Gao Xian came to Longlin Island this time, firstly for the Qiankun Wheel, and secondly to find Yun Qingxuan and the others.

Confidants and old friends such as Yun Qingxuan, Zhou Yuling, Yun Changfeng, and Lu Jingxu should all be somewhere in the East China Sea.

Counting on the fingers, it has been seven hundred years since we parted ways.

Seven hundred years is not enough to turn the vast sea into a mulberry field, but it is an extremely long time for the human race. Even Master Jin Dan may not be able to survive seven hundred years.

Flying Star Island, Five Qi Cave Heaven, Gao Xian could not help but think of those people and things in Qingyun Sect during his years of seclusion and cultivation.

He spent a very leisurely and comfortable life in Qingyun Sect. After leaving Qingyun Sect, his cultivation level became higher and higher. There are more and more beauties around him. However, it is difficult to find the relaxed and happy feeling of Qingyun Sect again.

Gao Xian heard that when people grow old and lose their expectations for the future, they will like to recall the past, and they will also give the past an extremely beautiful filter, because it is the beauty that was once gained and lost forever!
Judging from his age ratio, he is still a teenager, but he has experienced eight hundred years of ups and downs. It is normal to miss the people and things in the past. More importantly, he has deep and sincere feelings for those people.

Gods and Buddhas also have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, so how can humans be emotionless?

When Gao Xian heard the familiar poem recited by Shui Yunzhu, he had a variety of emotions. It's just that the countless winds and rains he has experienced in the past eight hundred years have already made his city as deep as the abyss, and the emotions he doesn't want to express will not be conveyed.

Not to mention the sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang opposite him, even the two Chunyang Taoist Masters were unable to understand his true emotions.

"A poem with simple words but good artistic conception."

Gao Xian praised: "My fellow Taoist friends have the spirit of everyone, and this poem is also very suitable for fellow Taoists."

Shui Yunzhu smiled slightly: "My friend Zhong Lingyuxiu is indeed extraordinary."

"Oh, to be so praised by fellow Taoists, I would like to get to know each other if I have the chance." Gao Xian especially wanted to know the details, but his face was calm and calm.

He was actually a little worried about whether Shui Yunzhu had deliberately set a trap for him.

It is not a secret that he has joined the Qingyun Sect. Even though Shui Yunzhu and the others are from a different race, it is not difficult to collect this information.

However, it was the first time Sister Shui Yunzhu met him, so there was no reason to investigate him in advance. There is another problem. The banner Yun Qingxuan used in Donghai may not be the Qingyun Sect's banner.

Gao Xian actually had nothing to fear, the main reason was that he was afraid of causing trouble to Yun Qingxuan and the others. Acting a little more cautiously.

Shui Yunzhu smiled and said: "This friend of mine is on Qianxing Island. If you are interested, fellow Taoist, you can travel to Qianxing Island with me."

"Thousand Star Island?"

Gao Xian Zhuangruo asked casually: "I have never heard of this place."

"Thousand Star Island has thousands of islands scattered across a sea area. It is said that the islands were formed by broken stars falling into the sea in ancient times. At night, thousands of islands will shine with bright stars, like stars in the sky, so it is named Thousand Star Island. "

Shui Yunzhu seemed interested when she saw Gao Xian, and she said softly: "Thousand Star Island is located deep in the East China Sea. It has gathered many human cultivators and is quite powerful. At the head of the Tianxing Sect, there is also Chunyang Taoist Lu Neng who is in charge. , to say that the power is not inferior to that of the Dragon Scale Society.

"Lu Daozun advocates equality and inclusiveness among all living beings. There are not only human races on Thousand Star Island, but also many alien races. It is a very prosperous and lively place in the East China Sea..."

"There is still a place like this. If you have the chance, you must see it." Gao Xian has been on Longlin Island for dozens of days. He has seen many cultivators and monsters from all walks of life, but this is the first time he has heard of Qianxing Island. .

According to Shui Yunzhu, this is still a very large human force.

With Yun Zaitian's caution and experience, it is impossible to place the sect within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Scale Society. It makes sense that Qingyun Sect settled on Qianxing Island.

Since Thousand Star Island is a very big place, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find.

Gao Xian felt relieved and waited for him to resolve the matter here before going to Qianxing Island.

"There is a Hidden Dragon Cave not far from Qianxing Island. This cave is located deep under the sea. It is said that a heavenly dragon was buried here in ancient times. The Hidden Dragon Cave is deep and boundless, with a unique cave. Lucky cultivators can occasionally obtain some ancient gods from it. Things. I and our sisters are also planning to visit the Hidden Dragon Cave. If Xingjun is interested, you can go with us..."

Shui Yunzhu looked at Gao Xian, her bright eyes full of expectation.

Gao Xian thought about it but refused: "I still have things to deal with, and it is not convenient to travel far during this period. If I have time the other day, I will find two Taoist friends to travel with me."

The pair of peerless beauties of the sharks were very charming, and he was very interested in them, but he did not dare to go deep into the East China Sea with the two beauties.

Xuanyang Taoist Master made it very clear that Chunyang Demon Master is not a human being and has no limits. If he is really caught by the Pure Yang Demon Lord in the depths of the East China Sea, he will end up in a miserable state.

Even if he had a way to replace his clones, there was no need to take such a risk. Despite Shui Yunzhu's look of admiring and liking him, this person is a mermaid god. No matter how young she looks, she is not a real girl of 17 or 18. She cannot forget herself just for a man.

In the same way, if he likes beautiful women, he cannot take huge risks and follow her around.

Shui Yunzhu, who was rejected, clearly showed disappointment: "Since Mr. Xing has something to do, let's talk about it next time. This is the Spiritual Sound Snail. Mr. Xing can contact me if he activates this snail..."

Shui Yunzhu presented an exquisite and small conch shell with both hands. The seven-color conch was very beautiful, and the circles of ribs contained natural runic restrictions.

Gao Xian picked it up and took a look at it. The small conch was quite beautiful and delicate. It looked like it was at least a fifth-level divine object. Shui Yunzhu was quite generous, giving him such a precious divine item casually.

"The spiritual sound conch is divided into male and female. Even if Xingjun returns to Jiuzhou, he can still contact me with this object. This object can also emit various spiritual sounds and has wonderful functions such as exorcising evil spirits."

Shui Yunzhu chatted with Gao Xian for a few more words, then took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Gao Xian sent the two girls to the door. Shui Yunguang, who had been silent all this time, reached out and handed Gao Xian something when she left. She gave Gao Xian a look with a somewhat complicated meaning but said nothing. She followed Shui Yunzhu and drifted away. leave.

Gao Xian watched the two beauties go away, and then he looked at the thing in his hand, and it turned out that it was also a spiritual sound snail.

Somehow, Shui Yunguang's forcefully pushed things seemed more sincere than her sister's. Of course, it is also possible that the sisters used their own methods, which is unclear.

After thinking for a while, Gao Xian put the two spiritual sound snails into his sleeves. He can't leave yet, at least he must handle the matters on Dragon Scale Island properly.

The main thing is to deal with Jiao Qiniang and seize the power of the demon clan. If he leaves, no one can suppress Jiao Shiqiniang, and things will definitely not go well.

This is also true. Seeing that Gao Xian refused to leave, Jiao Shiqiniang didn't have the courage to play any tricks, so she could only cooperate obediently.

New rules were announced the next day, and no human trafficking was allowed, and anyone who disobeyed the rules would be killed without mercy.

Not knowing the situation, two Jindan demon tribes robbed dozens of humans and sold them to Dragon Scale Island. As soon as he entered the island, he was killed on the spot by the joint law enforcement team.

A group of human monks escaped from death, and they were all extremely excited and happy.

An old monk grabbed the sleeve of the law enforcement team cultivator and immediately knelt down: "The life-saving grace of a real person will be unforgettable..."

The Jindan Master said sternly: "You are all saved because of Lord Pojunxing. You should also thank Lord Pojunxing when you want to thank him!"

Many human cultivators are a little confused. They don't know who Pojun Xingjun is and why they should thank him?

Someone immediately explained to them, and many human cultivators suddenly realized. Under the leadership of the old monk, everyone knelt down and kowtowed to the distance, thanking Lord Pojun Xing for saving his life.

The Dragon Scale Island law enforcement team patrolled the surrounding waters and rescued tens of thousands of human beings within a few months and killed more than thousands of monsters who trafficked in human beings.

As the human race becomes more and more powerful, many demon races on Dragon Scale Island are becoming more honest. The most important thing is that there has been no response from the Dragon Scale Society, and no strong person has come to trouble Gao Xian.

This also made many demon clans become more in awe of Gao Xian.

The name Pojun Xingjun has become extremely famous in a short period of time as the demon clan and human clan of Dragon Scale Island continue to spread to the outside world.

At the same time, Pojun Xingjun's works were naturally spread everywhere...

Gao Xian waited until the situation on Dragon Scale Island was completely stable before quietly returning to the Xuanming Sect. This time he went directly to the thirteenth heaven to meet Bai Yujing.

"Senior, is this Thunder Dragon Horn useful for the Heavenly Dragon's Magic-Breaking True Eye?"

Bai Yujing didn't look at the thunder dragon horn in Gao Xian's hand. She looked up and down, and a strange light flashed through Gao Xian's white jade eyes: "You have the aura of sixth level pure Yang."


Gao Xian was startled. He took out the two spiritual sound snails and asked for advice: "Senior, is there something wrong with these two things?"

Bai Yujing shook her head slightly. She pondered for a moment and said: "With a little bit of mixed dragon blood, it should be a monster clan like a dragon..."

(There will be another update later~) (End of this chapter)

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