An innate spirit bead?
Gao Xian knew that the innate energy was said to be the purest and highest spiritual energy at the beginning of the world, and it had infinite magical effects.

As for its usefulness, Gao Xian is not sure. I think it must be an important artifact.

Zhizhensu held a golden spirit bead in Gao Xian's hand and said, "Fellow Taoist, this is the innate one-qi spirit bead."

"Fellow Taoist, what is the use of this thing?" Gao Xian asked humbly.

"The spirit bead contains a ray of innate true energy, which is extremely refined and pure. It can be used to cultivate the Great Luo Transformation Nerve and improve the level of the divine talisman. It can also be absorbed by oneself and can be cultivated.

"It can also be used to refine weapons. The innate true energy is the source of all spiritual energy. All our magic weapons are made the day after tomorrow. No matter how clever the restriction is, they will naturally merge with the innate true energy... enough to save hundreds of years of refining time... "

The most true knowledge was explained to Gao Xian in detail, and the wonderful functions of the innate energy were explained to Gao Xian in great detail.

She has a gentle and generous temperament, but she doesn't like to talk to others at length. Mainly because Gao Xian defeated her and was the only person she admired among her peers.

For Gao Xian, he is naturally very different from others.

After Zhizhen's explanation, Gao Xian finally understood the magical power of the innate energy. Even if he used alchemy or painted talismans, it would have incomparable magical effects.

It is indeed said to have endless uses.

It's just that he doesn't understand that even if Daohong Daozun has a great family and a great business, he won't give him such a precious divine object for no reason.

Gao Xian thought so in his heart, but there was no reason why he had taken everything and didn't send it back. He first put away the Xiantian Yiqi Lingzhu, and then said: "I haven't done anything yet, but Taoist Master has given you such a generous gift, so I deserve it..."

Zhizhen couldn't help but smile, Gao Daoyou is really a wonderful person.

She said softly: "Tao Zun heard that there will be big changes in this covenant conference between heaven and man. This innate one-energy spirit bead is given to fellow Taoists because he wants fellow daoists to prepare in advance..."

He said half of the truth, but his meaning was very clear. This covenant meeting between heaven and man is very dangerous. In order to prevent accidents, Daohong Daozun sent the Xiantian Yiqing Lingzhu in advance so that Gao Xian could improve some strength.

Gao Xian was not in a good mood. Dao Hong and Dao Zun felt that it would be difficult to win the Celestial Covenant Conference. The situation looked very bad.

Of course, even if he took "Da Luo Hua Nerve", he would have to rush forward no matter how dangerous it was. Besides, he really doesn’t believe in evil, and he can still lose with him on the court!

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and asked: "Fellow Taoist, who is on our side in this Heaven-Human Covenant Conference?"

"Two master uncles He Yuan and He Feng, plus Daoist fellow Taoist Rudian of Longxiang Palace and me..."

Zhizhen had nothing to hide from Gao Xian and briefly introduced a few people on the stage.

"Rudian also wants to go?" Gao Xian was a little surprised. He and Ridian had been on Yomo Island for so long, and he had never heard Ridian talk about this.

"Well, this was also decided hundreds of years ago. The little Sumeru stick of fellow Taoist Ruden is so brave that there are few gods in Jiuzhou who can compare with it..."

Zhizhen also admires Rudian very much. This woman looks weak in figure, but she has unparalleled bravery in her bones, which is very suitable for the method of divine elephants to suppress prisons.

Even though Rudian had only been promoted to the Transformation God not long ago, even in the huge Dragon Elephant Palace, there was no one who could defeat Rudian.

Dao Hong Daozun had already taken a fancy to Rudian's talent, and persuaded Huikong at the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference to settle the matter.

Gao Xian was speechless, Rudian was fine, he had a rather strict mouth. However, he didn't seem to have told Ru Dian about the covenant between heaven and man, so no wonder Ru Dian.

Zhizhen said: "The covenant between heaven and man is limited to those under four thousand years old. In this way, 90% of the powerful gods of Jiuzhou will be wiped out. We are the top ones, so we are the only ones to get on."

"The two master uncles He Feng and He Yuan are good at swords and the other is good at magic. In terms of cultivation, they are still above me. With the help of fellow Taoist fellows and fellow Taoist Rudian, we have a good chance of winning this Heaven-Human Covenant Conference."

Gao Xian nodded: "This is natural. Together we are invincible! The mere monsters are vulnerable."

I really don’t know who Gao Xian’s “we” includes, but she must have been brought along. She actually didn't like this kind of talking to herself, but when it came out of Gao Xian's mouth, it felt really domineering and overbearing.

She heard that Gao Xian had killed more than ten demon gods in the East China Sea and the North Sea. Both the Dragon King and the Golden Shark King hated Gao Xian, which showed that Gao Xian was not just talking nonsense.

She said: "If our Taoist friends take action this time, we will definitely win!"

Gao Xian was about to say something modest, but found that the eyes of Zhi Zhenming were extremely serious and firm. It was obvious that he was not joking along with him, but he really believed it.

On the other hand, it can also be seen that Zhizhen attaches great importance to the covenant between heaven and man. Even when talking about this matter in private, it is done solemnly.

Gao Xian suddenly felt some pressure. It was really unjustifiable not to win this Heavenly Covenant Conference!

He didn't want to joke with Zhi Zhen anymore. Someone happened to mention his name in the hall, and he naturally turned his eyes.

Then he saw Lu Xuanji talking to a Taoist Lord of Transformation: "Qingqing is the direct disciple of Lord Pojun Xing, fellow Taoist, be careful what you say..."

The Taoist Transformation Lord has gray hair, thick eyebrows and a wide mouth, and is wearing a gray robe. He is the Yue Tiandu of the Shenyue Sect. This time he represented the Shenyue Sect at the celebration. In fact, he came mainly to see the situation of the Xuanming Sect.

The world is changing, and the major sects in Jiuzhou have to deal with the demon clan and demon cultivators with all their strength. Every life is difficult. The Xuanming Sect looked so happy that even the Shenyue Sect was a little curious. Yue Tiandu had a bad mouth. He just casually muttered that this woman looked a bit like a foreigner, but was interrupted by Lu Xuanji.

Yue Tiandu was a little unhappy at first, but his heart trembled when he heard the name Pojun Xingjun. He had witnessed the power of Gao Xian with his own eyes and was truly in awe of this person.

After a brief contact, Yue Tiandu also discovered that Gao Xian was petty-minded and very vindictive. If you offend Gao Xian, you never know when this kid will give him a sword in the back...

The old man was just thinking about explaining a few words when he saw Gao Xian's starlike eyes sweeping towards him. The old man felt anxious and hurriedly smiled and bowed his head in an extremely respectful manner.

Lu Xuanji was a little surprised when he saw the old man's respectful gesture. He looked over and saw Gao Xian, who was dressed in white and snowy, and then he saw the heavenly and handsome man next to Gao Xian.

These two powerful gods stood in the hall and watched the ceremony, but no one around them noticed them. Even none of the transformed gods had any reaction.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone discovered that Gao Xian was here. Although the group of transformed gods did not change their shape or color, they still felt a chill in their hearts: they were the shadow of a famous human tree. This Lord Po Junxing is truly extraordinary!
Many people know Yue Tiandu and know that he has a bad temper and a bad mouth. He is old and decrepit, and no one will give him any face.

Unexpectedly, in front of Gao Xian, he was as respectful as a little grandson... This contrast shocked many gods, but it also made Gao Xian's power more apparent.

Among them, the most emotional one was Lu Xuanji. Back then, Gao Xian was just a little Yuanying in front of her, and it would be easy to crush Gao Xian to death.

Only a few hundred years have passed, and Gao Xian's reputation has already spread across all nine continents. She couldn't even take the initiative to come over and talk. For the same gods, the gap between the two sides is already very large.

Gao Xian didn't have a good impression of Yue Tiandu, but he wouldn't embarrass the old man over trivial matters. He nodded slightly as a return gift to the old man.

Turning his eyes to Lu Xuanji's face, the face of the Immortal Cult Master remained unchanged, and he seemed to be in good condition. He smiled at Lu Xuanji: "Fellow Taoist Lu is here too. When I have time, I will invite you to tea..."

He and Lu Xuanji were not friends, it could only be said that they worked together happily. There is no need to mention the past grudges.

Being invited by Gao Xian to drink tea in front of many Avatars, Lu Xuanji also felt bright on her face. She smiled and said, "I was thinking of catching up with Xingjun to catch up with the past, but I was afraid of disturbing Xingjun's retreat. Why don't we wait a few days?" I’ll treat Xingjun to a drink.”

"Okay." Gao Xian agreed happily. In fact, he was just being polite, and I believe Lu Xuanji also understood this.

At his level of cultivation, even if Lu Xuanji still had some Five Elements Sect divine objects in his hand, they would be of little use to him.

The two of them talked and answered each other and already booked a date. This caused many gods to look at Lu Xuanji differently. This woman is not simple, she can also catch up with Pojun Xingjun!

"They say Pojun Xingjun is greedy for money and lustful, and Lu Xuanji is probably his lover..."

Many Avatars murmured in their hearts, but in fact, most of them were envious. Only when they reach this stage can they deeply understand what Gao Xian's strength represents.

As long as the sixth level Chunyang doesn't interfere, Gao Xian can really kill whoever he wants! This is a peerless strong man who can control life and death at the same level!
No matter what his character is, he must be respected and respected. If we can build a relationship, that would be great...

Gao Xian didn't want to steal the limelight from Qing Qing and Tai Chu, so after saying a few words to Lu Xuanji, he took Zhi Zhen back to Jingxing Palace.

Zhizhen's appearance is first-class in the world, her personality is good, and she is a beauty. Gao Xian is still willing to chat more with Zhizhen.

He also knew that it would be impossible for him to have a romantic relationship with him if he really had the right heart. He didn't have such thoughts either.

Among the fifth-level people, you are truly qualified to discuss the Dharma and Tao with him.

Gao Xian asked some questions about "Da Luo Hua Nerve", and Zhi Zhen was very patient in helping him interpret them one by one. Gao Xian also has his own understanding of "Da Luo Hua Nerve", which also makes Zhi Zhen quite rewarding.

The two of them are of the same level, one comes from an authentic Taoist sect, and the other has trained to the peak of his wild ways. The collision of different ways will be of great benefit to both parties.

The two chatted happily and felt they were very compatible. Zhizhen stayed in Jingxing Palace for seven days before returning to Daluo Sect with unfinished thoughts...

After sending Zhizhen away, Gao Xian hurriedly went to the thirteenth heaven.

"Senior, how should I use this spirit bead?" He asked respectfully, holding the innate energy bead.

Bai Yujing asked: "Innate Qi, is this something from Da Luo Sect, right?"


"Only Daluo Sect has such a foundation and can produce the innate energy."

Bai Yujing said: "This thing is indeed precious and will be of great benefit to you. From a close perspective, of course it is used to practice the "Daluo Transformation Nerve". It will be of greatest help to you."

"What if we look at it from a distance?" Gao Xian can upgrade "Daluo Transformed Nerve" through the aura of humanity, and does not want to waste his innate energy.

This principle is very simple. The innate energy is only a ray, but the human aura is endless. As long as the secret method of human spiritual light can be used, Xiantian Yiqi should not be used.

Bai Yujing looked Gao Xian up and down again, she pondered for a moment and said: "From a long-term perspective, it is best to use the innate energy to refine the Wancheng Yushen Sutra..."

"Huh?" Gao Xian was greatly surprised. The Wancheng Yushen Sutra, a sixth-level artifact, combines the method and the instrument into one, which is indeed extraordinary. But it has nothing to do with his Three Souls. Bai Yujing asked him to choose this artifact, but he didn't know why!
(Third update, please vote for me~) (End of this chapter)

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