Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 788 Transformation into a Heavenly Dragon

Pure white fire is bright and flawless, as pure as water, and as white as snow.

Gao Xian was watching the catastrophe from thousands of miles away, and even felt that the pure white fire was cold to the bone. This is the pure white fire where all the blazing heat converges inward and draws out the normal flow of spiritual energy in the surrounding void, so it makes people feel cold.

The heavenly tribulation that Taichu crossed was obviously different from Qingqing's, and it was also very different from the heavenly tribulation that he had passed through.

Each cultivator has different cultivation bases and different levels of resonance with heaven and earth. Naturally, the heavenly tribulations caused are also very different.

The same calamity of heavenly fire, but the manifestations of the calamity are vastly different.

At Taichu's level of cultivation, the Heavenly Tribulation was actually so severe, obviously superior to Qing Qing's. This shows that this was caused by the remaining sword intent of her previous lives.

The invisible invisible sword is indeed mysterious. The key is that her invisibility can easily dissolve the power of the heavenly tribulation, as if she were transformed into nothingness, no external force can act on her.

Gao Xian's Tai Chi Wuxiang Shenyi takes this route. However, it is impossible to be truly invisible. When stimulated by external forces, the Tai Chi Formless Divine Clothes will appear.

Even without external force, the changes in his own mana will destroy the changes in the Tai Chi Phaseless Divine Clothes. Even if he adds the Tai Chi Dream Clothes, he cannot cover up his own whereabouts and changes in his mana.

In the beginning, there were almost no restrictions. Only when the sword was at its peak would a sharp water light show up.

Gao Xian was greatly envious. If he had such swordsmanship, killing people of the same level would be just like playing games. He would not have to fight hard with the enemy.

He watched it for a day and had a lot of insights into the invisible sword. However, he also realized that the uniqueness of this swordsmanship lies in the sword's intention and sword weapon.

Especially that wisp of invisible sword intent is the key to making Taichu invisible and shadowless. No matter how hard he studies, he can only learn a superficial knowledge.

This sword intention should be what Bai Yujing said was the remnant of the past life, and it is not something that Taichu himself practiced. Even if you ask Taichu, she probably won't be able to explain clearly.

Intangible and qualityless sword energy came and went in the sky fire. When the sword energy accumulated to its peak was released simultaneously, it turned into sword light spreading all over the sky, cutting the white sky fire into petals, just like a huge white chrysanthemum.

Skyfire's accumulated spiritual energy was destroyed by the sword light, and the huge white chrysanthemum slowly dissipated like gas...

Taichu, wearing a black Taoist robe, stood quietly above the sky. Her bright eyes were a bit vacant, as if she was immersed in something and couldn't extricate herself. The aura on her body also became extremely deep and unpredictable.

Gao Xian guessed that Taichu must have awakened some of his past life memories and became a little distracted after the tribulation.

Qingqing had been accompanying Gao Xian to watch Taichu's Tribulation. She was a little confused and asked, "Sister Taichu doesn't look happy?"

Taichu always came to Gao Xian to discuss swordsmanship, and Qingqing and Taichu were quite familiar with each other. Taichu talks very little, but gets along well with Qingqing. The two often discuss swordsmanship together, and Qingqing also likes the pure Taichu.

In fact, Taichu and Gao Xian are the same generation, but she likes to call Taichu sister, which seems to be close to them.

Seeing that Taichu also became a god, Qingqing was very happy for Taichu, but Taichu didn't look happy at all, which made Qingqing a little puzzled.

"Maybe I'm remembering the past."

Gao Xian smiled and didn't say much to Qingqing. There are some secrets that Qingqing doesn't need to know.

Taichu quickly regained consciousness. As soon as her consciousness moved, she naturally saw Gao Xian and Qing Qing thousands of miles away. These two were her friends. Seeing them standing by her side also made her a little happy.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for cultivating the soul and reaching a higher level." Gao Xian held his hands in congratulations.

"It was only through Qingqing's blessing that we were able to achieve breakthroughs."

Taichu smiled gently at Gao Xian and Qingqing: "Thank you Qingqing."

Taichu was stunningly beautiful, and her appearance was even more beautiful than Li Feihuang's. Among all the people Gao Xian knew, she was ranked first in appearance. Her smile made Gao Xian feel a little dazzled.

He originally regarded Taichu as a Taoist friend, but now he felt that Taichu's appearance was actually quite good even if he was a bit cold...

Qingqing laughed heartlessly: "Sister Taichu, you can't just talk in vain. Remember to give me a big gift to thank me."

"Definitely." Taichu's smile became even brighter.

Gao Xian calmed down and smiled: "Qingqing is just joking, Taoist friends don't need to take it seriously..."

"That's not possible. I have the blessing of Qingqing to prove the Tao Yuanshen, so I must thank you again..." Taichu may have been able to prove the Tao Yuanshen, or it may be that he has recovered some of his past life memories, and people are much more lively.

"Sister Taichu is so kind!" Qingqing cheered and was very excited. She waved her hand to Taichu, who was thousands of miles away, "I'm waiting for sister Taichu in Jingxing Palace..."

Taichu nodded slightly and said, "I'll see you later."

She is different from Qingqing. As a direct descendant of the sect, her testimony of the soul is related to all aspects of the sect, which is a major event for the sect.

It will take at least several months to deal with these things.

Gao Xian knew this very well. The sect should hold a large-scale celebration for Taichu and invite all sects to watch the ceremony. This is also an opportunity to give gifts to various sects in Mingzhou.

Things here are quite complicated, and he has no interest in participating. As for Qingqing, he was nominally his direct disciple, but in the Xuanming Sect, he could barely be considered a true disciple.

His branch has a normal relationship with all aspects of the sect. It would be fine to hold a celebration for Qing Qing, but it is not necessary. He had killed so many transformed gods, including five more transformed gods when he went out this time. Most of the wealth of these transformed gods and demon clans were placed in artifacts, and they all fell into his hands.

Counting only spiritual stones, he now has 1.1 million top-quality spiritual stones in his hand. There are too many fifth-level magical elixirs and spiritual objects to count.

The resources in the sea are abundant, a hundred times better than those on land. The demon clan doesn't have many spiritual stones, but they have all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Although Gao Xian is not good at identifying spiritual objects, he can roughly judge the attribute levels of spiritual objects through the Tianlong Law Breaking True Eye. He left some of the best ones and left the rest to Qiniang.

Even this part of the divine artifact is worth at least three to five million top-quality spiritual stones. It’s just that it will be difficult to fulfill it for a while. He didn't have much money when he was in Wanfeng Sect, so of course he had to find opportunities to make money. Now that he has money, he has no interest in accepting gifts. It's not necessary to do some favors when receiving gifts.

Taking Qingqing back to Jingxing Palace, Gao Xian took out many top-quality divine objects for Qingqing to choose from.

As Qing Qing advanced to become a god, the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword was also upgraded to the fifth-level mid-grade level. Qingqing has a sword-raising gourd. These magical objects can be directly collected into the sword-raising gourd and refined into sword weapons by themselves, saving countless troubles.

If I didn't give it to Qingqing in the past, it would be useless to her. Instead, it would make her fall into the way of foreign objects and go down the wrong path. It's different now. After condensing the soul, you can upgrade the sword level as soon as possible.

"Black gold fritillary, gold shark bone, water and fire steel sand, basalt tortoise shell..."

Qingqing didn't expect that her father had so many good things. She was dazzled by the selection. She thought every one of them was good and she couldn't bear to give up any of them...

"No need to choose, it's all yours."

Gao Xian waved his hand proudly, signaling Qingqing to put it away.

Qingqing was overjoyed, hugging Gao Xian's neck and acting coquettishly: "Daddy is so kind!" She even kissed Gao Xian twice on the face.

She didn't think anything was wrong. Gao Xian pushed Qingqing away in disgust and wiped his face, "You are over 800 years old, be careful..."

"Hehehe..." Qingqing didn't take it seriously and ran away with the spiritual object with a smile.

In the next few days, the sect held a grand celebration for Taichu's promotion to Yuanshen, and Qingqing was also brought along.

Being able to become a double god in one day is a great encouragement to everyone in the sect. It can also show the profound heritage of the sect.

Qingqing is a person who likes to have fun and is willing to cooperate as much as possible.

Gao Xian didn't care, just let Qingqing like it, it wasn't a bad thing. He had learned some of the essentials of invisible swordsmanship in Taichu, and was about to take the opportunity to understand it.

On the other hand, eighty billion humane auras have been accumulated in the past two decades.

He took out the Feng Yue Baojian and cast all his human aura on Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking Laws, raising this secret technique to the master level.

In his left eye, the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking the Law appeared, and within the golden pupil, a long golden dragon danced and writhed, making a low dragon roar.

Gao Xian felt like he had transformed into a celestial dragon, flying in the wind in the endless vast cloud sky, with ten rounds of blazing sun shining in the sky, and the endless sea below.

In the clouds and sky, all kinds of gigantic birds are everywhere, including huge flying fish that occupy half of the sky, flying phoenixes with five-colored feathers and flaming bodies, and gods with eagle heads and bodies that move like lightning...

These spiritual birds and gods fought everywhere in the sky, stirring up magic power and tearing open huge holes in the sky. From these huge holes, countless demons, ghosts, Shura and other heretical creatures poured out like a tide.

The sea water was boiling like it was boiling, and countless earthfires and flames continued to spurt out from the bottom of the sea.

Thousands of huge mountain-like water monsters and monsters struggled to escape and fought with each other. Coupled with the outsiders, all living beings are killing each other, and the sky and sea have turned into a bloody hell...

Countless huge violent mana surged back and forth between the sky and the sea. Although Gao Xian was well-informed, he had never seen such a tragic scene. I have never seen so many powerful beings.

Every creature fighting in the sky is at least level six or above. The power that can be unleashed at will has the power to destroy the world.

Gao Xian suddenly felt that the so-called heaven level was nonsense. There were thousands of seventh and eighth levels as far as he could see. No, it should be higher than the seventh and eighth levels.

The power of these extremely powerful beings was rough but vast, far beyond his cognitive limit of power.

Even if he just glanced over, his soul began to tremble uncontrollably. The mere existence of these extremely terrifying creatures is enough to destroy lower-level beings.

Before Gao Xian could understand, he felt a violent shock. His huge dragon body had been broken into several pieces. He didn't even see who moved it...

His consciousness instantly fell into darkness, as if he was falling into an endless abyss.

Gao Xian, who was sitting quietly in Jingxing Palace, suddenly shook his hands and opened his eyes. Canruo Xingchen's eyes were dim, with some lingering fear still lingering.

He thought he was dead. The feeling of destruction and death was so clear that it penetrated directly into his soul and was completely irresistible.

It wasn't until he woke up, reestablished contact with the Three Souls, and sensed that the Five Emperor Chakras were operating normally, that he breathed a sigh of relief.

He had seen the Great Five Elements Taoist fighting several enemies in the jade slips before, and he felt very shocked at that time. However, the feeling was more like watching a 3D movie. No matter how realistic it was, he knew it was a light and shadow scene.

Just now, he seemed to be integrated with Tianlong, and he experienced the feeling of being bombarded. It also made him truly feel the fear of death.

People are not afraid of death, or they have strong determination and strong beliefs, so they can be brave. Or just mindless.

Gao Xian was neither brave nor brainless. He experienced the horror of life and death and was really frightened.

After taking a breath, Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror. The annotation of Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking the Law has not changed, but the realm of the annotation has been upgraded to the master level.

After trying it, Gao Xian found that Tianlong's Dharma-Breaking True Eye had been greatly enhanced. If the observation range was fifty thousand miles before, it could now see about one hundred thousand miles.

Taking out the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book, Gao Xian could clearly see through the true state of the sword spirit through the Heavenly Dragon Breaking Law True Eye, and see the various changes in its condensed mana...

With clear and accurate observations and the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, he was confident that he could slowly wear away the sword spirit.

It's just that this will take at least several hundred years. Time is precious, so it's easier to use the Pure Brightness Pill. Taking this opportunity, he also experienced the changes of this peerless divine object.

If everything goes well, he can learn that fast and unparalleled sword technique from the sword spirit... This is what he wants most!
(Three updates today, please vote for me~Please support~) (End of this chapter)

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