Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 777 Crossing the sea and beheading the whale

Although Yin Jiuli is a sword cultivator, he has a gentle and quiet temperament and will not draw his sword easily.

Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli have practiced together for nearly a hundred years and know this person's temperament. If she went there, she would inevitably have to argue with Jin Ye.

Just looking at Jin Ye being so domineering and both sides insisting on their own opinions, it makes no sense whatsoever. Rather than wasting time, it's better to get started.

Gao Xian would never be polite to foreigners. Jin Ye was arrogant and arrogant again, and his two words had already made Gao Xian feel murderous.

This golden shark demon clan is not really brainless. He has the confidence to dare to be so arrogant in the face of two powerful gods.

Thousands of strange monsters around them all stood in an orderly manner, forming a large and simple formation.

Jin Ye, holding the sea-splitting water-dividing halberd in his hand, is the center of this array. With the sea-splitting water-dividing halberd in his hand, he can control the majestic magic power gathered by the magic circle.

The magic circle is the most difficult and complex skill among the hundreds of arts of cultivation, and it is also the most important skill.

With the magic circle, you can maximize the transformation of the power of heaven and earth for your own use, gather the power of everyone, and protect a fixed area.

The magic circle can be said to be the foundation of all sects.

Gao Xian only knew some basics about the magic circle. In the past, being able to break the magic circle was all due to the magic of the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes. When he condenses into the combined soul, the Great Five Elements Divine Light reaches the master's perfection state, and understands some basic five elements laws between heaven and earth, he can understand the magic circle from the level of laws.

From his point of view, the underlying foundation of all things in the world is the magic power of the five elements. It's just that the magic power of the five elements has positive and negative changes in yin and yang, so infinite combinations are created.

However, its essence is always the change of the five elements. At least he can understand all mana changes below the sixth level in this way.

It is very simple for Jin Ye to preside over this magic circle, but it can unify the power of many demon clans. Among the thousands of monsters, there are dozens of Yuanying level monsters, and there are countless Jindan and Foundation-building level monsters.

The demon clan looks like a mess, but its magic level is not low. The mana gathered by thousands of monsters through the magic circle is much more powerful than that of a powerful person who transforms into a god.

Gao Xian used the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye to see through the various changes in the magic circle, and then used the Five Elements Law to analyze the changes. This magic circle no longer had any secrets for him.

In this state, Gao Xian could see the invisible mana connection between thousands of demon clans, and the auras intertwined like chains, and finally converged on Jin Ye.

His consciousness was already as powerful as the fifth level, and with Sister Lan as the host, he could clearly calculate the changes in the magic circle in an instant.

The next moment, Gao Xian directly activated the black and yellow divine light and rushed towards Jin Ye.

If Jin Ye was the only demon clan, Gao Xian could still fight him from afar. Now Jin Ye is protected by a huge magic circle, and thousands of monsters provide him with boundless magic power. He can't gain any advantage in fighting with his opponent.

If you want to break the formation and kill people, you can only have a chance in close combat.

Gao Xian did not dare to underestimate the other party. After all, he was a powerful god-monster clan and could control the center of the magic circle. This Jin Ye was not as rough and simple as he looked on the outside.

Jin Ye has long locked onto Gao Xian with his spiritual consciousness. He doesn't know Gao Xian, and he can't see through Gao Xian's cultivation. However, Yin Jiuli was obviously a cultivator of the Divine Sword, but Gao Xian took the lead. It was obvious that Gao Xian had a higher level of cultivation.

Seeing Gao Xian rushing towards him with his escaping light, Jin Ye raised his sea-splitting water-dividing halberd and pointed at Gao Xian, and the sea-swallowing formation immediately started to move.

Huge and unparalleled mana gathered in an orderly manner on the sea-splitting water-dividing halberd. Under the urging of the silver halberd, the invisible mana was transformed into a huge golden sky shark, which opened its huge mouth and pounced towards Gao Xian.

This Sky Shark Dharma is hundreds of feet long, with its big mouth covering half of the sky and even the blazing sun in the sky.

With the blessing of magic power, the huge sky shark's legal form is actually constantly expanding, and the majestic magic power has formed a substantial legal domain, which can cover the sky and the sun.

Yin Jiuli, who was dozens of miles away, had serious eyes. Jin Ye activated the Sky Shark Dharma Form with overwhelming power, exerting the power of the Dharma Formation to its extreme.

She knew that her senior brother was good at fighting, but when faced with such a powerful magic circle, it would be difficult for him to deal with it even with Divine Sword Wushuang. She had to be ready to respond.

When the giant Sky Shark's Dharma expanded to its extreme, Gao Xian suddenly disappeared out of thin air by driving the escaping light through the air.

Jin Ye instantly lost track of Gao Xian, and his consciousness locked on Gao Xian was also cut off. The sudden change also shocked Jin Ye.

At the level of becoming a god, controlling mana requires more precision and effectiveness.

Although the Sky Shark Dharma activated by the Sea Swallowing Array is powerful, it still needs to find the enemy. Suddenly losing its target, the huge mana condensed in Tiansha's Dharma cannot be released randomly.

Jin Ye has encountered many enemies who are good at concealing their traces, but such concealment must be traceable. Especially when the consciousness of both parties is locked, it is impossible for the other party to disappear instantly without leaving any trace.

This situation made Jin Ye hesitate.

The mana gathered in the Sea-Swallowing Formation was too strong, and even though he was a powerful god, he couldn't control it as he wished. The Sky Shark Dharma that was sent out cannot be easily taken back.

If it is not taken back, there will be nowhere to release such a huge sky shark, and a large amount of spiritual consciousness will be consumed to maintain stability.

Jin Ye didn't believe in evil. Even though the opponent's escape was fast, he couldn't go away in an instant. He must have used some method to hide his whereabouts.

Rather than struggling to recover the Sky Shark Dharma Appearance, it is better to directly activate the Sky Shark Dharma Appearance to perform the sea-swallowing transformation. As long as the opponent is still within the range of the magic circle, he will inevitably be affected.

The strong mana impact is enough to reveal the opponent's whereabouts, and then the magic circle can be activated to unleash the second attack. Jin Ye was very decisive, and he had already made a decision in his mind. He immediately urged the Sky Shark to perform the transformation of swallowing the sea.

The huge golden sky shark made an obvious inhalation movement, and the low inhaling sound roared and vibrated between the sky and the sea. The endless spiritual energy suddenly collapsed inward with the giant shark as the center, turning into a huge spiritual energy vortex, covering the surrounding area. A range of thousands of miles.

The spiritual energy absorbed by the invisible vortex was so powerful that it turned into a black hole in the void that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

Yin Jiuli, who was dozens of miles away, felt his whole body sinking, and he couldn't help but fall towards the black hole. Yin Jiuli's heart tightened, what a powerful magic circle, what a powerful swallowing sea transformation!
Taiji Sword Palace and Tiansha Alliance are neighbors and have been in contact for tens of thousands of years. Yin Jiuli knew the Sky Shark Tun Hai Jing very well.

One look at the huge black hole whirlpool and you will know that this is the sea-swallowing change in the Sky Shark Swallowing the Sea Sutra.

This move was triggered by a magic circle and had a great impact on her. Including her magic power and spiritual consciousness, they were all forcibly plundered by Swallowing Sea, causing her perception of the outside world to become blurred and distorted.

Yin Jiuli put her hands on her waist and used her two swords to activate the Liangyi Yin Yang Sword Qi, thus blocking the influence of the Swallowing Sea Transformation on her. But she was very worried about her senior brother who was at the center of the Tunhai Transformation.

Under the blessing of the magic circle, the swallowing sea becomes enough to crush and devour the powerful person who transforms into a god. Even if Gao Xian undergoes such miraculous transformations, it is inevitable that he will fall prey to the trap.

Jin Ye also stared with his triangular eyes wide, and his powerful consciousness kept scanning all directions, but found nothing unusual, let alone Gao Xian's trace.

There was no expression on his face, but he was extremely surprised in his heart. Could it be that the opponent really penetrated the void and ran away in an instant, so his move of swallowing the sea was not in vain!
Before Jin Ye could figure it out, he suddenly sensed something was wrong.

The void shook slightly, and the figure of Shengxue in white suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Jin Ye didn't have time to think too much, and stabbed the sea-splitting water-dividing halberd in his hand. The halberd broke through the air and let out a sharp roar, and the huge mana gathered with the sky shark's sea swallowing mana to completely cover the large void in front of it.

With the blessing of the sea-swallowing formation, Jin Ye's every move was filled with majestic and unparalleled magical power. There are no tricks in this kind of close combat, and the majestic mana fills every inch of space.

Gao Xian was among them, and his body covered with heavy mana could not help but stagnate, which put him under great pressure. This is not because Jin Ye is powerful, but because the huge magic circle composed of thousands of monsters is too powerful. Even the combined soul cannot stand up to the hard steel of the magic circle.

Gao Xian was already prepared for this, as he always had to take some risks if he wanted to break the formation in one fell swoop. Fortunately, everything was within his plan.

The Five Emperor Chakras in his body rotated rapidly, and the unity of form and spirit allowed him to withstand the pressure of the magic circle, and the Hunyuan Heavenly Chakra was also activated by him.

The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is not a divine weapon, but the magical power created by the combination of the Five Emperor Wheel and the Five Qi Wheel Hunyuan.

At this moment, the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel turned into a bright light wheel, flowing silently behind Gao Xian. This wheel of light is actually a fusion of five colors of divine light. It looks colorless but is extremely bright and powerful, just like the blazing sun above the nine heavens.

The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel was activated, and the heavy mana that suppressed Gao Xian was cut off and crushed by the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, and restored to the original five elements of mana, which in turn enhanced the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Gao Xian tested the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel many times in Taichu Temple, and he knew this magical power very well. Although Jin Ye's control of the magic circle was strong, it was too crude, and Jin Ye could not truly control the magic power in a subtle way.

No matter how powerful the Sea Swallowing Array is, 70% to 80% of the magic power will be wasted by Jin Ye. The remaining 20 to 30% of the power of the magic circle was easily crushed by the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Jin Ye had sensed that something was wrong, but he did not believe that Gao Xian could block the power of the sea-swallowing formation. He used the sea-splitting water-dividing halberd and swung it towards Gao Xian.

Sea-Splitting Water Dividing Halberd This long halberd undulates and vibrates, exuding endless power like a long dragon.

Gao Xian carried the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel on his back and turned quickly. He flicked his long sleeve with his left hand, and the Sea Splitting Water Dividing Halberd was carried to one side along with the long sleeve.

Jin Ye's triangular eyes were full of shock. Gao Xian's long sleeves were like flowing clouds, but the insides of his long sleeves were as round as a wheel and as chaotic as one. Even though his halberd contained a huge amount of divine power, it had nowhere to put any force, and it was carried away involuntarily.

Not only did the halberd fail, his consciousness and mana flew out along with Liu Yun's long sleeves, and even his soul became light and completely out of control.

Without waiting for Jin Ye to react, Gao Xian raised his right hand and pressed it, triggering the release of his natal magical power, the Great Five Elements Tiangang.

The same Great Five Elements Tiangang, with the blessing of the combined soul and the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, has the power to destroy everything.

Jin Ye was known for his physical strength, but under the Great Five Elements Tiangang, he instantly shattered into a bloody mist. His black-gold soul still wanted to struggle and escape, but it was still twisted and shattered under the bombardment of the Great Five Elements Tiangang, and little streams of light shot out...

Gao Xian killed Jin Ye with one palm and put away his sea-splitting water-dividing halberd. At the same time, with a flick of his long sleeve, all the essence and blood of this transformed god were included in the Blood River Tianzun Transformation Book.

After doing all this, Gao Xiancai turned back the transferred power of the Sea Swallowing Array.

Thousands of monsters who were trying their best to activate the magic circle were scared to death as they watched Jin Ye being killed by a palm. They didn't even expect that the mana generated by the magic circle would be reversed.

The several Nascent Soul monster clans headed by them were immediately crushed into thousands of pieces by Swallowing the Sea's magic power. The other monster clans also spurted blood and retreated. Thousands of monster clans suffered heavy casualties at that time.

The monsters who were still breathing turned around and ran away in panic. In the blink of an eye, most of the thousands of monsters escaped, and the remaining half were lying on the ground screaming and howling. It was extremely miserable...

Yin Jiuli, who was dozens of miles away, was also stunned. She knew that her senior brother was powerful, but she didn't know that his senior brother was so powerful!
The sea-swallowing magic circle presided over by the God-Transforming Demon Clan was broken by the palm of my senior brother... What a power this is!

She even had an unreliable idea in her mind: Could it be that her senior brother had achieved the Pure Yang... She then thought it was impossible. If there were more Pure Yangs in Jiuzhou, it would be an earth-shaking event!

Yin Jiuli fell lightly to Gao Xian. She said nothing but looked at Gao Xian silently, her bright eyes full of admiration and adoration... (End of this chapter)

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