Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 787 Learning Sword

Bai Yujing's pure white eyes flashed with light, as if she was weighing something.

Gao Xian didn't say anything either. He and Bai Yujing had close contacts, and they had cooperated several times, which was considered a pleasant cooperation. He should still have some weight in Bai Yujing.

The words have been clearly stated, and there is no need to act too eagerly.

Bai Yujing said calmly: "Actually, this matter is not difficult. You don't have the Pure Light Pill in your hand. This kind of divine item can only cleanse the soul.

"The sword spirit is the condensation of the sword intention and the ghost king's remnant soul. No matter how closely the combination is, it is not one body after all. The pure and bright elixir will inevitably be purified of all divine will, leaving only a pure sword intention."

"Thank you for your advice, senior." Gao Xian was very happy, it would be much easier this way.

Before the Celestial Covenant Conference, if his swordsmanship can advance to another level, he will be more confident.

"You can't use the Pure Light Pill indiscriminately. If you want to grasp the heat, you need the cooperation of the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye to Break the Law." Bai Yujing said: "You should practice this secret method first. It will also be of great use in the Covenant Conference between Heaven and Man."

"Junior understands."

Gao Xian felt that this matter was not difficult. In another ten years, he would be able to accumulate 80 billion humane auras and upgrade the Heavenly Dragon's Law-Breaking True Eye directly.

In fact, he originally planned to upgrade "Da Luo Hua Nerve" first. After all, all his secret techniques operate based on this.

Fortunately, there is still time, enough to upgrade Da Luo Hua's nerve to another level before the Heavenly Covenant Conference.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and told Shui Mingxia's story again. He asked, "Senior, is this your old friend?"

Through the test just now, Gao Xian didn't see any tendency of Bai Yujing. Fortunately, Bai Yujing was pretty good to him.

After all, Shui Mingxia was the disciple Bai Yujing appointed him to accept. Regarding Shui Mingxia's affairs, he had to tell Bai Yujing both publicly and privately.

Bai Yujing sighed in an extremely rare way: "That's right."

Gao Xian couldn't help but stand in awe. Shui Mingxia, who could actually find several reincarnations, was so powerful.

He couldn't help but ask: "How many old friends does this junior have?"

"Then don't think about it."

Bai Yujing shook his head: "She is a seventh-level heavenly monarch. Her soul is extremely condensed and powerful, so she can withstand the pain of reincarnation and keep the origin of her soul.

"Even if Chunyang enters reincarnation, the essence of his soul will be washed away just once. Some memories of past lives remain, but their roots have changed.

"As strong as Shui Mingxia, most of its roots have changed. Only by relying on memory and some swordsmanship inheritance can we find the sword of our destiny. Even if we can return to the seventh level, it will still be Shui Mingxia, not Taiyin Bingpotian from the previous calamity. Jun."

"At the beginning of the sect, the invisible sword swept across the world, so majestic. If we say that the power is much greater than that of Taiyin Ice Soul Heavenly Lord. After many reincarnations, now he can barely retain a trace of sword intention. Other than that, there is nothing more. do not have much left……"

Gao Xian was speechless. In fact, he already knew the horror of reincarnation, so he had no intention of looking for the reincarnations of Yun Qiushui and Yun Zaitian.

Just seeing Shui Mingxia take back her natal sword, she couldn't help but have delusions.

"Life and death are the most powerful laws in this world. They are the foundation of heaven and earth. Where can living beings control such power?"

Bai Yujing said coldly: "Don't talk about the ninth level, even the God Lord above the Nine Heavens can only control the life and death of mortals, but cannot control his own life and death..."

"It's just a wishful thinking of this junior."

Gao Xian sighed and bowed, "Thank you, senior, for giving me the heads-up and waking up this idiot like me."

"Shui Mingxia must have told you the secret of the heavenly steps."

Bai Yujing said: "With your qualifications, it won't be particularly difficult to change your swordsmanship and advance to the seventh level. With the changes in the world, there will always be a chance for you. There are too many strong people in Da Luo Hua Ning's lineage, and it will never be your turn. you.

"Finally, I want to say one thing. Among all the methods you have learned, only the Five Elements method can advance to the ninth level and have the opportunity to transcend this world... This path is of course the most difficult."

"Can't you reach the ninth level of swordsmanship?" Gao Xian found it incredible. The swordsman and sword are integrated into one, and its rules are simple and direct. From his point of view, it is very consistent with the ultimate way in this world.

"A sword is no better than a foreign object. It can be held to win in a fight, but it is not enough to achieve enlightenment. Let me ask you, among the various sects and scriptures, which one of the great heavenly kings, divine lords, and Buddhas is recorded as using a sword?" Bai Yujing asked coldly.

Gao Xian looked straight at Bai Yujing, unable to see any emotion on the white jade statue-like face.

He thought seriously for a while, and it was true that the gods, demons, Buddhas, and Taoist emperors in the nine heavens all possessed infinite power. The sword could be used as a weapon, but they would not just use the sword. These extremely powerful beings, their powerful power lies within themselves and not in external objects.

He was convinced that the elder sister was right!

The Great Five Elements Secret Technique points directly to the ninth level, which is exactly what he wants!
What's the meaning of seventh level and eighth level? To do it, you have to be the strongest. He holds a treasure like Fengyue Baojian in his hand, and can borrow the power of humanity from all living beings. If you can't advance to the ninth level like this, that's too much of a waste.

Bai Yujing was a little amused when she saw Gao Xian's entangled look. She flicked her long sleeves and said, "It won't be too late to think about this after you reach the sixth level. Come on down."

With a flash of inspiration, Gao Xian has been sent back to Jingxing Palace.

He sat on the couch and thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out.

Gao Xian knew very well that it was not that there was something wrong with his intelligence, but that his level was too low to have access to this information, and he was unable to make a judgment.

Sister Bai was right, it would not be too late for him to consider these issues when he reached the sixth level. It's useless to think about it now, it will only increase worries.

After a long sleep, Gao Xian went to see Taoist Xuanyang the next day.

It seems that the old Taoist never goes out and stays in Zhongyang Mountain every day. Gao Xian originally thought that the old Taoist liked to be quiet and not active, but now he felt that the old Taoist was afraid of danger and had shrunk into the sect's formation to protect himself.

Gao Xian and Lao Dao became more familiar with each other, and after the ceremony, they talked about the incident on Bingfeng Island. Master Wuji Sword Master already knows this, and this matter cannot be hidden from Master Xuanyang. It makes no sense both emotionally and rationally. Of course, he did not say that Bai Yujing played a crucial role in it.

Xuanyang Dao Zun was also amazed by this. He had also heard the name of Taiyin Bingpo Tianjun. Unexpectedly, this reincarnation could actually get back his natal sword. It was indeed a stroke of luck.

"You killed the five gods of the Sky Shark Alliance. The Golden Shark King is more arrogant and extreme than the Dragon King. You should not go to Beihai again..."

Xuanyang Taoist Master said: "In the next few decades, you just stay in the sect and don't run around."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Gao Xian knew that Taoist Xuanyang had good intentions, and he really didn't want to run away.

Next, Gao Xian went on vacation, sleeping in Jingxing Palace until he woke up naturally every day. He would read a book when he had nothing to do, or meet up with Tai Ning and Qiniang for a drink, or go to Xuanming City for a stroll.

When everything was fine, he taught Qingqing how to practice swordsmanship. In fact, Qingqing has also reached the peak of Yuanying, and is only one step away from becoming a god.

It's just that she has too little experience. As a sword cultivator, she doesn't have the understanding of life and death, and she doesn't have the decisiveness at critical moments. This makes it difficult for Nascent Soul to break through the final level.

Gao Xian can teach her swordsmanship, but he can't help her understand the feelings between life and death.

The Taichu Temple can be used for training, but after all, it is just a virtual change and cannot really stimulate Qingqing to take the last step. Once you reach the fifth level, you can only look at Qingqing's own understanding.

Gao Xian is not in a hurry about this, and he doesn't need Qingqing to help him fight. Yuan Ying's cultivation is enough. Speaking of which, Qingqing is now much more powerful than Yun Zaitian, and can be regarded as an outstanding successor of Qingyun Sect.

Qingqing was unwilling to accept this. She began to go to the North Pole Palace to receive good deeds, and often went out to hunt evil spirits, monsters, and demon cultivators.

At first Gao Xian would follow, but later he decided to let Qing Qing face this on her own.

He can protect the world of cultivators for a while, but he cannot protect it for a lifetime. If Qingqing wants to go further, she can only move forward by herself.

He used to be too doting on Qingqing. Although the child did not grow crooked, his temper was still so innocent. Speaking of which, it was also his fault.

Fortunately, Qiniang will make reasonable arrangements and will not let Qingqing take too many risks.

After several years of this, Qingqing was seriously injured when he went out to kill evil spirits, and his soul was infiltrated by evil spirits. If not for the fact that Gao Xian Qinghua's divine light had reached the state of master perfection and had various divine objects and pills in his hand, he could have saved Qingqing.

After this battle, Qingqing has truly grown up. Not more than a year later, Qingqing resonated with the world.

Gao Xian happened to be by his side and immediately sent Qingqing into the Taiqing Sword Pond to escape the calamity.

Qingqing's talent is high enough, comparable to Yin Jiuli and Taichu. I followed him since childhood and gained enough resources. At this point, direct descendants of the sect such as Yin Jiuli and Taichu cannot compare with Qingqing.

Jiedan is a first-grade golden elixir, and Huaying is an upper-level Nascent Soul. The level of the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword in his hand is not high, but it is incomparable with the swordsmanship. Coupled with the protection of pure Yang Baoguang in the soul, Gao Xian felt that Qingqing would have no difficulty in overcoming the tribulation.

Even so, he had to watch from the sidelines to feel relieved.

The calamity fire above Taiqing Sword Pond was like a sea, and its high temperature made the cave and sky extremely hot. The sword cultivators inside felt tremendous pressure.

Many sect sword cultivators practice in Taiqing Sword Pool, and most of them are Jindan sword cultivators. Seeing the calamity coming, the sword cultivators were surprised and happy.

With their level of cultivation, they will never be able to advance to Nascent Soul in this life. The catastrophe of heavenly fire at the level of the gods is too far away for them. Being able to see the Nascent Soul transcending tribulations and impacting the gods does not help much in their cultivation, but it can open their eyes.

Under the willow trees on the long embankment of Jianchi, Taichu was also looking up at the sky. She recognized Qingqing at the first glance and felt even more bitter in her heart.

More than a hundred years ago, Gao Xian overcame the tribulation and became a god. Now his daughter has come to overcome the tribulation and become a god. However, she is stuck at the peak of Yuanying and cannot take that step...

However, Qingqing's sword-wielding victory over the calamity, and her various changes in swordsmanship were as masterful as those of a flying fairy, touched her quite a bit. The changes in Gao Xian's journey through the tribulation were too complicated and completely different from hers, so I couldn't learn anything from watching it.

In Qingqing, she saw similarities in swordsmanship. She lacked nothing but a little inspiration. This will be vaguely enlightening.

Qingqing has experienced life and death, and his temperament is much calmer. Faced with the catastrophe, he calmly responded with the divine sword in his hand, and survived three catastrophes in a row.

At noon the next day, a snow-colored sword light shone across the sky, extinguishing all the pure white fire that filled the sky.

Qingqing stood in the wind with her sword in hand. She looked at Gao Xian in the distance with a proud smile on her face: "Dad, I have also become a god!"

Gao Xian gave Qingqing a thumbs up. This time Qingqing proved that the Taoist Yuanshen was pure green and was a top-grade Yuanshen. Looking at Jiuzhou, he is also the top god-transforming powerhouse.

At this time, Gao Xian suddenly felt something in his heart and turned around to look over, and saw Taichu driving the Xiyi Sword soaring into the sky, and the sky fire that had just dissipated gathered again.

There was a thought in his heart, Taichu was about to go through the tribulation!
Bai Yujing said that Taichu was a peerless swordsman at the beginning, even more powerful than Shui Mingxia.

To be honest, Gao Xian didn't see anything unusual about Taichu. Of course, he didn't see anything unusual about Shui Mingxia either. It can be seen that everything has changed after reincarnation.

Taichu nodded to Gao Xian and rushed into the gathering sky fire with his sword. Her body and sword merged into one, and she was completely integrated into the flames in an instant, without any trace left.

When Gao Xian saw this, he became somewhat interested. He had seen Taichu's invisible sword, which was considered superb. At this moment, the invisible sword activated by Taichu truly has some shadowless, formless and qualityless mystery...

For more than ten years, he has devoted most of his energy to the Taiyin Ice Soul Sword Spirit. The invisible changes of the sword spirit that are fused with the ghost king's remnant soul are somewhat similar to Taichu.

At this moment, seeing Taichu wielding the sword with all his strength to overcome the tribulation, he also made an analogy and gained a new understanding of the changes in the sword spirit.

The main reason is that Taichu's invisible sword intention is indeed mysterious and far beyond her level. It is probably the remaining sword intention from Bai Yujing's previous life...

Gao Xian urged him to activate the Heavenly Dragon's True Eye for Breaking Laws. This was a good opportunity. He wanted to learn from this reincarnated swordsman... (End of Chapter)

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