Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 749 Heroic Qianyun

It's not that Jiao Jiuniang didn't have the city, but she just couldn't bear it when faced with Gao Xian. This boy was polite in his words and deeds, but he had a strange aura about him.

For the demon tribe who likes to be direct, Gao Xian's behavior makes them more angry than scolding them directly.

Seeing that Jiao Jiuniang was so angry that Gao Xian became calm, he said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, please speak it properly. It is not right to curse. You are also a god, so you must have some sense of structure.

"If you lose, you'll scold me. Isn't this because you can't afford to lose?"

Gao Xian shook his head, and then comforted him: "Victory and defeat are common affairs among military strategists. Don't worry about these fellow Taoists."

Jiao Jiuniang glared at Gao Xian gloomily and was silent for a moment before saying: "Gao Xian and Hou Sangun are the elders of our association. You should be punished for killing Hou Sangun!"

"Oh, there is such a thing..."

Gao Xian smiled half-heartedly and asked, "Are you guys going to avenge Monkey Taoist Fellow?"

"Exactly." Jiao Jiuniang was not in a hurry to take action. She wanted to discuss the strategy with Jiao Leihai and Hong Qiang.

The three demon clan gods have never fought together before, so they have to have a strategy if they want to attack together now.

Gao Xian was cunning and ruthless and they must not give this man a chance to escape while they were surrounding him. If Gao Xian runs away, there will be no chance to kill Gao Xian.

The consciousness of the three transformed gods and monsters are tightly locked on Gao Xian, and they will immediately launch attacks as long as he makes the slightest movement.

However, Gao Xian's group was calm and leisurely, and actually had no intention of escaping. This indifferent attitude also made Jiao Jiuniang and the other demon-turned-gods very angry.

This kid really doesn't take them seriously!

Gao Xian dared to attack Monkey Three Sticks, and he was already prepared in his heart. The demon clan is the most shameless and will definitely join forces to fight.

Being able to kill a tricky monkey with three sticks first was considered lucky.

He could also see that this group of monsters didn't want to see Monkey Three Sticks before giving him a chance to kill alone.

This time Jiao Jiuniang came with the red spear and Jiao Leihai, obviously intending to quarrel with each other and play siege.

He wasn't angry, that's how fighting was, and he would do whatever it took to win.

When fighting, there is no need to follow any rules at all. The demon clan understands this very well.

On the contrary, the human race, because the social organization is too large, needs to formulate various rules to prevent the collapse of the organization. All kinds of complicated rules will continue to generate all kinds of messy things, and eventually they will even cover combat.

For the human race, fighting certainly requires a bottom line. This is to avoid further casualties. However, the human race also has many foreign opponents.

It's a bit too stupid to follow the etiquette and rules when facing foreigners out of habit.

From Gao Xian's point of view, the monsters are just beasts with extremely high intelligence. Being intelligent will only make them more dangerous, not cute!
Seeing Jiao Jiuniang being so aggressive and bringing her companions to surround and kill him, he felt that this was very reasonable and that this was what a demon clan should do.

They had already killed two powerful gods in front of them, so they couldn't continue to pretend for the sake of face.

The three god-transforming demon clans are all at the same level as Monkey Three Sticks, and are even slightly stronger. This is a big challenge!
The battle at the level of the gods is by no means a simple accumulation of numbers. However, if there are too many opponents, he will not be able to use any magical changes.

Gao Xian was actually very lucky. Fortunately, Jiao Shiqiu Niang didn't come, and neither did the three gods of the Shark clan.

Jiao Jiuniang wanted to kill him, but coincidentally, he had the same idea. One to three, the advantage is mine!
Gao Xian had this idea and was able to talk nonsense to the other party slowly. Monkey Three Sticks is a bit too boring, he doesn't say a word, and he doesn't make a sound when he dies. He doesn't have the demeanor of a powerful person who transforms into a god.

He said to Jiao Jiuniang seriously: "If the three fellow Taoists take action, I won't be polite. You three must think carefully."

He smiled as he spoke and reminded kindly: "After all, you only have one life."

Jiao Jiuniang knew that she was not good at eloquence, and she did not want to quarrel with Gao Xian. Let Gao Xian know how powerful he is when he takes action later. There's no point in taking advantage!
Hongqiang and Jiao Leihai were not good at communicating, and the two god-transforming demon tribes also had bad tempers. Listening to Gao Xian's strange words, they were all very angry.

However, after Hou Sangun's lesson, the two demon-turned-god clansmen became angry, but they did not dare to be careless.

"I'm good at strong attacks. I'll do it head-on." Red Spear volunteered. Jiao Leihai said: "We will lay mines to prevent him from escaping."

Jiao Jiuniang shook her head: "I came to create a mirage dragon illusion, which was enough to trap Gao Xian. I activated the method of controlling the gods of the devil to interfere with his spiritual consciousness, and you guys joined forces to kill him..."

"it is good."

"That's it."

Hongqiang and Jiao Leihai both agreed. Jiao Jiuniang's Demonic Illusion was famous. Although they have never fought against each other, they have heard about this person's abilities.

The illusion of the devil can turn the void into a cave and evolve endless changes. As long as a little doubt arises in the mind of the trapped person, he will be lost in the illusion and unable to extricate himself.

I heard that Jiao Jiuniang's method of controlling the demons and gods can even connect with the divine consciousness to confuse the enemy's spirit.

The three transformed gods were discussing here, and suddenly they sensed two waves of transformed gods coming from the air. The three transformed gods and monsters swept their consciousness and recognized that the person who came was none other than Master Hefeng and Monk Mingxiang.

Jiao Jiuniang shouted with a stern face: "You two also want to join the war? Is this Jiuzhou going to war against our Dragon Scale Society?"

This hat was a bit big. The gentle old Taoist waved his fly whisk and said seriously: "You openly surrounded fellow Taoist Gao, are you going to start a war with our Jiuzhou?"

Mingxiang stood next to Hefeng, holding a nine-ring Zen staff with an extremely serious expression.

The demon tribe has too many gods. If both sides really want to fight, they will suffer a big loss. There are also hundreds of thousands of ethnic cultivators gathered on Dragon Scale Island.

If we really take action, the lives of these cultivators will be at risk.

Mingxiang was actually a little reluctant. They had already persuaded Gao Xian to leave early. But Gao Xian refused to leave. It was Gao Xian who was too indulgent when things got to this point.

However, no matter what problems Gao Xian has, morally they cannot sit back and watch Gao Xian besieged.

Gao Xianqiang killed the monkey with three sticks, which also greatly improved the morale of the human cultivators. This meeting must show a tough stance and show the unity of the human monks.

Jiao Jiuniang saw that Hefeng and Mingxiang were very tough, so she turned her eyes and hesitated for a moment.

However, Jiao Leihai shouted loudly: "Fight, let's fight. Gao Xian is good at killing two of our avatars, and he deserves to be punished. If you help him, you are an accomplice!"
"I have long disliked the human race. If I want to start a war, I will come. No one is afraid of whom!"

Master Hefeng and Monk Mingxiang were a little hesitant. They were not afraid to take action, but they did not want to break the covenant between heaven and man.

Now that they have turned against each other, I'm afraid there won't be another Celestial and Human Covenant Conference!

This is not a small matter where a few transformed gods fight fiercely, but a major matter related to the survival of the Jiuzhou human race. Hefeng and Mingxiang knew the importance of this matter, and they did not dare to be as careless as Jiao Leihai.

Gao Xian saw the dilemma of the two Taoist Masters. He said sternly: "Two fellow Taoists, this is a personal grudge between me and these demon clansmen. I also ask the two fellow Taoists not to interfere."

Hefeng was stunned, and Mingxiang's expression also changed slightly. Is Gao Xian going to fight one against three? Is he crazy? !

"Two fellow Taoists, I have my own sense of discretion."

Gao Xian used his spiritual consciousness to say to Hefeng and Mingxiang: "If I can't beat them, I can leave. I appreciate the kindness of these two people."

He paused for a moment and then said: "The covenant between Jiuzhou, the Dragon Scale Society, and the Sky Shark Alliance cannot be broken because of me. I can't bear such a big responsibility."

Hefeng and Mingxiang were silent. This is the truth, but they still feel a little awkward if they leave Gao Xian alone.

Gao Xianlang laughed: "You two fellow Taoists, please go and watch the battle. Wouldn't it be great to see me kill three demons with my sword?"

These words were spoken with so much arrogance that the blood of the two god-transforming Taoists was stirred by the words.

Jiao Jiuniang, Jiao Leihai, and Hong Qian, the three god-transforming demon tribes, all sneered, letting Gao Xian feel proud for a while, and then give him a good look later!
In the Dragon Scale Tower, several of the god-transforming demon clans were also surprised. Gao Xian actually wanted to fight one-on-three? Opposite are Jiao Jiuniang, Jiao Leihai, and Hongqiang. If you take any one of them, you will be a big shot with dragon scales.

Apart from anything else, Gao Xian's bravery and heroism really made them admire him! (End of chapter)

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