Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 785 Shenxiao Sword Order

Gao Xian was originally full of confidence and thought he could go all the way to the top. Hearing Shui Mingxia tell the secret of the heavenly steps, he suddenly realized that the peak was already full of people.

If he wants to go up, he may have to pull a guy down first, so that the position can be vacated.

On the other hand, he wasn't entirely convinced. He didn't suspect that Shui Mingxia had lied to him, but he felt that there was something wrong with the order.

Heaven and earth are not living beings, at least they cannot be regarded as intelligent living beings like humans. How can we clearly delineate the three hundred and sixty Tianjun Avenues, the thirty-six Tianzun Avenues, and the nine Daozu Avenues?
Gao Xian felt something was wrong with such an orderly style.

Even if there is such a careful and orderly division, is there no other shortcut?

Gao Xian did not discuss this with Shui Mingxia. She only inherited the memories of her previous life and was not the real Heavenly King. Besides, how can a seventh-level heavenly king at the lowest level of the heavenly level explain this clearly?

He thought for a while and then asked: "I practice on my own, how do I know if there is anyone above occupying the road?"

"It's easy. When you reach the peak of the sixth level, you can survive the three thunder tribulations. If there are no problems, you can gain the resonance of heaven and earth and condense the golden talisman seeds of creation, which will be the seventh level."

"If you still can't resonate with the heaven and earth to condense the golden talisman seeds, it means that this road has been occupied by others."

Shui Mingxia said: "Either change the method of cultivation, or wait for the strong man who occupies the avenue to die. As soon as Tianjun dies, the Good Fortune Golden Talisman Seed will disintegrate in a short time. If it is compatible with the Good Fortune Golden Talisman Seed, it can be absorbed quickly Promoted to Heavenly Lord..."

"I see."

Gao Xiandai understood that if he wanted to get to the top, he had to kill the guy who occupied the position. As for whether to kill him himself or wait for the other party to die, it all depended on his ability.

He asked again: "Do you know the situation of the Great Five Elements Taoist Master?"

"I'm not sure about the specifics. I just heard that this person was very flamboyant and seemed to pose a threat to a certain Heavenly Lord, so he died."

Shui Mingxia didn't know much about the situation in Jiuzhou, and she had only heard this rumor. In addition, the memory she inherited is incomplete, and these little things are even more unclear.

She knew that Gao Xian's intention in asking about this matter was not to care about the Great Five Elements Taoist Master, but to inquire about the advancement of the Great Five Elements Secret Technique.

She said: "The Five Elements are the foundation of the laws of heaven and earth. I have never heard of anyone being able to monopolize their laws..."

Gao Xian sighed again. This time he felt that Shui Mingxia was right. The method of the Great Five Elements covers all changes in the heaven and earth. It is too huge, and now he feels that something is wrong.

But at this point, it's too late to say anything. No matter what, let’s get a sixth level Pure Yang first.

If you really can't get to the seventh level, there is always a chance of choosing swordsmanship.

Shui Mingxia knew that Gao Xian had no teacher and knew nothing about high-level education. She told Gao Xian a lot about what she knew.

This knowledge cannot help Gao Xian practice, but it can help him broaden his horizons and see problems from a higher perspective.

Finally, Shui Mingxia gave Gao Xian a long green jade dagger.

"Teacher, this is the Shenxiao Sword Order, which can open the Shenxiao Sword Palace."

Shui Mingxia said: "The Shenxiao Sect was the dominant sect in the world at the beginning, but it fell apart more than ten kalpas ago and the inheritance was scattered in all directions. Even so, there are still several deities in the four seas who are from the Shenxiao lineage.

"The Shenxiao Sword Palace should be located in the East China Sea, and it is also the sword training cave left by a certain Heavenly Lord. If Qingqing can enter the Shenxiao Sword Palace, he will definitely benefit greatly..."

After all that needed to be said, Shui Mingxia activated the Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and sent Gao Xian and others out of the Taiyin Palace.

The silver halo entrance on Bingfeng Island dissipated silently, and the Taiyin Palace completely disappeared into the depths of the void.

The surrounding demon tribes have long since fled without a trace, and there is no trace of any living beings on the huge Bingfeng Island. The cold wind coming from deep underground blew gently, and the seawater around Icewind Island was frozen.

The Bingfeng Island under the sun is bright and dazzling but cold to the bone. There is an unspeakable loneliness in the vast sea and sky.

Gao Xian knew the secret of the heavenly steps, and when he looked at Bingfeng Island, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely and cold in his heart.

Qingqing had a simple mind. She pouted and looked at the place where the silver light disappeared. Shui Mingxia didn't say anything to her when she left, which made her feel quite sad.

This best friend didn't take her seriously... As for anything else, she didn't think about it at all.

Gao Xian glanced at his child, a little girl who was over 800 years old, and he didn't know what to say.

Yin Sujun said: "Xingjun, this is a dangerous place after all. How about we go back to the Sword Palace first?"

"Okay." Gao Xian didn't want to fight with anyone at the moment. He needed to sort out his emotional state.

Several people urged them to activate the teleportation talisman and return directly to the Tai Chi Sword Palace through the teleportation circle.

Gao Xian had something on his mind, and originally thought of taking Qing Qing back to the Xuan Ming Sect, but Master Wuji took great care of him and valued him.

He finally came here and had to greet the Sword Master in person. It would be too rude to just leave like this.

Yin Jiuli took Gao Xian and Qingqing back to her hometown of Lihua Peak. After she became a god, she chose this place as a place to practice and built a cave here.

It is said to be a cave, but in fact, a small courtyard was built on the south slope, and Yin Jiuli lived there on weekdays.

After bringing Gao Xian and Qing Qing back, Yin Jiuli prepared some drinks and spirits and chatted and drank with Gao Xian and Qing Qing. Although Qingqing is simple, she is very sensible in this regard.

She drank for a while and then left with her sword first. After staying in Tai Chi Sword Palace for more than three hundred years, she also made some friends. Now I am going back to Xuanming Sect with my father, and I have to say goodbye to my friends.

When Qingqing left, Gao Xian, who was already slightly tipsy, naturally held Yin Jiuli's hand. They had been separated for more than three hundred years, and he missed Yin Jiuli.

Yin Jiuli was reddish without makeup, but her bright black and white eyes were full of rippling spring waves. She wanted Gao Xian more, but it was difficult to go to Gao Xian because of her status.

Today she had this opportunity to rekindle her old relationship, and she was filled with joy...

"Jiu Li, I miss you so much..." Gao Xian held Jiu Li's silky shoulders, feeling full of satisfaction and joy in his heart. After Zhou Yuling's incident, he cherished the women around him even more.

Although Yin Jiuli and him were formed by dual cultivation, their love for each other was very sincere. He helped Jiu Li become the Yin Yang Sword God. In fact, Jiu Li's soul also had the mark of his consciousness, and the two of them had a better understanding of the sword.

In this aspect, other women cannot compare.

Reunited after a long absence, he has also achieved the transformation into a god, and practicing with Jiuli again, it will be a different feeling...

Dual cultivation is not only cultivation, but also an intimate fusion of body and spirit.

Yin Jiuli has made great progress in his cultivation over the past few hundred years and has reached the middle stage of becoming a god. Although far inferior to Gao Xian, his subtle changes in yin and yang are extremely extraordinary, and they are consistent with Gao Xian's Wuji Yin and Yang Sword Sutra.

With such a powerful cultivation level, Gao Xian can also learn the essence of Yin Jiuli's swordsmanship from dual cultivation and benefit from it. Yin Jiuli benefited even more.

After all, Gao Xian's cultivation in swordsmanship is much higher than hers. With this dual practice of integrating body and soul, she can directly gain many insights from Gao Xian in swordsmanship.

Such sublime dual cultivation is not only the pursuit of the great path, but also the complete happiness of body and mind.

Even though the two of them were powerful gods, they couldn't help but get addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves.

After several months of this, Yin Jiuli even improved his cultivation by one level, reaching the seventh level of God Transformation, only one step away from the late stage of God Transformation.

Yin Jiuli is more than 200 years younger than Gao Xian. There are not many people in all nine continents who can achieve such a level of cultivation at this age.

With the sword-raising gourd given by Shui Mingxia, it is just around the corner to advance to the late stage of divine transformation.

Gao Xian didn't know how to raise a sword gourd, but Yin Jiuli had been famous for this treasure of sword cultivation for a long time. Tai Chi Sword Palace also had a sword-raising gourd before, and the Taiyi Golden Light Sword was said to be the seventh-level sword-raising gourd.

Unfortunately, a sword gourd can only raise one sword. Although Yin Jiuli knew about raising sword gourds, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

During the dual cultivation period, Yin Jiuli and Gao Xian jointly studied the sword-raising gourd. Together with some ancient records inherited from the Tai Chi Sword Palace, the two men also figured out the use of the sword-raising gourd.

In fact, it is not difficult, just place the natal sword in the gourd. The sword-raising gourd itself is equivalent to a special sword pouch or scabbard.

If the sword is placed in it, it can be continuously refined through secret techniques. Sword-raising gourds can purify spiritual energy, sword energy and sword intent, and their vitality can also give vitality to swords.

The sword-raising gourd can also absorb various spiritual objects and spiritual energy, and continuously integrate them into the sword. Even if you don't take the initiative to refine it, the sword-raising gourd can grow naturally with the sword, but this growth rate is extremely slow.

Gao Xian lived a very comfortable and comfortable life in Wenrou Township, but this was the Tai Chi Sword Palace after all, and it was not suitable for him to live for a long time.

There has been no movement from the Sky Shark Alliance, and they seem to have decided to endure the matter of Bingfeng Island. Gao Xian stayed here and wanted to completely resolve this matter.

If the Sky Shark Alliance really dares to come for revenge and settle scores, he will take action without hesitation. As long as he is limited to the level of becoming a god, he has nothing to fear.

Furthermore, all five gods of the Sky Shark Alliance were killed by him. It is most reasonable for him to calculate this account. Since there was no movement in the Sky Shark Alliance and the Chinese New Year was coming soon, he decided to return to the Xuanming Sect first.

There is still a remnant soul of the sword spirit in the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, which must be resolved as soon as possible. Seeing that the Celestial Covenant Conference was about to take place, he should go back to recharge his batteries and get ready.

Yin Jiuli was reluctant to leave Gao Xian, so she persuaded Gao Xian to stay for another two days. By the end of the year, Jian Zun may be released. After all, it has been in seclusion for almost a hundred years.

Gao Xian couldn't stand the beauty's soft words and decided to stay for a few more days.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Supreme Sword Master actually came out of seclusion. The sword master heard that Gao Xian was waiting to see him, so he immediately summoned Gao Xian.

In Shaoyin Palace, Gao Xian met the Wuji Sword Lord again.

Hundreds of years have not left any trace on this sword master. She is still so young and heroic, and the pupils in her long and narrow phoenix eyes are like half black and half white in Tai Chi, which is very magical.

Gao Xian stepped forward to greet him respectfully, and Master Wuji Sword smiled slightly: "I just came out of seclusion and heard that you have done something big. Yes, it has greatly enhanced our prestige..."

Many of the deity-forming elders in the Taiji Sword Palace were too old, and they encountered changes in the world. The sect also had to face a large number of demon cultivators from the Northern Wilderness, which put them under great pressure.

In this case, the elders would naturally adopt a conservative strategy when facing the powerful Sky Shark Alliance and try not to fight with each other.

Sword cultivators are just cultivators holding swords, and there is no difference from cultivators who use other magic weapons. The real difference lies in fighting techniques and fighting styles.

Apart from the sword, there is nothing else. There may be such sword cultivators, but there is no place for them in the sect.

For a large sect to function normally, it must maintain order and stability. If something happens, just draw your sword, Tai Chi Sword Palace will be dispersed long ago.

The Supreme Sword Master didn't quite agree with the elders' conservatism, but she felt it was understandable. If you want to be strong, you must have strong capital. Tai Chi Sword Palace obviously does not need to spend too much energy and resources in this area.

Ultimately, it's a rational choice. However, Gao Xian was able to step forward and kill the five gods of the Sky Shark Alliance, which caused a heavy setback to the Sky Shark Alliance.

Even if the demon clan has many incarnations, the death of five powerful incarnations in one breath would be a huge loss to the entire Sky Shark Alliance. It takes a long time to adjust.

This situation is very beneficial to Tai Chi Sword Palace, which can suppress the Sky Shark League before the Heavenly Man Covenant Conference.

The more the Supreme Sword Master looked at Gao Xian, the more he admired her. Unfortunately, Gao Xian was unwilling to become her disciple. Under the old cunning man Xuanyang, Gao Xian's talents were not fully realized.

"Junior also caught the other party off guard at the right time..."

Gao Xian said a few words of humility, then he took out the jade box containing the Pure Brightness Pill and presented it with both hands: "I got a divine object in a cave, and I came here to offer it to the Sword Lord."

He had wanted to give this pure and bright pill a long time ago, but he had been too busy with various things and couldn't spare the time. This time I just had the opportunity to meet the Sword Master and offer him a gift.

The Wuji Sword Master took away the jade box with a flick of his long sleeve. She opened it and saw the pure and bright elixir. Seeing this divine object, her eyes froze: It is actually this divine object!
Wuji Sword Master sighed in her heart. In the huge Tai Chi Sword Palace, a group of transformed gods combined were not as powerful as one high sage, which really made her feel very complicated... (End of this chapter)

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