Gao Xian always felt that he was very strong, not as good as the sixth level, but enough to be proud of the monks of the same level. All kinds of creatures, including fifth-level ones, couldn't survive a few moves under his hands.

He attaches great importance to the Celestial Covenant Conference, but he doesn’t find it difficult.

After walking around the East China Sea, I saw Yun Qingxuan and Li Zichen. This direct disciple of the seventh-level Heavenly King is indeed very high in cultivation and possesses many magical weapons. However, Gao Xian was confident of killing this arrogant and arrogant female cultivator head-on.

With Li Zichen as a benchmark, the guy brought by the seventh-level demon king will not be much stronger, at least not better than him.

The main reason why Gao Xian practiced so actively was to prevent the rampaging sixth-order monster. After all, we are going to Dragon Scale Island to have fun. What if the demon clan gets angry and kills them indiscriminately?
He couldn't count on Dao Hong to save his life, it was safer to hold his life in his own hands.

When I upgraded the Heavenly Dragon’s Magic-Breaking True Eye, I experienced the feeling of a Heavenly Dragon being killed. This moment completely shattered his sense of security.

Tianlong, who was so powerful that it was immeasurable, was killed somehow. He didn't even know who he was killed by.

Thinking about it, the dragon was not completely dead, so the divine consciousness of the dragon was hidden so securely.

Gao Xian guessed that it was the ancient barbaric period, when the human world and the heaven world were still connected to each other, so there were so many terrifying and powerful beings fighting each other.

Therefore, that powerful man with unparalleled knowledge of heaven and earth did a good thing and separated the human world from that group of powerful beings.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the human world will still be like hell, and no race can reproduce and inherit on a large scale.

Gao Xian was originally quite curious about the ancient barbaric period, but now he has no interest at all.

A world filled with nothing but chaos, killing, and destruction is meaningless. He likes order and stability, likes prosperity, likes bustle, and likes the world to be colorful...

This strange experience made Gao Xian realize one thing: his power is insignificant.

No matter how powerful he is, it is still difficult to compete with the beings in Tianlong's memory. He should practice hard now and don't sneer.

The Xuehe Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu pivot is in a world of its own, very stable and solid. It can be used not only to carry all living beings, but also to control invisible spiritual souls, etc.

The former Taiyin Ice Soul Cold Light Sword Sword Spirit has been trapped in the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu Center for more than ten years, and has always maintained a dull and stupid state.

Occasionally wandering around, but can't find a way out and then return to the same place. Only when stimulated by external forces will the sword spirit's instinctive reaction be stimulated.

Gao Xian has been studying Sword Spirit for more than ten years and is quite familiar with this thing.

There is no need to look further and just put the Pure Brightness Pill into it. As soon as this divine object came into contact with the sword spirit, it immediately turned into a pure and incomparable water aura, covering the sword spirit.

When the sword spirit was invaded by an external force, he had to control the sword spirit to struggle, but the watery spiritual light instantly illuminated the sword spirit, and the sword spirit was stunned for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the sword spirit's body quickly melted in the watery spiritual light, and its solid form quickly disappeared completely.

Only the black and white intertwined sword intent at the center was condensed like ice, and it persisted for a while under the water-like spiritual light.

In the end, the sword intent was still unable to withstand the penetration of the Pure Light Pill, and all the black and white auras dissipated, leaving only a sword intent that was as clear as water and as cold as ice.

Even this sword intention was gradually dissolving under the spiritual light of Qingjing Guangming Dan. Gao Xian knew that the time had come, and if he continued, this sword intention would be completely dissolved.

After all, the sword intention is also formed by the condensed spiritual consciousness and mana. Once the divine consciousness is completely wiped out, the sword intention will also completely dissipate.

Gao Xian turned the Blood River Tianzun into Yuan Shu and fished out this sword intent that was as clear as ice.

There is still 60% of the pure and bright elixir spiritual power left. If you leave it alone, it will definitely dissipate naturally, and this sacred item will be wasted.

Gao Xian knew how powerful this thing was. Just now, he just used the True Eyes of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique to look directly at the Pure Brightness Pill emitting spiritual light. His mind went blank and it was difficult for his consciousness to function effectively.

Fortunately, Sister Lan is in charge of the spiritual consciousness, which can keep him conscious.

If the remaining spiritual power of the Pure Light Pill is used on him, his consciousness will be washed away and he will become a pure god who has lost all memory.

Gao Xian thought about it and threw the remaining Pure Light Pill to the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu.

This magical artifact has absorbed an unknown amount of blood and soul. No matter how clever the transformation method is, a lot of filth will accumulate.

Including the Taixuan Divine Appearance, it is inevitable to be contaminated with filth.

The magic method is easy to learn, but its disadvantages are also very serious. He didn't really practice Taixuan Shenxiang very seriously. He always used external forces to forcibly promote him.

Over the past few hundred years, many problems have accumulated.

Gao Xian has a feeling that Taixuan's divine appearance will attract evil spirits in a few years. Instead of doing this, it is better to take the opportunity to give Taixuan Shenxiang some medicine first.

Taixuan Shenxiang itself has no consciousness, which is also the best thing. No matter how powerful the pure and bright elixir spiritual power is, it can hardly affect his body.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu directly absorbed the clear and clear spiritual light, and immediately countless black smoke and foul smells rose up, and faintly ghost-like roars could be heard...

When the watery aura fell on the Taixuan Divine Form, clouds of red and black smoke also rose from the Taixuan Divine Form...

Gao Xian cut off the spiritual connection with Taixuan Shenxiang. Even so, he could still feel the severe pain of bringing out Taixuan Shenxiang.

The soul is different from the physical body and does not have six senses. However, Yuan Shen has spiritual consciousness. If the soul is violently impacted, it will have a similar impact on the consciousness, which will be transformed into the most direct and severe pain.

This mysterious connection allows practitioners to feel the state of the soul in a subtle way and feel the damage to the soul.

The three souls of Da Luo Hua are independent, but they are still inseparably connected. The Taixuan Divine Appearance is refined by the Pure Light Pill, and this process is very cruel and dangerous.

While the Pure Brightness Pill washed away all the filthy evil spirits, it inevitably caused damage to Tai Xuan's divine form. By the time all the aura of the Pure Brightness Pill dissipated completely, the Taixuan Shenxiang Chihong Yuanshen had shriveled into a ball of blood and could no longer maintain its original appearance.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu has merged with Taixuan God into one body, twisting and floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, looking like it is about to collapse at any time.

Gao Xian was also a little worried. Don't really destroy Tai Xuan Shenxiang, it would be too funny.

Fortunately, Taixuan Shenxiang and Xuehe Tianzun Hua Yuanshu both have the characteristics of immortality. More importantly, his consciousness is intact and has not been refined by the Pure Light Pill.

His consciousness turned and took over the Taixuan Divine Appearance again, and the consciously operating Blood River Tianzun transformed into Yuan Shu. Soon the Taixuan Divine Appearance returned to its original appearance.

Taixuan's divine form was originally as red as blood, but now it was red and transparent.

Gao Xian could clearly feel the weakness of Tai Xuan's divine form, but his state was very relaxed and refreshing, as if an invisible burden had been cast aside.

Although the Yuan Shen was seriously injured, the evil spirits were washed away and the origin was purified. As long as you invest enough spiritual elixirs, you should be able to recover as before before the Heavenly Covenant Conference.

After checking several times, Gao Xian confirmed that Taixuan Shenxiang and Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu were both fine, and he felt relieved.

He didn't do this on a whim, but because Bai Yujing had given him guidance. Just seeing the domineering power of the Pure Light Pill, he was a little hesitant at the time...

Fortunately, the result is very good, and a huge hidden danger has been eliminated.

Gao Xian has always been worried that Taixuan Shenxiang will cause trouble. This time I was relieved. Taixuan Divine Appearance can remain in a stable state for at least hundreds of years.

Gao Xian then turned his attention to the sword intention left by the sword spirit.

He held the ice-like transparent sword intent in his hand. Without the interference of the sword spirit and the ghost king's consciousness, all the changes in the sword intent appeared in his eyes.

The ghost king's remnant soul and the sword spirit were fused to condense into this special sword intention. Even Shui Mingxia, the owner of the sword, didn't know the true change of the sword's intention.

The level of sword intent is extremely high, far beyond Gao Xian's understanding of sword techniques. Fortunately, there was no spiritual resistance in the sword intention, so he could analyze the sword intention bit by bit and learn it bit by bit.

The Divine Light of the Five Elements has reached perfection. Gao Xian understands the slight changes in the laws of this world and can understand the magic from a more subtle level.

No matter how brilliant this sword intention is, after all, it is the spiritual consciousness that forms the restriction to control the magic power. Breaking it down bit by bit from the basics, Gao Xian can learn a lot even if his level is not high enough.

After thinking about it for several months, Gao Xian made slow progress, but he also made great gains. From his point of view, it would take at least more than ten years to completely analyze the sword's meaning.

After all, no one teaches you, so you have to figure it out on your own, which always takes some time. Fortunately, he is very talented and interested in swordsmanship.

I don’t feel depressed when I ponder and study every day. Instead, I find it very interesting and live a very fulfilling life.

On the third day of March, Gao Xian was dragged to Tianbao Hall by Qiniang.

Tianbao Hall is the first main hall of Xuanming Sect. The main hall covers an area of ​​dozens of acres. It has white jade walls, black gold bricks on the floor, huge gold columns with coiled dragons, and jasper glazed tiles.

Xuanming Zun is enshrined in the front of the main hall, and the second row of sect's Taoist tablets are magnificent. Smoke curls up in the main hall, and the atmosphere is solemn and sacred.

In order to hold a celebration for Taichu and Qingqing, the sect directly opened the Tianbao Hall to entertain guests from all parties as a sign of solemnity.

All the major sects in Mingzhou were present, including Zhongzhou Daluo Sect, Tai Chi Sword Palace, etc. also sent envoys to congratulate him.

There were nearly ten thousand guests in the main hall. Zhen Daojun was responsible for presiding over the celebration, and presented urns and treasures to Taichu and Qingqing in public...

Gao Xian looked at Qing Qing, who had a serious face, and was quite pleased. This 800-year-old girl finally gained some of the majesty of the Shinto Lord.

Taichu was dressed in a black Taoist robe. She was not as tall as Qingqing, but she was stunningly beautiful and far superior to Qingqing in appearance. Standing there with a calm and calm expression, he was more eye-catching than Qing Qing, who was pretending to be serious.

Gao Xian could tell that Tai Chu was not just pretending, but was actually awakening his past life memories, and his behavior naturally revealed a bit of the magnanimity of a peerless swordsman.

"All the disciples of Taoist friends have become gods. Congratulations..." Zhizhen stood beside Gao Xian and congratulated in a low voice. After not seeing each other for hundreds of years, Zhizhen became more and more beautiful and clear. She was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, standing there with grace and grace. But it is more sublime than the beginning.

This peerless genius of Da Luo Sect has already attained enlightenment and transformed into a god. Gao Xian couldn't use the Tianlong Breaking Law True Eye to observe Zhizhen, but from the perspective of breath sensing, he felt that Zhizhen should have also become a three-yuan god.

After all, this person is extremely talented and has the full support of Daluo Sect. It is not too unusual to become a three-dimensional god.

"It's just a fluke."

Gao Xianzhuan asked curiously: "Fellow Taoist, you have come all the way just to attend the celebration?"

Even his true identity is enough to represent Daohong Daozun. The celebration of two transformed gods is actually just a trivial matter, not worthy of this person coming to congratulate him in person.

Zhizhen smiled slightly: "I made a special trip to see fellow Taoist monks this time and take part in the celebration."

"I don't know if you have any advice?"

"I'm helping Taoist Master deliver something to fellow Taoist monks."

"Oh?" Gao Xian was interested. Dao Hong Dao Zun was much more generous than Xuanyang Dao Dao. The things given by Zhi Zhen must be good things.

She really didn't show off, she said: "It's an innate energy bead..."

(Second update, more later~) (End of this chapter)

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