Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 751 Tianlong breaks the law

Master Hefeng and Monk Mingxiang were both worried. They could not see the possibility of Gao Xian winning.

The Demonic Illusion is so powerful that even if the two of them rush in, they may not be able to save Gao Xian. If they take action against a bigger problem, it is likely to trigger a war between the human race and the demon race and destroy the covenant between heaven and man.

At that time, it was not a question of life and death for Gao Xian alone, but a question of the survival of hundreds of millions of people.

Neither Hefeng nor Mingxiang can bear such a huge responsibility.

Hefeng realized that the situation was not good and had already sent a letter to Daohong Daozun. I just don’t know if this Taoist Master has time to read his biography. Even if he saw it, Daohong Daozun might not come over to take care of such a trivial matter.

As the number one Daoist in Jiuzhou, if Daohong Daoist intervenes in the battle at the level of gods, the impact will be very, very large, and it will also bring unpredictable consequences.

It is a default rule that sixth-order pure Yang does not attack foreign cultivators.

The human race has Chunyang Taoist Lord, the demon race also has Chunyang Demon Lord, and the demon clan has Chunyang Demon Lord. The six levels are so powerful that it is naturally easy to kill the gods.

If everyone had no scruples and killed randomly, the world would be in chaos. The higher your cultivation level, the more you have to follow the rules. Because no one jumps out of thin air, they all have a foundation and inheritance.

Of course, there are always some unfettered sixth- and seventh-level experts in the world. However, as long as these strong men act recklessly, they will be strangled by other strong men, and there will be no way to survive.

The reason is very simple. Everyone eats from the same pot and can use various means to fight for it. However, whoever dares to throw the blame is the public enemy of all powerful people.

Hefeng was born in Daluo Sect and he knew the reason very well. The reason why the Great Five Elements Taoist Master was killed in the first place was because he danced too hard and caused public outrage.

As the most powerful person in Jiuzhou, Daohong Daozun must grasp the right balance. It is almost impossible to make an exception for Gao Xian. Hefeng only hoped that Tao Zun could send a few Taoist friends to come over and solve the current dilemma.

Unfortunately, there is no news until now. Hefeng's heart sank.

The demonic illusion is so powerful that Gao Xian is afraid that he won't be able to hold on for long...

The three mermaid gods in the Dragon Scale Tower also saw that something was wrong. Shui Changdong did not like the sharp-edged Gao Xian. As a senior leader of the Dragon Scale Society, he wanted to check and balance the dragon monster clan. But he believed that Gao Xian would die in this battle and there would be no luck.

Sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang also had complicated emotions. They also concluded that Gao Xian would die in this battle! Shui Yunzhu couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "What a pity for this beauty..."

Gao Xian in the Demonic Realm will have his soul eroded by the power of the Demonic God, but his state is actually very calm. He even has time to look at the many powerful gods outside the Demonic Realm, and understand their various subtleties. Emotional reactions are on full display.

Gao Xian's ability to be so calm is mainly due to the Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye. He previously killed the four-cornered black dragon and the monkey three sticks. The Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye can help him see the changes in the opponent's reality and reality, allowing him to completely take the initiative.

He has tested this magical power of Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking Laws many times in Taishi Temple, and he is very familiar with using it.

When Jiao Jiuniang displayed the magical illusion, Gao Xian was indeed a little surprised. A demon clan could actually practice the magic of the magic sect to such a level, which was three points better than the Yin Wuchang of Yemo Island.

The illusion of the heavenly demon that was activated seemed to be both illusion and reality, reflecting his transformation into the Heaven of Freedom and the Infinite Purgatory, which shook his soul.

However, in his left eye, the Heavenly Dragon's true eye, the illusion of the devil was restored into a criss-crossing network of light. The network of light was made up of billions of mana runes connected in series.

The three god-transforming demon clans, Jiao Jiuniang, Jiao Leihai, and Hong Qian, stood on three sides respectively. Each demon clan was covered with a layer of rune flow, covering up their aura.

All of this was easily seen through with the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Laws. At this point, the impact of the powerful Demon Realm on Gao Xian has been reduced to the minimum.

How to put it, it's like a horror movie is very scary, but if you watch the team shooting a horror movie on site, you won't feel scary, and you may even find it a little funny.

It's like watching a magic show backstage. The magic looks dazzling and cool, but once you understand the props and tricks, it becomes boring.

Gao Xian is in this situation now. What he sees in his right eye are countless demons that he has transformed into the Heaven of Freedom, and countless suffering creatures in the Infinite Hell.

However, his left eye could see the essence behind all these illusions and the changes in the runes that made up these illusions.

If one cannot see through the illusion of the demon, the illusory changes here will continue to establish connections with his soul and consciousness, and will soon turn into reality, further interfering with his soul and consciousness, and even causing substantial harm.

After seeing through the illusion of the demon, everything returned to its original state. The huge magic circle composed of the devil's illusion is still very powerful, but it cannot interfere with his six senses, let alone attack his soul consciousness.

It's just a layer of difference, but it's a world of difference.

Gao Xian originally only had a 60-70 chance of winning, but since the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye can see through the demon's illusion, he would have a 100% chance of winning!

He also silently expressed his sincere gratitude to Bai Yujing. This eldest sister is really capable, and the Tianlong Spell-breaking True Eye is really useful!

If it weren't for the fact that he had to upgrade the Great Five Elements Divine Light in order to condense his body's soul, Gao Xian would really like to give priority to upgrading the Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye to the full level.

This secret technique can illuminate the underworld and discern reality, and it can also control water, fire, wind and thunder. It can be matched with his various Five Elements Secret Techniques, and the power will be doubled!

He made up his mind to upgrade the Heavenly Dragon Spell-Breaking True Eye after cultivating his own soul. This secret skill is enough for him to run rampant in the fifth level.

What kind of covenant meeting between gods and humans is nothing at all.

Gao Xian had of course considered the Celestial Covenant Conference before taking action. This battle would expose most of his strength, allowing the Dragon Scale Society and the Sky Shark Alliance to be prepared.

The question is, what is the use of preparation? There is no one who is not strong enough to become a god. If there is, it is impossible for the other party to not use it.

There is no need to think too much about this issue. This battle is to knock out the Dragon Scales' full teeth and severely dampen their spirit. If they don't have the means to deal with it two hundred years from now, maybe the Heavenly Covenant Conference won't even need to take action.

Gao Xian is not a person who has the world in mind, his goal is to live a good life for himself. On the other hand, what he saw on Dragon Scale Island really made him a little angry. He had no ambition, but he couldn't bear to see his fellow tribesmen in such misery and misery.

After hundreds of years of practice, I have developed a powerful magical power, and now is the time to put it to use!

Unlike those cultivators who came from large sects, Gao Xian was an ordinary person in his previous life, and he could empathize with ordinary people the most.

In this life, he was also reincarnated into a low-level casual cultivator. Even with Fengyue Baojian, he had to go through countless hardships to get to this point. Therefore, when he sees the misery of the lower class humans, he will sympathize with them.

Gao Xian didn't know much about the justice of the human race, so he knew it shouldn't be like this. He wanted to speak out for his fellow tribesmen and crush all these arrogant and vicious demon tribes into ashes.

This is indeed a bit impulsive, and can even be called a show of force. But this is his temperament!

Now that Gao Xian has the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Laws, he can illuminate the underworld, see through the illusion of Heavenly Demon, and is sure of victory. He will feel more calm and even have the ability to think about other things.

Jiao Jiuniang, who was holding the seal and casting spells, was a little confused. Gao Xian's aura inside and outside was clear and perfect, and he seemed completely unaffected by the illusion of the devil.

She activated the secret method to try to connect with Gao Xian's mind, but she couldn't find any flaw.

Although the Demonic Illusion is powerful, it is very difficult to invade the consciousness sea of ​​a powerful person who has transformed into a god. It was the first time that Jiao Jiuniang had encountered a situation like Gao Xian's being completely unaffected.

Her illusion of the devil is blessed by the Mirage Dragon Pearl. This ancient Mirage Dragon Pearl can turn the imaginary into reality, and the real into imaginary, with endless changes.

By cooperating with her Heavenly Demon Illusion Realm, she can transform the devil and all the ghosts in purgatory. Its laws are as strict as those of the cave heaven, and it seems to be a world of its own.

Such a powerful legal domain cannot shake Gaoxian's spiritual consciousness and six senses? ! It's incredible.

Jiao Jiuniang is also afraid of long nights and many dreams. This is Dragon Scale Island. Even if she orders the teleportation circle to be closed, it will be difficult to prevent Jiuzhou cultivators from entering.

After all, the nine major sects have been operating on this island for thousands of years. They may have secretly set up teleportation circles, or they may have space-guided artifacts. All in all, Gao Xian should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

She said to Hongqiang: "Fellow Hongqiang, just take action. Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness and six senses have been disturbed by the devil's illusion. Lei Hai, please support him. Let's kill this person as soon as possible!"

"it is good."

Hong Qiang didn't think much about it. He was just a monster with Monkey Three Sticks, and he did everything based on intuition. The difference is that he doesn't talk as much as Monkey Three Sticks. He prefers to get his hands dirty.

The red spear activated the Six-Yang Sea-Burning Divine Ring on his chest. This artifact was fished out from the depths of the seabed. His origin was unknown, but it was just suitable for his practice of the Fierce Sun-Burning Sea Spear, and it has been used as a sacred magical weapon for him to practice.

It took several thousand years to initially refine this ancient sixth-level artifact.

Although the artifacts passed down from ancient times are of a high level, they are still a bit rough. Fortunately, he only needs the Six Sun Burning Sea Divine Ring to gather and transform mana, and does not need too complicated changes.

The Six Sun Burning Sea Divine Ring was covered by the thick red carapace of the red spear, but when he activated it, the huge Zhiyang mana gathered together, causing the divine ring to shine with dazzling lightning, revealing an obvious red aperture in the thick carapace.

Gao Xian's left eye, the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye of Breaking the Law, flashed slightly. He had already seen the Six-Yang Burning Sea Divine Ring and saw it gathering the power of the Supreme Sun.

He sighed in his heart: "Good guy, although this artifact is crude and simple, it operates with the power of the Sun like a huge furnace. It absorbs all the surrounding mana and transforms it into the power of the Sun. It is a bit more domineering than the Nine Sun Wheel..."

"However, this thing will soon have a surname of Gao!"

Gao Xian knew very well that it was not that the Nine Sun Chakra was not good, but that his cultivation was not good enough and was not enough to truly exert the power of the Nine Sun Chakra.

Compared with the red spear's divine ring, it is inevitably inferior. It's just that the red gun is an artifact that obviously comes from ancient times. Its refining techniques are rough and its operation is simple. However, only a small part of the red spear has been refined, and it is still difficult to control it satisfactorily.

The red gun didn't know that Gao Xian had seen through him. After calmly accumulating strength, he shouted and turned into a red light and rushed towards Gao Xian.

The burning energy of the burning sun circulates within the body of the red gun, and finally converges on six thick and hard arms wrapped in carapace.

In an instant, the red gun rushed in front of Gao Xian, and the six red gun-like arms on his back stabbed Gao Xian in a series.

He pushed the power of the Burning Sun Spear to its extreme. Each strike of the red arms that stabbed continuously was fierce and sharp. The six arms that stabbed continuously produced continuous red spear shadows.

The void also became extremely hot, and the surrounding demonic illusions were distorted and scattered under the series of fast-piercing blazing sun-burning sea guns.

The red spear is not as strong as the three monkey sticks, but it is faster and more powerful. The blazing sea-burning spear caused Gao Xian's soul to feel severe burning pain. Before the punch could reach him, the condensed blazing spear intent was already approaching his soul.

Gao Xian did not retreat. He stretched out his finger and swiped, and the dark golden halo expanded in front of him, like a thick and extremely thick barrier that blocked out the Burning Sun Spear and the Red Spear.

At the same time, the sea of ​​thunder dragons also moved. He held the thunder dragon horn in his hand and pointed at Gao Xian, and a blue and white thunder fell from the sky and stabbed Gao Xian.

The Zhiyang Zhili thunder was like a divine sword that opened up the world and struck at Gao Xian's head with precision...

Although the two demon clan gods had never cooperated and were attacking from both sides, they managed to avoid interfering with each other and fully utilized the power of the two demon gods.

Jiao Jiuniang held the seal in her hand and did not move rashly. She was waiting for Gao Xian's change. Only Gao Xian changed, and she triggered the devil's illusion to strike back.

The three demon-turned-gods have profound magic power and rich combat experience. As soon as the battle began, Gao Xian was already in danger... (End of Chapter)

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