Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 778 Taiyin Palace

Chapter 778 Taiyin Palace

Yin Jiuli's admiring gaze still made Gao Xian feel good.

Beautiful women are an important motivation for heroes to rise up.

For a strange beauty, Gao Xian could still be modest. He was too familiar with Yin Jiuli. This beauty was demure and elegant, so she was not suitable for jokes. His dirty talk could only be kept in his heart.

"Jiu Li, let's go in."

Gao Xian was very interested in the cave behind the silver halo, and Qingqing Shui Mingxia and the others were still inside, so they didn't know what was going on.

He has the Qinghua Yuling Seal, and has a subtle soul connection with Qingqing.

However, if the distance is too far, there is no way to contact and communicate, and we can only determine Qingqing's approximate status. Just like when Qingqing is seriously injured or dead, he can have a clear reaction.

Qingqing obviously has nothing serious to do now, so he is not in a hurry.

As for the remaining monsters, Gao Xian didn't bother to pay attention. Slaughtering creatures will attract external demons, and the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the external demons will be.

It's okay to kill some monsters casually, but there is no need to go out of your way to kill these low-level monsters.

Gao Xian took the initiative to hold Yin Jiulisu's hand and entered the silver halo hand in hand.

The light and shadow changed rapidly. When the light and shadow stabilized again, Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli were already standing in an empty square.

The square is paved with huge white stone slabs about ten feet square, and the stone slabs are covered with heavy frost. Countless runes were carved on the stone slab, forming a huge magic circle.

Although Gao Xian had not studied the magic circle, he could see that it was a teleportation magic circle that connected the inside and outside. It was somehow activated from the outside, which revealed the light gate for entry and exit.

The white square is located on the top of a mountain. Looking around, there are undulating mountains ahead, with no end in sight. It's just that the mountain peaks here are covered with thick frost, and the spiritual energy flowing in the air is piercingly cold.

The white-capped mountains looked cold and lifeless.

Yin Jiuli couldn't help but frown at such a level of cultivation: "Senior brother, it's so cold here."

"The ice spiritual energy is so pure that it should be a cave specially used by a certain senior to practice..."

Gao Xian's vision is now much better than that of Yin Jiuli. He cannot see the end of the cave, but he can determine the general state of the cave by observing the changes in spiritual energy.

In his eyes, spiritual energy was like streams of light crisscrossing the cave sky, weaving into a complex network of spiritual energy.

By observing the flow and changes of spiritual energy, he could even roughly determine the location of the cave center. You can also see the basic state of the cave.

He said: "The cave here should have a long history, and the spiritual energy has declined by several levels. It can be seen that the owner of this cave is at least a pure Yang."

"The cave left by the strong Chunyang man may contain many dangers. Senior brother must be careful."

Yin Jiuli reminded Gao Xian softly that although his senior brother was strong, he still couldn't compare with the sixth level.

Gao Xian nodded. Being in the cave, he could already faintly sense Qingqing's position, which was in the same direction as the center of the cave.

Yin Sujun, Qing Qing, and Shui Mingxia must have found the Dongtian Center, but were trapped by some changes in the Dongtian. Or is it blocked by a few monster gods?

The distance was too far, and even though Gao Xian had the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye for Breaking Laws, he could only see roughly.

"Let's go there first. I can roughly sense Qingqing's position..."

Gao Xian pointed to the direction, and Yin Jiuli naturally had no objection to this.

The cave sky is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is difficult for Gao Xian to fly with Yin Jiuli anymore, as this is not conducive to emergency response.

The two of them each controlled the escape light and galloped forward. Fortunately, Yin Jiuli's sword escape speed was also very fast. In the cave, flying too fast can easily lead to danger.

After flying like this for a long time, Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli arrived in front of a huge palace.

This palace is suspended between the clouds and the sky, and is built of ice-like crystal white jade. The palace is divided into nine levels, and the layered structure is somewhat like an unusually magnificent tower.

Gao Xian visually estimated that this huge tiered palace was several thousand feet high, and its shape was very similar to that of the Thirteenth Heaven.

Looking at some of the details of the building, there are no various exquisite patterns and carvings. The overall style appears simple, simple, and even has a sense of heavy vicissitudes.

A huge vertical plaque hangs high on the main entrance of the first-level palace, with three characters written on it in twisted dragon-like runes: Taiyin Palace.

Using the ancient dragon seal as text, from his perspective, this magnificent palace has a history of at least ten thousand years.

"Jiuli, what do you think?" Gao Xian asked.

Yin Jiuli thought for a moment and said: "Brother, from my point of view, this place should be transformed by a magic circle. This palace is half virtual and half real."

She said, taking out the Tai Chi Sword Token and trying to activate the mana, "Uncle Yin should be in this palace."

"It should be transformed by the magic circle. Jiuli's vision is getting sharper."

Gao Xian praised it. He also felt that there was something wrong with this Taiyin Palace.

Not to mention anything else, I just don’t know how much manpower and material resources it will consume to build such a huge palace, let alone how long it will take to complete.

Even if the master of Dongtian has the financial resources, there is no need to waste it like this.

This is the case in the Thirteenth Heaven. The gorgeous and majestic palace like the Immortal Palace is finally transformed into a magic circle. Only in this way can Bai Yujing be able to control the thirteenth heaven as he wishes.

For powerful cultivators, the magic circle is more reliable, safer, and less labor-intensive.

"This white jade palace has many restrictions. None of us are good at breaking the formation. We will inevitably be trapped by the restrictions after entering."

Gao Xian said: "Why don't Jiuli take care of you here, and I'll go in first to see the situation."

Yin Jiuli shook his head: "Although my cultivation is far inferior to that of my senior brother, I can't sit back and watch my senior brother take risks. We are still together."

She turned around and said seriously: "I just can't help, and I won't hold senior brother back."


Gao Xian didn't give much advice. In fact, leaving Yin Jiuli outside might not necessarily be safe. The Sky Shark Alliance has run away with so many demon clans, and the news will spread back soon. Yin Jiuli stayed outside, wondering what might happen to him.

It will be much safer if you follow him. If that doesn't work, you can still use Taihuan Mengdao Yi to disguise Yin Jiuli. With his Tai Chi Wuxiang Divine Clothes, there is no problem in breaking the formation.

The palace seems to be divided into nine floors, but in fact the upper and lower floors are integrated with no gaps.

Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli turned around twice and found that they could only enter through the main entrance of the first level of the palace, and there was no other entrance.

If it were a real building, such a huge palace would naturally have countless doors, windows and gaps. No other entrance can be found, which further proves that this palace is actually a complete and powerful magic circle.

Outside cultivators can only follow the changes in the magic circle to enter the center.

Entering the main hall of the first level palace, Gao Xian saw that the ground was full of traces of destruction. Many huge pillars had been destroyed, and the smooth jade-like ground was covered with various crystal fragments.

Inside, Gao Xian also saw some blood stains, some broken magic weapons, etc. Obviously they were all left by cultivators.
It can be seen that there is a big battle happening here.

Judging from the mana aura left in the air, those who did it were at least at the Nascent Soul level. Most of them have strong but mixed mana auras, with obvious demonic auras.

A group of monsters led by a powerful god-former from the Sky Shark Alliance rushed in and had a fight with something in the Taiyin Palace.

The restrictions in the Taiyin Palace are very powerful. After Gao Xian entered the palace, his connection with Qingqing was cut off.

Gao Xian said: "The demon clan has just entered not long ago, let's follow them quickly and take a look."

Yin Jiuli nodded. The restrictions in the Taiyin Palace seemed very powerful, which made her a little worried.

The giant pillars in the hall suddenly shone with light, and nine-foot-tall white jade puppets appeared. They held long swords, spears and other magical weapons in their hands and rushed towards Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli without hesitation.

Before Yin Jiuli could make a move, Gao Xian stretched out his hand and pressed it softly, and the five-element Tiangang burst out.

The Tiangang gathered by the five elements of mana is so powerful that even without the blessing of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, it cannot be resisted by the puppets transformed by these magic circles.

The unparalleled five-element Tiangang swept across, and hundreds of white jade puppets that had just taken shape suddenly exploded into debris all over the sky...

After easily disposing of the puppets transformed by these magic circles, Gao Xian led Yin Jiuli forward through the main hall, following the white jade steps in the central square, and soon reached the second level of the palace.

The structure and shape of the temple are very similar to the first level, but they look more detailed. The main hall was also in a mess, and you could even see broken flesh and blood splattered on the walls.

There were several broken white jade puppets on the ground, almost beaten to pieces. The original appearance of these puppets could only be inferred from the broken limbs.

Gao Xian felt that the remaining mana was getting stronger and stronger, and the battle here only lasted a day or two. It can be seen that many monsters died on this level.

Ordinarily, with the God-Transforming Demon Clan leading the team, it would not be difficult to deal with these puppets that are restricted by the magic circle. It seems that the gods-transforming demon clan didn't care about the life and death of their subordinates, which is why there were so many casualties.

When Gao Xian led Yin Jiuli into the center of the hall, the restriction was triggered again, and white jade puppets emerged from the ground one by one.

Gao Xian passed with a palm, and the Great Five Elements Tiangang showed its power again, blasting all the puppets to pieces.

These puppets can actually form a magic circle, produce various changes, and have very powerful combat power. It's just that Gao Xian was too overbearing and didn't give them a chance to form a magic circle.

Yin Jiuli saw this very clearly. Although the magic formation in the hall was simple and direct, the key was that Gao Xian could seize the opportunity to see the flaws, so he could break the formation with one blow.

From this, it can be seen that senior brother is not only far superior to her in cultivation. Her vision and insight are far beyond her level.

Seeing Gao Xian's power, Yin Jiuli was happy for Gao Xian but also felt a little ashamed. She realized the Tao Yuan Shen before Gao Xian. Three hundred years later, her cultivation was far behind Gao Xian.

Gao Xian had no intention of paying attention to Yin Jiuli at the moment. The magic formation in the Taiyin Palace was too old and only maintained the most basic changes, so he could easily break the formation.

Judging from the changes in the magic circle, he may not be able to enter the ninth major hall with his current cultivation level.

He didn't know who the original owner of the Taiyin Palace was, and it still had such power after thousands of years, which made him a little more curious. I also look forward to the treasures hidden in the Taiyin Palace.

For such a peerless powerful man, whatever he leaves behind is a peerless treasure.

Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli quickly rushed through the third grand hall. When they entered the fourth grand hall, they saw many monster corpses lying in the hall. Each one died in a miserable state, and the smell of blood was extremely pungent. .

Just when Yin Jiuli was about to speak, he heard a loud bang coming from the side hall next to him, and there was a sharp sword energy in the violent fluctuations of mana. She couldn't help but be surprised, this was Master Yin's Four Phase Sword Qi.

"This side..." Gao Xian led Yin Jiuli out of the side door on the left side of the main hall, walked through a long verandah, and came to a side hall.

A group of monsters are blocking the door of the side hall. The leader of the monsters is holding a long sword and is fighting with Yin Sujun...

Gao Xian looked through the side hall door and saw Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia inside. Yin Sujun guarded the door mainly to protect the two of them. This also made Yin Sujun somewhat passive.

Fortunately, Yin Sujun's four-phase sword was exquisite, and the demon-turned-god clan holding the long sword did not use all his strength, and the two sides were still in a stalemate.

However, there are three other gods in the demon clan, all of whom are preparing for the attack. As for the dozens of other monsters, they are all at the Nascent Soul and Golden Core levels, but they are not worth caring about.

Gao Xian looked around and was convinced that there were only four god-transforming demon clans, so this matter would be easy to handle!
Qingqing and Gao Xian had a mysterious soul connection. She saw Gao Xian in the corridor at a glance, and her little face suddenly showed joy. She hurriedly said to Yin Sujun with her spiritual consciousness: "Teacher, my dad is here!"

Yin Sujun also cheered up, and they felt a little more alive after Gao Xian arrived.

Several gods-transforming demon clans also noticed something was wrong, and they all looked towards the verandah at the same time and discovered Gao Xian and Yin Jiuli. The expressions of several of the god-transforming demon clans were a bit ugly.

The main reason was that the restrictions in the Taiyin Palace were so powerful that their consciousness was suppressed and they were unable to detect abnormalities in advance. Besides, Jin Ye and thousands of monsters were guarding the entrance, so how could an outsider break in? !

Jin Zhongyuan, the leader of the god-transforming demon tribe, did not want to fight with Yin Sujun anymore. He put away his sword and retreated into the group of demons. Then he looked at Gao Xian and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you, and why did you break into the secret realm of our alliance?"

Gao Xian ignored Jin Zhongyuan. He bowed his hands to Yin Sujun and said, "Fellow Taoist Yin has worked hard to protect these two children, and it has been a lot of trouble."

Yin Sujun returned the gift with her hands raised: "Fellow Taoist Gao said something serious, this is what I should do." She had a close relationship with Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia, and there was no way she could get away from them alone.

Qingqing couldn't help but shouted excitedly: "Dad, I miss you so much!"

Shui Mingxia also bowed deeply and saluted: "Disciple pays homage to teacher."

Gao Xian smiled: "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later. First, I'll help you vent your evil spirits and destroy these monsters..."

(End of this chapter)

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