Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 763 Hidden Dragon Cave

"Broken Star Island, the outermost island group of Thousand Star Island, consists of one hundred and thirty-seven islands, large and small."

Zhong Hongyun looked at the sparkling islands in front of him with a look of relief on his face. After more than a year of hard work, he finally arrived at his destination.

Living with Honglian day and night every day, she and her subordinates were under a lot of pressure.

What they fear most is that Honglian will turn against them and will attack them when they get there.

Now that they have arrived at Broken Star Island, Honglian has no intention of taking action, and it is obvious that he will not take action. I have to say that this Demon Sect monk is very loyal and his character exceeds 90% of the monks from Donghai.

Zhong Hongyun, the biggest stone standing on the floor, breathed a long sigh of relief and felt indescribably relaxed all over his body.

Gao Xian silently looked at Broken Star Island, a number of islands scattered randomly in this sea area, with large groups of cultivators stationed there.

He looked around and found no trace of Yun Qingxuan, nor the Qingyun Sect's magic circle.

The fundamental inheritance of Qingyun Sect is "Thirty-six Volumes of Taiwei Zixiao Qingyun". Yun Qingxuan may change the name of the sect overseas, but he cannot change the fundamental inheritance of the sect.

As long as the Qingyun Sect is stationed here, it will definitely use the fundamental secret method to set up a magic circle.

Tianlong's Magic-Breaking True Eye is so superb. Looking at it, one can easily see the flow and changes of magic power a hundred thousand miles away. If there is a Qingyun Sect magic formation, it will never be hidden from his eyes.

Gao Xian was a little disappointed that Yun Qingxuan was not at Broken Star Island.

Zhong Hongyun told him many times that Qianxing Island is actually very large, with islands spread over hundreds of millions of miles of sea. It will take some time to find Yun Qingxuan among the many islands.

Yun Qingxuan is on Thousand Star Island and has been safe and sound for hundreds of years. It is impossible for something to happen suddenly during this period of time. The top priority is to find the Qiankun Wheel first.

The Qiankun Wheel is related to the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, to his combined soul, and to his path to immortality. This is much more important than meeting Yun Qingxuan.

"You guys will stay on Broken Star Island for half a year, and you can decide whether to stay or leave on your own after half a year."

Gao Xian made a confession to Zhong Hongyun, and finally said: "My affairs must be kept secret. If anyone leaks any information, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Zhong Hongyun's heart tightened, and she hurriedly lowered her head and responded: "Senior, don't worry, we will never leak your traces. If you violate this oath, you will be at your mercy."

Gao Xian believed that Zhong Hongyun was a smart man and would not do such stupid things. He has arrived at Qianxing Island, which is the territory of Chunyang Taoist Master Lu Neng.

No matter how arrogant the Dragon King is, he will not go to Qianxing Island and cause chaos. Besides, if Zhong Hongyun is asked to inform, who can guess his true identity.

When Zhong Hongyun raised his head, he found that Honglian beside him had disappeared. She looked around in confusion, and it took a while before she was sure that Honglian was really gone.

She was relieved and a little scared at the same time. Hong Lian appeared and disappeared without a trace. Killing her would be as easy as crushing an insect.

Fortunately, fortunately...

Gao Xian left the Black Flag airship and flew directly to the height of ten thousand feet in the sky, flying towards the depths of the East China Sea.

Qianxing Island is the territory of Chunyang Taoist Master Lu Neng. Gao Xian only heard that this person has a tolerant temperament and advocates tolerance. Therefore, there are many monster clans living on Qianxing Island.

Once a person's statement is passed down by word of mouth, we don't know what it will become in the end. Gao Xian didn't dare to be arrogant in other people's territory. Even when he controlled an ordinary cloud umbrella, his speed dropped to a very low level, which was roughly equivalent to the level of Nascent Soul.

For the huge Qianxing Island, a Nascent Soul True Lord is not a threat and will not attract too much attention.

The Cloud Light Umbrella condenses a cloud of air that rotates like an umbrella, with faint flashes of spiritual light. It is a relatively common escape method. A second-level foundation-building cultivator can control it.

The cloud light umbrella in Gao Xian's hand spread out for about ten feet, and the clouds fell down like gauze to cover the surrounding area, which was quite impressive.

This is because he has integrated the Qinghua Wheel and the Immortality Wheel. Using the power of wood and water to control these low-level spells can also produce incredible power.

Occasionally, there are golden elixir level cultivators passing by in the sky above the cloud sky. If they see Gao Xian's cloud light umbrella from a distance, they will avoid it.

Gao Xian had no intention of communicating with the local cultivators. He followed the induction of the Qiankun Wheel and flew forward. After flying like this for several days, he saw a huge island in front of him.

This island is extremely vast, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. More than ten cities of various sizes have been built in the central area of ​​the island, and there are many densely populated settlements around them.

Even with the blazing sun in the sky, you can still see the subtle dim stars shining around the island.

Gao Xian looked far away, and no islands could be seen within the range of Tianlong's True Eye. The Qiankun Wheel should be deep in the sea ahead, but there is nothing there.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Xian decided to go down and ask about the situation.

Pressing Luo Dunguang to the front of a small city, he handed over ten spiritual stones and entered the city smoothly. Gao Xian found a busy wine shop and sat there for a while, and he already had a good understanding of the island.

This island is called Hidden Dragon Island, and there are dozens of sects in total. Among them, Hidden Dragon City, the main city, has a Xingxu Zonghua Shinto Lord in charge.

The ancestor of Xingxiu Sect is Chunyang Taoist Lu Neng, the boss of Qianxing Island.

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness unfolded, and with the help of Tianlong's magic-breaking eyes, all the masters in Hidden Dragon Island could be seen.

In addition to one Taoist Lord of Transformation, there are three Nascent Soul True Lords on this island and hundreds of golden elixirs. There are also a small number of demon cultivators among them.

It seems that the demon race has been domesticated or assimilated by the human race. The human and demon cultivators can at least maintain a semblance of order.

Gao Xian disagrees with this. Aliens are aliens after all, and they are fundamentally different from humans in terms of blood.

Don't say that all things have animism. The root of a living being lies in its blood. No matter how domesticated a tiger is, it will never become like a sheep.

The fact that the demon clan is so honest is nothing more than the Xingxiu Sect’s strong suppression. I can't resist, I can only obey. As long as something unexpected happens, his true nature will be revealed.

Although Gao Xian has opinions on this, he will not kill monsters randomly.

There are too many monsters, and killing them randomly will not solve the problem. On the contrary, it will accumulate evil spirits for oneself and cause big trouble.

"Man, let me ask, Hidden Dragon Cave is in the sea ahead, right?"

Gao Xian called the wine shop clerk over. The clerk was young. He looked at Gao Xian, who was hesitant to speak.

Gao Xian understood what the child meant and casually gave him two low-grade spiritual stones.

The clerk immediately beamed after receiving the spirit stone: "Your guest is right, the Hidden Dragon Cave is ahead. This island is the closest to the Hidden Dragon Cave, so it is called Hidden Dragon Island..."

The guy is very knowledgeable about local legends and stories. After receiving the spiritual stone, I immediately talked non-stop.

"It's really a hidden dragon cave..."

Gao Xian pondered. Thirty years ago, Shui Yunzhu invited him to explore the Hidden Dragon Cave. He was afraid of offending the Pure Yang Demon Lord, so he rejected the beautiful woman's invitation on the spot. Afterwards, he asked someone to inquire. Hidden Dragon Cave is a famous cave in the East China Sea. It is said that there is an ancient dragon hiding in it.

The ancient Tianlong, even if it only leaves a piece of divine consciousness, it is a top-notch divine object. Not to mention that Tianlong is greedy and lustful by nature and likes to collect all kinds of treasures.

If there really is a cave opened by the ancient dragon, I don’t know how many artifacts and artifacts are hidden in it.

Rumors about the Hidden Dragon Cave have been circulating for a long time, and its origin cannot be verified. However, over the thousands of years, there are still some lucky people who have obtained extremely precious artifacts and artifacts in the Hidden Dragon Cave.

Many practitioners like to try their luck in Hidden Dragon Cave.

Gao Xian sensed that the Qiankun Wheel was deep in the sea ahead, but it was difficult to determine the exact location. He guessed that the Qiankun Wheel was in the Hidden Dragon Cave.

The year when the Qiankun Wheel was lost was too short. By that time, this world had long been cut off from the heavenly world, and powerful divine beasts such as the Heavenly Dragon had long since disappeared. Only one can take the Qiankun Wheel to the Hidden Dragon Cave.

Gao Xian asked some more about the Hidden Dragon Cave, and the young man knew quite a lot.

This is the Hidden Dragon Cave. Every day, people go to the Hidden Dragon Cave to explore and search. Over tens of thousands of years, there have been countless legends about Hidden Dragon Cave.

The true and false legends ignite the fire of greed in people's hearts.

Although the little boy is not capable of exploring, he is very excited when talking about these legends of the Hidden Dragon Cave and cannot restrain his excitement.

"The Hidden Dragon Cave is hidden thousands of feet deep under the sea. It looks like a huge deep valley, but there are thousands of void passages inside it that lead to the huge cave sky. The cave sky is like a maze.

"A few years ago, a Foundation-Building Demon Clan ran into the Hidden Dragon Cave and got a drop of dragon blood. In a few decades, he became a Nascent Soul Demon..."

Hearing the exaggeration said by the young man, a guy with a fish head next to him spit out a big bubble and said in a loud voice: "Don't be so careless, kid. The guy who took the dragon's blood exploded into powder on the spot.

"Even the dragon monster clan dare not swallow the true blood of the Heavenly Dragon directly. How can a little demon transform it into the power of the Heavenly Dragon!"

The boy was a little unhappy, but he didn't have the guts to argue with the fish-headed monsters, so he just curled his lips and said nothing.

Gao Xian dismissed the boy with a wave of his hand and chatted with the fish-headed monster for a few words. This monster might have had a little too much to drink and talked very confidentially.

Gao Xian ordered two more jars of good wine, and the fish-headed demon clan could no longer close his mouth, pouring out all the secrets and legends in his stomach...

The fish-headed demon clan has a foundation-building cultivation, and what he says is much more reliable than what the little guy said.

After chatting with the fish-headed monster for most of the night, Gao Xian even felt that the monster was not that ugly. Of course, if you can use this big fish head to make pepper fish head, it will definitely taste great...

After coming out of the wine shop, Gao Xian was in no hurry to go to the Hidden Dragon Cave.

Hidden Dragon Cave is a self-contained cave with a very complex internal environment. According to the fish-headed demon tribe, there are actually high-level void magic circles operating in the cave sky, and the space in the cave sky will be constantly transformed and spliced ​​to prevent cultivators from entering the cave center.

It is said that a Mahayana Lord once entered the Hidden Dragon Cave, but not only found nothing, he was also injured.

It can be seen that Hidden Dragon Cave is very dangerous.

Gao Xian was actually quite curious about the Hidden Dragon Cave, but he weighed the pros and cons and was still unwilling to take the risk. He didn't know what he would encounter when he ran in. If he had to use a clone to transfer, then his efforts over the past few years would have been in vain.

As long as the other party doesn't die in the Hidden Dragon Cave, he will definitely come out. Instead of running to the Hidden Dragon Cave to find someone, it would be better to stay here.

The atmosphere on Hidden Dragon Island is relatively open. In other words, management is very lax. Outsiders only need to pay spirit stones to enter the city, and no one cares where you come from or what you are doing here.

Gao Xian rented a small courtyard in a small town and made alchemy when he had nothing to do.

Through selling pills, I also made friends with some practitioners.

Of course, this place is not a kind place. Inevitably, some people would spy on his elixirs and money, and come over in the middle of the night to seek wealth or death.

After a few waves of people and monsters died, everyone knew that Gao Xian was powerful, and no one came to provoke this alchemist from another country.

After waiting like this for more than half a year, Gao Xian still didn't wait for the other party to come out. He was patient, but he was afraid that something would happen inside.

There is still less than a hundred years before the Celestial Covenant Conference, and we have to refine the combined soul first, so there is not enough time.

The main reason is that Gao Xian cannot determine the true state of the Qiankun Wheel despite being separated by an independent cave. If that guy dies inside, his time waiting here will not be in vain.

On this day, Gao Xian finally couldn't bear it any longer. He took advantage of the darkness to leave Hidden Dragon Island and headed towards Hidden Dragon Cave.

This time Gao Xian was much more cautious. He activated the Tai Chi Formless Divine Clothes throughout the entire process, completely covering his traces and diving into the depths of the sea like a ghost.

The Hidden Dragon Cave is actually easy to find. There is a huge bottomless black hole deep in the sea, where huge spiritual energy gathers.

Everything is dark in the depths of the sea, but the dense spiritual energy gathered at the entrance of the Hidden Dragon Cave is as dazzling as the blazing sun.

Gao Xian easily withstood the pressure of the sea water with the divine light of water. He observed at the entrance of the cave for most of the day and found nothing unusual before entering the Hidden Dragon Cave.

Although Hidden Dragon Cave is a huge and deep cave, there is not a drop of sea water in it. Gao Xian entered the deep cave but was only a thousand feet away. The void in front of his eyes shook, and he came to the top of a valley.

The stars shine above, and the green trees in the valley below stretch like a sponge.

Gao Xian did not dare to use his spiritual consciousness indiscriminately. With the help of Tianlong's true eyes to observe all directions, he could determine that this was an independent closed cave space, only tens of thousands of miles in length. There were mountains, rivers, lakes, birds and animals in it, and it was full of vitality.

The cave sky here is quite full of spiritual energy, so there are many spiritual creatures, and the birds and animals also have some magic power. Probably at the second or third level.

After watching for a while, Gao Xian didn't find anything unusual. After a day like this, the void suddenly trembled and swayed, and the world in front of him turned into a vast desert.

Gao Xian felt as if the void was changing like a scene in a movie. He was just an ordinary spectator with no ability to change, so he could only let the void change.

In the next few days, Gao Xian discovered a pattern, and the void changed every time it was midnight.

There seem to be thousands of fragmented spaces in the Hidden Dragon Cave, switching every twelve hours. This kind of magical power that changes the void is far beyond his understanding of magic power.

There is another big problem, Gao Xian can't find the way out.

After dozens of days like this, the void was once again turbulent and changing, and Gao Xian came to a floating island. This time, he discovered that there were others in this fragmented cave, and two of them were the sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang.

Decades later, the two sisters have not changed at all.

Next to sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang, there was a young man in red. He was very handsome, with a long sword at his waist, and a sharp look between his eyebrows. He turned out to be a human divine sword cultivator.

Gao Xian didn't know this human god-turned-god sword cultivator, but he could sense the aura of the Universe Chakra on him. He couldn't help but feel happy that his efforts were finally not in vain! (End of chapter)

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