Chapter 792 Violence
Gao Xian looked at Taoist Xuanyang. If the other party was not a sixth-level pure Yang, he would really want to teach him a lesson.

It’s really annoying to say frustrating things before you even start!

In the last life, he was annoyed by this guy the most. Before things went any better, he was the one who was there to badmouth him. It was done, and no one cared about it.

If things don't work out, this person will say proudly: "Look, I told you I couldn't do it!"

Gao Xian didn't expect that Old Taoist Xuanyang would be so frustrated. He was originally very high-spirited, but the old man's words poured down on him like a bucket of cold water, giving him a chill.

Old Taoist Xuanyang shook his head and said: "Why, it seems that you are not ready to fight to the death in the ring..."

He clicked his tongue twice: "The "Da Luo Hua Ning" and the Innate Yiqi Lingzhu are so precious. If Daohong takes them out and gives them to you directly, he will buy your life!
"You don't even have this awareness, so you dare to reach out and take things..."

Gao Xian was trained to bow his head and remain silent. Indeed, he never thought about fighting to the death. His life was precious. Although the secret magical artifact given by Dao Hong was valuable, it was not worth exchanging his life for.


Old Taoist Xuanyang sighed and sat upright. His eyes were a little complicated and he said: "Every time the Heavenly Covenant Conference is held, several gods will die. This is not surprising.

"The difference this time is the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. The demon clan in the depths of the East China Sea has become interested in Jiuzhou. This time they will do their best to win, no matter the cost."

The old Taoist pointed at Gao Xian's nose and said rudely: "Do you understand the weight of a seventh-level demon king at any cost?"

Gao Xian answered honestly: "I don't understand."

Old Taoist Xuanyang was so angry that he laughed, this guy has such a tough mouth.

He laughed and scolded: "Save your cleverness to deal with the demon clan."

"Grandmaster, I have to go, there's no point in trying to scare me with all this!" Gao Xian was familiar with Master Xuanyang, so he spoke more casually.

The old man kindly reminded him that it would be better to give him some treasures or something.

The old Taoist Xuanyang said sternly: "You have been invincible since you proved to be the Nascent Soul, and you no longer take the world seriously. You have killed many gods and monsters in the East and North Seas, and the arrogance in your heart has overflowed.

"If you maintain this mentality when practicing, you can be brave and diligent. If you are so arrogant and conceited when fighting, you are courting death.

"This battle will be ten times more dangerous than you expected. Once you are in this state, it will be really difficult to come back..."

Gao Xian's heart trembled. Old Taoist Xuanyang's words were serious. Could the situation be really bad?

Old Taoist Xuanyang added: "I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want to ruin your cultivation state of mind. But now I have to explain it clearly to you.

"According to the news I heard, Demon King Bai Kui brought several extremely powerful demon-transforming demon clansmen from the Sky Demon Alliance to help him. Among them were Yin Feihu, Xuanba, and Liu Sanxiang. Especially Liu Sanxiang, a nine-headed demon. A descendant of the dragon bloodline, this monster is said to have magical powers that are close to the sixth level..."

"Close to the sixth level of power?"

Gao Xian was a little surprised, where could such a monster come from?

"The more powerful the magical power, the greater the cost of using it. Even though these monsters are strong, you still have a chance to win."

Xuanyang Taoist Master said seriously: "Dao Hong will not lead you to die. It's just that you are so complacent that you are not prepared at all. When the time comes, you will be frustrated and your mind will be messed up. At that time, you will really have a narrow escape from death.

"This battle is of great significance. If the demon clan cannot be forced to sign a covenant between heaven and man, and the East and North Seas are harmed together, the order of Jiuzhou will soon collapse, and I don't know how many people will die by then. This is why Jiuzhou will give its full support to Dao Hong... "

"Thank you, Grandmaster, for your guidance."

Gao Xian bowed sincerely and thanked him. The old man's words were unpleasant, but he had his own reasons.

All in all, a lot of hard work.

"You are extremely talented. If you can't do anything, you don't have to risk your life for it."

The old Taoist Xuanyang finally said: "Mortals have no way out, but we don't have to worry about victory or defeat. When you reach the sixth or seventh level, your past failures will only become the embellishment of your legend."

"The disciple understands."

Gao Xian understood. Even after the old man said so much, he was still afraid that his superiors would fight to the death. That's overestimating him, he'll do his best.

He is only nine hundred years old and has ten thousand years left to live! How could he be willing to risk his ten thousand years of life?

After coming out of Zhongyang Mountain, Gao Xian thought for a while and went to see Bai Yujing again. This eldest sister is much more reliable than Master Xuanyang.

"Senior, I am going to attend the Covenant Conference between Heaven and Man. What should I pay attention to?" Gao Xian saluted respectfully, waiting for this senior with great supernatural powers to give him advice.

Bai Yujing glanced at Gao Xian: "How do I know what you should pay attention to."


Gao Xian felt that the elder sister's tone was not very good. Could it be that she had something on her mind? He hurriedly expressed his position: "Senior, if you have any errands, just talk, I, this junior, will never give up."

Bai Yujing has seen countless heroes and powerful men, but there is no one as lazy and lazy as Gao Xian.

Seeing that Bai Yujing remained silent, Gao Xian changed his question: "Senior, I heard that there are some powerful fifth-level demon clans in the East China Sea. Can I beat them?"

"Although the demon clan is rude and barbaric, it has survived more than ten tribulations and has its own heritage." Bai Yujing said.

Gao Xian probably understood that Bai Yujing meant that the demon clan should not be underestimated. It's just that this kind of words is neither salty nor light, it is the same as whether it is said or not.

Somehow, Bai Yujing's appearance reminded him of the fairy tale Snow White. This one is really a bit like a magic mirror!

He thought for a moment and asked: "Senior, senior, am I the strongest fifth level?!"

"Not even close."

Bai Yujing said slowly: "A few kalpas ago, a fifth-level sword cultivator killed several sixth-level swordsmen. You are now equivalent to the level of one hand of a sixth-level swordsman."

"Senior, didn't you say that sword cultivators can't attain enlightenment?"

Gao Xian was a little unbelievable. Only at this stage did he realize the horror of the sixth level.

Pure Yang Yuanshen can resist the thunder. Even if the sixth-level Yang Shen stood there and let him kill him, he would not be able to kill the Pure Yang Soul.

"Sword cultivators just can't reach the ninth level, but they are still the best at fighting. These are two different things."

Bai Yujing was a little impatient to explain this, so she sent Gao Xian directly to the thirteenth heaven with a flick of her sleeves.

Gao Xian returned to Jingxing Palace but fell into deep thought. He had no teacher, so he could only ask Bai Yujing for advanced knowledge. Unfortunately, this person has a bad temper, at least not as easy to talk to as Xuanyang. This time I shamelessly asked for advice and actually asked something. However, the fifth-level reverse slash to the sixth-level was so unbelievable that he really couldn't imagine how this person did it.

For decades, he has been using the sword-raising gourd to nourish the Five Elements Wuji Sword. Until his swordsmanship broke through to the master level, the Five Elements Wuji Sword still failed to upgrade.

Hearing that the swordsman was so strong, Gao Xian was a little tempted again.

If that innate energy is thrown into the sword-raising gourd, can it produce a sixth-level divine sword? It should be about the same.

There is no way to upgrade the Five Elements Wuji Sword by adding points, but with the sword-nurturing gourd and the warmth and nourishment of the Taiyuan Shenxiang, it will reach the sixth level sooner or later.

Using the Xiantian Yiqi Lingzhu is still a bit wasteful...

Gao Xian weighed it up and decided to wait first. Innate energy was very precious, and it could bring people back to life if swallowed directly at the critical moment.

The level of the sword suddenly increased, and it would take him at least several years to adapt. It may not be a good thing for him. Besides, it may not be possible to upgrade steadily.

When facing battle, the most taboo thing is to be confused. Nothing was clear, and it was a bit too stupid to use random force against the imaginary enemy in the void.

Gao Xian gathered his thoughts, went to Qiniang to explain a few words, and brought Qingqing to send the teleportation talisman to Daluo Sect.

The waves rippled on Shuiyue Lake, and Gao Xian descended from the sky with Qingqing.

Hefeng, who was guarding the teleportation circle, came up to him with a smile and bowed his head in greeting from afar: "Xingjun, we meet again."

Gao Xian returned the favor with a smile. He Feng protected him very much on Dragon Scale Island and was a very reliable Taoist friend. He introduced to Hefeng: "Qingqing, my apprentice."

Hefeng did not dare to neglect, and was polite to Qingqing. Qingqing returned the favor in a decent manner.

After some polite exchanges, Zefeng led Gao Xian to rest at the small island monastery next to him.

"Xingjun, please wait for a few days. Taoist friend Rudian from Longxiang Palace has not arrived yet. If nothing happens, Xingjun can go to Daluo City for a walk..." Hefeng regarded Gao Xian as one of his own, and his enthusiasm was also somewhat close. , and his words were somewhat casual.

After Hefeng left, Gao Xian took Qingqing for a tour of Daluo City.

After all, it is the largest city in Jiuzhou. He didn't have the nerve to bring Qingqing to the last Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. This time Qingqing also turned into a god and took her to buy some useful spiritual objects.

Qingqing is still very excited. The prosperity of Daluo City is indeed far greater than that of Xuanming City.

Gao Xian went to Jubao Tower to help Qingqing buy some fifth-level nine-turn magic pills. These pills can only be purchased in Daluo City. I also sold some unused spiritual items, and I still made some money.

When they came back, Zhizhen and Rudian were already waiting outside the monastery.

Gao Xian was very happy to see Rudian again after so many years. His eyes were shining like an electric crescent moon, and he looked very excited.

"Senior brother, I haven't seen you for many years."

"Yes, it's more than a hundred years ago."

Gao Xian sighed with emotion. The two of them worked together to kill the monsters on Yamao Island, and it made them feel happy just thinking about it.

Rudian's smiling eyes narrowed into two curved arcs: "I'm really happy to be able to fight with my senior brother again this time."

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian felt proud and said loudly: "We are brothers."

He glanced at Zhizhen and then said: "We will work together to beat up the monsters, and let these monsters know how powerful we are in Jiuzhou!"

He claps his hands like electricity and says hello, and smiles sincerely and reservedly.

Qingqing blinked her bright eyes at the side, and she murmured in her heart that these two women seemed to be really friends with her father, not lovers. How rare!
"The covenant between heaven and man will still last for some time. I'll invite a few fellow Taoists to visit Donghai County and see the customs of the human race along the do you think?" Zhizhen asked.

"Okay." Gao Xian guessed that this was probably an ideological education class, but he's already here, so why is he still missing this class?
Rudian naturally has no objections. She has a pure mind and will not think too much about this kind of thing.

Through the teleportation circle, several people were teleported directly to Donghai City.

After coming out of the magic circle, Gao Xian saw the streets of Donghai City crowded with people, densely packed with people everywhere. The huge Donghai City actually seemed very crowded and cramped.

Even the most prosperous Daluo City is only one-tenth as lively as this place.

Qingqing widened her eyes and said curiously: "There are so many people!"

Zhizhen sighed softly: "Donghai County is facing the East China Sea. The coast is invaded by monsters. There are not even ten small and medium-sized sects left, so the survivors gather in Donghai City."

"Why don't they go somewhere else?" Qingqing was a little confused.

"They are waiting for the heaven-human covenant to be signed so that they can return to their hometown..." Zhizhen said softly.

Gao Xian remained silent. Even though he had expected it before coming, he still felt a little uncomfortable seeing the human race in such embarrassment.

After leaving Donghai City, Zhizhen led Gao Xian and the others straight to the beach of Donghai.

The four gods flew along the coast of the East China Sea. Everywhere they passed, cities and sects were in ruins. There was not a single human figure in sight, but small groups of monsters could often be seen wandering around.

After flying like this for more than ten days, Zhizhen led everyone to a big city.

The city walls have been destroyed with dozens of huge gaps, most of the buildings in the city have been burned by fire, and the ruins are mixed with broken human corpses.

A large number of low-level monsters are scattered all over the city, and they are like hyenas searching for flesh and blood. When they find a piece of flesh and blood, they swarm over it and eat it together.

Most of these monsters have fish heads and human bodies, and are covered in scales. They appear to have very low intelligence. There are just millions of them. The densely packed monster clan made Qingqing's scalp numb.

"Bibo City was attacked by the digitized gods and monsters years ago. Only a few thousand of the million cultivators in the city escaped, and the rest were killed."

Zhizhen looked at the boundless East China Sea in the distance, and the handsome face was as deep as water: "After this battle, there will be no trace of the human race within billions of miles..."

Even the most ignorant Qing Qing had a solemn look on his face. In such a huge city, there were countless cities and towns around it, and at least tens of millions of cultivators gathered there. In this battle, they were all killed by the demon clan!

Mingzhou was also fighting against Donghuang, but the battle progressed slowly because of the stalemate, and the human cultivators had time to retreat. The battle is far less brutal than here.

Gao Xian also felt heavy in his heart. It really surprised him that the demon clan was so rampant. Looking at the large number of low-level demon clans in Bibo City, he felt uncontrollable rage in his heart...

(There will be a third update later, please vote for me on the last day~ Brothers and sisters, go for it)

(End of this chapter)

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