The confrontation between Gao Xian and Monkey Three Sticks changed so quickly that the situation was reversed in an instant.

Many of the god-transforming demon clans in the Dragon Scale Tower were shocked by this change.

Mainly because Gao Xian's reversal was too easy, and he didn't use any extraordinary magical power. With just one turn of his sword, he had already avoided the Three Monkey Sticks and the Thunderous One Stick, and took advantage of the situation to use his sword to directly take the Three Monkey Sticks.

Many transformation gods watched helplessly, but most of them did not understand what changes Gao Xian used. It's not that they have poor vision, it's just that the distance between the two sides is far away, and the Monkey Three Sticks' Thundering Black Gold Stick is too powerful.

The void shook where the long stick passed, and all the spiritual consciousness and magic were shattered.

Even those who are powerful in transforming gods can only observe the battle through secret techniques such as pupil skills, and naturally have no way of detecting the subtle changes in mana between the two sides.

Just looking at the battle process, I felt that it was a bit too stupid for Monkey Three Sticks to have the upper hand, but Gao Xian could easily reverse the victory.

Only Shui Changdong and Shui Yunzhu in the Dragon Scale Tower could see some secrets.

Shui Changdong could tell because he was a swordsman and could see some changes in Gao Xian's swordsmanship. Shui Yunzhu relied on his natal artifact Taiyi Yuanguang Mirror, which could reflect all kinds of magic and see the changes in Gao Xian's swordsmanship.

Shui Yunzhu was a little surprised that Gao Xian was no longer a god born from the sword, but a sword that transformed heaven and earth and controlled all kinds of magic. Although the monkey's three sticks are strong and powerful, they appear too clumsy under Gao Xian's sword.

"This monkey is going to die..." Shui Yunzhu didn't have any sympathy, but she always felt a little complicated when she saw a tyrannical spirit transformation dying.

Shui Yunguang next to him had bright eyes shining brightly, clearly showing some excitement.

The powerful gods of the Shark tribe could still watch the fun, but Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai were shocked. Monkey Sangun was going to die now? That won't work!
Of course Monkey Three Sticks can die, but he can't die so worthlessly.

According to their plan, Monkey Three Sticks must at least severely injure Gao Xian, or force out all of Gao Xian's magical powers, so that everyone can see the upper limit of Gao Xian's cultivation.

Both Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai were a little scrupulous and didn't want the scene to be too ugly.

Gao Xian's prowess made them change their minds. If they continued to be reserved, Monkey Three Sticks would have died in vain. The key is that Gao Xian's absolute strength is far superior to that of Monkey Three Sticks.

Although they are numerous and powerful, I'm afraid no one can defeat Gao Xian.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they happened to rush in and kill Gao Xian.

Jiao Jiuniang said hello and rushed out of Dragon Scale Island with Jiao Leihai and Red Spear. Jiao Shiqiu Niang hesitated for a moment and did not follow.

She is the boss of Longlin Tower, so she is not responsible for fighting. Besides, Jiao Jiuniang and the three of them worked together to kill Gao Xian.

If she couldn't win at all, then she would die in vain if she went up there.

Shui Changdong and Shui Yunzhu had no intention of helping. They were not surprised that Jiao Jiuniang went out to besiege Gao Xian.

The style of the Jiaolong Clan has always been so rough and direct. They used to maintain their grace on Dragon Scale Island, and that was when they could always take advantage.

If you suffer a loss this time, of course you won’t be reserved anymore.

Shui Yunguang curled his lips slightly and expressed disdain for the reactions of several god-transforming demon clans. She was naturally inclined towards Gao Xian in her heart. There was no other reason than that she liked Gao Xian because she liked him.

She has a pure temperament. If she likes something, she likes it. If she doesn't like something, she doesn't like it. She has no regard for monsters like Jiao Jiuniang.

It's just that everyone is an ally. No matter how much she admires Gao Xian, she can't stop Jiao Jiuniang and others.

The movements of the three demon clan gods are extremely fast, but no matter how fast they are, they cannot be as fast as Gao Xian's sword.

Gao Xian actually saw the reactions of Jiao Jiuniang and several other demon-turned-gods, but he didn't care. Not to mention the distance between the two sides is thousands of miles, but it doesn't matter if there are three guys standing next to each other.

In such a fierce confrontation between the powerful gods, without the cooperation of magic circles or secret techniques, it would be difficult for other powerful gods to intervene.

Wanting to save Monkey Three Sticks at a critical moment is even more delusional!

Gao Xian's sword was taken from the back of the Monkey Three Sticks' neck because this is the weakest point in the change of the Monkey Three Sticks' magic power.

As soon as the Octavia sword was released, the blade penetrated Monkey Sangu's neck. With just one turn of the sword, the neck of Monkey Three Sticks can be broken. Without the leader of the six yangs, even if the physical body of Monkey Three Sticks is tyrannical and powerful, this body will also die.

To Gao Xian's surprise, the sword failed to twist. The flesh and blood of the monkey's three stick necks contracted and locked the Five Elements Wuji Sword. This is incredible!
Gao Xian saw that Hou Sangun was physically strong through the Tianlong Breaking Technique, but he didn't realize that the opponent's flesh and blood were so strong.

He immediately realized that something was wrong. This was the complete fusion of the Monkey Three Stick Yuanshen and his body. The unity of form and spirit triggered the activation of some kind of hidden magical power. At this time, his body and the Thundering Black Gold Stick in his hand were fused together, and their strength increased. More than ten times more.

As a member of the Sea Monkey Monster Clan, Hou Sangun has a hairless body and a bluish-brown skin, but now his skin has a faint luster of lapis lazuli. Every drop of blood in his body became as solid as gold, and his bones and muscles were as hard as diamond.

Gao Xian didn't know what kind of magical power Monkey Three Sticks had. It could actually completely fuse the form and spirit with the Heaven-beating Black Gold Stick in his hand.

Although the sword cultivator has the method of integrating body and sword, he enters the mysterious sword light state through the resonance of form, spirit and sword. The Monkey Three Sticks are mixed with the Xingshen and Long Sticks. The difference between the two is huge.

No fifth-level flesh and blood body can withstand the sharpness of the Five Elements Wuji Sword. In this state, Monkey Three Sticks turned into a black golden stick that beats the sky.

Trying to kill the Monkey Three Sticks is like using the Five Elements Wuji Sword to cut off the Thundering Black Gold Stick. This obviously exceeds the limit of the Five Elements Wuji Sword.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly, the little sea monkey monster clan has such magical powers! You really can’t underestimate the world’s heroes!

If there were no outsiders, Gao Xian would really be willing to continue fighting with Monkey Three Sticks. He didn't believe that the other party could always be integrated with the long stick. There is absolutely no such possibility!

The problem is that there are also Jiao Jiuniang and other gods-turned-monster clan, and they are on their way. If he couldn't end the battle within one breath, he would have to face four god-transforming demon clans.

Gao Xian's thoughts turned to activate the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye for Breaking Laws, and the divine light in his golden pupils shone, releasing a blazing golden thunder.

This divine thunderbolt has been blessed by the Heavenly Dragon's Law-Breaking True Eye, and its power has been increased several times with greater speed.

The golden thunder split into billions of thunder lights, turning into a continuous sea of ​​thunder lights covering a thousand miles radius. The thunder in the sky was as powerful as the sun, shattering all the prying eyes and consciousness around him.

For a moment, all the powerful gods could only sense a criss-crossing sea of ​​thunder. Everything within the center of the Thunder Sea is covered by thunder.

At the same time, the dark blue nine-pointed star on Gao Xian's eyebrows shone brightly, and the sharp Five Elements Wuji sword also turned into dark blue, and the blade faintly appeared like a nine-pointed star while shining.

This was Gao Xian's urging to integrate the Pojun Divine Artifact into the Five Elements Wuji Sword. He had trained this Divine Artifact to the level of Grandmaster Perfection, and could now send and receive it at will.

Integrating sword intention into the sword is also the most basic change.

The Monkey Three Sticks, which merged with the Leitian Wujin Stick, became obviously very slow. It is difficult to be harmed by external methods, but it is also difficult for him to perform changes.

Gao Xian calmly activated the sword that turned into a dark blue star. When the dark blue star shone, the three monkey sticks immediately split into four pieces. His soul merged with his body, and while his physical body was cut apart by the sword, his soul was also cut off by the Po Jun Shen Ru...

This powerful demon-turned-god originally thought that he could avoid disaster by combining his magical powers and artifacts. Unexpectedly, Gao Xian also had the Army-Breaking Divine Treasure, so he was killed on the spot.

Monkey Three Sticks didn't even have time to scream, before they were both physically and mentally destroyed.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put the three monkey sticks into the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book. This monkey's body is extremely powerful and its essence and blood are extremely powerful, so it cannot be wasted.

There is also the Thundering Black Gold Stick, which is also a very powerful artifact! This time I made a profit!

Blood River Tianzun turned into Yuan Shu and wiped out all the traces of mana and sword energy left in the void.

When Jiao Jiuniang, Jiao Leihai, and Hong Qian arrived, thousands of thunderbolts flashed across the sky and slowly dissipated, revealing the white-clothed Gao Xian standing in the center holding a sword against the wind.

Monkey Three Sticks are missing!
The three spirit demons felt depressed, and they all felt that the situation was not good. However, Monkey Three Sticks was proficient in the Great Void Movement, so it was hard to say whether he could escape.

The sea of ​​thunder obscured all changes, and the three demon clans did not know what happened.

"Where are the three monkey sticks?" Jiao Jiuniang asked in a low voice.

Gao Xian smiled slightly at the three demon-turned-gods: "I have sent fellow Monkey Taoist to be reincarnated. I hope he can be a human being and a good person in his next life..."

"You, you deserve to die!" Jiao Jiuniang wanted to say something, but she was so angry that she could only curse. (End of chapter)

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