Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 805 Passing the Light

When a person is truly sad, there is only sadness in his heart, and he cannot hold anything else in his heart...

The last time Gao Xian was so sad was because of Yun Qiushui. However, his friend would definitely die at that time, and he was more sad and angry.

When he saw Zhou Yuling's message on Yuxing Island, he was also sad, but more importantly, he still felt sad about the ruthless time.

At this moment, Gao Xian didn't know why, but he felt the pain was extremely deep, going straight into his bone marrow and into the deepest part of his heart.

While in a trance, Gao Xian heard a voice chanting: "Our Buddha is merciful and prays for immeasurable magical powers to protect believers like lightning. They can overcome all adversities, wash away all sins, and be reborn in the land of bliss..."

The deep and deep chanting voice contains unshakable firmness and piety, a calmness and tranquility that soothes the mind, and an indescribable solemnity and holiness...

Gao Xian immediately recognized the voice of Huikong, the leader of Longxiang Palace. He had met this Chunyang Taoist Master at the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference and was deeply impressed.

He was not familiar with Buddhist scriptures. Judging from the content of the scriptures, they should be used to save the souls of the dead.

Rudian is a disciple of Longxiang Palace and is now in trouble. Huikong, a pure Yang strongman, personally chants sutras for him, which also reflects the importance Longxiang Palace attaches to Rudian.

Not only that, thousands of voices soon joined in chanting the sutras together. The low chanting was like a surging tide, not powerful but endless.

The sound of chanting echoes endlessly on Longlin Island, faintly blending with the sound of tide and wind, like a natural part of the heaven and earth.

Gao Xian did not believe that the scriptures had any effect. Bai Yujing had long said that the power of life and death was not something that living beings could control, and he believed that.

However, out of respect for Rudian, he still read the scripture again. I only wish that Rudian can really go to the Buddha Land of Ultimate Bliss and never suffer any more disasters.

Dao Hong Dao Zun also recited a few verses in his mouth silently, but it was Da Tian Zun, the Supreme Master of Dao Sect, who saved the suffering and broke the curse.

Li Zhengyi, Li Zichen, and Wan Yingying are all disciples of Taoism and have an instinctive rejection of Buddhism. At this time, everyone's eyes were slightly lowered and their expressions were solemn, mourning the passing of Rudian.

Qingqing stood behind Gao Xian, with tears in her beautiful eyes. She and Rudian just met for the first time and had no friendship. But she knew that Rudian was a good friend of her father, and she was shocked and moved to see this hero die in battle with her own eyes.

There were so many people in the yard, but she couldn't help crying.

On the Canglong flying ship, Demon King Bai Kui glared: "You bald man who is crying and chanting a curse is so noisy, so shut up."

Bai Kui gave a sharp shout and slashed down like an invisible giant axe. In an instant, all the sounds in the sky and sea were cut off and suppressed by his sharp shout, and the sound of everyone chanting sutras also disappeared.

The seventh-level demon king didn't really exert any force, but just broke the magic circle that transmitted the sound, and immediately cut off all the sounds coming from the Dragon Elephant Palace.

This move naturally greatly offended Longxiang Palace, and even led to a deadly feud. Bai Kui didn't care, as long as he didn't enter Jiuzhou, the Dragon Elephant Palace wouldn't be able to touch even one of his hairs.

If the other party has the courage to come to the East China Sea, he will let these young cultivators know how powerful the seventh-level demon king is.

Bai Kui said to Yin Feihu: "Go ahead and win beautifully!"

"Yes." Yin Feihu, who was dressed in black armor and had the head of a tiger, bowed in response.

He was not a disciple of Bai Kui, and his teacher was not inferior to Bai Kui, so he was polite and respectful to Bai Kui but not very formal.

Yin Feihu nodded to the dragon king and other powerful monsters, and the next moment his body became empty and he had already entered the ten directions void heavenly formation.

When Zhizhen saw Yin Feihu entering the formation, she took a few steps forward and bowed to Daohong Dao Zunji: "Master, the disciple has gone."

"Go." Daohong Daozun wanted to give a few words of advice, but in the end he didn't say anything.

When he really wanted to control the escape light into the formation, he was stopped by Gao Xian.

"I've already lost a friend today, and I don't want to lose a second friend."

Gao Xian said softly: "Fellow Taoist, do your best. Leave the rest to me."

Zhizhen saw the sincerity and seriousness in Gao Xian's bright star-like eyes, and she was suddenly moved. Her peers had always regarded her as a role model and their teachers had high hopes for her. No one had ever cared so much about her.

Moreover, there is no utilitarian purpose, it is purely out of concern for her. All of this was reflected in her inner lake like a bright mirror, causing slight ripples in her inner lake.

Zhizhenzhuan immediately suppressed her fluctuating emotions and said sternly: "If fellow Taoist disciples illuminate the light first, I will pass on this light.

"If we don't fight to the death, how can we illuminate Jiuzhou and illuminate hundreds of millions of our comrades?"

Gao Xian understood what Zhi Zhen meant, and all the cultivators from Jiuzhou were watching. Leaders like them are greedy for life and afraid of death. How can they convince many cultivators to unite and resist the alien race?

It is precisely for this reason that Rudian spared no effort to kill Xuan Ba. No matter what truth you say, others only look at what you do. If you practice your own way like electricity, the unity of words and deeds can directly touch the soul of the practitioner.

The same is true when you get to Zhizhen. No matter what the reason is for cherishing your life, it will not be accepted by other cultivators. The beacon that shines brightly on Jiuzhou, like lightning, may be extinguished because of this.

This is the human heart!
Gao Xian was silent for a moment and said, "That's what fellow Taoist said."

Zhizhen took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and said, "I haven't had a friend in eight hundred years. Today, I can love and care for you so much with my fellow Taoist. I feel so happy."

She said with a smile: "If I'm lucky enough to survive, I'll invite my fellow Taoists to have a drink to celebrate..."

"Waiting for you." Gao Xian nodded vigorously.

Zhizhen let go of his hand and flicked his long sleeves to control the escaping light and soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye, he had entered the great formation of heaven and earth in the ten directions. Yin Feihu looked at Zhizhen coldly with his dark and deep eyes. Unlike the manic Xuanba, he didn't like to talk too much. As the top god-transforming demon clan in the East China Sea, he is a direct bloodline of the Ghost Tiger clan. When condensing his soul, he awakened to the magical power of the Nether Demon Shadow bloodline, and can travel through the void at will without a trace.

With this magical power, he never encountered an opponent again.

The human cultivator in front of him was dressed in Minghuang Taoist robes that were extremely gorgeous, and the divine weapons all over his body were shining brightly. He looked like a powerful guy.

Demon King Bai Kui reminded him that Zhizhen, the direct descendant of the Da Luo Sect, should have practiced the "Da Luo Transformation Nerve". There may be two Yuanshen, or even three Yuanshen.

His true cultivation level was extremely pure, and he also cultivated the Golden Emperor Dao Body, with a solid form and spirit. Demon King Bai Kui is at the seventh level, and it is difficult to see the true details just by looking at him.

Yin Feihu was also more careful. Xuanba wanted to say that his cultivation level was no worse than his, but he was killed on the spot because of his arrogance and arrogance, and ended up with both physical and mental destruction.

He casually pulled out the Netherworld Shadowless Sword. This long sword had a blade that was four feet long and no wider than a finger. The slender blade was as transparent as water, yet it had a sharp edge that penetrated everything.

This sixth-level high-grade divine sword was also given by the teacher. It is extremely compatible with his bloodline and supernatural powers.

Yin Feihu raised his sword and his figure turned into a shadow and disappeared instantly.

Zhizhen, who was more than ten miles away, suddenly lost track of Yin Feihu. Neither her eyes nor her consciousness could detect Yin Feihu's position.

This was Zhizhen's first time encountering such a strange and powerful enemy. She took out the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi from her sleeve with her left hand. This long-length white jade Ruyi was inlaid with eight-color gems.

She silently recited the spell to activate the secret technique of Taixu Yin and Yang Dharma Eyes. Two black and white gemstones shone brightly on the white jade Ruyi, and slowly rotated and changed, just like a pair of human eyes.

The Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi was originally a sixth-level artifact, but Zhizhen's previous cultivation was insufficient, and its sixth-level power was banned by the Taoist Master.

With the ultimate realization of the Tao and transformation into a god, the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi has also returned to the level of a sixth-grade high-grade artifact.

Zhizhen is proficient in body training and swordsmanship, but her best skill is magic. The Eight Treasures of the Supreme Jade Emperor are as wishful, and they are ever-changing. They are also her most important weapon to defend against enemies.

When fighting in such a closed void formation, body cultivators and sword cultivators actually have an advantage.

But it was a bit troublesome when Yin Feihu could transform into a demonic shadow and travel through the void.

The Taixu Yin and Yang Dharma Eye that Zhizhen urged is a secret technique specially used to search the void and the sky. It is also one of the secret techniques of the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi.

The combination of such a method and weapon also allowed her to activate this secret method with two points and six levels of power.

The two gems like eyes on the white jade Ruyi rotated to search the void in all directions, and they had already reflected a vague shadow.

Zhizhen knew that this must be the ghost shadow transformed by Yin Feihu. She raised the white jade Ruyi and silently recited: "The Thunder Emperor of the Nine Heavens is above, praying for the disciples to subjugate demons and subjugate demons with the thunder of God..."

These prayers are actually methods borrowed from the path of gods. When the human world and the fairy world are cut off, these methods are useless. It's just that Zhi Zhen practiced this method day and night, and reciting the mantra when casting the spell has become a habit. On the other hand, it can also make it easier to adjust the state of consciousness.

When chanting the mantra, it is not recited orally, but recited with spiritual consciousness and cast as fast as lightning.

The Supreme Jade Emperor raised the Eight Treasures as he wished. A blazing blue and white thunder had already fallen from the sky. As the thunder fell, it continued to divide and turned into a sky-wide thunder net covering all directions.

The shadow transformed by Yin Feihu was covered by infinite divine thunder, and the power of Zhiyang Zhiliang Thunder also destroyed all changes in the void, and Yin Feihu's figure appeared in the thunder.

Zhizhen seized the opportunity to activate his thunder method again, covering all directions with the divine light of thunder instantly condensing into a blazing blue and white thunder spear, which suddenly stabbed Yin Feihu.

Yin Feihu's body turned into a phantom and was about to escape far away, when the white jade Ruyi light flashed in Zhizhen's hand, and the void with a radius of a hundred feet has been locked by the Taixu Space Locking Curse.

A layer of invisible void chains completely enveloped Yin Feihu.

The changes in an instant were extremely fast, and the conversion of several spells was extremely smooth. The black shadow that Yin Feihu transformed into stagnated, and the violent and blazing blue and white thunder spear crashed down, completely penetrating Yin Feihu's body.

The black shadow shimmered and melted under the lightning spear, and was about to collapse and shatter.

Zhi Zhen was wary, something was wrong, how could Yin Feihu be so easily tricked!
Without thinking, she activated the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi, and her body instantly split into all directions, which was exactly the way to incarnate the Eight Treasures Ruyi. This is also her most powerful way to save her life.

The body shape is divided in all directions, but the aura is exactly the same, which is enough to confuse Yin Feihu.

The eight true incarnations occupy eight directions respectively, dozens of miles apart from each other, and vaguely form a large circle.

Just as the clone was projected in all directions, the shadow behind the clone flickered slightly, and a nearly invisible and transparent sword light pierced the back of Zhizhen's neck at the same time.

Zhizhen's body-protecting artifact shone with spiritual light, and his skin also showed a faint golden light. It was the Golden Emperor's body-refining method that was fully activated.

The invisible and transparent sword light ignored the obstacles of mana and golden bodies, and penetrated the back of Zhen's neck with a sword...

The eight true clones were hit by the sword at the same time, and seven of them were immediately destroyed. Only the true true body could barely hold on to the sword.

Yin Feihu, who drew his sword from behind, didn't give Zhizhen a chance. He cut off Zhizhen's neck with a single stroke of his sword...

Many cultivators watching the battle in front of the water mirror exclaimed loudly when they saw this. Was the most powerful god of Daluo Sect killed like this? !

(Thanks to Yan Guyue for rewarding the leader, and thanks to Long Zhan Yuye for rewarding the leader again~ Thanks to my brothers and sisters for subscribing to the reward monthly ticket. The monthly ticket is awesome, I bow and thank you all~ There will be more updates for the two leaders later~) (This chapter over)

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