimately a change in mana. As long as he has enough strength, there is nothing he can't break!
At the critical moment, Hou Sangun showed extraordinary determination and toughness.

Gao Xian also praised in his heart, this monkey has no brains, but he is really good at fighting. Monkey's fighting style is actually the most taboo to think too much.

If you think too much, you will hesitate. If you hesitate, you will not be able to truly exert the strength of the Thundering Black Gold Stick.

He activated the infinite yin and yang, and used the intersection of yin and yang to form the Nirvana Sword Intention, and created an invisible abyss in the void, which was used to swallow and dissolve the Heaven-beating Black Gold Stick.

The three sticks of the monkey do not retreat but advance, which can be called clever. Although infinite yin and yang are wonderful, they are still the void of death transformed by sword qi, and they have their limits after all.

The void shook with a bang, and the Five Elements Wuji Sword in Gao Xian's hand buzzed and trembled, and was sent flying by the Sky-beating Black Gold Stick.

The monkey's three-stick long stick went straight forward and slammed into Gao Xian's face. Gao Xian collapsed silently like a bubble that had been popped. Only the deep thunder sound of the Thundering Black Gold Stick blasting through the void was booming and vibrating.

"Is it an illusion? No, this is taking advantage of the opportunity to switch positions... and run behind me!" Hou Sangun is not good at thinking, but his combat intuition is so strong that he understands Gao Xian's changes without even thinking about it. His consciousness also immediately captured Gao Xian's position.

The Thundering Black Gold Stick that was blasted out suddenly rolled back and swept out. This stick changed quickly and swiftly, but its power was three points more powerful than the previous stick.

Gao Xian was faster than Monkey Three Sticks. His move of Star Shift was originally used to redirect the opponent's attack. It's just that Hou Sangu's Leitian Wujin Stick is too strong and powerful, and he can't convert the power of Leitian Wujin Stick back.

Fortunately, his swordsmanship had reached the extreme state of becoming a god, and he could not convert the power of the Three Monkey Sticks, so he used the power of the Thundering Black Gold Stick to convert himself.

This displacement change is equivalent to leveraging force, which is extremely sophisticated.

By the time Monkey Three Sticks sensed something was wrong, Gao Xian had already taken advantage of him and struck out with his sword with his backhand.

The million-pound Leitian Wujin Staff is extremely powerful, but it cannot be faster than the three hundred and sixty-pound Five Elements Wuji Sword. Not to mention that Gao Xian was blessed by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra and the Black and Yellow Divine Light, so no one could match his speed.

Before the Thundering Black Gold Stick arrived, the sharp blade in Gao Xian's hand had already pierced the back of Monkey San Stick's neck... (End of this chapter)

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