Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 759 Once and for all

"The aura of the dragon...isn't the sixth level dragon the same as the dragon king!"

Gao Xian was shocked and a little angry. The dignified sixth-level demon king was so unworthy that he actually put a mark on him.

Fortunately, he did not agree to Shui Yunzhu's invitation, nor did he go to the depths of the East China Sea without permission.

He respectfully asked Bai Yujing: "Senior, is there any way to erase this Pure Yang mark?"

Bai Yujing glanced at Gao Xian, and she said calmly: "This ray of pure Yang aura is not only on you, but also on the opposite side of the sixth-level pure Yang consciousness. If you erase this ray of aura, the other party can still pass through the spiritual consciousness. Sympathy senses you.”


Gao Xian was a little shocked now. How could he be like this? ! He was a little suspicious of Bai Yujing. Is this eldest sister lying to him?
Then deliberately take advantage of him and ask him to help with things.

He asked: "Senior, do you have a solution?"

"The sixth-order Pure Yang Demon Lord has established a spiritual connection with you, and it's not that easy to cut it off."

Bai Yujing said: "This is different from the Yin ring transformed by Taixu. Although a piece of pure Yang consciousness is strong, it is a dead thing after all. It is completely isolated from the other party in Yamao Island. You can use the star power to polish it calmly. Divine consciousness mark.

"Now the sixth-level Pure Yang Demon Lord has established a relationship with you. You can either completely ban your own aura, or completely ban the sixth-level Pure Yang Demon Lord..."

Gao Xian looked embarrassed, as if he couldn't do anything.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't look for Yun Qingxuan in a short time. Hundreds of years have passed and there is no rush. However, the Qiankun Wheel is still in the East China Sea.

If his body wants to realize the Tao and the Yuanshen, he must obtain the Qiankun Wheel.

Only by combining the five rounds into one can the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel be completed, and only then can his body and soul reach a state of perfection, and only then can he achieve the highest level of soul.

Both Taixuan Shenxiang and Taiyuan Shenxian are very strong, but his root lies in his original soul. If there is a problem in this area, it will become a huge trouble at the sixth level.

It might even cut off his path to advance to the sixth level.

Dominating the fifth level is very majestic, but it is nothing compared to the sixth level.

Gao Xian's goal is to live forever and even ascend to the fairy world. For him, even stopping at the sixth level was difficult to accept.

Do we have to wait until the Heavenly Covenant Conference is over before looking for the Qiankun Wheel?
In fact, it's not impossible. With the power of his dual spirit, he should have no problem winning a game at the Covenant Conference between Heaven and Man. Just delaying it will not solve the problem of Dragon King.

A Pure Yang Demon Lord like the Dragon King could live for tens of thousands of years. He is not qualified to spend time with the other party.

Bai Yujing was silent for a moment and said: "I have a way to solve it once and for all. You still have the Mirage Dragon Ball on you. The Mirage Dragon can change and turn the void into reality. It can transform itself into a huge cave to build the real world. It is very powerful and very rare. dragon.

"This mirage dragon bead is of a good grade, but it was refined using the magic sect's secret method and was completely messed up."

"In addition, the Taixuan Yin ring in your hand can be smelted with your Taixuan Dream Taoist Clothes, and the Taoist clothes can be refined into a sixth-level artifact. It will be no problem to block the sixth-level pure Yang induction from a long distance..."

Gao Xian was overjoyed. He hurriedly bowed and said, "Senior, please help me."

He expressed his sincerity again and said: "Senior, if you have any mission, I will never give up!"

Bai Yujing snorted disdainfully: "Your cultivation level is so low, what can I do with you!"

Gao Xian apologized and smiled: "I can't do it now. I will practice hard. When I reach the sixth level, I will naturally be qualified to help my seniors."

Bai Yujing nodded slightly: "At that time, I hope you remember what you said."

Gao Xian was slightly shocked that this eldest sister really needed his help for something big! However, the sixth level was a long time coming.

Besides, Bai Yujing also helped him a lot. When he has benefited, he should be rewarded.

That's fair enough.

He immediately patted his chest and assured: "Senior, don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will never be that ungrateful villain."

Bai Yujing doesn't care about these verbal promises. As long as Gao Xian keeps relying on her, her mark will inevitably be left on him.

When Gao Xian entered the sixth level, everyone knew at a glance that Gao Xian was in her group. The conflict between factions on both sides can be transferred regardless of personal wishes.

No matter what Gao Xian thinks, he will have no other choice when the time comes.

Dao Zun Xuanyang used the same method, but his method was more direct. Of course, Gao Xian had no other choice. If he chose the Great Five Elements inheritance, he could only run wildly along this path.

"The body-protecting robe method you practiced is very good, and it is consistent with the Taoist robe method of Taixuanmeng. From now on, you will come here every day to use that secret technique to help temper the robes, leaving a mark of your spiritual consciousness. When the Dao You can easily control the clothing after it reaches the sixth level..."

Bai Yujing explained a few words to Gao Xian. It was not difficult for her to refine a sixth-level artifact, but what was difficult was how to make the fifth-level Gao Xian truly control it.

If Gao Xian cannot control Taihuan Meng Tao Yi to the sixth level, then there is little point in upgrading it.

Gao Xian can participate in refining the artifact and imprint his spell restrictions into the core of the artifact, which can save him countless time and energy in the later stage.

Gao Xian naturally had nothing to fault. Bai Yujing's willingness to help refine the artifact was already a dream, so he followed suit. This was actually a good thing.

Bai Yujing asked Gao Xian to prepare some needed divine objects, which were all very precious and of the sixth level. Fortunately, they are all available in the Xuanming Sect.

Gao Xian could only lick his face and go to Taoist Xuanyang again. The Taoist happily approved everything and said that this was Gao Xian's reward for becoming famous on Dragon Scale Island. Taoist Xuanyang was so generous, which really surprised Gao Xian.

He couldn't help but doubt that the old man had any calculations in this!
To be honest, Gao Xian prefers to clearly mark the price, just like the previous times, everyone makes it clear. Bai Yujing and Xuanyang Dao Zun were all free of charge this time, and he felt really guilty.

Free is a favor, but it’s hard to say the price of a favor.

There was no way, when things got to this point, Gao Xian had no choice. Bai Yujing and Xuanyang are both reliable, so they shouldn't be too cheating...

The process of refining the Taihuanmeng Taoist Clothes is very complicated, but unlike what Gao Xian thought, Bai Yujing does not need a refining furnace to refine the artifact.

Just unfold a water mirror and put the Taoist robe of Taixuanhuan Meng in the water mirror and break it down into hundreds of parts.

How should I put it? Gao Xian felt that Bai Yujing was controlled by a computer, and the entire refining process was completed through a water mirror.

Gao Xian couldn't quite understand it at first, until Bai Yujing broke down all the divine objects into their most minute states one by one. Then, Bai Yujing asked him to use his consciousness to participate.

There is a real world inside the huge water mirror. In this world, Bai Yujing is like a god. She can split everything into its original state and reassemble it according to her wishes.

Although Gao Xian didn't understand what the secret method was, he knew that this method of sacrificial refining was much more advanced than the refining furnace.

The refining furnace essentially uses flames to change the material structure. During the refining process, there will definitely be various losses and losses. Bai Yujing's water mirror does not have this problem.

The Taixuan Dream Taoist Clothes, the Taixuan Yin Ring, the Mirage Dragon Pearl, and several sixth-level divine objects were dismantled into thousands of tiny fragments one by one.

Even with Bai Yujing's guidance, Gao Xian was still dizzy the first time he did it. Although his spiritual consciousness was strong, it was still far behind Bai Yujing. Playing with these complicated fragments and using his spiritual consciousness to imprint runes and prohibitions on them was comparable to a Carving a Xinhua dictionary on a single hair is a million times more troublesome.

A rune prohibition often requires hundreds of thousands or millions of runes to be combined. These runes must fit in an exquisite order and position, and there can be no mistakes or omissions in the process.

Therefore, the higher the level of the artifact, the more powerful the divine consciousness is needed to refine it.

Gao Xian originally thought that his spiritual consciousness was powerful enough to be proud of the fifth level. When he was refining the Taoist robe of Taixuhuanmeng, he realized that his consciousness was nothing at all.

In less than an hour, his powerful spiritual consciousness was exhausted and he could no longer continue.

Fortunately, Bai Yujing was in charge of the overall situation, so he followed suit and started to attack. It was almost enough to maintain his consciousness for an hour.

This kind of sacrificial exercise consumes too much mental energy and is more complicated and tiring than all Gao Xian's exercises.

After finishing his daily rituals, Gao Xian didn't even want to say he was tired, and he didn't even want to find someone to practice with. Tai Ning came to see Gao Xian twice, and each time Gao Xian just tried his best.

Tai Ning thought that Gao Xian was tired of her, and the more he became like this, the harder he worked...

After several years of this, Gao Xian slowly adapted to the rhythm of this kind of sacrifice. During this kind of sacrifice, his consciousness maintained the most subtle changes and was greatly tempered.

The total amount of spiritual consciousness has not increased, but the quality of spiritual consciousness has significantly improved.

To put it simply, the sensing radius of his consciousness is still six thousand miles. However, within this sensing radius, his consciousness can perform more subtle scanning, sensing, and changes.

This improvement in accuracy allowed him to perceive more subtle changes, and the power of the spell was significantly increased by two points.

Every day, the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Cloth is used to worship the Taixuanhuan Meng Taoist Clothes. It is also necessary to disassemble the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes into countless rune prohibitions and understand the role of each ban.

Gao Xian has reached the state of master perfection in this secret method. It stands to reason that he can achieve this step, but he has never really cared about it.

It wasn't until Bai Yujing showed him how to dismantle the forbidden runes and how to use these forbidden runes to refine artifacts that he understood the subtle truth hidden in them.

In the past, he only understood these forbidden changes, but he never thought of using these forbidden changes in such a precise way.

This time Bai Yujing made him understand the essence of magic, and made him understand that only by constantly digging deeper and more meticulously can he truly understand a magic or an artifact.

See through the appearance, understand the essence, and understand the heaven, earth, and all things through the essence.

Gao Xian followed Bai Yujing to practice Taihuanmeng Daoyi. He felt that the biggest gain was not that he could obtain a sixth-level artifact, but that he had a new understanding of the world through the sacrifice and learned how to observe and understand the world. Nature.

After more than twenty years of this, the reassembled Taihuan Mengdao Yi finally took shape.

The Taixuanmeng Taoist robe in the water mirror already looks like a complete snow-white Taoist robe, except for the last rune of the central ban that has not been completed.

Bai Yujing said to Gao Xian: "Just complete the central rune mark."

Gao Xian has been refining the Taoist robe of Taihuanhuangmeng for thirty years and is very, very familiar with this Taoist robe. He skillfully left a runic restriction deep in Taixuan Mengdaoyi's chest.

At this point, all the rune restrictions of Taixianhuan Mengdao Yi are in place, and all the restrictions are operating in an orderly manner inspired by Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness.

The Taoist dream clothes in the water mirror are twisted and changeable like haze, extremely mysterious.

Gao Xian also felt relieved. After more than thirty years of practice, he finally completed this important event!
The Mirage Dragon Ball gives the Taixuan Meng Taoist Clothes the ultimate transformation, and the Taixuhuan Yin Ring makes the inside of the Taoist Clothes become a world of its own, sealing off the inside and outside.

"As long as the spiritual consciousness is sufficient, the current Taixuanhuang Meng Taoist Clothing can even cover Feixing Island... In fact, the Taoist Clothes can also be regarded as a change of the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothing..."

Gao Xian watched the Taixuanhuan Meng Taoist Clothes being completed. He was also very relaxed, letting all kinds of distracting thoughts come and go in his mind.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and the secret technique of Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wu Xiang Divine Clothes naturally emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness. As the smoke and haze of Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wu Dao Yi changed, Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wu Xiang Divine Clothes also turned into a mass of black and white. The round light suddenly spread out in the sea of ​​consciousness... (End of this chapter)

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