Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 774: Heavenly Tribulation Refining God

The golden divine light has reached the perfection of the master, and the universe wheel naturally resonates with the golden divine light. The central restraint is completely refined in the resonance, and then integrated into Gaoxian's lungs.

At this point, all the Five Emperor Wheels have returned to their positions.

The Qiankun Wheel, the Immortal Wheel, the Qinghua Wheel, the Nine Sun Wheel, the Infinite Wheel, and the Five Emperors Wheel are connected with each other and naturally form a whole.

Gao Xian took the opportunity to run the Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Jing. This method is the fundamental inheritance of the Five Elements Sect. Although the Great Five Elements Divine Light is strong, it is only a secret technique and is specially used for fighting. It is essentially different from the Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Jing.

His Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra is an authentic inheritance, and the Five Qi Wheels taught by Xuanyang Taoist Master, one inside and one outside form a complete positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra.

The positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra promotes the rotation of the Five Emperors, constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding Five Elements.

The Five Elements of the Five Qi Cave Heaven are powerful and vigorous, a hundred times better than the outside world. No matter how the Five Emperors Wheel operates, there will be enough energy from the Five Elements to replenish it.

Only when Gao Xian reached this stage did he truly understand what the Hunyuan Five Qi Wheel was. Only when the Five Emperors' Wheels are united can the Five Qi be transformed into the Hunyuan Unity, and the positive and negative Five Elements can be transformed at will without any hindrance.

The divine light of the golden element reaches the state of master perfection, and it also promotes the divine light of the five elements to the state of master perfection.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light is not the fundamental secret method, but the Great Five Elements Divine Light brings together the highest essence of the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light Dacheng Gaoxian completely understood all the changes in the positive and negative Hunyuan Sutra of the Five Elements, which made substantial progress in this fundamental secret method.

The huge gathered mana of the Five Elements has been purified by the Five Emperors Chakra and flows endlessly in Gao Xian's body like the Yangtze River.

It is not until this step that the Five Qi Wheel is truly transformed into the Hunyuan Five Qi Wheel, which becomes the center and the most important foundation of the positive and negative Hunyuan Jing of the Five Elements.

Gao Xian now has countless Five Elements essences rippling like a tide in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is because he has broken through too quickly. The Great Five Elements Divine Light, the Five Emperors Wheel, the Positive and Reverse Five Elements Hunyuan Jing, and the Hunyuan Five Qi Wheel all kinds of secrets. Techniques popped up all at once.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, it is difficult for him to digest so many exquisite and profound meanings at one time.

Fortunately, the Wu Qi Cave Heaven was sealed and safe, and Gao Xian had two great spirits, Tai Xuan Shen Xiang and Tai Yuan Shen Xiang, guarding him, enough to prevent accidents.

It took dozens of days for Gao Xiancai to organize, summarize, absorb, understand and digest the essence of the Five Elements.

Taking this solid step, Gao Xian's understanding and control of the power of the five elements has reached the fifth level limit, and has even touched the sixth level.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, and the Five Qi Wheel on it had turned into the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel: The five internal organs transform into a wheel, Hunyuan unites into one, controls the five elements, and rebels against the innate. (544777/ billion proficient)
The fusion of the Five Emperor Wheels allows the Five Qi Wheels to break through the bottleneck of Grandmaster Perfection and advance to the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheels, and directly upgrade to the level of mastery.

But the amount of humane aura that needs to be upgraded reaches a terrifying 400 billion.

Obviously, he would not be able to improve this secret technique in a short period of time. Fortunately, the Mastery Level Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is powerful enough to forcibly raise the level of both the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra by one level.

It wasn't until he refined the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel that Gao Xian realized that Taoist Xuanyang was right. The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is a magical secret method formed by the fusion of the Five Emperor Wheels and the Five Qi Wheels. It is also an instrument and method in one.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. According to Xuanyang Taoist Master, none of the Great Five Elements Taoist Masters have refined the Five Qi Wheels and cannot truly exert the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

He relied on various opportunities, and the most important thing was the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, so that he could truly condense into the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is too strong, which affects the perfection of the inner and outer form and spirit. He still needs some time to temper his body and spirit to balance both inside and outside.

Fortunately, the foundation has been laid, and the rest is just continuous polishing without any difficulty.

With the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, Gao Xian can breathe in the endless essence of the Five Elements in his breath, and continuously polish and refine his body and soul through the essence of the Five Elements.

In this process, Gao Xian is also getting familiar with the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

With his current level of cultivation, he can realize the Dao Fusion Soul at any time. There are still decades to go before the Heavenly Covenant Conference, so he doesn't need to worry.

The combined spirit has extremely high requirements on form and spirit.

Gao Xian originally thought that the form and spirit were perfect, but after he refined the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, he discovered that there were various inconsistencies in form and spirit, and it still needed time to polish and refine.

For this reason, he also used the Da Luo Zhou Tian Chao Yuan Dan. This sixth-level divine elixir can only strengthen the body and spirit, and it also has some benefits for him.

With the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, the effectiveness of the elixir can be fully exerted.

After Gao Xian patiently practiced in Wuqi Cave Heaven for a period of time, he would return to Xuanming Sect to rest for a few months to adjust his body and mind. The practice of relaxation and Youdao made Gao Xian's mind become calmer and more stable, and he was not in a hurry to realize the Tao-integrated soul.

By so patiently polishing his body and mind little by little, Gao Xian also found the rhythm of his practice.

Time flowed slowly like water, and twenty years passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Gao Xian was polishing his form and spirit in Wu Qi Cave Heaven, when he suddenly felt something in his heart.

The extremely pure Five Elements mana flows out from the Five Emperors' Wheel, circulates in the form and spirit for a week and then merges into the Five Elements Nascent Soul of his sea of ​​consciousness.

The Great Five Elements Nascent Soul, which had been polished to the extreme, suddenly expanded and became larger, and the majestic consciousness spread accordingly.

Heaven and earth resonated with Gao Xian's form and spirit, attracting endless red sky fire.

Gao Xian knew that the time had come, so he put away all the artifacts such as the Five Elements Lotus Crown, Taixuan Mengdao Clothes, etc., then put on an ordinary coat and went to the Nine Heavens.

The sky fire had gathered like a sea, and upon sensing his aura, it surged forward like an angry wave.

Gao Xian urged the Great Five Elements Heavenly Gang to protect the body. With the powerful gathering of Gangqi, the Heavenly Fire was isolated, and a channel was opened to guide the Heavenly Fire to temper the body and spirit in an orderly manner.

Having survived two heavenly fire catastrophes, Gao Xian already has rich experience.

The heavenly fire in the Five Energy Cave is made up of the essences of the five elements. It is more in line with his form and spirit, and is extremely easy to control.

His body and soul were tempered to the extreme, and he could guide the heavenly fire in an orderly manner. On the first day, he tempered his physical body and Nascent Soul simultaneously, truly merging them together.

After a day like this, the sky fire turned pure blue.

The power of the second level of sky fire more than doubled. Gao Xian was no longer able to protect his clothes, and instantly turned into black smoke in the blue sky fire.

Gao Xian can still use the Great Five Elements Tiangang to guide the Heavenly Fire and enter the sea of ​​consciousness in an orderly manner to temper the Nascent Soul. After the blue sky fire comes out of the sea of ​​consciousness, it will enter the physical body, and finally spurt out through the pores of the whole body.

This continuous cycle refines the form and spirit inside and outside to be extremely transparent.

To Gao Xian's surprise, the second level of cyan sky fire actually lasted for a day. At noon on the third day, the cyan sky fire turned into pure white fire.

Tempered by the pure day fire, Gao Xian couldn't stand the blazing heat, and felt like he was melting into a puddle in the sky fire like glass.

His physical body is strong, but he can actually hold on for the time being. Even though Nascent Soul was condensed from divine consciousness, it could no longer withstand the tempering of the heavenly fire, causing him to feel the severe burning pain.

Gao Xian originally thought that it would last for an hour, but he didn't expect that the white sky fire was getting stronger and stronger, and it showed no sign of retreating after an hour passed.

Seeing that the Nascent Soul was about to be melted by the heavenly fire, Gao Xian could only activate the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel to resist the burning of the heavenly fire.

When the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel rotates, it inevitably absorbs part of the essence of the Five Elements Heavenly Fire. As time went on, Gao Xian discovered that the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel was actually penetrated by heavenly fire, and that the heavenly fire was burning in the Five Emperors Wheel.

At this point, Gao Xian can actually use the Karma Fire Red Lotus to cover the Heavenly Fire. But he felt that something was wrong. The sky fire was maintained for too long.

Investigating the root cause, it should be that the Five Emperors Wheel merged with his form and spirit, causing the heavenly fire to change. This change was something he had not thought of beforehand.

There are heavenly fires burning in the Five Emperors Wheel, which is obviously very dangerous. However, this is also a necessary process for the integration of inner and outer Hunyuan into one soul.

Without such in-depth sacrificial refining, the Five Emperors Wheel is ultimately a foreign artifact, and it cannot truly achieve the state of Hunyuan unity with its form and spirit.

Gao Xian realized this, so he summoned Sister Lan, who cooperated to activate the power of the reverse five elements. He controlled the positive and negative five elements, so that the positive and negative five elements formed a complete cycle and reached the state of Hunyuan unity.

The appearance of Sister Lan helped Gao Xian save a lot of consciousness and energy. At the same time, Sister Lan was inevitably tempered by the sky fire, and her bright and beautiful face also showed a bit of pain.

It was this pain that further deepened the spiritual connection between Sister Lan and Gao Xian. They have one yin and one yang, one positive and one negative, pushing the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra to the extreme...

With Sister Lan's support, Gao Xian has more confidence to continue.

After suffering in the white sky fire for a whole day, at noon on the fourth day, Gao Xian's combined soul was finally tempered to perfection.

Da Luo's cyan Yuan Qi transformed into a magical talisman and landed on Gao Xian's Yuanshen, instantly integrating into his form and spirit.

As Gao Xian let out a long roar, the sky filled with pure white fire suddenly scattered... (End of this chapter)

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