Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 784 Heaven Level

Gao Xian has always been like this, always trying his best to do good things within his ability.

It’s just that the world is so chaotic and dangerous. If you blindly want to be a good person, you will only be regarded as a fool by others, and then you will be exploited until death.

Even so, Gao Xian still has great kindness towards the people around him. As long as the other party doesn't play tricks, he will treat them well.

Although Shui Mingxia, his disciple, is not too close, he still has this attitude.

No matter who this person was in his previous life, at least in this life he followed him around the world when he was seven or eight years old. It can be said that he grew up watching him.

Gao Xian still trusted Shui Mingxia in this life. As for what Shui Mingxia will become after awakening her past life memories, Gao Xian can't say yet. But he was willing to believe the other person for once.

Shui Mingxia's respectful gesture showed her attitude, but Gao Xian also understood that the relationship between him and this master-disciple had changed, and he could never return to the simple state before.

In any case, Gao Xian was relieved that he was not a white-eyed wolf at last.

Shui Mingxia saluted Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun again: "Thank you both for your continuous teaching and help. I will keep these in my heart and will never forget them."

Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun did not dare to express their gratitude, and both of them bowed their heads in return.

After all, they are not Teacher Shui Mingxia. This person should be the reincarnation of Tianjun. He has regained his seventh-level divine sword and has an unlimited future.

Shui Mingxia smiled at Qingqing, but did not say anything polite to Qingqing. There is no need to be too polite in her friendship with Qingqing, as that would be too intrusive and make Qingqing unhappy.

She said softly to Gao Xian: "Teacher, the level of this sword is too high. I need to borrow the power of the Taiyin Palace to gradually refine it. This will take one or two thousand years..."

The Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword is a seventh-level divine sword, and since there is no sword spirit, it needs to be refining again. One or two thousand years is actually considered fast.

Considering that the changes in the world are imminent, she must seize the time.

Gao Xian understood what Shui Mingxia meant. This person needs to practice in seclusion. When will he refine the Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword before he will be born?

He said: "You can just practice with peace of mind, and you don't need to worry about anything else."

"Thank you teacher."

Shui Mingxia saluted the teacher again and thanked her. Gao Xian was young but he was really thoughtful. He didn't want to plot to seize her seventh-level divine sword, nor did he want to borrow her power.

It is never an exaggeration to say that the scenery is as bright as the wind and the moon.

She was silent for a moment and sighed softly: "This disciple has received a lot of kindness from the teacher and I don't know how to repay him."

Gao Xian smiled but said nothing. He was a little curious about what this apprentice wanted to say and what he wanted to do?
"The Taiyin Palace has been abandoned for a long time, and most of the restrictions have expired. Fortunately, the sword-raising pond is still intact. Several sword-raising gourds raised in it are still very good. They can be given to the teacher and the two seniors as a token of their appreciation."

Shui Mingxia said as she flicked her long sleeves, and four feet long yellow gourds appeared in the void in front of her. She took the gourd and gave it to Gao Xian, Yin Jiuli, and Yin Sujun one by one, and finally gave one to Qingqing.

Gao Xian curiously looked at the gourd in his hand, and could only see that this thing was extraordinary and should be a sixth-level divine object.

Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun were a little surprised. Yin Sujun said softly: "This thing is too precious..."

As the true successor of Tai Chi Sword Palace, both Yin Sujun and Yin Jiuli have heard of Sword Raising Gourd. This item can nourish the sword and improve its grade.

The key is that the sword-raising gourd is a living creature and can continue to grow and improve its level. It is said that most of the divine swords of the seventh level and above have been cultivated by sword-raising gourds.

With the sword-raising gourd, their natal swords have a great chance of being upgraded to the sixth level. Practicing swordsmanship also gets twice the result with half the effort. The sword-raising gourd is a truly unique artifact for sword cultivators.

Yin Sujun and Yin Jiuli both like to raise sword gourds. However, although they took great care of Shui Mingxia, they couldn't compare with the sword-raising gourd. They felt a little hot to hold it.

"Thanks to the great kindness of all teachers, small foreign objects are nothing."

Shui Mingxia said seriously: "If the two uncles think highly of me, please don't refuse."

Qingqing was still playing with the gourd, but she didn't know how precious it was. Nor did she feel the need to decline politeness.

"Uncle, you're welcome. Junior sister looks like she's rich and powerful, so let's also take advantage of it... Hehe..."

"Then we will suffer." Yin Jiuli stopped being polite when he saw Shui Mingxia speaking so firmly.

Yin Sujun also gave a gift. Such a divine thing cannot be received in vain.

Shui Mingxia also returned the gift. She was not pretending to be pretentious. In fact, she had been deeply cared for by Yin Sujun and Yin Jiuli over the past few hundred years, so she could successfully advance to Nascent Soul.

In contrast, Gao Xian, the teacher, just ran away, which was a bit irresponsible. But he did the same to Qingqing, who he loved the most, so it was obvious that he was not deliberately partial to one and she had nothing to complain about.

"Two seniors, I still have something to say to the teacher alone." Shui Mingxia said softly.

Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun understood, and they left the hall with a confused Qingqing. Qingqing was still a little unhappy and shouted to Shui Mingxia: "I can't listen to anything you say?!"

Shui Mingxia apologized and said to Qingqing: "Senior sister, these secrets can only be told to the teacher. If you want to know, just ask the teacher later."

Qingqing suddenly realized, yes, she can ask her father.

When Yin Sujun and others left the hall, Gao Xian asked curiously: "What is so mysterious?"

"Teacher, do you know about the Heavenly Level?" "I don't know."

Gao Xian told the truth: "I come from a low-level casual cultivator, and I have never had a serious inheritance. I don't know anything about the secrets of high-level cultivators."

It was because of his ignorance that he practiced the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. It seems now that we have actually taken many detours.

Even if the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is now refined, it seems that the next step is not difficult to realize the Pure Yang. The question is what happens after Chunyang?
If he were a true disciple of the Xuanming Sect, he probably wouldn't have to worry about this.

Of course Shui Mingxia knew about her teacher. Despite his majesty, his position in the Xuanming Sect was actually quite embarrassing. If not, Gao Xian would not have thrown them into the Tai Chi Sword Palace.

Shui Mingxia said: "The so-called heaven level refers to the level above seventh level."

"Does the sixth level not count?" Gao Xian asked casually.

He had always felt that the sixth level Pure Yang was very powerful and could at least dominate a continent. Looking across the world, there shouldn't be too many sixth-level pure yangs.

According to the Tianjie, the sixth level is actually out of place? He found it incredible.

"There is no limit to the sixth level of pure yang. As long as you reach the level of cultivation, you can achieve pure yang."

Shui Mingxia patiently explained to Gao Xian: "Everyone above the seventh level is bound by the way of heaven and has a fixed number of days."

"Three hundred and sixty seventh levels?"

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and said: "This is a lot, even a bit too much."

Even though the world is big, I'm afraid it can't accommodate so many seventh-level heavenly kings!
"This number of the heavens contains the six realms."

Shui Mingxia said: "The most important among them is the Six Paths, which are huge worlds comparable to this world. The worlds are generally small worlds, most of which are not worth mentioning. Only a few worlds will have a heavenly king sitting in charge.

"The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not only the collapse of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also the collapse of the laws of heaven and earth in the six realms, and finally the connection of all realms. For our human race, the enemy is not only the demon race, but also all living beings in the six realms.

"It is also for this reason that many powerful human beings believe that the six realms are the real external enemies, so they advocate coexistence with the demon clan. After all, they are all living beings in this world. We can join forces to face external enemies..."

"So that's it..."

Gao Xian suddenly realized that he originally thought that some sixth-level Pure Yangs were too tolerant towards the demon clan, just like Taoist Suzaku of Qianxing Island, who advocated inclusiveness and equality for all living beings, which seemed inexplicable to him. The root is here!

This idea is not wrong. Facing the six alien beings, the demon clan can at least be regarded as local neighbors.

Taking the sky ghosts he has seen as an example, these things are very different from the human and demon life forms.

"Three hundred and sixty seventh-level paths. If there are no vacancies, other living beings will never be able to advance to the seventh level."

Shui Mingxia also had a complicated expression when talking about this. Now that she has obtained the Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, she has finally found a way back to the seventh level.

If Gao Xian hadn't been kind enough to her and risked his life to help her get back the seventh-order Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, she wouldn't have told Gao Xian such an important secret.

On the avenue, the order has already been arranged. This is enough to drive many high-level cultivators crazy!
"It happened."

Gao Xian's expression was also a little more serious. If the avenues of heaven and earth had been arranged long ago, what would the latecomers like them do?
Shui Mingxia would not lie to him about such a big matter, and there was no need to lie to him.

In fact, this secret is very dangerous to Shui Mingxia. If it inspires his greed and wants to seize the seventh-level position, he will probably take action against Shui Mingxia.

Even if she gets the Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, she might not be able to win if she really wants to take action.

"This matter is of great importance, how dare I make false claims?"

Shui Mingxia looked deeply at the teacher. She was actually a little worried that the teacher would suddenly go crazy. When it comes to the Great Path of Immortality, there is nothing strange about what a cultivator does.

Fortunately, Gao Xian's expression was quite calm, and although there was surprise in his eyes as bright as stars, there was no evil light at all.

This teacher's magnanimity was rare among seventh-level heavenly kings, and she couldn't help but admire him.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and asked, "What about the Lord above that day?"

"It is said that there are thirty-six Tianzun and nine ninth-level Taoist ancestors."

Shui Mingxia said: "In my last life, I only met Tianzun and never Daozu. The number of the nine ninth levels is not certain.

"But from a natural perspective, nine is the ultimate number, which is reasonable."

"So if you want to ascend to the immortal world, you must first become a ninth-level Taoist ancestor?" Gao Xian asked.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a powerful being who could connect heaven and earth and cut off the connection between the immortal world and other realms. There are fewer and fewer records and rumors of ascending to the immortal world... I don't know the specific situation."

Shui Mingxia also knew nothing about how to ascend to the immortal world, and she could not answer Gao Xian's question.

When Gao Xian thought that the top of his head was already filled with peerless powerful people, and that every ascending road was occupied by people, he couldn't help but sigh: "The road is long, how difficult it is..." (End of Chapter)

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