Chapter 793 True Colors
Gao Xian had already guessed that the situation of the coastal human race was not good, which he knew from the Tai Chi Sword Palace.

This group of sword cultivators who loved fighting the most chose to give in when faced with the aggressive demon clan in Beihai. The reality is that Jiuzhou has to face the demon clan coming from all directions and does not have the ability to fight on both sides.

Generally speaking, the monsters on the sea will not come to land for a long time, and there is a covenant between heaven and man, so all the major sects have chosen to be tolerant to the monsters on the sea.

For the sect, this is a response strategy after weighing the pros and cons.

Gao Xian can understand these strategies. The sect is a huge organization. If you want this organization to operate effectively, you must maintain order and maintain stability, and you must unify your thoughts.

As powerful as Tao Zun, he can order the sect to do something, but he cannot forcefully integrate everyone's ideas. Every practitioner has his own ideas and interests.

Individual interests and sect interests cannot be completely consistent, but they must take a maximum number. Problems can arise when two interests seriously conflict. This is what is called the human heart.

If Dao Zun wants to maintain the sect's inheritance, he cannot act against people's will.

Just like the Wuji Sword Master wants to deal with the Beihai Monster Clan forcefully, but she cannot ignore the thoughts of the gods and Yuanyings, so she can only stay in seclusion and ignore these bad things.

Gao Xian is actually most afraid of these complicated things, and it is difficult to judge right from wrong.


She really didn’t want Gao Xian to lose his mind because of this, so she persuaded him softly: “A few of the god-transforming demon clans have long since fled far away, leaving only a million low-level demon clans lingering here.

Qingqing also noticed something was wrong with her father's expression. She had never seen her father look so gloomy and cold. She was a little worried and asked in a low voice: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Gao Xian was Xiao Min in his last life and was also from the lower class in this life. He could easily empathize with the lower class and would not see this.

Gao Xian knew this. He wanted to suppress the anger in his heart, but the anger became stronger and stronger.

With the ability of Daluo Sect, they had already found out who led the massacre in Bibo City. In fact, it doesn't matter how many gods-transforming demon clans there are. The key lies in the attitude of the two sixth-order Pure Yang Demon Lords from the Dragon Scale Society.

Zhizhen saw Gao Xian's gloomy face and his murderous eyes, and she was a little surprised. It was not like him that a person with such a deep mind like Gao Xian would get angry because of this.

Therefore, he didn't know how to vent the anger in his heart.

Rudian also persuaded Gao Xian: "Brother, don't worry about these low-level monsters. As long as we win the covenant between heaven and man, we can beat the faces of all the monsters in the East China Sea."

Without the instruction of Chunyang Taoist Master, how could the God-Transforming Demon Clan dare to be so presumptuous.

If there were no such restrictions, high-level powerful men would kill everywhere, and there would be no place for ordinary living beings in this world.


Both Rudian and Zhizhen sensed something was wrong, and they both wanted to dissuade Gao Xian from messing around, but Zhizhen was more calm and calm, while Rudian seemed a little agitated.

The trouble lies in the fact that there are too many of these low-level demon clans. It’s hard for anyone to clean it up. The evil energy accumulated by killing a large number of creatures is difficult for even the eighth-level Heavenly Lord to resolve.

"It's difficult to control the anger. After all, it's because you can't cultivate enough."

The truth is the truth, but the feeling of seeing it with your own eyes cannot be replaced by the truth.

This time the Heavenly Covenant Conference is extremely dangerous, and the only chance of victory is to go all out and risk one's life.

She brought Gao Xian and Rudian to Bibo City with a simple purpose: to let these two people know the difficulties of the human race and the importance of the covenant between heaven and man to Jiuzhou.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be angry. Several gods-turned-monster clans will never be able to escape this blood debt."

Speaking of which, everyone has their own difficulties, and most of them are not bad people. It's just that the world is difficult, and countless people suffer, right or wrong...

Gao Xian sighed, and then turned to Zhizhen and Rudian and said, "I have anger in my heart that I won't vent, so you two must not interfere."

Rudian and Gao Xian stayed on Yomo Island for more than a hundred years, fought side by side and obtained the Pure Brightness Pill. Her friendship with Gao Xian was very deep, and it could even be said that Gao Xian was her only friend.

Seeing that Gao Xian was about to take action, Rudian was really anxious.

There are at least a million demon clans in Bibo City. Ninety-nine percent of these demon clans are of extremely low level and are in the Qi training layer, and they don't even have much foundation building.

It is not difficult to kill these monsters with the power of transforming into gods. The key is that killing so many monsters will accumulate a lot of evil energy, and the evil tribulation will be enough to kill Gao Xian.

Gao Xian looked deeply at Rudian: "I have made up my mind, fellow Taoist, there is no need to say more."

There was a solemn look in his bright eyes that were as bright as lightning and as bright as a crescent moon: "I will help my brother!"

Gao Xian smiled instead, and patted Rudian on the shoulder gently, "Why do you need to take action for such a trivial matter?"

As he spoke, he flicked his long sleeves to activate Blood River Tianzun's transformation into Yuan Shu, and the white clothes on his body also turned into red robes as red as blood.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu has been refined with the Pure Brightness Pill to remove all evil and filth. Its blood light is bright and clear, even somewhat bright and bright.

Even in this way, one can clearly see that this is a powerful magical artifact. She had some guesses about this and was still a little shocked when she saw Gao Xian urging him to do it.

This magical artifact should have reached the sixth level, which is extremely high. Gao Xian feels as smooth and comfortable as water when handling it. It is obvious that he has profound attainments in this magical artifact. Rudian had seen Gao Xian urge him to activate this artifact, but he didn't care much about it. She was just a little worried that Gao Xian would suffer a big disaster because of this...

Gao Xian was not really desperate. He used the Pure Light Pill to refine the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book, and he knew that this magical object was enough to resolve the evil catastrophe caused by killing.

Killing these monsters, at worst, using a pure light pill, in exchange for his happiness, is also worth it!

Gao Xian squeezed the seal with his hand and shouted: "The wind is coming."

Although the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu is a magic weapon, it can still induce changes in the five elements of mana in the world. Gao Xian has the Great Five Elements Divine Light as his foundation, so it doesn't take any effort to control the celestial phenomena at this moment.

His consciousness was enough to cover thousands of miles away. With a command, strong winds rose up within tens of thousands of miles, and countless clouds quickly gathered above Bibo City.

The howling wind made Gao Xian's clothes fly, and the few strands of hair under his bun were fluttering and swaying. This was because he had gathered the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his own use, and naturally showed a powerful phenomenon.

Zhizhen's expression was a little complicated. It was the first time she discovered that Gao Xian had such an impulsive side. No wonder Tao Zun said that Gao Xian was a man of benevolence and chivalry, but he was not immune to this problem and his vision was not high enough.

Rudian pursed her lips tightly and looked determined. She did not agree with her senior brother's actions, but now that the matter was over, she put aside her worries and worries and only thought about protecting Gao Xian to avoid any accidents.

Qingqing was a little worried and a little excited at the same time. She was not heartless, mainly because she had followed Gao Xian all the way and had never seen Gao Xian do anything he was not sure about.

Since dad dares to do it, he should be fine! She was quite curious about what would happen next.

As a divine sword cultivator, her fighting style is very simple. Even if there was a way to create a god in the sword, it would not be possible to cast the spell on such a large scale.

In the blink of an eye, heavy dark clouds pressed down on Bibo City like black mountains. The monsters wandering around Bibo City all felt the oppression of the coming storm.

Some demons with keen senses looked up at the sky, uneasiness shining in their eyes. It's just that their level is too low and they can't see what's behind the changes in the sky.

Zhizhen could see the huge mana net behind the mountains of dark clouds, covering the void within a radius of nearly a hundred thousand miles. Within this void, the celestial phenomena change in an orderly manner under the guidance of mana. There is an exquisite and exquisite beauty.

"Here comes the rain!"

The magic seal in Gao Xian's hand changed and he shouted again, and the gathered clouds were activated by the magic power and suddenly started to rain heavily.

It's just that the heavy rain has no harm to the demon clan. Before it fell, the heavy rain had been soaked in the magic power of Blood River Tianzun's Huayuan Shu, and the crystal rain was a little red.

The low-level monsters all came from the sea, and they were overjoyed when they saw the heavy rain. They all rushed out to welcome the rain. Little did they know that the rain contained immeasurable changes in the blood river.

Boundless Blood River is the most majestic and powerful spell among the nine Blood River spells. It causes the blood light to be as vast as the Milky Way, and has mysterious changes that corrode the souls of living beings.

Not to mention a group of cultivators below the Foundation Establishment level, even the demons at the Golden Core level cannot escape the bloody light.

The low-level monsters who were having fun in the heavy rain soon discovered that something was wrong. The cold rain had an indescribable intensity. The rain dripping on their bodies seemed to burn holes in their skin and bones.

This change was subtle, and by the time the monsters sensed something was wrong, it was already too late. A large number of monsters fell to the ground in the rain, screaming and wailing in pain.

There are also some monsters with strong cultivation who are soaked in the blood light. Although their bodies are fine, their souls are polluted by the demonic energy. They become extremely manic and angry and attack all the monsters around them...

Some demons with high cultivation level hid in buildings to avoid the rain, but they could not avoid the immeasurable evil energy of the river of blood flowing all over the sky. Once infected by the demonic energy, he quickly transformed into a madman who only knew how to kill.

Millions of monsters killed each other, and the blood and flesh flying everywhere turned Bibo City into a bloody hell...

Although Zhizhen and Rudian had expected this, they still couldn't suppress their shock when they saw it. Gao Xian's secret method of the Demon Sect was so mysterious and vicious that no demon clan could survive within the area enveloped by the rain of blood.

Gao Xian Tianlong's magic-breaking true eye is so clever. He saw that there was not a single living human race in Bibo City, so he cast the spell like this.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Gao Xian flicked his long sleeve, the wind stopped, the clouds dispersed, and the rain stopped.

In the huge Bibo City, there is no living creature.

All the blood-evil energy transformed by the death of millions of monsters gathered on the Blood River Tianzun's Huanyuan Book, causing the red clothes on Gao Xian's body to rise with heavy flames.

Conquering demons with demons can be regarded as living up to what you have learned.

At this moment, Gao Xian let out all the anger in his heart, leaving only a feeling of joy. All monsters and monsters should be killed!

When Gao Xian thought about this, he suddenly resonated with the central restriction of the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, and the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu wrapped around him suddenly unfolded like a scroll.

The blood on the scroll is surging like a long river, with thousands of waves and hundreds of twists and turns, which is infinitely mysterious...

The countless essences of the Nine Arts of the Blood River naturally emerged in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness. He suddenly realized that this peerless artifact of the Demon Sect should keep killing people, accumulating murderous energy in the killing and absorbing the blood essence and soul.

After this battle, the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu suddenly rose to the sixth level of the middle grade... His cultivation of the Nine Blood River Arts also increased greatly along with the rise.

His previous method of sacrificial refining was too clean. The purification of the Pure Brightness Pill was even more damaging to the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu.

Killing millions of monsters at the snap of a finger and gathering endless evil spirit and blood, this is the true character of the Master of Blood River Heavenly Master Hua Yuanshu!
(Third update of 10,000 words~ Please vote for me~ It’s the last day, rush, rush~)

(End of this chapter)

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