Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 762 Money moves people’s hearts

Zhong Hongyun has lived for more than four hundred years and has met many masters, but this is the first time he has seen such a powerful Jindan master as Hong Lian.

The Black Eagle Patrol had two golden elixirs and dozens of foundation builders. In less than a cup of tea, they were all eliminated by Red Lotus's Blood God Banner.

Such a powerful demon cultivator can easily kill everyone in their Black Flag Gang.

Demonic cultivators are also known to be selfish and ruthless.

Zhong Hongyun originally just wanted to recruit Honglian to join the gang, so he took the initiative to show his kindness. After this battle, Zhong Hongyun developed a strong awe of Honglian.

In order to please Honglian, he came here in the middle of the night to offer him wine and sacrifice himself.

Gao Xian has been dealing with women all his life, so he can naturally understand Zhong Hongyun's thoughts. Five hundred years ago, when he was still a vegetarian, he would have been willing to try something new.

This time, he was not so interested. The cultivation level of the two parties was too different and Zhong Hongyun was not a peerless beauty. It was not interesting to get involved together.

Gao Xian didn't need to deliberately refuse. He just looked at Zhong Hongyun with calm eyes, and the woman naturally understood what he meant.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they have normal intelligence, they all have a keen sense of love affairs. The fundamental reason for those who cannot understand the emotions expressed by others is that they don't care, or they don't want to care.

Zhong Hongyun came here to dedicate herself mainly to please Gao Xian. Seeing that Gao Xian had no such interest, of course she would not forcefully stick to him. That would not only be embarrassing, but also easily offend him.

From her experience, most men like women. However, there are also some men who don't like women.

Although she has a rough temper, she has lived for hundreds of years. When faced with a strong man who can decide her life and death, she knows that the best way is to obey the other person's wishes.

Gao Xian nodded slightly, expressing his appreciation for Zhong Hongyun's sobriety.

He said: "Gang Leader Zhong must have noticed that I want to go deep into the East China Sea to avoid my enemies. Bailing Island is still too close to Longlin Island, and I want to go to Thousand Star Island.

"I heard you say last time that you have been to Thousand Star Island. This time, I would like to ask Gang Leader Zhong to do a favor and take me to Thousand Star Island."

Zhong Hongyun showed hesitation. Thousand Star Island was too far away. It would take a year to fly to Thousand Star Island with a black flag airship, even if the journey went smoothly.

Although she has been to Thousand Star Island, she has only been there twice. Not familiar with the journey there and back.

The East China Sea is so vast, and there are countless monsters, monsters, and evil things hidden there. There are fixed routes for incoming and outgoing airships. Only this route is the safest and can avoid danger to the greatest extent.

It is very, very dangerous to rashly pilot a black flag airship to Thousand Star Island. Zhong Hongyun is afraid of Gao Xian, but he will not obey his orders unconditionally.

Gao Xian knew what Zhong Hongyun was hesitating about. He took out a top-quality spiritual stone and put it in Zhong Hongyun's hand: "Here is the deposit. I will give you a top-quality spiritual stone after the deal is completed."

Zhong Hongyun looked at the golden spirit stone in her hand, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

One top-quality spiritual stone is equal to ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones and one hundred million low-grade spiritual stones. As a Jindan Daoist, she had accumulated more than a thousand high-grade spiritual stones for hundreds of years.

Of course, the robes, magic weapons, etc. she wears are also worth two to three thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Plus the black flag airship, plus a group of foundation-building cultivators on the airship.

All the wealth put together is not worth this top-quality spiritual stone.

Zhong Hongyun couldn't help but tightly grasp this golden top-quality spiritual stone. She didn't dare to refuse Gao Xian, but this top-quality spiritual stone broke all her hesitations and fears.

She said loudly: "We in the Black Flag Gang listen to your Majesty, and we will go wherever you say!"

"Okay, it's a deal."

Gao Xian waved his hand and said, "It's getting late. Gang Leader Zhong should go back and rest first."

There was a hint of disappointment in Zhong Hongyun's bright eyes. She found that Gao Xian was rich and powerful, and she really wanted to climb into Gao Xian's bed. It's a pity, it's a pity, this cold demon cultivator really doesn't like women...

Zhong Hongyun returned to the room, called a few confidants over, and explained the matter first. Several close men and women expressed strong opposition.

You will encounter various accidents in familiar sea areas, let alone the distant Thousand Star Island. This is risking your life with your head in your hands. "When the matter is completed, you will each give two million low-grade spiritual stones." Zhong Hongyun knew that reasoning was useless, but money was the most effective.

Sure enough, several of his confidants stopped moving when they heard this.

After a moment of silence, they all expressed that they listened to Zhong Hongyun.

After getting a few confidants, the rest of the cultivators will be easy to deal with. Zhong Hongyun also promised everyone one million low-grade spiritual stones, easily unifying everyone's ideas.

For this reason, Zhong Hongyun first gave each person 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Everyone in the Black Flag Gang is highly motivated and motivated.

Gao Xian sat quietly in the cabin. To him, everything that happened in the Black Flag aircraft was like seeing it on the palm of his hand, and there were no secrets.

If he wasn't afraid of meeting the Pure Yang Demon Lord, he wouldn't hang out with a group of low-level monks.

Taixuanhuan Mengdao Yi can cut off the Chunyang Demon Lord's response to him, but it cannot always cover up the rippling mana aura of his high-speed flight.

The Chunyang Demon Lord's observation range also has a limit. Normally, the Dragon King would not have thought that he would dare to return to the East China Sea, let alone that he could block the connection between the two sides' spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian is actually not very afraid of the Dragon King. If he is really discovered by the other party, he can teleport to the Five Qi Cave Heaven through his clone. Enough to get rid of the pursuit of sixth-order pure Yang.

However, this trip is related to the wheel of heaven and earth. There is no room for error. He was not in a hurry, so it was always better to be cautious.

If you want to cross the waters of the Dragon Scale Society, the safest way is to mix among the low-level monks.

Once the Black Flag Gang is taken care of, the next thing will be easy.

The Black Flag Gang came to Bai Ling Island as planned, which is a very beautiful island.

Bailing trees are planted around the island, and the huge tree crowns are covered with white bell-like flowers. When the wind blows, the white flowers ring like bells, which has the magical effect of cleansing away filthy evil spirits.

It was also the first time for Gao Xian to see such a vision, and he enjoyed it very much.

The natural creations of heaven and earth give rise to infinite wonders. Only by personal experience can you appreciate the beauty...

The Black Flag Gang stayed at Bai Ling Island for more than a month, mainly buying various supplies for the long journey, the most important of which was the sea route to Thousand Star Island.

For this reason, Zhong Hongyun spent one million low-grade spiritual stones to buy a navigation chart.

Everything was ready, and the black flag flying ship set sail and headed straight to the depths of the East China Sea. This chart is of some use, as we will inevitably encounter various dangers on the long road.

The fifth-level monster fish that is thousands of feet long, the undersea ghosts singing seductive songs, the flocks of seabirds that cover the sky and the sun, and so on.

These dangers are not worth mentioning to Gao Xian, but they are enough to destroy the entire Black Flag Gang. It is also with the guidance of Gao Xian that the Black Flag Gang can avoid various disasters in advance.

Gao Xian also saw the majesty, splendor and strangeness of the East China Sea. To him, this was much more interesting than staying in a closed cave to retreat.

After more than a year of flying, the cultivator standing on the sail of the ship suddenly shouted excitedly: "Gang leader, gang leader, there are many stars floating on the sea in front!"

Gao Xian, who was taking a nap in the cabin, heard the shouts from above, and he took the initiative to activate Tianlong's magic-breaking eyes. Sure enough, there was an island shining with starlight tens of thousands of miles away.

These sparkling starlight islands are spread in all directions, and with his True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique, he can't even see the end of them.

Gao Xian was also very happy that he finally found Qianxing Island. It’s just that Thousand Star Island is much, much bigger than he expected. Preliminary estimates indicate that Qianxing Island is much larger than Wanfeng County...

There is also good news, the breath of the Qiankun Wheel is deep in Qianxing Island... (End of this chapter)

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