Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 750 The Demon Realm

Chapter 750 The Demon Realm
Gao Xian has said all this, and Master Hefeng and Monk Mingxiang can no longer stop him.

The two Taoist Transformation Lords returned to Dragon Scale Island. Since Gao Xian wanted to fight against the three Transformation Gods, they went back to the island to watch the few remaining Transformation Gods.

If something goes wrong, at least I can help Gao Xian to stop it. Give Gao Xian a chance to escape.

The two of them had just returned to Dragon Scale Island, and Yue Tiandu, who was in gray robe and carrying a sword, had already taken the initiative to greet them.

Yue Tiandu is almost 8,000 years old. He has a thick build and square shoulders. He stands with a sword in the wind and is very majestic. It's just that he is old, his beard and hair are gray and his face is wrinkled, and there is an air of aging in his cloudy eyes that cannot be concealed.

"Gao Xian shows off his strength and fights ruthlessly just because he has some ability. He behaves frivolously and is not worthy of his important responsibilities."

Yue Tiandu said calmly: "Since this person doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he will die. Don't ruin the important affairs of our human race!"

Mingxiang was silent. He did think Gao Xian was a bit frivolous. However, Yue Tiandu's words were too cold and he did not regard Gao Xian as a comrade at all.

Speaking of which, Yue Kunlun and Gao Xian had no grudges. It was just that Gao Xian defeated Yue Kunlun at the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. Let this old man hold a grudge.

This kind of internal fighting in Jiuzhou is a competition of skills, and winning or losing depends on one's ability. He is a well-deserved number one with his virtuous skills and swordsmanship sweeping through all the heroes. Da Luo Zong didn't say anything, Yue Tian was dissatisfied with anything!
Having said that, Yue Tiandu is known to be narrow-minded. There is nothing to say to this generation.

As long as you want to practice cultivation, you must know these words and know the unified pronunciation of these words. This is related to the control of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the control of mana.

Thousands of miles away, Jiao Jiuniang squeezed the seal with her hand and shouted: "Change."

When he killed the monkey three sticks, he deliberately triggered the thunder sea in the sky just to cover up the broken army god.

What Old Taoist Hefeng wanted to say, but in the end he just sighed quietly: "I just hope he has a way to escape..."

He said: "Gao Xian is young and has a high level of cultivation, so it is normal to be a little impulsive. After all, he has the righteousness of the human race and knows the difference between humans and monsters.

Seeing Jiao Jiuniang casting a spell, he held on tightly to his soul and hid the Pojun Divine Ruins deep inside.

Ze Fengzhuan sighed again: "Although Gao Xian is strong, it is too dangerous to fight one against three. As far as I know, Jiao Jiuniang's mirage illusion is very mysterious, and she has received the true inheritance of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and she is best at confusing people." Yuanshen. Together with Jiao Lei Hai and Hong Qian, Gao Xian has no chance in this battle..."

This sentence sounds hard to hear, but it is true.

There is only one chance to kill these three god-transforming demon clans. If the other party discovers the Army-Breaking God Rui, it will not be that easy to succeed.

Therefore, regardless of whether they are monsters or humans, no matter where they live, they will use the same language and characters. If you cannot do this, you are not qualified to become a practitioner.

"If something happens to Gao Xian, we still have to try our best to help..."

Yue Tiandu snorted lightly but said nothing more. After all, Hefeng is the Daluo Zonghua Shinto Lord, and he is not easy to offend.

Jiao Jiuniang shouted, and with her as the center, a stream of crystal light spread out like a spider web, covering hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant.

Hefeng is an all-rounder and has an all-round temper. He is very close to Gao Xian, but he will not offend Yue Tiandu because of it. In his heart, of course he felt that this old man was talking nonsense and was an old fool...

Gao Xian listened to Hefeng's introduction to Jiao Jiuniang, and he had just observed her with the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique, and knew that she was good at the secret techniques of the magic sect.

The demon race and the human race share language and writing. The fundamental reason is that language and writing carry the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as well as secret magic and magical powers.

These crystal rays of light disappeared into the void, and everything around them did not change, but it became a bit more smoke-filled and unreal.

"This is his own choice. If he dies, he can't blame others." Yue Tiandu added coldly.

In fact, when you reach the level of god transformation, it is not unusual to have a sixth-level artifact on your body. It is even more normal to have a sixth-level divine urn.

However, the gap between the fifth level and the sixth level is too big. Level 6 divine vessels and artifacts in the hands of level 5 can only exert one or two points of power at most.

The sixth level of the Army-Breaking Divine Barrel was different. Gao Xian spent three hundred years on Yemo Island, using the star power of Feixing Island to train the Army-Breaking Divine Barrel to the master's level. From then on, there was no hindrance in controlling it. This advantage allows him to easily kill the powerful person who transforms into a god. The monkey's three sticks, body and sticks combined together are like a diamond, but they cannot withstand the sword light transformed by the Pojun God's Goblet, which shows how powerful the Pojun God's Goblet is.

The Army-Breaking God's Ruins itself has the characteristic of getting stronger with each battle, and part of its power can be absorbed by killing powerful enemies. Gao Xian was able to refine the Army-Breaking God Rui so quickly, and the ten gods-transforming monsters who were killed on Yemo Island were indispensable.

This time, two more powerful gods and monsters were killed, and the Army-breaking God's Ribbon cut off all the sharpness even more. The God of Po Army also has the ability to break laws and form, and Jiao Jiuniang's activation of the illusion will stimulate the power of the God of Po Army to break the form. He still needs to take the initiative to control it.

As Jiao Jiuniang triggered the illusion to unfold, the world in Gao Xian's right eye had changed into something else.

The sky was gloomy and oppressive, and wisps of twisted smoke filled the air and transformed into various forms, as if thousands of demon gods were looking down on all living beings from the nine heavens.

There were heavy red flames rolling in the deep sea below, like lava gushing out from deep underground.

In the red magma, there are hundreds of millions of struggling and wailing figures, including the elderly, children, women, young people, etc., as well as all kinds of strange monsters, their painful and shrill wails reaching into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the sky turned into his own heaven, with countless demons running rampant. The sea has turned into an endless purgatory, with hundreds of millions of creatures suffering and struggling in it...

He transformed into Zi Zi Tian and seemed to have descended from the nine heavens. The movements of the demons were mysterious and unpredictable. You could still faintly hear the murmurs of the demons. They seemed to be reciting the supreme secret, and they seemed to be pouring out the secrets of the heaven.

Gao Xian only listened to a few words, and he was involuntarily attracted and wanted to hear the whole content clearly. At this time, you can hear countless demons reciting mantras, and their mantras will appear in the air and turn into countless tiny golden lotus flowers that will disappear and evaporate, exuding a delicate fragrance and soaking into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The endless purgatory below seemed to emerge from the depths of the underworld. The purgatory exuded hot and filthy gas, which made Gao Xian feel hot all over. His soul was polluted by the turbid poisonous gas, and he felt that his breathing was not smooth and it was difficult for his magic power to function.

He mixed the mysterious and strange nature of the Free Heaven with the hot and filthy heat of the Infinite Purgatory. One became the sky and the other the earth. The atmospheres were different but vaguely consistent.

Such qi machines are intertwined and connected up and down, forming a huge and complex illusion.

Gao Xian has seen many illusions, but this is the first time he has seen such a fantastic illusion.

It has to be said that Jiao Jiuniang is a capable god-transforming demon clan. This magical illusion is so subtle and mysterious that it is much better than the monkey with three sticks and the four-cornered black dragon.

However, the Demon Realm attacks the souls and hearts of living beings, and its changes are endless. When it comes to killing enemies, it is far less direct and efficient than the three-stick monkeys and the four-cornered black dragons who transform into gods and monsters.

Especially for strong people of the same level, the Demonic Illusion Realm can basically only be used as a support, and it is difficult to directly break the mind of the strong person who transforms into a god.

If there is a battle between the two powerful gods, the power of the Demonic Illusion will be brought to its fullest.

Jiao Jiuniang has the help of Hongqiang and Jiao Leihai. Her illusion can cover up the auras of the two demon clans, change their positions at any time, and even disguise the changes in their auras.

The most important thing in a battle between powerful gods is for both sides to lock their spiritual consciousness and harness their magic power to carry out efficient and precise attacks. Once a cultivator's spiritual consciousness and six senses are disturbed by the illusion, he will be unable to make a powerful attack, and it will be difficult to effectively protect himself.

There is almost no chance of victory in this battle.

Thousands of miles away on Longlin Island, the three powerful gods of Mingxiang, Hefeng and Yue Tiandu all looked serious. They had also heard about Jiao Jiuniang's illusion of the devil for a long time, but this was the first time they saw the illusion of the devil.

Jiao Jiuniang's demonic illusion covers a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and its edge has almost reached Dragon Scale Island. Even ordinary cultivators can see a huge black-red light curtain outside Dragon Scale Island, covering the sea and sky. There are so many changes within it that even a single glance can make people dizzy, nauseated, and vomiting. Those with weaker abilities may even be infected by the demonic energy and faint to death.

With the cultivation of the three powerful gods, one could only see the figure of Gao Xian in white, but there was no trace of Jiao Jiuniang and the three gods and monsters. The transformation of the demon within it dazzled the three transformed gods.

"It's such a powerful demon fantasy, Gao Xian is finished..." Yue Tian looked down on Gao Xian, but he looked down on the demon clan even more.

Seeing how powerful Jiao Jiuniang's demonic illusion was, he concluded that Gao Xian had no chance of winning, or even a chance to escape.

Hefeng and Mingxiang didn't like the old man's words very much, they were too harsh. But they had no way to refute it. The Demonic Illusion was not only an illusion, but also a huge magic circle, and two powerful demon clans, Hong Qiang and Jiao Lei Hai, joined forces.

Gao Xian's life and death are really unpredictable this time...

(End of this chapter)

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