Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 773 5 rounds of fusion

Chapter 773 Five rounds of fusion
The water mirror that broke along with the sword marks shattered into pieces of crystal water in the air.

Li Zichen looked at the scattered water light, his eyes a little wandering.

Gao Xian's peerless sword slashed Bingli hard, and there was no trickery involved. He just followed the changes in Bingli's magic power and penetrated directly into the weak point. Bingli obviously didn't expect that Gao Xian would attack head-on and do it so aggressively.

Bingli's powerful soul was frightened by Gao Xian's sword intention, and was killed in a daze. From her point of view, Bingli had definitely been defeated by Gao Xian, so she was so easily frightened by the sword's will.

There is another problem. After all, this is Bingli's clone, which is a bit inferior in level. This gap is infinitely magnified when encountering a peerless swordsman like Gao Xian.

The sword's intention was projected three thousand miles away, and the aftermath of the sword's intention broke the condensed water mirror of Shenxiao Yuanyang Mirror. It was not Gao Xian's deliberate demonstration, it was just her and Yun Qingxuan's spiritual consciousness that pulled the sword intention over, causing such destruction.

It was also Gao Xian who clearly withdrew his sword intention. If he took advantage of the situation and used the sword, he would definitely not just break the water mirror.

Li Zichen knew that Qingyun Sect was a small sect. Although it had a long history, its highest level was at the level of deity transformation. Yun Qingxuan also went to the East China Sea. With Wan Yingying's support and excellent luck, he obtained a sixth-level artifact in the depths of the East China Sea that fit his inheritance. Only then was he able to advance by leaps and bounds in his cultivation and advance to Yuanshen.

Li Zichen really didn't like Yun Qingxuan's junior brother. The upper limit of Jiuzhou is the sixth level. Even if Gao Xian becomes a disciple of Chunyang Taoist Master, how high can he cultivate based on his Qingyun Sect foundation.

Seeing Gao Xian kill Bingli with a sword, Li Zichen realized that this person's cultivation level was not inferior to hers, and the outcome would be uncertain if he really tried!
To be honest, Li Zichen found it incredible. She is a genius selected by the Heavenly Lord from among hundreds of millions of cultivators. She has been practicing Taoism in the Xiaoyao Sect since she was a child and has endless resources to support her.

Gao Xian, a cultivator from a lower-class background, how could he compare with her? !
Yun Qingxuan was also surprised. He hadn't seen him for seven hundred years, and his junior brother had become so powerful. She was very happy that her junior brother did not waste his unique talent and achieved extraordinary achievements.

From her point of view, such a powerful spirit transformation has a chance to realize Chunyang!

Li Zichen, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said: "Qingxuan, I really underestimate your junior brother."

She then added: "But he was too reckless. Killing a clone of Bingli would anger the Dragon Scale Society and bring disaster to the Qingyun Sect."

Yun Qingxuan remained silent. Her view was opposite to Li Zichen's. Gao Xian's determination was to express his firmness and toughness, that is, nothing could threaten him. If he wants Qingyun Sect to cause trouble, he will return it tenfold or a hundredfold.

This demonstration was so clear and direct that it needed no words at all. As long as Bingli is not stupid, she should understand what Gao Xian means.

Only Li Zichen, with his arrogant temperament, would think Gao Xian's move was a provocation. Of course, this understanding is actually correct.

Li Zichen said softly: "The Dragon Scale Society is nothing. If there is really trouble, I will stand up for Qingxuan. A group of little monsters will never dare to act arrogantly."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Yun Qingxuan thanked him softly. No matter what, Li Zichen had good intentions.

Deep in the East China Sea, in Cangming Palace, Bingli sat quietly on the ruby ​​bed. Her silver vertical eyes opened and closed uncertainly. It was obvious that she was agitated and unable to control her emotions.

She worked hard to use her natal dragon scales to refine two clones, but they were both killed by Gao Xian. From then on, she never had a scapegoat. The losses were extremely heavy.

Bingli has been going smoothly since she became successful in cultivation, and has never encountered such a setback. She already hated Gao Xian to the core of her bones, and really wanted to ask her master to send experts to level the Qingyun Gate right now.

But she quickly calmed down, and although the demolition of the Qingyun Sect was a sign of anger, it did not hurt Gao Xian at all. Gao Xian did not hesitate to kill her clone with his sword, which showed that he had no scruples at all.

Destroying Qingyun Sect will only stimulate Gao Xian to kill him. The consequences are quite serious.

Even though the dragon scales are up and down, only the two Pure Yang Demon Lords can control Gao Xian reliably. None of the other gods will work. Even if there are three or five gods gathered together, Gao Xian cannot be left behind.

What's even more frightening is that Gao Xian is good at being invisible and likes to hide in the dark and make sneak attacks. His cultivation is extremely powerful, so there is no chance of being attacked by him.

With such an enemy, I really can't sleep or eat, it's so scary.

Bingli weighed the pros and cons and didn't dare to take the Qingyun Sect's idea anymore. Even if the Qingyun Sect is to be dealt with, it will only happen after Gao Xian is killed. The order must not be mistaken...

Gao Xian has now returned to the Xuanming Sect. He can actually use his clone to return directly. However, many people saw him going to the East China Sea, and even Bingli and the other demon clan knew his whereabouts.

It would be easier to use a clone to return directly, but it might reveal that he has the ability to teleport through the void. Such life-saving secrets must be kept secret as much as possible.

After returning, Gao Xian went directly to Zhongyang Mountain to pay homage to Taoist Master Xuanyang.

This trip to the East China Sea also opened his eyes. There are some things that you need to ask someone for advice.

It was spring, the spring light was bright, and Xuanyang Taoist was sitting by the river and fishing leisurely as always.

Gao Xian didn't understand before. What's the point of fishing by the river? If you want to fish, go to the depths of the East China Sea to catch chelicerae. Now I kind of understand the old Taoist's state of mind. What I'm fishing for is not fish, but the bright spring scenery and full peace of mind.

Only at the Pure Yang level can one have the confidence to sit back and watch the storm. At least now I can still sit still and don't need to go out personally.

Xuanyang Taoist Master is in his old age, with white hair and white eyebrows, wearing a black and yellow Taoist robe, sitting lazily on the bluestone, and he has a somewhat immortal air.

Seeing Gao Xian coming over, Taoist Xuanyang smiled kindly: "What, is there something wrong?"

"Disciple pays homage to the Patriarch."

Gao Xian bowed deeply. The old man could do whatever he wanted, but he couldn't. Not talking about cultivation and status, just saying that the old Taoist lived for more than 10,000 years. He was less than a fraction of the old Taoist, so he should be polite and courteous.

Besides, the old Taoist took good care of him. He even went to Donghai to support him, which was quite a favor.

"Ancestor, this is the dragon-transformation trinket given by the Dragon Scale Society's god-transformation demon clan..."

It's true that Bingli was a clone. She could take back the divine consciousness and several refining artifacts in the clone, but she couldn't take back the Dragon-Transforming Divine Barrel.

Although this thing has problems, it is still a high-level sacred artifact. Gao Xian didn't know how to deal with it, so of course he had to ask Taoist Master Xuanyang for advice.

Xuanyang Taoist Master took the Dragon Transformation Sacred Urn, looked at it for a while and said with a smile: "This urn uses dragon blood as a talisman and dragon bone as the root. It can be called a sacred object for the dragon blood monster clan. The dragon blood in it is filthy. It will continue to erode the soul and transform the nature of living beings..."

Xuanyang returned the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice to Gao Xian: "You can keep it. You can ask fellow Taoist Bai for advice. She may have a way to turn it around."

Gao Xian put away the Divine Dragon Transformation Ruan and asked again: "Ancestor, I met a cultivator of the Xiaoyao Sect in the East China Sea. It is said that the sect leader is a seventh-level heavenly king?"

"Xiaoyao Sect..."

The smile on Xuanyang's face faded. He pondered for a while and said: "The Great Vision Tianjun of Xiaoyao Sect has a deep relationship with Jiuzhou. This Tianjun has a generous temperament, but he is too generous and close to his disciples. The disciples of Xiaoyao Sect are very arrogant and domineering to others."

He glanced at Gao Xian: "You'd better not mess with them less. Tianjun will naturally not do anything to you. The Chunyangs in his sect don't have very good tempers."

"I am so loyal and honest, how dare I provoke people from the Xiaoyao Sect." Gao Xian apologized with a smile.

Old Taoist Xuanyang smiled. Gao Xian was a good character, but he could not be said to be loyal and honest. He said: "No matter how arrogant the Xiaoyao Sect is, they are still cultivators of the human race. They will not treat their fellow tribesmen excessively." Behind the Xiaoyao Sect is the Penglai Society, which is a large alliance composed of heavenly kings. At this time of great catastrophe, all human beings must do their best and take responsibility for the survival of the human race. Tianjun must also be reasonable and follow rules..."

Gao Xian understood. Xuanyang's meaning was very simple. The strong men of the human race all had a consensus that they should shoulder the heavy responsibility of the survival of the human race.

Under this premise, these strong men will be very tolerant towards human cultivators. There are many heavenly kings in Penglai Society, and they should be able to check and balance each other. Tianjun will not act haphazardly.

Gao Xian was a little confused and asked: "Since there are so many strong people from the human race, why don't they deal with the demon race?"

"Because there are more seventh-level demon clans. There is the Sky Demon Alliance in the East China Sea alone, which is much stronger than the Penglai Society. Of course, the demon clan is divided into tens of millions of races, and everyone has their own interests and cannot be regarded as a whole."

Xuanyang Taoist patiently explained to Gao Xian: "The human race is the overlord within the Nine Continents. In all the world, the human race is the smallest in relative numbers, far from being comparable to the demon race. Of course, as a single race, the human race is undoubtedly is the strongest.

"Jiuzhou will handle Jiuzhou's affairs. If Penglai appears, the Heavenly Demon Alliance will definitely follow. In the end, there will be checks and balances between the two sides. It is you who can really take action."

Xuanyang Taoist Master's expression became more solemn when he said this: "This covenant between heaven and man should be extremely dangerous. There may be high-level demon kings with experts to help. The levels of demon kings and demon kings have nothing to do with you. We need to consider how to deal with the god-transforming demon clan that appears out of nowhere..."

"There are only seventy years until the covenant between heaven and man. There is not much time left for you."

Gao Xian nodded: "The disciple found the Five Emperors Wheel and spent the next few decades focusing on training to prepare for the war."

"As long as you know the importance."

Old Taoist Xuanyang nodded. Gao Xian sometimes looks at Zhang Yang when he acts, but in fact he has always been cautious and reliable. He was still very relieved about Gao Xian.

After coming out of Zhongyang Mountain, Gao Xian went to the thirteenth heaven and met Bai Yujing.

Compared with Xuanyang Dao Zun's leisure and ease, Gao Xian always felt that Bai Yujing was full of worries and lived a very depressing life. The main thing is that this person never smiles and never shows a relaxed attitude.

"Senior, what's the use of this dragon-changing divine urn and the fire dragon spirit crystal?" Gao Xian handed the two newly obtained items to Bai Yujing, who was as discerning as Taoist Xuanyang.

Bai Yujing's pure white jade eyes glanced at the object in Gao Xian's hand, "The talisman is crude. It's of no use. The fire dragon spirit crystal is transformed from the true blood of Tianlong. It is far inferior to the divine consciousness of Tianlong and is more useful to the demon clan. You can take it. Refining weapons and painting talismans.”

She asked casually: "Did you go to Hidden Dragon Cave?"

"Senior is so smart that you can tell the origin of this thing at a glance." Gao Xian truly admired this elder sister Bai Yujing who knew so much.

"Hidden Dragon Cave, that is the last resting place of the ancient dragon."

Bai Yujing said calmly: "The lowest level of a true Heavenly Dragon is the ninth level. The Heavenly Dragon is the body that is destroyed by death, and the scales, horns, flesh and blood left behind are also treasures. As long as the void formation around the Hidden Dragon Cave is still in operation, the eighth level cannot enter the center."

"You are quite brave, you dare to enter the Hidden Dragon Cave."

"I've been there for a while, and although the movement and changes in the void are miraculous, it's not dangerous," Gao Xian said.

"You naturally have nothing to do outside the Zhoutian Formation. The center of the formation is guarded by the immortal dragon soul. The higher your cultivation level, the greater the danger."

Bai Yujing pondered for a moment and said: "If you are not afraid of danger, I have a method that can let you go straight into the center. If you are lucky, you can get a dragon crystal left by a real dragon, which will be enough to upgrade your Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique True Eye." To the seventh level..."

"Not to mention dragon crystals, just the treasures hidden by the Heavenly Dragon are of inestimable value. Just pick one or two of them will be enough for you. If you are lucky, you can even get the Five Elements Artifact left by the ancients..."

Treasure hunting is like buying lottery tickets and opening blind boxes. It is actually a form of gambling and speculation, which is extremely stimulating and makes people want to stop.

Gao Xian understood this truth, but he still couldn't help being moved. The most important thing at the moment is to prove the Dao-integrated soul and prepare for the Covenant Conference between Heaven and Man.

Before that, he should just be honest and stop fussing.

Bai Yujing saw Gao Xian's hesitation, and she said: "There is no rush about the Hidden Dragon Cave. Although the world is big, no one can find a way into the center except me.

"It's not too late to do this after you're done."

She said: "Let me make it clear first, you went to the Hidden Dragon Cave to help me find a divine object. Other than that, all other gains are yours."

Gao Xian still trusts Bai Yujing, and he also likes his style of clearly marking prices.

He said: "Okay, after the Celestial Covenant Conference is over, I will go to the Hidden Dragon Cave to have a look."

Bai Yujing didn't say anything. She flicked her long sleeves to send out spiritual light all over the sky. When Gao Xian came to his senses, he had returned to Jingxing Palace.

Gao Xian pondered over the words of the two powerful men for a long time, and decided to practice peacefully first.

The Penglai Society, the Heavenly Demon Alliance, or the Hidden Dragon Cave are all a bit far away from him. For now, it is better to refine the Qiankun Wheel to get the combined soul.

There is no need to rush this matter, we need to accumulate enough humane aura.

Gao Xian was tired after being out for so long. He needed to adjust and rest for a while.

In the next time, Gao Xian went to see Qiniang Shuangxiu when he had nothing to do, and went to Tai Ning when he wanted to change his taste. Or go find Xiao Hongye, Yan Feiyin, Yue Shenxiu and the others.

Anyway, he has a teleportation talisman in his hand, so it is very convenient to go anywhere in Mingzhou.

Gao Xian would occasionally communicate with Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia, asking them about their practice. In fact, he also wanted to go to Tai Chi Sword Palace, where he also had his good friend Yin Jiuli.

It's just that if he ran away, he would inevitably have to meet Wuji Sword Master. He was afraid that Old Dao Xuanyang would think too much.

Amidst the melons and plums, we should try our best to avoid suspicion. Besides, Tai Chi Sword Palace is too far away and is a bit unsafe after all.

Peaceful life, time flies by like water.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed, and Gao Xian finally accumulated enough humanistic aura.

Gao Xian transferred to Wuqi Cave Heaven through his clone. The clone stayed here all year round, so there was no problem in terms of safety. He is protected by Sister Lan, and he is not afraid of others using secret methods to calculate his location.

When the 120 billion human spiritual light is invested, the golden divine light instantly rises to the state of master perfection. The Universe Wheel in Gao Xian's hand naturally resonates with the golden divine light, turning into a platinum light wheel and integrating into the lungs...

(End of this chapter)

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